edge of pure land.

Chapter 4 The familiar pain

Chapter 4 The familiar pain
  In a fleeting moment, the girl in the cocoon mutated into a bloodthirsty monster. Her white skirt had weathered and fallen off, exposing her pathologically pale skin, her skinny torso, her unusually long limbs with bulging blood vessels, and her nails. Sharp as a knife.

Especially its teeth, as sharp as a shark, stained with blood, shocking.

"Boss Zhang, who told you to say that she had a difficult childbirth?"

Lu Fuji murmured: "Did something happen now?"

Boss Zhang showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "I'm sorry!"

It's a pity that the apology is useless, the mummy has already rushed into the crowd and started killing!


Officer An yelled and fired, hitting the mummy's head and heart.

Unexpectedly, the mummy was not dead after its head and heart were penetrated.

He even showed a weird smile.

The vast majority of people have never experienced death at close range, let alone the desperate experience of being sprayed with blood and brains. More importantly, they have never seen anything so ferocious and terrifying. The smell alone is terrifying. The disgusting smell of corpses is enough to stun people.

Therefore, the person in front did not have time to react, and was thrown to the ground by the mummy.

This is equivalent to opening a buffet for the mummy. Those who have no resistance are like lambs waiting for it to feast on, only to be slaughtered.

Such a bloody scene is enough to scare a normal person into insanity, and make him unable to tell whether what is happening in front of him is fantasy or reality.

"I don't want to play anymore. My cabinet has been moved. Uncle Jiu has to come here!"

A little girl was knocked down before she could escape. The security guard next to her picked up an electric baton and rushed to save her. Unexpectedly, the high-power current had a miraculous effect, causing the mummy to twitch.

"You can fight, you can fight! If you keep running, everyone will die!"

Boss Zhang had an idea and commanded: "It's better to take the opportunity to kill it!"

This sentence awakened the remaining rationality of the survivors. They hurriedly searched for weapons in the ruins. Some picked up steel bars, while others simply picked up broken bricks and swarmed forward!

Lu Fuji's heart was beating wildly. Just as he was about to rush forward, he saw the strange smile of the mummy.

Just when Officer An was about to put the gun into its mouth.

The mummy looked up to the sky and screamed, as if the evil spirits in hell were singing!

High-frequency sound wave vibrations penetrated people's brains, as if hitting the depths of their souls.

Their ears were filled with sharp roars, and there was a brief blank in their consciousness of severe pain. They could no longer hold their weapons steadily, fell to the ground, and subconsciously retreated.

The mummy had torn the little girl's throat when it screamed. It became even more ferocious after drinking blood. In an instant, it tore the security guard to pieces and rushed towards the remaining people.

The middle-aged wealthy man's thigh was suddenly torn apart, and he fell down screaming.

Lu Fuji couldn't avoid the scream. The severe pain seemed to penetrate into his brain. In front of him was the mummy that was grinning and rushing towards him, like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

The instinct to survive burst out, and he turned around and ran away. Unexpectedly, the middle-aged rich man who had been seriously injured rushed over and hugged his thigh, shouting for help: "I don't want to die, I don't want to die." Ah, help me! Help me!"

Now Lu Fuji couldn't escape even if he wanted to. The terrifying mummy threw him to the ground like a beast. Its withered face was stained with blood, and its grin revealed sharp teeth like sharks.

The thick fishy breath hit my face and was nauseating.

The survivors were even more frightened when they saw this. The screaming pain tortured them to the point of death. Blood was flowing out of each person's orifices, and they were in a daze, as if they were on the verge of death.

No one will come to save Lu Fuji.

Amidst the terrifying roar, they had no ability to fight back, including Officer An and Boss Zhang.

This was the closest Lu Fuji had been to hell, but when his neck was about to be torn apart, his expression woke up from the painful trance.

Because he is used to it.

Years of fighting cancer have made him numb to pain. What is even more shocking and confusing is that the pain caused by the screaming is the same as the cancer pain he has endured all these years.

Even compared to the severe cancer pain he endured after stopping the medication, it was nothing at all.

He has grown up in pain since childhood.

So he knows how to struggle with pain.

Know better how to fight back!
  When everyone was tortured to the point of death by the screams, Lu Buer raised his right hand and inserted the Swiss Army knife into the throat of the mummy: "Scream, will you scream again?"

The mummy's scarlet eyes showed a confused look, which seemed a bit incomprehensible.

The Swiss Army Knife is tearing its body apart inch by inch!

The sharp howling sound stopped abruptly.

Lu Fuji's counterattack worked. At the critical moment of life and death, his adrenaline hormones surged, and he finally burst out to his ultimate strength, which also inspired his ferocity!
  Be fierce and don't be afraid.

he said to himself.

He stretched out his right hand, fumbled for the electric baton that rolled to the ground, and turned on the maximum power!
  The skull of the mummy was hit, and the huge electric current made it scream in pain.

Lu Buer kicked it to the ground with one kick. He held the steel pipe in his left hand and the electric baton in his right hand, and hit its head alternately. Each blow was extremely vicious, and the clear and crisp sound of skull cracking continued to sound.

He threw away his weapon, raised a stone brick with both hands, and smashed it down hard!

One, two, three.

The back of the mummy's head was completely smashed!

"Does it hurt?"

He suppressed the growl in his throat: "Where is this?"

Finally, Lu Fuji stood up unsteadily, stepped on its spine with one foot, hugged the head with both hands, and used all his strength to pull it out like an onion.

"This is what pain is."

With a click, the head of the mummy was pulled out alive and rolled down into the ruins like a ball, scaring everyone back.

Lu Fuji fell to the ground, and kicked the injured middle-aged rich man in the face. This kick was quite essence, not very harmful, but extremely insulting.


The young man lay on the ground, his shoulder was torn and bloody, and there was a broken nail stuck in the flesh, almost stabbing through, which was shocking.

To be honest, he had never had such a brutal fight in his life. He took a deep breath, raised his trembling right hand, slowly pinched the sharp nail, and pulled it out hard!
  Blood spurted out, as if a bone had been taken away.

His eyes went black for a while, and blood flowed out. A distant light source shed warm light on his face. When the pain subsided, endless doubts emerged.

He didn't know why his parents' research project made him sleep in a cocoon for so many years, and he couldn't understand why the screaming of the mummy could cause cancer pain. Everything was so confusing.

For someone like Lu Fuji, who was about to die soon, he had never thought that the last journey in his life would be so absurd and bizarre that people couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality.

What a bullshit.

  Everyone finally woke up from the severe pain, raised their heads and cried loudly as if they were surviving the disaster.

They survived.

But when they realized that their companions were really dead, they couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and fear, because the mutilated corpses were right in front of them, as if they were telling the despair of the deceased during his lifetime, or the feeling of being in this cruel world. end.

Officer An was relieved, glanced at the boy lying on the ground, and gave a thumbs up.

"You're really good at fighting, Xiaolu. With your fighting power, you won't be able to handle a few mummies! Come on, come on, let me take a look at you. Why don't you know how to stop the bleeding?" Boss Zhang staggered up and checked. Take out a pack of Yunnan Baiyao from your pocket, stick it on, and wrap it with a cloth strip.

No one knows how the boy completed the counterattack, but it is no longer important.

It's a good thing to survive. "It's strange, we all came out of cocoons, why are we all in cocoons, but the cocoons here are wrapped in a group of monsters?" Officer An stood up and looked around.

Just as Boss Zhang was about to say something, he glanced in a direction not far away and was stunned.

with a snap.

He slapped himself hard in the mouth.

Lu Fuji suddenly had a bad feeling and followed his line of sight.

At this moment, he had the urge to yell.

Because there are pure white cocoons everywhere in the ruins, when the blood flowing from the corpse spreads, they actually stirred for a moment, as if the silent heartbeat was revived.

"Boss Zhang!"

Lu Fuji gritted his teeth: "What a mouth!"

It’s hard to deal with just one mummy, let alone a group of them!
  "I really deserve to die!"

Boss Zhang's face turned green, and he cried mournfully: "Since it's difficult to give birth, can you please just forget about the stillbirth and don't come out to cause harm to others!"

"Go, go, go! Try not to make too much noise, run!" Officer An stood up, tried his best to pull up the remaining companions, and drove them forward like ducks.

The problem was that it was too late. The pure cocoon swayed in the wind, and thousands of strands of silk fell off with the wind. The lifelike corpse was exposed, weathered and shriveled in the blink of an eye.

They opened their eyes like newborns, their scarlet vertical pupils reflected the entire world, and their withered noses twitched slightly, as if they were looking for fresh living creatures.


Everyone was like falling into an ice cave, so many mummies couldn't deal with it.

At the critical moment, Lu Fuji suddenly discovered that while the mummies were sniffing in the wind, they passed by the middle-aged rich man who fell to the ground. He stepped over as if he didn't see it.

The idiot was obviously not dead, but was seriously injured and was still twitching. Everyone was in a hurry to escape just now, so no one paid attention to him.

Lu Fuji was quick to think, and his eyes were fixed on the corpse liquid behind the wealthy man!

This is the only possibility. The seriously injured middle-aged rich man was ignored by the mummies because he was contaminated with corpse liquid. It is very likely that he was regarded as the same kind!

"Don't run away in a hurry! Let's get the corpse liquid on your body!"

Lu Buer decided to take a gamble. His body was already contaminated with part of the corpse liquid, but the smell was not that obvious, so he directly picked up the head of the mummy and smashed it open with a stone.

Just like smashing a coconut, crack open the head of the mummy and pour water directly from the top of the head!


That is to say, Boss Zhang and the others have nothing in their stomachs, otherwise they would have to vomit it out on the spot.

After Lu Fuji finished pouring himself, he picked up the heads of the mummies and poured corpse fluid on their bodies: "Look at that idiot tycoon, the corpse fluid will most likely evade the smell of the mummy!"

"It makes sense. Don't be disgusted, everyone. We'll wait until you survive!" At this moment, Officer An came to his senses. Without saying a word, he took out the stomach bag of the mummy and squeezed out the corpse fluid.

Their hands and feet were very agile, and in just ten seconds, everyone in the team was stunk like corpses crawling out of a grave.

Before he was killed by the mummy, he was almost stunk to death by himself.

But the effect was very significant. Those mummies were sniffing in the wind, and they had no intention of catching up. Instead, they were wandering through the fog in a daze, looking for prey.

Especially Boss Zhang asked everyone to learn to walk like a mummy.

Although it may not be useful, everyone still obeys.

Mainly because I was scared.

The closer to the direction of the light source, the more wriggling cocoons there are.

Even if they have corpse odor on their bodies, they may not be safe.

Because once physical contact occurs, you may be scratched by sharp claws.

If the smell of blood seeps out, it's all over.

There are even pairs of pale and withered hands stretching out from the cocoon, waving gracefully in the air like vines, which is extremely terrifying.

Lu Fuji was always vigilant, because once the mummies smelled the scent of a living person, they would be torn into pieces in an instant. The feeling of walking on a tightrope was quite excruciating.

They didn't dare to make a sound or even take a breath.

Until the fog became thinner and thinner, and the huge light source seemed to be close at hand. This was their only hope. Hunger and cold made it impossible for them to escape elsewhere.

Close, getting closer.

The huge light and heat gradually revealed its outline.

Lu Fuji even smelled a mysterious fragrance, like the luxurious smell of sandalwood mixed with musk or agarwood, which penetrated into his limbs and bones, washing away his fatigue and pain in an instant. Even the fear was forgotten, and it felt like being in heaven.

The closer he got to the direction of the light source, the stronger the strange aroma he smelled. The smell was so luxurious and noble that the so-called spices used by gods were probably nothing more than this.

It was like calling them lost sheep.

At this moment, they seemed to hear something in front of them.

"Once upon a time, this was a fertile land, where knowledge was shared freely, and resources were earned by people themselves. Until they established a new civilization here, the haze of false gods obscured the true brilliance. People were obsessed with wrong evolution and ignored of true beauty.”

"That hypocritical skin is disgusting, but we are called aberrants! How ironic, it is all because of the falseness of false gods that we have been wronged!"

"The so-called new world has become corrupt, with no order, no discipline, and no faith! The transgressors use the name of God to rebuild the kingdom on this earth, and they will be punished on top of these ruins!"

"Anyone who transgresses will be punished! Anyone who transgresses will be punished!"

The old voice shouted with all its strength in the depths of the mist, and the rickety black figure seemed to fall down at any moment. In front of him were the devout worshipers, who were shouting with the same fanaticism as him.


There are people ahead!

"Save us, take us out! Take us out!"

The cries of those people ignited the survivors' desire to survive. Their eyes reflected bright light and heat, and they ran forward like crazy, rolling and crawling.

But Lu Fuji vaguely felt that something was wrong, because he heard clearly the content of those people's shouts, which had a strong religious connotation, and they were exactly the companions of those weird things in the church!

He wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

And in this case, it is very dangerous to go back, because those mummies that have broken out of their cocoons have blocked the road.

"Today, we want to return the sacred tree to its original posture and use the life in the cocoon of life as a sacrifice. May our father in heaven protect us and return to the true kingdom of heaven!"

When everyone broke out of the fog, endless brilliance hit their faces.

Lu Fuji's eyes were also illuminated by the scorching light, and he trembled for a moment.

Because they saw a miracle.

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(End of this chapter)

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