edge of pure land.

Chapter 63 The origin of the palm mark

Chapter 63 The Origin of the Mark on the Palm (Second Update)

With a bang, the majestic holy statue collapsed, countless blood mist was suddenly annihilated, and even the flesh and blood that seeped into the gaps in the rock wall withered and became dead in an instant.

For the first time, Annan felt great fear, not only because he felt the power of the high priest who was supposed to be dead, but also because he was afraid of this young man's ferocity and stubbornness.

He is not afraid of the enemy's strength.

Because no matter how strong the enemy is, if you can't defeat it, the most you can do is die.

You can defeat me, but you can't break me from within.

But this time, some fear arose in him.

"Why? Why aren't you afraid? Why do you want to stay and risk your life to stop me when you can obviously run away? Is it interesting? Punishing evil and promoting good? Why didn't I see you when I was bullied? This kind of person? Are you kidding me?" This lunatic was sitting on his knees at the end of the stone staircase, hysterical and roaring loudly as if he was neurotic.

A piece of gravel hit him in the forehead, knocking him to the ground.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Because I don't like you."

Lu Fuji walked out of the dispelling blood mist, and all the thorns on his right shoulder blade had shot out. It felt like Gatling, with a powerful recoil.

It almost stunned him.

"You bastard, wait until I get up there."

Even with the healing of the Holy Light, Lu Fuji was still exhausted at this moment, but he still picked up a broken brick and climbed up the stone ladder, like a vicious murderer.

Huge fear exploded in Annan's heart. He completely lost his usual calmness and elegance. He rolled and crawled open the stone door in front of him and fled into the final laboratory.

The Glory Realm was chased away by the Origin Realm, which is unusual even in the Pure Land.

But he was really scared.

It was like meeting a fatal nemesis.

"Your name is Lu Fuji, right? I remember you! Hahaha, Lu Fuji, I didn't expect there to be someone more interesting than Longque in this city! I count you as the winner this time, this laboratory Just treat the things inside as your trophies, haha!" In fear, Annan laughed uncontrollably. Only in this way could he regain his thinking.

This is a laboratory he built himself. Most of the data has been destroyed, valuable things have been moved away in advance, and the remaining things can be left to others.

Just think of it as an Easter egg for the second round.

He climbed hard into the ventilation duct and quickly slipped into the darkness.

With a bang, the clay bomb shattered the entrance to the pipe.

When Lu Buer caught up, a puff of dust hit his face.


This Dianlao beast is really a rat, he can run really fast.

At this moment, a cold voice came from below.

"Hey, can you give me a hand first?"

Lianhua looked at him coldly.

The divine power she had just spent her soul forcibly in exchange for was basically used to freeze the explosion and heal his injuries. As a result, he was running around chasing people without even looking at her.

Men really don't have any good things.

Damn it.

Lu Fuji then remembered that there was someone down there, and hurriedly went down and pulled her up.

"Have you forgotten me?"

Lianhua felt her blood pressure rising: "Lu Buer!"

"Uh, listen to my explanation..."

"I don't listen to white-eyed wolves."

"The main reason is that I have a grudge against that beast."

"I don't listen."

Lianhua finally figured out this kid's temper.

If you want to make a deer trap in the future, it will be too easy.

Just catch a few live animals to use as bait.

"Are you OK?"

Only then did Lu Fuji start to care about this woman.

Lian Hua was in a very bad condition, her face had completely lost all color, her skin was so pale that it was almost transparent, and her body was as light as a feather, as if it could be blown away by the wind.

She raised her eyes and said angrily: "A weak woman like me is still too reluctant to bear the power of God. If it weren't for the help of the high priest, we would all be dead."

Lu Fuji was stunned: "The high priest is not dead?"

Lianhua really wanted to slap him to death.

However, thinking of his back that was facing the blood mist just now, her eyes softened and she said lightly: "If you encounter trouble in the future, you don't need to be so desperate, or you will die."

Lu Buer waved his hand and said in an indifferent tone: "We have just met, so there is no need to preach like this, right? For me, living a vigorous life is more important than anything else. If I see that living beast being proud, You might as well just kill me."

He once lived on his last breath for nearly ten years due to a terminal illness.

After coming to the Pure Land, you have to change your way of life.

At least at this moment, he felt that his life had become more exciting.

Lianhua didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Lu Fuji walked into the laboratory, took off his clothes to use as a bag, and put all the documents in sight into it. He looked like a robber who broke into a bank.

"what are you doing?"

Lianhua couldn't help but ask.

"These are all trophies. The research materials of the Corpse Food Cult cannot be left to others."

Lu Buer said casually: "There are a lot of moles in this city, I have to be careful. These things will be brought to the Heresy Tribunal later, and Longque will study them with me."

The inner ghost...

Well, there is.

Lianhua narrowed her eyes: "Longque has a good relationship with you?"

Lu Fuji was stunned: "It doesn't count, but we get along very well." Lianhua thought that all the crows in the world were as black as black, but he still advised: "I suggest you stay away from him, that's not to say What will he do to you, but don’t follow his bad example.”

Lu Fuji was about to say something when he suddenly saw a file.

It's marked No. 13.

found it!

Lu Fuji hurriedly opened the file and found that it was an anatomy diagram of the brain structure, as well as an analysis of the nervous system and mental state. There were tens of thousands of words of dense annotations.

Lianhua glanced at him: "Do you understand?"

Lu Buer shook his head: "I know all the words, but if they are put together, I can't understand them."

Lianhua sneered: "Then you take it so seriously?"

Lu Buer asked: "Do you understand?"

Lianhua said calmly: "I understand."

Lu Fuji's eyes changed instantly when he looked at her: "Sister!"


Lian Hua almost scolded him, but considering her current personality, she still explained: "This is a research report on the witches of the past life. Even if I explain the specific terminology, you won't be able to understand it. To put it simply ... There was something wrong with the Witch during the experimental phase. They were looking for research methods for this disease, and the research was quite fruitful. So this is just a pathology report."

She paused: "There is nothing about the identity and abilities of the witch."

No wonder it is thrown away as garbage.

However, this is what Lu Fuji thought of, and he said very sincerely: "Then can you help me analyze it? For the sake of us fighting side by side and beating up the beasts."

Lianhua narrowed her eyes: "Are you interested in this?"

Lu Fuji hesitated for a moment: "I'm very interested in medicine!"

There is no lie more convincing than this.

Lianhua was too lazy to explore his secret and took the report casually:

"I'll keep the things and come back to you."

"Thank you."

Other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything valuable in the lab.

Lu Fuji looked at the desk in the laboratory.

This is obviously the place where Annan conducts research. The computers have been moved away, leaving only a display screen and a heavy booklet next to it. I don't know what it is.

Lu Fuji opened the booklet and found that it contained the information files of the corpse-eating cultists.

It turns out that Annan recorded the personal information of the believers. No wonder he could tell the names and circumstances of each of them during the gathering, so as to win people's hearts.

However, he was stunned when he came across a message from a believer.

"John Moore?"

His thoughts drifted back to the place of death, where the dream began.

Old John's file was no different from what they found.

But there is an extra note.

"Old John is also a poor man. He spent the first half of his life rescuing orphans in the slums. But in the second half of his life, because his lifespan reached the limit, he developed a fear of death. But unfortunately, the sacred tree that should have belonged to him The marrow was taken away by another priest in the temple. What a coincidence, that young priest happened to be the orphan he rescued in his early years. How ironic."

"Even if such people gain the power of dark matter, they are still useless trash. Therefore, I will arrange for them to take copies of the sacred objects to the land of death and purify the ecology."

The last line of words turned shockingly scarlet.

"Damn, damn, damn! What happened to this old John? Whose help did he get? What he took away turned out to be... the body of the holy object! How could the holy object be taken away? What? How should I explain to her? Ah, I want to kill him!"

The handwriting was twisted so hard that you can imagine the anger and irritability when writing it.

Lu Fuji was startled and immediately understood something.

He subconsciously clenched his right hand.

The so-called holy object is the thing that blends into his palm.

It turns out that those corpse-eating cultists who go out to pollute the environment get replicas of sacred objects.

But what Old John got was the real thing.

No wonder this thing would appear in the hands of those mediocre pagans.

It turns out there is something hidden in it.

"Oppression, bullying, and plunder... are inevitable even today, five hundred years later."

Lianhua said softly: "The Divine Intelligence even acquiesces to this behavior, because He believes that absolute fairness is absolute unfairness. No one knows whether He is right or wrong, but no one has overturned Him so far. Rule. Only during the period when the divine monarch exists, the power of the divine intelligence will be squeezed to a minimum. But... the divine monarch is also mortal."

Lu Fuji looked at the human suffering recorded in the manual and shook his head.

He was still more curious, what exactly was the holy object?

Too bad he couldn't get an answer.

At the end of this manual, there are detailed photos and information of a person.

That was a middle-aged man who didn't seem to be a corpse-eating cultist, but a member of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

Annan painted the man's photo with crosses all over it.

It looks startling.

It was obvious that he was suppressing extreme anger.

Lu Fuji understood.

This is what Annan deliberately left behind.

Just to let them see the existence of this person.

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(End of this chapter)

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