edge of pure land.

Chapter 40 The self-cultivation of ruthless people

Chapter 40 The self-cultivation of ruthless people

Inside the military restricted area, there is a White Walker asylum.

This place is like a colosseum. The cage is surrounded by electric grids on all sides, and thick chains are tightly wrapped around the only prisoner, the corpse-eating cultist arrested today.

For this corpse-eating cultist, today is undoubtedly a very humiliating day. He dedicated his soul and body to the great Mother's Nest of Creation, and gained dignity and freedom by relying on the power given by Him. However, in the end, he still looked like a man in a zoo. Like all the monkeys, they were captured and watched.

He roared: "Sata, Abba..."

Before he finished speaking, another piece of rotten meat was stuffed into his mouth.

Lu Fuji sneered: "Where are you doing?"

In the surrounding stands, senior military officers were basically present, accompanied by mechanics from the Noah Agency, as well as some priests and priests from the medical department.

Including the old secretary with a sweet smell.

Obviously there has been a breakthrough in the case, but everyone's faces are not pretty.

When Lu Fuji returned to the military base, he found that everyone had a slumped face. It wasn't until he saw the wounded and corpses being carried out on stretchers that he realized what was happening.

It seemed that the battle situation on the front line was indeed not ideal. No wonder Longque told him before leaving that the information he had in hand was what the military needed most at the moment.

"This guy is a gangster from the underground neighborhood. There is no file on him in the Sacred Intelligence Network. Of course, there are many such guys in the underground neighborhood. But the reason why I brought him here is because he is the legendary... Corpse Eaters."

Lu Fuji pulled out his revolver and pointed it at the corpse-eating cultist: "It's strange, isn't it? It would be understandable if heretical beliefs appeared among the scavengers outside the city. But the problem is... these corpse-eating cultists It appeared directly in Shengen City."

As soon as he said this, Kashiwagi held on to calm down and silently clenched his fists.

Yuan Qing raised her eyes, and her eyes suddenly became sharp.

She thought of the strange ghost that had haunted the military headquarters before.

"so what?"

The old secretary said with a straight face: "What does this mean?"

Lu Buer fired directly and emptied the magazine.

With the sound of gunfire, seven bullets were fired, but they seemed to hit the steel plate.

The corpse-eating cultists were unscathed.

"At such a close distance, bullets cannot cause effective damage, and the high temperature actually does not have much effect, because there are no burn marks from the bullets. I have to say that this guy's defense is amazing. He is a white ghost that has never been discovered by humans." Lu Fuji put away his pistol.

He raised his fist and struck the corpse-eating cultist's neck with a hammer!

One punch, two punches, three punches... until the tenth punch!

A click.

The corpse-eating cultist roared, and his neck joints made a crisp sound that was on the verge of breaking.

"Of course, even this is not really invincible. When the hardness on his body reaches the limit, he will not be able to withstand it. But what if it is a more advanced White Walker? Their defense And resilience is definitely stronger. If I guess correctly, the White Walkers who appeared on the battlefield today should have the same abilities as them."

Lu Fuji retracted his hand: "You can grab a few samples and compare them."

The old secretary was surprised: "No wonder the city-burning cannon doesn't work!"

The mechanics of the Noah Agency are constantly taking notes. Today's failure of the city-burning cannon is very likely to cause their budget to be cut, and they must improve and upgrade as soon as possible.

What they see now is the most precious data.

"More importantly, you guys look at the vein patterns on this guy's body."

Lu Fuji grabbed the corpse-eating cultist and showed off the bulging blood vessels on his body: "Everyone here is an elite. I don't need to say more about what he is wearing."

The old secretary stared at the lines for a long time, and his face suddenly changed.

The senior officers present stood up suddenly.

They are all highly educated evolvers, and it is impossible for them not to know the existence of the evolutionary chain.

Those so-called gods want to be superior to the wild gods.

It can be said to be the ultimate nightmare in this world!

"Evolutionary chain!"

Yuan Qing took half a step forward and grabbed the young man's shoulders.

"Where did you find these heretics?"

Lu Fuji hissed, his expression seemed to be in extreme pain.

Yuan Qing let go of his hand like an electric shock, and then realized that something was wrong with him.

His whole body was wrapped in bandages, and his face was so pale that there was no blood.

"do not move."

Yuan Qing ripped off his military uniform and saw a bloody hole on his shoulder, a stab wound three centimeters from his heart, and four gunshot wounds on his lower abdomen.

As for the bandage on his head, it looked like it had been hammered by someone.

If the evolver's vitality was not indeed very tenacious, and he had received timely treatment and treatment, he would have died long ago and would not be able to survive now.

"what happened?"

The female officer's beautiful eyes flashed with cold light and she asked coldly.

It's hard to imagine that Lu Fuji could still hold on until now after suffering such a serious injury.

If it were her, she might not be able to hold on.

Lu Fuji was silent for a moment and did not speak.


Yuan Qing asked forcefully: "Don't worry about offending others."

Lu Buer hesitated for a long time before saying: "This morning, Chief Longque of the Heresy Tribunal took me to the underground neighborhood to carry out an arrest mission. Unexpectedly, he broke out of the Law Enforcement Bureau on the way..."

He elaborated on what happened today, emphasizing the surveillance and mechanical guards of the Law Enforcement Bureau to rob criminals, and he did not hesitate to use firearms and force.

Of course, he just talked about being pointed at a gun.

I didn’t say anything else, just make up your mind.

After hearing this, Yuan Qing was really furious, with a cold light in her beautiful eyes, and said word by word: "These dogs dare to fight my soldiers? Is Charles crazy?"

She picked up the huge iron bow: "I'm going to shoot him to death now!"

Damn it, are you so reckless?
  "Stop, stop, stop!"

Lu Fuji subconsciously grabbed her wrist: "Major Yuan Qing, don't worry. It's not worth it to offend the Law Enforcement Bureau for a private like me. What's more, the war is tense now, and your combat power is also needed on the front line. I want to say It’s not that I was injured. It’s that you have to understand that the White Walkers who appear on the front lines have the same power as the pagans who appear in the city.”

"These heretics transplanted the dark matter of the White Walkers into their own bodies."

He pointed in the direction outside the city: "These White Walkers look no different from ordinary White Walkers, but they are actually a brand new species. This means that the main responsibility for the defeat of this war does not lie with the military. , but lies in the departments within the city.”

I have to say that when he said these words, he felt like tea.

Fortunately, he is not the mastermind. The dragon bird is the one.

The injury was caused by Damon.

The art of speaking was taught by Qiangwei.

Lu Fuji was just helpless. He was still the good boy he was five hundred years ago.

"Enforcement Bureau, Inquisition."

The old secretary was furious next to him.

The Inquisition had just been reorganized, and Longque had just taken office.

You can rely on him, but he is definitely not the first potter.

"Okay, okay, no wonder there are always people who want to hide the existence of those heretics. It turns out that they have long known that the white ghosts outside the city have mutated, so they just suppressed such a big thing, and finally made the shit basin Is it on the head of our military department?"

The old secretary leaned on crutches and knocked hard: "Law Enforcement Bureau, Charles!"

You know, the Deputy Director General of the Military Department has a very good relationship with the Law Enforcement Bureau.

Logically speaking, the former General Director should also try to win over the Inquisition.

But who would have thought that the speaker in the Heretic Tribunal now is Longque.

Looking at the entire Shengen City, no one wanted to fight him.

"Quick, go to the front line immediately to find the corpse samples of the White Walkers and come back for comparison."

The old secretary ordered: "I want to get the results before tonight!"

The officers looked at each other and became excited.

Now it's good. Although the war on the front line was defeated, we finally don't have to take the blame.

And they also know the reason for the defeat, and I believe they can definitely come back next time.

"and many more."

The old secretary suddenly turned around and looked at the young man.

Lu Fuji only felt that his eyes were piercing and his hair stood on end.

"You are very good!"

The old secretary stared at him: "What's your name?"

Lu Fuji put his hands on his chest and performed a military salute.

"Private, Lu Fuji."

The old secretary nodded slightly: "You did a good job, but now that you are a first-class soldier, I will allocate an additional 1,500 merit points to you. This is the reward you deserve. In addition, you It will also enter the recruitment optimization sequence, and the priority of the sacred tree marrow will be adjusted to the highest level."

Although everyone dislikes Long Que, they all have to admit his ability.

Those who can be selected by Longque to assist in the investigation must have their talents.

Today, Lu Fuji has proven his worth.

Although the old secretary works for the Yuan family, he is not a pure-blood Yuan family after all.

He has a brain, and of course he knows who he wants to win over.

"Keep working hard, I like you."

The old secretary turned around and looked at the officers who were stunned on the spot. He suddenly lost his temper. He changed his face in Sichuan Opera and vomited sweet fragrance: "What are you doing standing still? Didn't you hear me just now? Are you deaf? Give me a call quickly. I move, I move like a donkey! Especially you Kashiwagi! You still call me a deserter? What use are you? You are on the front line, but what is your value? Waste!"

The officers turned around and left, fearing that they would be eaten alive by the old man.

Lu Fuji's legs went weak and he almost fainted and fell to the ground.

This time he was not pretending, but he really couldn't hold it anymore.

In order to survive, he forced himself to be seriously injured.

Just for this effect.

But now, the hard top is a bit unbearable.

"Can you hold on? I'll take you to the infirmary."

After Yuan Qing calmed down, her eyes looked at him with a rare warmth, and her red lips parted slightly: "Recruit, remember to tell her earlier next time. If you delay it any longer, something may happen."

Lu Buer waved his hand: "This is just a minor injury, nothing serious. After all, if I really don't make some contribution, I'm afraid I will become a deserter among some people."

Kashiwagi, who was about to leave, paused for a moment, his face extremely stiff.

In particular, Major Yuan Qing gave him a cold look.

His eyes were as sharp as knives.

Kashiwagi cursed secretly, turned and left.

After everyone left, Yuan Qing silently knelt down, held the boy's arm, took a look at his injuries, and said expressionlessly: "Hey, aren't you afraid of pain?"

Lu Fuji shook his head: "I'm used to it."

Yuan Qing is not a cocoon-breaker, she is a person who grew up in the pure land.

She has undergone rigorous training since she was a child and received education from the strong men of her original family.

Your strength can be weak, but your bones cannot be soft.

Especially for those who broke out of the cocoon, their life five hundred years ago was too superior, which made them very uncomfortable after coming to the Pure Land. They were like flowers in a greenhouse that broke when touched.

But the strength and resilience this young man showed was something she had never seen before.

Yuan Qing once envied the Lionheart Knights under her father.

It is a great honor to command those iron-blooded warriors.

Now Yuan Qing has good soldiers with this quality under his command.

After cultivating them, you can take them back to show off to your dad.

Yuan Qing said with a straight face, pretending to be serious: "Remember, you are a soldier under my command. If anyone dares to jump in your face in the future, just come back and tell me, and I will shoot him to death with one arrow."

Then can you shoot Kashiwagi to death first?
  "Okay, Major."

"Well, be good, I'll take you to heal your wounds."

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  (End of this chapter)

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