edge of pure land.

Chapter 15 Starting a Family

Chapter 15 Starting a Family
  In the silent darkness, the dark substance in Lu Fuji's palm stirred like a living thing, flowing along his veins, emerging from the skin of his fingertips, gathering and blooming like flowers.

Thousands of threads, like ashes.

He immediately thought of the terrifying hallucination that appeared in his mind. After the majestic golden ancient tree burned away, only the dark ashes were left, swaying in the wind.

"The heart pendant used for sacrifice did not disappear from my hand, but entered my body in a certain way. Because of this, the sacred rhythm will change and that weird melody will appear. And after this heart pendant devoured the cancer cells in my body, it not only released the life energy I needed, but also gave birth to this substance?"

He was not sure what this strange substance was and could only give reasonable inferences.

As his thoughts moved slightly, countless strands of ashes returned to the palm of his hand.

After fighting cancer for nearly ten years, he finally got a chance. Even though it was not yet certain whether the cancer could be cured, he did have the capital to live in the pure land.

He can feel the vigorous vitality in his body, which is the best proof.

The evolved life energy was repairing his body that was riddled with holes. He could clearly feel that he was much healthier than before. The tissues and organs that had been destroyed by cancer cells had been repaired, and the trauma he had suffered in the battle had basically healed. He's almost healed and feels quite full of energy.

"The road of evolution, the first realm, the origin realm."

This is the level he has reached so far. What he is currently strengthening seems to be pure physical body. He tries to clench his fists to accumulate strength, feeling that he can blow up a cow with one punch.

Of course, this is not enough to survive in this world.

He has to get stronger.

Especially yesterday's attack by the White Walkers gave him a huge sense of crisis.

Those ghosts had obviously just emerged from their cocoons, that is, they were already deformed in their cocoons. They were probably contaminated by pagans, similar to the situation in the Land of the Past at that time.

And when he came to Shengen City, he completely forgot about those pagans.

Obviously something is wrong.

Who had tampered with his memory and tried to hide something?
  Lu Buer was puzzled and unknowingly it was already dawn.

A fish-belly white color appeared in the east, the sky was filled with vast fog, the towering metal barriers were illuminated by a ray of sunlight, and a loud horn sounded in the silent military camp.

"Brother Lu, are you awake?"

He Sai also woke up from his sleep and was very surprised to see him waking up: "How do you feel? Do you feel that obvious feeling of aging? You don't know, it really scared me to death yesterday. I'm really afraid that after I fall asleep, I'll be stiff when I wake up..."

The corners of Lu Fuji's eyes twitched slightly: "I'm very fine. Don't worry about me for the time being. The sacred rhythm doesn't have such a big burden on me. At least I can live for a while."

He still didn't tell the truth about this. After all, the heart pendant belonged to the pagans and might be involved in some terrible things. It was best not to involve others.

If there is any problem, he can just take it upon himself.

"Really or not? We agreed to let's go together, brothers."

In surprise, Jose got up from his sleeping bag and walked around him. Indeed, he found no signs of premature aging: "We have agreed to be orphans in troubled times together. You must keep your word."

Lu Buer put his hand on his forehead: "What you said is indeed an iron-blooded orphan. Don't worry about those who have some and those who don't. Not only will I not die, but I am also very ferocious. It won't be a problem to beat you two."

After speaking, he picked up a piece of wood and tore it apart with both hands.

A click.

The wooden pile shattered with a sound, breaking into two halves.

He Sai was not convinced, so he picked up a wooden stake and tore it apart with all his strength!
  The stakes were unscathed.

"No way, the gap is so big?"

He Sai's face turned green: "Am I a weakling?"

"Not really, I'm not much stronger than you, but it just exceeds the ultimate pressure that the wooden pile can withstand, so don't be discouraged, you can do it after a while."

Lu Buer glanced at him and suddenly asked: "He Sai, do you still remember what we encountered in the Land of the Past? Do you still remember those pagans?"

He Sai was stunned: "What pagan?"

Sure enough, this guy forgot.

Lu Buer shook his head and said: "It's okay, I just said it casually."

This was the second day after they arrived in the Pure Land. They first added some firewood to the fireplace, then cooked two bowls of vegetable porridge with white bread for breakfast, and then took off their military uniforms that were full of blood and corpse fluids and washed them. Wash and dry over a campfire.

Compared to the world five hundred years ago, the quality of life has plummeted.

Almost like a refugee.

After washing the clothes, there was not enough water in the shed. Fortunately, there was a well in the camp where water could be drawn. The two of them trotted along with the buckets, shivering from the cold.

Even if we embark on the path of evolution, we still cannot withstand such severe cold.

People in the camp gradually got up. They lived in carefully built wooden houses, and had oatmeal and smoked ham for breakfast, and even coffee and morning tea.

The orphans swallowed hard at the sight.

"Isn't there a morning jog in the military camp? Why aren't there even instructors?" Lu Buer saw that most of the high-energy people had eaten breakfast and simply lay on the chairs at the door to bask in the sun. They showed no signs of the soldiers' ability. The atmosphere is undisciplined.

"I don't know. Even if these veterans are left unattended, we are new recruits. Why is no one coming to train us?" He Sai said he couldn't understand and was very confused.

A bald middle-aged soldier walked past them and sneered: "How dare you ask someone to train you alone? It seems that you don't understand the technology of the Pure Land. We don't need it day after day." Through hard training, our physical fitness has improved with the advancement of the realm. As for the combat experience and skills... we can just exchange them for memory chips."

"What is a memory chip?"

"One of the cheapest ten meritorious deeds, just stick it on your eyebrows and meditate. The sacred rhythm will make you feel the memory it contains, and then implant the memory into your mind." The kind-hearted middle-aged soldier Popular science said: "By then, the skills in the memory chip will become your instinct, and there is no need to exercise hard every day. I have been in the Pure Land for four months, and I have mastered four swordsmanship and six close combat skills, and even Including gun fighting.”

Lu Fuji was surprised. He didn't expect that the Pure Land was quite cybernetic.

He Sai asked curiously: "Brother, may I ask Gui Geng?"

"Twenty years old!"

The middle-aged soldier was quite confident in himself and smiled brightly: "You're very young, aren't you? My name is Zhou Yi. I come from the same place as you. You can tell by the accent, right? I used to live there on Science and Technology Street. I was a programmer a hundred years ago, please take good care of me in the future!”

After saying that, he took the bucket and left.

Lu Buer was stunned.

"You are indeed young. Programmers practice sacred rhythms, and the buff stack is full."

Jose murmured.

Lu Buer fell into deep thought: "The memory chip does sound like a good thing. If you want to survive, you must replace it first... He Sai, how many achievements do we have?"

He Sai shook his head and said: "I don't know, our achievements are still being counted. By the way, Brother Lu, you have to be careful. The adjutant told me yesterday..."

He told what he learned yesterday about the Holy Riot Syndrome.

Lu Fuji was stunned for a moment, thinking that's why.

No wonder he became so irritable yesterday. In fact, he still feels restless and wants to release the surging power in his body. His mood is quite unstable.

The hovering sound of a drone sounded overhead, and the cold mechanical voice sounded again: "Private Lu Buer and Private He Sai, please go to the munitions depot immediately to collect your resources!"

He Sai's eyes widened: "Hey, we are not new recruits anymore? I have become a third-class soldier? Brother Lu, why are you a second-class soldier? Wait, I understand, you killed a lot of White Walkers yesterday!"

Lu Fujiu pondered for a moment: "Go and take a look first before talking."

  The military restricted area of ​​the Third City Guard covers a large area. The entry and exit places for senior officers in the core area are filled with heavily guarded sentry towers. Armored vehicles roar past on the road, and soldiers can be heard patrolling in unison. footsteps.

Military depots, livestock farms, parking lots, as well as aprons and aviation runways, etc., are not much different from those five hundred years ago.

After the drone notification, Lu Buer and He Sai traveled smoothly, and no one stopped them at all.

According to the legal documents issued by the Akashic Holy Cult, ordinary soldiers like them do not have the right to freely enter and exit the military camp. If there is no special order, they will have to stay there for the rest of their lives.

There were many soldiers in the camp who were notified to go to the munitions depot to collect resources. They had obviously had this experience many times, so they acted very calmly along the way. Some people were discussing the allocation of resources this time. The content is chilling.

"My wife was critically ill yesterday, and her body was dragged away today. I have accumulated a lot of merits, and the higher-ups should assign me a new one. I hope she will be young and beautiful."

"I am getting older, and I would like to have a daughter to take care of me. Unfortunately, my merit points are probably not enough. I might as well save it for the marrow of the sacred tree. I don't know when it will be my turn."

"I just hope he's not a dragster. I don't have time to take care of him."

These high-energy species seem to have been assimilated by the rules of the Pure Land. There is no expression on their weathered faces, and their gloomy eyes are like wild beasts, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Their clothes also smelled bad of low-quality alcohol and cigarette smoke.

He Sai was still a simple boy, so naturally he didn't like this group of people very much, so he subconsciously stayed away from them. Then he remembered what the adjutant said to him yesterday, and he felt a little dazed for a moment.

"Your wife is coming."

Lu Fuji reminded in a low voice.

The so-called munitions depot is like a huge collection hall. There are guards with armed guns on both sides of the road. The adjutant at the front door has been waiting for a long time with a pile of documents.

"It came quite on time."

The adjutant glanced at his watch and waved: "Come in."

After arriving at the munitions depot, the high-energy people obviously put away their undisciplined attitude, and there was still a vague feeling of caution, obviously fearing the superiors of the military department.

Under the leadership of the adjutant, they passed through layers of metal doors. Every time they passed through a door, they were subject to laser security scans. Cameras in all directions rotated to lock on each soldier. The places they passed along the way were heavily guarded office areas. , senior military officers came and went.

"Don't look around and don't talk around."

The adjutant distributed the documents to everyone and took them to an open-air courtyard. It was as peaceful and quiet as a monastery. The courtyard was full of life with birds singing and flowers fragrant. A holy angel stone statue sat in the center of the pool, and the fountain sprayed fine water. Pearls, shining in the sun.

"Follow the number on the document and find the corresponding room."

Lu Fuji's document number is thirteen. As for the specific laws and regulations, there are twenty pages. It will take a while to read them all, so we can only find the corresponding room first.

"Brother Lu, I'm leaving!"

Jose's file number is twenty-seven, which is obviously in the other direction.

As for the remaining high-energy species, it was obviously not their first time coming to this monastery to collect resources. They found the room according to the corresponding number with ease, opened the door and walked in.

Lu Fuji vaguely realized something, and arrived at Room 13 with an uneasy mood. He tried to turn the door handle, and the door opened slightly, letting in the sunlight.

In the bright sunshine, the girl carved in ice raised her eyes, her pupils pale and flawless.

"First meeting, brother."

【Recommended ticket】

[monthly ticket]

(End of this chapter)

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