Chapter 147 The wave of the new era

【Stone Fire Dream Body】

Item level: 10

Quality: Golden Legend

Type: Knife weapon

Special effects:

1. Indestructible: This equipment has sharp characteristics, the blade attack judgment is +2, ignores 15% of the defense effect, and has an attack effect on spiritual bodies.

2. Unstoppable: When performing a chopping action, the attack will gain an extra strength bonus, and the strength judgment will be +1.

3. Thunder Blade. After inputting energy, the Thunder Blade can convert it into thunder, which can cause thunder spell damage when attacking.

PS: If you can find an energy crystal of sufficient quality, you may be able to take it one step further - the Mohist God General.

The sword that had been refined once looked sharp and sharp now.

Mu Yi slowly poured his inner energy into the formation sword, which was the [Military Magical Power - Warming and Nourishing Yunling] that he had learned before.

For military strategists, a good weapon is of course crucial, so military strategists teamed up with the Mohists to develop this magical power.

Feeling that the weapon had become more handy and vaguely echoed his feeling, Mu Yi nodded with satisfaction. According to this progress, the weapon spirit will be born from the array sword in less than a year.

In the wilderness, apart from the occasional wild animals, there is the sound of the howling wind blowing across the lonely land.

After all, if a person wants to have a hot meal or a warm cabin in his life, he must strive for it by himself.

Even if there is a great god like Queen Houtu as a backer for Mu Yi, Mu Yi knows very well that the prerequisite for being chosen is to be good enough and have a shining point.

As an old member of the professional mountaineering team, he actually understands the thoughts of young people like Zhiwei. At that time, he was not a young man who had a fanatical hobby for unknown existences and searching for magical places.

[Thunder Lock]:

Item level: 10

Quality: Golden Legend

This is why it must be warmed and nurtured by oneself. If it is the kind of weapon spirit that is warmed and raised through relays, whether it listens to commands or not is a completely different matter.

Although it is called a weapon spirit, it is actually an extension of the will of the nurturing person, and there is no such thing as a weapon spirit going on strike.

She had learned some I Ching gossip and had a divination before setting out again, but the outcome was a mixed blessing.

Even ordinary citizens have noticed the changes in the world, and nature has become more energetic. Many rare animals have also entered the city one after another, so it has become a trend to try your luck in famous mountains and rivers.

Injecting the inner energy into the weapon, using the weapon as a carrier, while storing the inner energy, the inner energy is also used to wash the weapon, so that the performance of the weapon can be improved to a higher level.

"Well, come on, we're almost there!" Zhao Dongli encouraged Zhiwei. Most of the time, things like mountain climbing become a competition of willpower.

She didn't know what it was, but she had a vague guess that this might be her chance.

"Xiaowei, follow closely, don't fall behind!" The man in front of Zhiwei looked back at Zhiwei and warned her.

There are rumors on the Internet that some people have obtained treasures from heaven and earth deep in famous mountains and rivers, and can even cure terminal diseases.

A group of people are climbing the Kunlun Mountains.

This has set off a wave of tourism, and also made some people who are passionate about unknown existences completely crazy.

A person who cannot do anything well cannot be favored by such a great god for a long time.

Zhiwei held a hiking pole and followed the team with difficulty.

"I understand, Uncle Zhao!" Zhiwei responded to Zhao Dongli. She still respected the uncle who took care of her.

It also lays the foundation for the weapon to give birth to the weapon spirit. After all, the essence, energy, and spirit are not separated. While washing the weapon with the inner energy, it also imprints the weapon with one's own will. Over time, the weapon spirit can be born.

Raising her head, Zhiwei stared at the direction of the mountains. She could not find the direction in the past, but after approaching the Kunlun Mountains, it was like there was an invisible compass in her mind.

The background is to ensure the road to the future, but wherever we go, we still have to rely on self-improvement.


As for the changes in the thunder lock, Mu Yi was a little confused.

It has been changed, but it has not been completely changed. Thunder and lightning itself have a paralysis effect. An additional paralysis effect seems to be better than nothing?

However, the combination of [Stone Fire Dream Body] and [Thunder-inducing Lock] is still a useful weapon combination. Maybe he will keep using it?

Mu Yi was not in a hurry to use the seventh-grade divine throne in the underworld. Status was always linked to strength. Status without strength was like a loft in the sky.

Under normal circumstances, a well-warmed wooden weapon can easily cut through gold and jade, and a weapon born with a weapon spirit often contains more incredible properties.

It's just that life has bent him down, forcing him to give up those fantasies and pursue the broken silver in a down-to-earth manner.

Some people are born without worries, but unfortunately, Zhao Dongli is not such a person. He is just the most ordinary ordinary person among all living beings.

But maybe in his heart, he never gave up this fantasy, so he chose to join the mountaineering team and engage in such a job.

Type: holy object

After hesitating for a long time, she decided to give it a try, made all preparations, and followed the professional team into the Kunlun Mountains.

Most of the people who signed up for the Kunlun Mountain climbing team like Zhiwei had some unrealistic fantasies.

Reiki is having a resurgence and it is the hottest topic on the internet in the world today.

Although the contact time was not long, he still understood the little girl he met on the Internet. He was also amazed by this little girl who could follow the navigation and get lost.

Although it is summer, it is still cold in the mountains.

2. Prisoner of Thunder: When you attack, the "Thunder" mark is superimposed. When the mark reaches five layers, it can be detonated by lightning, causing paralysis and negative effects.

There are many people traveling with us, and everyone has illusions about the rumored Kunlun Mountains.

Special effects:

No matter how her position changes, she can always look at a certain place accurately.

1. Lead thunder: Conveying energy can summon thunder and lightning. While summoning thunder and lightning, it will greatly increase the lightning damage you cause.

Although they had only climbed less than a tenth of the way, Zhao Dongli still told white lies as always.

Past experience has proven that a white lie can often make people's willpower stronger.

After all, seeing hope and not seeing hope often bring two completely different results.

The group of people climbed slowly and hard, but when they entered a special area, everyone felt the fear in their hearts.

That kind of fear is like climbing over the wall to go online, only to find that the class teacher is behind you.

Although they didn't see any danger, the growing fear deep in everyone's hearts reminded them.

There is definitely something special here.

Zhiwei's pupils kept shrinking, and she had a strong intuition that they seemed to have entered an area they shouldn't have entered, and that there was an unknown and terrifying existence entrenched here.

Zhiwei gritted her teeth, her body trembling unnaturally.

She could feel that the other party was approaching.

"Slowly retreat!" the leader of the group commanded in a low voice. Everyone had no intention of putting themselves in danger. They obeyed the leader's command and slowly retreated.

The team leader took out a pistol from his body and dared to go deep into the mountains. How could he not have anything to rely on? However, for some reason, this weapon that could bring confidence in the past could not soothe his fearful heart at the moment. The figure in the shadow was revealed, and the leader's heart sank to the valley. These are the most troublesome creatures in the wild, because they often do not appear alone.

"It's a wolf, it's a pack of wolves!" someone shouted in horror.

"There's one behind them too!" Before they knew it, they were surrounded by wolves.

The wolves surrounded the team, and everyone fell into a great panic. The mountaineering team who had seen the world was lucky, but the young people who came for fantasy suddenly fell into chaos.

People often crave excitement in their ordinary lives, but when danger really comes, they often become Ye Gonglong.

"Don't mess up! Don't mess up!"

"Bang!" The team leader cursed secretly, and then fired a shot into the air.

The sound of gunfire calmed the chaos, and the sound of gunfire often calmed people down quickly.

Zhiwei's body was shaking more and more, and she had an intuition that guns might not necessarily be able to help them survive the crisis.


With a howl, a huge wolf that completely surpassed common sense appeared in front of them. There was no doubt that this was the wolf king among the wolves.

The leader did not attack rashly. The wounded beast was the scariest thing. He could not guarantee whether his marksmanship could kill all the wolves when they swarmed up.


The Wolf King looked up to the sky and roared, and everyone felt a pain in their minds. The leader holding the gun saw his eyes black and fell to the ground instantly.

Zhiwei looked desperately at her companions who fell one after another. Only a few of them covered their heads to stay awake.

None of them thought that the unknown they were pursuing would actually appear in front of them in this way.

There was an endless stream of howls, the few people who were awake fell one after another, and the wolves began to get closer.

"It's over!"

Everything in front of Zhiwei's eyes began to blur, and she eventually fell into a coma.

But at the last moment of her coma, she seemed to see something approaching.


"Hmm... strange... sky!?"

Zhiwei covered her head and opened her eyes, her thoughts suddenly awakened. She struggled to get up, but saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure.

"You're awake!" Mu Yi handed a bowl of blood-activating soup to Zhiwei.

To be honest, Mu Yi didn't expect that he would be able to see this girl again. The two of them were really destined.

When Chu Yi ran over with him, he was really surprised.

Chuyi rescued these members from the wolves, but as a price for balance, Mu Yi used the net in exchange for a lot of meat and gave it to the wolves.

In order to prevent these members from being picked up by other wild beasts, Mu Yi can also use a barrier to pack them up and take them to a relatively safe place.

Originally, he wanted to make a pot of blood-activating soup and give each of these guys a sip, but he didn't expect Zhiwei to wake up so quickly. His initial feeling was indeed correct. This girl's innate perception was very high, and she might be even higher than him. .

"You..." Zhiwei was speechless. Only now did she realize that the opportunity she was looking forward to was not somewhere in the Kunlun Mountains, but towards Mu Yi himself.

Silently drinking the blood-activating soup, she was surprised to find that her body seemed to suddenly have power, and a strange power was flowing in her body.

Zhiwei stretched out her hand silently, and a bit of pale white Qi appeared on her hand.


Mu Yi had a ghostly look on his face. He actually awakened his Qi and mastered his Qi just because of a bowl of blood-activating soup.

Back then, he only found the sense of Qi at the critical moment of life and death, and it took him half a day to master Qi.

Comparing people to each other is so annoying!

"Angry?" Zhiwei looked at the anger in her hands and felt a little at a loss.

"Tsk! I didn't expect you to be a genius! Are you interested in learning something?" Mu Yi suddenly became interested.

After experiencing the conference of hundreds of schools of thought, Mu Yi became keenly interested in cultivating a group of his own subordinates.

As his home field, the main world was naturally the first thing he considered. Before he could think of anything, the genius Zhiwei came to the door.

"Huh?" Mu Yi turned to look at the unconscious people. Several people were also waking up.

"It seems you are not the only one with talent!"

Mu Yi laughed. Meeting was a destiny. If that was the case, then he would give these people a blessing. Maybe this was also the reason why they met?

"Now that you're awake, let's come together and listen!"

Mu Yi waved his hand and summoned all the people who didn't know what was going on.

"You are all qualified people, so I give you a chance!"

Mu Yi looked at the people sitting in front of him and said with a smile.

He was able to get to where he is today because Zongwang gave him a chance. Unexpectedly, he would be able to give others a chance now.

"Let each of you pick a book and study it carefully when you go back!"

Mu Yi placed the hundreds of classics he had copied in front of a few people and let them choose.

These classics contain more or less methods of cultivation. If they are really qualified, they will meet again sooner or later.

Zhao Dongli, Dai Liuyun, Zeng Wen, Zhang Shuai, Gao Lishan... and Mu Yi's favorite Zhiwei.

With a small investment, Mu Yi expected that they could find themselves again and establish a force, which was inseparable from manpower.

Compared to finding people from other worlds, this main world is obviously more in line with his interests.

After seeing what happened to Moderos, Mu Yi felt that only by making the whole world stronger could it be possible to cope with such a world-class crisis.

There is a price to pay for asking for help. No one will pay endlessly. The development of a good relationship must always be based on mutual benefit and consistent interests.

Although those things seemed far away, at the moment, it didn't stop him from trying to do something.

Mu Yi didn't care whether these people would expose his existence, nor did he care about the reaction of the people of the world.

As long as he is unwilling to hide in the land of reincarnation, even if the Kunlun Mountains are whitewashed with nuclear bombs, they will not be able to hurt him. This is the wave of the times and the world's gift to him.

The wave of the new era has been rolling in since the moment he started to worship the sky. No one can stop this trend. Either he will follow the trend of the times and become a trend-setter, or he will be crushed by the wave.

(End of this chapter)

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