edge of pure land.

Chapter 133 Official Certification of Mrs. Deer

Chapter 133 Official Certification of Mrs. Deer

Under the cold moonlight, there are turbulent torrents, and dark underground water flows through the streets and alleys. The water level is about ten meters. The low buildings in the old city have been basically submerged. Only the high-rise buildings newly built in recent years are still standing strong, and the rooftops are still strong. Trapped refugees gathered above.

Helicopters were hovering in the sky, rescuing the trapped people.

Small speedboats avoided the thick tree trunks and telephone poles washed away by the flood and headed towards the underground neighborhoods to the south. The boats were piled with disaster relief supplies.

Lu Buer was sitting on the speedboat. Five hundred years ago, he was just an ignorant student. This was the first time he experienced the horror of the disaster up close. At first, they all came in heavy trucks. As a result, it became more and more difficult. The water level gets deeper as you go south, until the engine is soaked in water.

Next we have to rely on speedboats.

"It is said that in the early days of the reign of the first generation of the Holy Monarch, the Abyss Singers at Site 1 awakened, the water levels around the world were rising, and the ice in the Arctic Circle was broken."

Xuelian said softly: "It's much more serious than this."

"How was it handled at that time?"

Lu Fuji turned to look at her cold side face.

"The teacher hadn't even broken out of the cocoon at that time, and I didn't know either."

Xuelian glanced at his hand: "Why don't you let go?"

"It's so hard to hold her once, why do you want to let go?" Lu Buer squeezed her soft hand. It must be said that her skin was delicate and smooth, and the soft and boneless hand felt very comfortable to pinch.

"Look at your potential."

Xuelian rolled her eyes with disgust.

"Yes, that's the look."

Lu Fuji said expectantly: "Do it again."

Xuelian fell into silence and began to think about whether this guy had any perverted habits. It seemed that he had no weaknesses in the field of interpersonal communication. It made no difference whether you praised him or criticized him. He could always find a way to get you. Made speechless.

"Little deer."

Su Shi hesitated: "What is this lady's name?"

"Oh, from the Sacrifice Hall."

Lu Buer said casually: "Just call her Mrs. Lu."

Xuelian's eyes rolled to the sky again.

This little thing exploits every opportunity and takes advantage of everything.

"Well... what a good Mrs. Deer, you are worthy of it." Su Shi really couldn't understand why young people today are so bold, because at his level, he knew that only the holy high priest was qualified to control the divine power, and it could not be controlled by other people. Ways to bless others.

He looked at the girl on the bow of the boat again: "Who is this?"

"It's also from the sacrificial hall."

Lu Fuji shrugged: "Mrs. Lu's junior sister."

Regarding the witch, it’s not that he doesn’t trust Uncle Su.

But the fewer people who know, the better.

Lu Sixian suddenly turned around, her almost pale eyes seemed strange, and she said expressionlessly: "An unprecedented phenomenon, the amount of dark matter is huge."

She raised her hands and gestured: "It's so big!"

Mrs. Lu reprimanded: "How are you usually taught? Who can understand the gestures you make like this? Don't use such simple gestures to describe the darkness you perceive in your mind. How big is your little head? If As far as Dark Matter is concerned, the matter has been solved long ago."

Lu Sixian tilted her head and pondered for a moment, then counted on her fingers, and then did some mental calculations: "It's about 170 million Ghana, which is not a life-threatening disaster at the level of a god for the time being. But if we can't put it into the underground ruins, The cave is sealed, and the concentration of dark matter will continue to rise.”

Mrs. Lu made an estimate in her mind.

Frowning slightly.

"What's wrong ma'am?"

Lu Fuji asked seriously.

Mrs. Lu hesitated to speak. If she wanted to use divine power to remove the dark matter, she would need about eighteen blood transfusion surgeries to ensure that she would not die of overdraft.

She rejected the plan without hesitation.

"At present, the second-line troops have built flood control dams near Dongcheng District. Rocks, soil, trees, flowers, ice, and rubber have basically been mobilized to prevent floods. First of all, they cannot be allowed to The disaster of life is expanding. Once the dark matter flows into the Pacific Ocean in the northeast, it will be completely over." Admiral Su Shi sighed.

He suddenly put his hand into the flood and frowned slightly.

"The amount of dark matter is really intense."

He paused: "I just put my hand in, and I already felt discomfort. If we want to go into the water, we must use life energy to fight against the erosion of dark matter, and the spiritual level will also be affected to a certain extent, just like in It’s the same as the dirge of the White Walkers. This will create great resistance to our rescue operations, and everyone is likely to be infected.”

On another speedboat, Ai Yue led the Dawn Special Sequence and put his hand into the raging flood, clearly feeling traces of erosion.

Normally, the Holy High Priest can use his divine power to remove dark matter.

But now the high priest's divine power is lacking.

They can only hope for themselves.

Lu Fuji looked at the white-haired girl, but what he recalled in his mind was the scene of changing her diaper. Unexpectedly, five hundred years later, the original human cub had grown up.

And she looks so beautiful.

It's just a little too harsh.

There is a feeling of sharpness.

Ai Yue noticed his gaze and said nothing with a straight face.

Although I had heard many stories about this young man and had seen him from a distance, when I actually met him, I was still a little embarrassed at not knowing what to do.

"Don't panic, feel free to go into the water."

Lu Fuji waved his hand: "Once infected, I can save you."


Su Shi's eyes were suspicious: "Xiaolu, don't talk nonsense."

Ai Yue crossed her arms and frowned slightly. She had never heard that people other than the sacrificial hall could remove dark matter. It was not a good habit to talk big about such serious matters. Lu Fuji let out a roar.

It's a pity that Uncle Su and the others didn't get the villain script.

If his parents' old friend looks down on him, and the eldest lady in his family thinks he is a loser, he can find an opportunity to show off his skills and pretend to be cool.

Mrs. Lu's lips curled up inadvertently.

Because she knew that this little guy could really get rid of dark matter.

It will be interesting to see the surprised expressions of this group of people.

While she had a bit of bad taste in her heart, she was also a bit proud.

Suddenly, Lu Sixian raised his eyes.

"There are White Walkers under the water!"

The seed of the god in Shika Fuji's right hand also started to beat.

Just as he was about to take action, he felt a biting chill.

Admiral Su Shi raised a finger, and heavy snow suddenly fell in the sky. When the snowflakes fell into the water, they did not melt, but spread the chill.

The black shadow that came up from the water was instantly frozen.

Not only that, their speedboat was also frozen.

"The sky looks like frost and snow."

Admiral Su Shi paused: "Not bad, right?"

Lu Fuji sneezed due to the cold, and muttered: "Is this the frost and snow in the eighth wisdom world? Yuna's snow had no effect on me at all. But if it was Uncle Su's snow, I'm afraid it wouldn't even I couldn't even bear the immortal thunder, and was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture."

"The properties of frost and snow in the astronomical system are very similar to the ice in the creation system. But the characteristics of snow are its wide range, large quantity, softer and lighter. It is stronger than ice in the effect of widely creating low temperatures. And ice Its characteristic is to create frozen substances, or condense water into ice, resulting in instantaneous localized low temperatures."

Su Shi put his hand on the frozen water again: "If it weren't for the fact that there might be refugees protected by the Holy Light under the water, I would probably freeze all the torrent in the entire underground block. In this case, the matter would be solved easily. Of course, The congressman at the Tower of Babel probably won’t let me solve the problem so easily.”

With a slight exertion, the frozen ice collapsed.

Frozen corpses floated on the water.

They are all rotten ghosts.

Seeing these strange ghosts, Lu Fuji suddenly thought of something.

There are nine flaming ghosts controlled by him nearby!

"Damn it, why did you forget them?"

Lu Buer has been upgrading to pick up girls in the past two days. The nine-headed blazing ghost he controlled before is still hiding in the sewer. It must have been flooded for several hours now.

These flaming ghosts cannot leave without receiving orders.

When the speedboat sailed into the suburbs, he sensed the other party's presence again.

It was a feeling of despair that was choked on repeatedly.

Alone and helpless.

This strange ghost looks like an incredible creature, but sometimes it is similar to a human being. It can hold its breath for a while in the water, but sooner or later it will choke on the water.

These flaming ghosts were ordered not to leave and were choked for three hours.

So pitiful.

While he was thinking about how to use these ghosts.

Suddenly, his eyes were stung by a bright light.

Lu Sixian sensed something, and the moment she lowered her head, she suddenly saw a ferocious black shadow swimming under the water. It was a strange ghost lurking under the water!

Above the sky are gathering dark clouds, like a mother's nest gestating a fetus of disaster. The shrill lightning flashes away, illuminating the dark world in an instant, accompanied by faint thunder.

A suffocating sense of oppression!

When the thunder rolled, it became more and more deafening.

It seems like it can shock the whole world!

"good night."

Someone chuckled.

Her laughter was as clear as a silver bell.

But it seems to contain the roar of a giant beast!

Deep in the surging clouds, there seemed to be a blue unicorn roaring, tearing apart the darkness between heaven and earth in an instant, and majestic plasma falling from the sky to the earth!

Thunder and lightning.

Not only Lu Fuji, but also the special dawn sequence, a huge blank was left in his mind.

"Mrs. Deer, please protect them!"

Admiral Su Shi raised his right hand, and the extremely cold wind and snow gathered.

Suddenly punched the sky!


The cold air surging like a tsunami condensed into a frost-white blizzard, roaring into the sky like a blowout. Even the atmosphere was frozen along the way, like a snow-white dragon!

The sky is like frost and snow versus the sky like thunder!

The terrifying plasma exploded.

The extremely cold frost and snow also burst out!

Such a terrifying bombardment almost collapsed the remaining buildings nearby. The torrent of dark matter set off huge waves, and the speedboats were about to be overturned.

At the critical moment, Mrs. Lu raised her eyes.

A series of holy light barriers condensed out of thin air, blocking the huge shock.

Lu Sixian clasped his hands together and forcibly controlled the raging dark matter flood nearby, calming down the huge waves and preventing the speedboat they were riding from being overturned on the spot.

"What the hell, it's elementalization!"

A name suddenly popped into Lu Fuji's mind.

Long Ling!

 There is another update, it’s still quite late, you can watch it tomorrow



(End of this chapter)

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