edge of pure land.

Chapter 6 The only high-energy species

Chapter 6 The only two high-energy species
  Lu Fuji's eyes were illuminated by the fleeting cold light, and the head of the old priest flew high in an instant, and the thick blood spattered out and fell into the golden brilliance.

Men in black hoods descended from the sky and started killing!
  To the survivors, this scene was like seeing gods descending to earth. The hooded men shuttled through the wasteland, raising knives in their hands and setting off rays of cold light, cutting off the heads of fanatic believers as easily as cutting grass. The blood splashed like fireworks.

Those mummies were also torn apart in the shadow of swords and swords.

The breathing of the hooded men was like a tidal wave, and their momentum was astonishing.

No one knows who they are.

No one knows where they came from.

But at this moment, they are the saviors in this ruins.

Especially the man who seemed to be the leader. He was walking on the chaotic battlefield with a cigarette in his hand and a blood-stained sword hanging on his waist. His expression was indifferent.

Fortunately, these hooded men did not attack any survivors. Their targets seemed to be only those aberrant believers and mummies, and they launched a ruthless massacre.

Facts have proved that Lu Fuji's judgment is correct, because these hooded men also wear golden tree-shaped emblems on their chests, which are most likely the Akashic Holy Cult recorded in the diary.

"José, we survived."

"Yes, Brother Lu, but the stench on your body makes me think it's better to just die."

The fellow sufferers sat slumped in the ruins and looked at each other, laughing.

Officer An and Boss Zhang also breathed a sigh of relief.

The survivors hugged each other and cried loudly, with snot and tears mixed together. All the fear and hesitation along the way were vented at this moment, and there was a tremor in their hearts that they had survived a desperate situation.

As the battle came to an end, the hoods were sizing up the group of survivors.

"It's rare for so many cocoon breakers to survive at one time, but unfortunately the quality varies."

"Most of them are low-energy species, but as long as there is one high-energy species, you will make money."

"This group of people has caught up with the life disaster caused by the aberrants, and they can still survive under the siege of so many white ghosts. There must be good ideas. Your contribution will be indispensable when the time comes."

The man who looked like a leader said calmly.

Just at this moment, a person rushed out of the mist. It turned out to be the middle-aged rich man who was seriously injured. He rushed out and shouted: "Help me! Please help me! As long as you guys Take me out and I'll give you whatever you want! Help me!"

The middle-aged tycoon finally fell to the ground and grabbed the man's ankles with both hands.

As if grasping the last straw.


The man looked down at him, with an expression of extreme disgust in his cold eyes. He took out a revolver from his pocket and said, "Who allowed you to touch me, you inferior?"

  One shot.

In the shocked sight of Lu Fuji and others, the middle-aged rich man was shot in the head, and his brain blossomed.

A chill spread in their hearts.

They originally thought they had met the savior, but now it seems that this group of people is by no means good.

The man glanced at their shocked expressions, silently put away the revolver, and led his subordinates to kneel down to the burning golden ancient tree, bathed in the scorching light, and prayed devoutly: "My father is in heaven, may your name be holy, Your country is here, and all your wishes will come true."

Sure enough, the golden ancient tree is their belief.

A faith that cannot be tarnished.

"My name is Aoki, a judge from the Akashic Holy Cult. Now, on behalf of the Supreme Federation, I record you as the 583274th batch of cocoon breakers. The cocoon break information is recorded in the Shengen City base. Next, you will be safely escorted to humanity. city, but before…”

Aoki raised a finger and ordered.

At this moment, all the survivors, including Lu Fuji, were under control. A helicopter broke through the fog and landed behind them. The cold wind was biting.

"To be on the safe side, let's check again. If there are inferior species with mental disorders, kill them on the spot."

Aoki ordered coldly: "Take away all the weapons and everything else to prevent them from causing trouble on the way back."

Officer An raised his gun out of instinct, but he staggered due to his severe injuries and was eventually kicked to the ground, with blood and soil mixed on his face.

"Give up, Mr. Police Officer, the world no longer needs a Sheriff."

The man bent down and picked up his gun, stepped over him with a sneer, and said calmly: "There is no need to die for others, I will keep this thing for you first."

"Quickly, raise your hands!"

Boss Zhang forced his head up, raised his hand with all his strength, and lowered his voice to remind.

Bang bang bang!
  Gunfire rang out, and at least eight of the survivors were headshot on the spot.

Blood splattered on everyone's faces, and their expressions became dull.

"This is no longer the world you know. Some people think this is heaven, but others think this is hell. When the sacred tree came to the world, human beings gained the power of evolution. With the disintegration of the old order, the new Order is being established."

Aoki said calmly: "The right to evolve, manage, believe, farm, hold weapons, rest, choose a mate, mate, reproduce, read books, violate the law... The strong have everything, the weak have nothing. , this is the law of the Pure Land."

He pointed at the dead middle-aged rich man: "Anyone who is not qualified to be baptized by the sacred tree will be judged as an inferior species without any rights that can be given to him, including life."

At this moment, everyone suddenly discovered.

Whether it was the dead middle-aged rich man or the people who were shot just now.

Their corpses were twitching, and their skin was rotting.

"The reason why it is so cruel is because the inferior species cannot adapt to the baptism of the sacred tree. If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, it will turn into the mummies you just saw."

The man smiled, as if he had done this kind of thing a lot.

Huge information bombarded the outlook of Shika Fuji and others.

"But you are different. You are qualified to evolve and are the spark of human civilization."

Aoki's next words completely extinguished their last glimmer of hope of returning to their old lives.

"Welcome to five hundred years in the future, everyone."

  On this day, Lu Buer's world view collapsed.

Of course, other people's collapse may be more serious than him.

Various signs discovered along the way vaguely indicate that the world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Now that this guess has been conclusively confirmed, the hope of returning to the original normal life has been completely shattered, leading to a complete emotional collapse.

What does five hundred years mean?
  Civilization, order, career, and family are all destroyed in one day!
  Among this group of people, only a lonely short-lived ghost like Lu Buer could bear it. Whether it was Officer An, Boss Zhang, or He Sai beside him, they all fell into despair.

Aoki's statement is very convincing, because this team is obviously not normal human beings. They run as fast as the wind, and their sword skills are so sharp. They can easily kill the mummies and fanatic believers, just like Cutting leeks is as easy as cutting them.

With this kind of ability, he can kill you like a pig or a dog, so there is no need to lie to you.

And as they say, all survivors were requisitioned.

A helicopter took them away from the land of the past to a city called Shengen City. The atmosphere in the cabin was extremely depressing. The survivors all remained silent and desperate, looking confusedly at the vast and desolate land, missing their former homes and families.

Lu Fuji huddled in the corner of the cabin. He had no family to miss, and his only friend was by his side, but it still took him a long time to digest this huge amount of information.

Less than twenty-four hours, but it seemed as long as a century.

Like a dream.

But the heart burn mark on the palm of his right hand reminded him that all this was true.

As for the Shengen City they were about to arrive at, they knew nothing about it.

There is only confusion and hesitation in my heart.

There was no possibility of escape. Everyone's weapons were confiscated, and even personal belongings were gone. Objects such as earrings, rings and watches, including wallets and mobile phones, were not spared.

It seems that this is a trick used by Aoki and others to get some useful and valuable things from the hands of those who break the cocoon. Many jewelry are made of gold and diamonds, which are hard currencies.

Officer An couldn't stop him, but Boss Zhang was very discerning and pulled out one of his back molars and presented it to him. It was a denture made of pure gold and was worth hard currency everywhere.

Of course I do this in the hope that Aoki and the others will take more care of him.

Aoki just smiled at this, feeling that this middle-aged man was on the right track.

Lu Fuji used two egg yolk pies in exchange for some information.

Aoki was not polite at all and swallowed two in one breath. He was pleased to say that this thing is rare in the Pure Land now, and only those with high status are qualified to enjoy it.

After eating, he said that a terrible disaster occurred on the earth five hundred years ago, and 70% of the people were dead. Only those who wore virtual helmets could survive.

None of the survivors believed it, especially Jose.

If that's the case, none of his parents are wearing virtual headsets.

Are they all dead?

"Why can a virtual helmet make us sleep for five hundred years?"

When Aoki heard their questions, he just smiled casually.

"I also raised such a question back then. Later, when I understood everything, I didn't understand why the judge who took me away was willing to answer my questions. It was only after I became the judge that I discovered that using It’s interesting when facts destroy your naive hopes.”

He sneered and took away the power-off virtual helmet from a survivor, and sighed: "For the sake of the egg yolk pie, I will answer it for you... When the sacred tree rises from the ancient strata , the ancient divine light shines all over the world, bringing hope to the end of the world...and its roots hide a magical parasite."

He unplugged the neural hub inside the helmet, ripped out the wires and threw them to the ground.

I saw that the broken wires were filled with pure white silk. Also thrown out was a withered and dead silkworm, which was shattered into powder when blown by the wind.

"This is the cocoon, and it's because of its existence that we are alive today."

Everyone's faces were ashen, and the light in He Sai's eyes was extinguished little by little.

Lu Fuji felt a chill. He didn't expect that there would be such a weird bug hidden in Aurora's virtual helmet, and this kind of ghost thing was actually attached to the human brain!
  He immediately thought of the silk that wrapped him when he woke up. Obviously this was not an exception. There was a high probability that there was a silkworm in every virtual helmet.

It's ridiculous.

What on earth were his parents studying before they were alive?
  "Human Fire Preservation System?"

Lu Fuji vaguely thought of something.

Aoki glanced at him and smiled: "It can also be said to be the Kabbalah Tree of Life system, which is the golden ancient tree you saw before... Of course, there is more than just that one."

In the depressing silence, Officer An asked: "So, "Pure Land" launched by Aurora Technology is not a game from beginning to end, but a plan to protect mankind against the doomsday? Is it worth it? The criterion for being saved is whether you have purchased a virtual helmet? Is this a little too ridiculous? What happened at that time?"

Aoki sneered and said: "Do you think those in high positions before the disaster really didn't get the truth in advance? How could people with a certain status not buy helmets? Ninety-nine percent of those who are worthy will survive, regardless of whether they Are you aware of it? Since Aurora Technology has launched this plan, it must have its own method."

"As for the remaining poor bastards, it all depends on their fate."

For a moment, the survivors felt the biting cold.

Especially Shika Fuji, whose virtual helmet was temporarily received.

Someone in Aurora Technology wants to save his life!

"As for what happened at that time... wasn't it mentioned in the expansion pack released by Aurora Technology that year?"

Aoki smiled playfully: "It's just that you didn't take it seriously."

Huge fear exploded in the mind, and everyone's hair stood on end. The expansion pack released by Aurora Technology flashed back in the mind, and the clues were connected in series.


Someone came over, holding a tablet in his hand, and said respectfully: "The information about the place of death has been sorted. Please take a look."

"Connect to the sacred intelligence network and start analysis."

Aoki took the tablet, and the screen displayed the data report. Before they left, they photographed the place of death, combined with various clues left in the battle, and gradually analyzed it.

From this angle, only he could see the screen of the tablet. The so-called Sacred Intelligence Network actually restored specific frame-by-frame images based on the battle traces they left behind.

All the scenes from the moment they set foot on the land of the afterlife are perfectly reproduced.

The performance of many people is remarkable, especially Officer An.

Until Aoki saw the scene where someone could resist the screams of the mummy.


Aoki's eyes became sharp, and his subordinates also came over to take a look.

Because after experiencing the screaming attack, this group of survivors had lost their ability to resist and showed extreme pain, with Lu Fuji being the only exception.

This team had experienced the same thing back then and could relate to it even more.

To be able to maintain fighting strength despite suffering that level of pain is as outrageous as a woman in labor being able to fight with gangsters while wielding a mop. No one would believe it.

"Boss? What's going on?"

The subordinate was very surprised and turned to ask.

"Logically speaking, only cocoon breakers who have mastered the sacred rhythm and completed the first stage of awakening can ignore the erosion of this low-level white ghost... of course, except for high-energy species."

After watching the battle review, Aoki turned his head and looked at the corner of the cabin.

"There are actually two high-energy species among this group of cocoon breakers."

Lu Buer and He Sai noticed his gaze and immediately became alert.

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(End of this chapter)

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