Chapter 153 Ghosts in the Yin Temple

"Line up and raise your shields! Hold your spear steadily!"

"Stand firmly in formation, don't rush in from the flank!"

Recruits are being trained at the host military academy.

"Left three, right four, attack!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Three in front and four in back! Raise your shield!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

After Mu Yi regained consciousness, he was taken to the school grounds. Seeing that training was taking place in the school grounds, Mu Yi was not in a hurry, but carefully watched the training at the school grounds.

These new recruits were extremely unfamiliar with the formation changes. The Tiandiren Xiaosancai formation they practiced was like a rusty machine, a product that was completely improvised.

Mu Yi looked at it and shook his head! No wonder they are asking for help, there is indeed no one available!

"Rest for a quarter of an hour! Then continue training!" The captain in charge of training yelled and suspended the training.

Lin Xuan was full of hard-line general style, acted vigorously and resolutely, and introduced the news in just a few words.

"Master Jun, are you going to the Yin Temple too?" the sloppy old man asked lazily.

Lin Xuan said, handing Mu Yi a token, and then said to the cupped fist.

"I've seen the captain!"

"Feizheng...that would be a bit troublesome!"

The child and the old god were talking, and Mu Yi nodded. This child should be a man from the local City God Temple, and the smell of incense lingers on his body.

Mu Yi happily accepted the order. He came here for this purpose, so he naturally had no complaints. After receiving the token, he went to find the helper Lin Xuan mentioned.

"This is the captain's order. With this order, you have the same authority as me in the host mansion. I leave everything to you!"

At this point, you have basically entered the realm of the extraordinary realm. In human terms, it is probably level 10-15.

The obscene offerings in the Yin Temple may be ancestors' ghosts, or spirits from heaven and earth, and some are even giant monsters. They go out to offer incense and also need to perform flesh and blood sacrifices.

If it is the enemy's strategy to divert the tiger away from the mountain, the host government may be in ruins. The other party will seize the time when the demon barbarian goes south to cause trouble, and he cannot help but be cautious.

Normal zombies are also roughly divided into eight levels: purple zombies, white zombies, green zombies, hairy zombies, flying zombies, wandering zombies, prone zombies, and non-bone zombies.

"The defenders cannot move. If it is a plan to attack the east and attack the west, we will be responsible for the death!" Lin Xuan looked a little sad. He had the ability to destroy the Yin Temple, but he could not leave the East Palace.

Several people who were originally in different shapes suddenly became somewhat restrained.

Dong Daofu is the territory of the military strategist. If you want to make a living here and offend the military strategist, it is definitely not a good choice.

"Tell me about it!" Mu Yi came over to say hello. He wanted to know more about the Yin Temple. Although Lin Xuan's introduction was concise and clear, the more information he knew, the better.

"Captain Mu, do you know the details of the Yin Temple?" asked the helper who looked like a child.

The gods and earth are only attached to the mountains, rivers and earth veins, and enjoy the national incense and sacrifices. They can sort out the heaven and earth veins and benefit one place.

When it comes to Mao Zheng, it directly mutates. Hair grows on the body, which is famous for its copper-skinned iron bones. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the body, and the agile movement. It can jump from house to tree, jump like flying, and start to be unafraid of ordinary people. Fire is not even afraid of sunlight.

After seeing the helper, Mu Yi was a little confused. What kind of bullshit was this?

Mu Yi had a headache. Zombies were divided into three, six, and nine grades. The powerful and famous generals, empresses, Han Bao, and Ying Gou, these rumored ancestors of zombies, were no match for even ordinary gods.

But the obscene sacrifices in the Yin Temple are different. If the world were in chaos, this would be excusable, but now, except for foreign enemies, the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

"I have also recruited some people from the private sector. When the time comes, you will set off together so that I can take care of you!"

From a certain perspective, these people are all special people, and maybe they are really weird people among the people.

"I personally inspected the Yin Temple outside the city, and also checked the information in the City God's Temple. It should be left by the remnants of the previous dynasty. It has been four to five hundred years ago. The sacrifices in the Yin Temple should be zombies... …Now I’m afraid it has reached the state of flying zombies!”

"I am Lin Xuan, the acting captain of the host military government. I have received news from the military commanders and elders. You have also seen that the only help I can give you is these new recruits, and no other personnel can be mobilized!"

Those who are diligent and honest in accumulating merit may also have the opportunity to be included in the canonization. After all, there will be a market if there is demand. It is also a happy event for such good deities to be included, and it will be beneficial to both parties.

"Are you the helpers invited by Captain Lin Xuan? I am the new Captain!" Mu Yi took out the token and waved it to several people.

From Lin Xuan's words, Mu Yi also knew what the goal of this mission was.

People from Dongdaofu discovered a Yin temple in the mountains.

Mu Yike has not forgotten that this is a real world, which also means variables and unpredictability. The best policy is to be fully prepared.

Lin Xuan's strength is pretty good. According to Mu Yi's estimation, he is at least as good as Cao Ming, so the helpers he can fancy should be able to contribute to some extent.

The so-called Yin Temple refers to the Yin Temple that is not recognized by heaven or the dynasty and privately uses blood sacrifices to worship obscene sacrifices.

Purple stiffness and white stiffness are not bad, there are various defects, ordinary strong men may be able to deal with them.

Before Mu Yi could speak, the woman among the five people suddenly stood up and stared at Mu Yi, but she sat down again after a moment, wondering what she was thinking.

This made it clear that he wanted to cholera the world. What was even worse was that the other party used human blood as a sacrifice, which was a heinous crime.

"My surname is Mu and my name is Yi. I will take a break today. We can leave the city tomorrow. Do you have any objections?" Mu Yi is not a person who likes to delay, but he also knows the consequences of messing up.

A sloppy old man, a monk, a Taoist priest, a woman, and a child.

Green stiffness is just a little more troublesome, but still out of control.

However, with all the elite troops from the East Palace, the remaining defenders could only stick to the city to maintain general stability. It was really beyond their power to destroy the Yin Temple, so they expanded their troops and applied for assistance at the same time.

Moreover, if the other party is allowed to exist, no one knows what big trouble it will cause.

Fei Zong, on the other hand, is a thousand-year-old zombie who has successfully cultivated. On the basis of Mao Zong, Fei Zong is also good at spells and can fly. According to the standard level of Hengzong, it ranges from 15 to 20.

If it really happened, the outcome would really be a 50-50 split.

"It cannot reach the realm of flying zombies. The previous dynasty was short-lived, less than a hundred years in total. It would be fine if sacrifices were continued over the years. There has been no trouble for so many years. It will definitely not reach the realm of flying zombies!"

The Taoist priest waved his hand, denying the child's guess. The child lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but nodded. Sacrifice can speed up the improvement of strength, but he has never heard of such a thing in so many years. Even if it is a secret sacrifice, it is not common. .

"Except for the enemies in the Yin Temple, do you have any news about the people who caused the rebellion?" Mu Yi asked thoughtfully.

Mao Zheng is still within the range of handling, but Fei Zong is really a bit impossible to deal with. This time there is no large army accompanying them, so the fight will be quite tricky.

"They should be the remnants of the demons and barbarians who slipped in from outside the customs. I heard that when the previous dynasty was destroyed, some of the remnants fled outside the customs and were associated with the demons and barbarians. I'm afraid they are inseparable from it now!" The sloppy old man casually talked about the secrets of the previous dynasty.

Everyone couldn't help but look at him in surprise, but he could talk about such a long time ago casually. Either he was well-read, or he had a long history, and they didn't know which one this old man was.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, they seemed to know each other, and they barely reached a consensus that Mu Yi would be the team leader.

In the early morning of the next day, the group of people quickly left the city and rushed directly in the direction of the Yin Temple.

When it comes to evil spirits, daytime is always better than darkness.

At noon, no matter what type of opponent you are, you can always take advantage of it.

The group of people were not mortals, their legs and feet were very fast, and they arrived at the Yin Temple in a short time.

"It seems that there is indeed an internal intelligence officer in the city who has tipped off the news!"

The six of Mu Yi stood on the cliff, staring at the place where the Yin Temple was. The Yin Temple was buried in the clouds and mist. It could be judged by just one glance that this was definitely not a natural phenomenon.

The Taoist priest looked solemn, and a talisman appeared in his hand. He pushed the talisman in his hand, turned into fire and emitted green smoke, and continued toward the clouds and mist.

After a while, the green smoke dissipated, and the Taoist priest's expression became more solemn.

"A ghost has formed. I'm afraid a magic altar has been built in it. I can't find out the specific situation. I'm afraid I can only take one step at a time!"

"Let me try!" The woman frowned slightly, and three incense sticks appeared in her hand. They spontaneously ignited without wind, and the smoke was thick. At the same time, the fingers holding the incense moved continuously.

"The Five Immortals have an incense hall. The hall is dedicated to the Five Immortals. Su Meiniang, a disciple of the seventeenth generation, respectfully invites Second Sister Su to come to you!"

After that, he slowly closed his eyes.

Suddenly there was a strong wind on the cliff. When Su Meiniang opened her eyes again, her pupils had turned into almond shapes.

It was as if he had changed into a different person in an instant. He was obviously the same body type, but his waist seemed to be boneless and twisted slightly, showing a lazy and charming look.

"Little Mei Niang, you know how to order others..."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Mu Yi with a suspicious look on his face.

"Why do you smell the smell of the same race? Is this a blood feud? Have you never heard of blood feuds happening in recent years? And it smells so strange, a wild family fairy?"

Mu Yi also understood why Su Meiniang was hesitant to speak when she saw him at first. It turned out to be an old acquaintance, a charlatan.

Although he is not from the same world, after all, his hands are stained with the blood of these family immortals, so it is normal for him to be noticed.

It is also strange to say that the Six Paths of Reincarnation can digest the blessings and curses of the gods, but it completely ignores other things hanging on him. The blood feud of the White Lotus World Family Immortal is still hanging on him.

After wondering for a long time, Second Sister Su also gave up the investigation at the urging of Su Meiniang and suppressed the doubts in her heart.

This Dong Daofu is the territory of the military strategist. If you dare to cause trouble at this juncture, then the barbarians of the military strategist will free their hands and may even topple the entire Five Immortals Hall. These guys are notoriously unreasonable.

Even the most cautious weasels dare not provoke these mad dogs. Their bad temper is really easy to deal with, and once they mobilize their troops, they will dig three feet into the ground and sweep thousands of miles away, and they will not stop until the roots are eradicated.

Regardless of how ferocious the monsters are, they attack south from time to time, but the most ferocious people in the world are not them, but these military barbarians, who really established their status with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

The Dong Dao Mansion was a ghostly place built on the corpses of three million monsters. It would have been enough to build a dead end in any other place. However, things are not calm now.

To be honest, they were also a little curious as to how the Yin Temple was preserved. Logically speaking, everything around the Dong Dao Mansion should have been wiped out.

The army ran over them, let alone the flying zombies, even the wandering zombies were not enough to look at.

"The smell of ghosts is very strong, and the blood and resentment are soaring. I'm afraid there were a lot of blood sacrifices just performed last night!"

Second Sister Su twitched her nose, then yawned, and then opened her eyes and returned to normal.

"Let's go down and take a look. The person on the other side is probably trying to delay time, but we can't delay it!" The sloppy old man looked solemn, and suddenly his eyes narrowed.


The old man focused his sword fingers on both hands, and a bolt of sword shot out of his body and slashed directly into the smoke.

He was actually a sword cultivator, which Mu Yi didn't expect.

"Ah!" A shrill scream sounded, as if it were the wail of a ghost. Ordinary people would have headaches, depression, and hallucinations as long as they heard it. However, everyone present was not an ordinary person and simply ignored the sonic attack.

"Catch up and have a look!" Mu Yi said, then took the lead and jumped off the cliff.

Mu Yi had just jumped into the valley, and there was a dark wind and ghostly shadows all around him... It was as if the world had suddenly changed.

Mu Yi's brows twitched. This method is a bit like an independent belief area... but it's too crude!

You can tell at a glance that the foundation is not solid!

Xiao Meiniang and others jumped down and found that Mu Yi was drawing his bow and arrows, as if he had locked the enemy's position. However, when they looked over, they could only see vague figures in the dimness.

In the clouds and mist, an old man with a white beard who had lost one of his hands laughed heartily.

"Jie Jie Jie, you idiots actually dare to take the initiative to get into this ghost world. It's not like I paid the price in vain!"

The white-bearded old man looked at his broken palm, his eyes filled with murderous intent. He originally just wanted to lure everyone into the battle, but he didn't expect that his hand would be cut off just after a confrontation.

"I want to cut these bastards into pieces to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

"Don't be anxious, old man. Don't forget what the Lord told you." The sinister young man on the side quickly stopped him, which delayed the Lord's affairs and made them walk around without food.

The white-bearded old man looked gloomy, but when he thought of the gloomy eyes, he instantly shuddered.

"Yes, old ghost, don't act without permission!" The haggard old woman on the other side also advised,

"Start the battle first and capture them alive. If they fall into the hands of the master, they will definitely be tortured to death. Then they will be able to give you a bad breath, old ghost!"

After listening to the persuasion of several people, the white-bearded old man gritted his teeth and stopped talking. These companions were afraid of the Lord's methods, and he himself was not afraid.

"Let's set up our formation and trap them to death. Our mission will be over!"

After that, the five people present all sat cross-legged on the altar that had been arranged in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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