edge of pure land.

Chapter 82: Strange Ghost Technique and Soul Blade

Chapter 82: Strange Ghost Technique and Soul Blade (st update)

In the conference room on the top floor of Hengxing Biotechnology Co., Ltd., the huge floor-to-ceiling windows let in bright sunlight, cutting the long black table into a staggered pattern of light and dark, with one person in the light and three in the dark.

Lyman put his hands on his chin, looked at the three people opposite him with sharp eyes, and said calmly: "If I am not mistaken, you are the three directors of this company. Raul Morgan, the vice chairman of the Morgan Group, is 30 You retired from the military three years ago and turned to city-state trade. You are well-known in this city and often appear in the media's sight."

He said calmly: "I heard that your face recently suffered a large area of ​​burns, and it seems that you still haven't recovered. I don't know if you have seen me, but I have seen you."

Vice Chairman Raul's face was bandaged, with only one eye exposed.

His eyes were a little nervous.

Lyman turned to look at the man next to him: "Chairman Aaron, the company under your name is the key to the operation of the city's medical security system. I remember that you started researching drugs to remove scars four years ago. Didn’t you use it on your burned face?”

Chairman Aaron's eyes also changed.

"Miss Chen Jing, long time no see."

Lyman looked at the last girl again and said gently: "It must be hard for a girl to support the company left by her father, right? I promised your father that I would take good care of you, but I didn't expect that something like this would happen. . This is my responsibility. I have been busy practicing in the past few years. Fortunately, you are not like the other two, with large areas of facial burns..."

He paused: "I haven't seen you in the past few years, and you have changed a lot."

Miss Chen Jing pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Girls will always change when they grow up. Please remember my father's instructions back then. I can take care of myself."

Lyman leaned on the back of the seat and tapped the table with both hands: "Really? The problem is that the Miss Chen in my memory is perverse and withdrawn, with an arrogant and paranoid personality. She has always been a problem girl. I still remember that back then. When Archbishop Metanzo wanted to enter the Holy Mountain, her father was one of the many helpers and one of the main persons in charge of the exploration plan. After Archbishop Metanzo disappeared, Mr. Chen led a team into the Holy Mountain to search and rescue , and never came back.”

He said slowly: "Our Russell family was also the main participant in this incident, and we paid a heavy price for it. Because of this incident, Ms. Chen has always been very dissatisfied with us. Oh, by the way, Mr. Chen never asked me to take care of his daughter. , I was only thirteen years old when he had the accident."

The expressions of the directors present changed.

Especially the so-called Miss Chen Jing, her underwear was even tricked out.

There was a boom.

There was a violent explosion in the building, and dust shook off.

The teacups on the table were shaking slightly.

"You three impostors should stop acting."

Lyman said calmly: "Tell me, where are they?"

Faced with his calm power, the directors only managed to hold on for ten seconds before collapsing. Just when they wanted to escape, they were surrounded by a large number of inspectors and robots.

But no one saw that across a busy commercial street, someone on the building across the street was always observing their every move with a sniper rifle scope.

Qiangwei quickly retracted her sniper rifle and translated the conversation just now using the information she got through lip reading: "Boss, these three people are all fakes."

Longque was leaning on the railing of the rooftop, smoking a cigarette and lost in thought.

"Raul, Aaron, Chen Jing, whether directly or indirectly, they are all people related to the first Holy Mountain Operation sixteen years ago. Why is it such a coincidence?"

he said softly.

The Holy Mountain has been his lifelong nightmare.

Humans have explored the Holy Mountain many times.

But only the first and sixth times were serious accidents.

There seems to be something that connects all of this.

But he still can't think clearly.

"The latest news is that there may be important hostages in the building, namely the three directors of Hengxing Biotechnology Co., Ltd. I mentioned before. They were more or less involved in the first survey of the Holy Mountain. You act according to the situation and save them if you can. ." Long Que said into the microphone on his collar.

Qiangwei adjusted the communication channel, waiting for feedback at any time.

"Well, I think it's not a matter of people or hostages now."

A young man's voice came from the earphones: "We have made a major discovery."



At this moment, Lu Fuji walked through the maze-like corridor and stood under the flickering red light. He silently put down the woman behind him. They had used their speed to get rid of the following White Walkers along the way, but they There was no feeling of relief, but more vigilance.

Above the head is a red sign indicating the body modification area.

There was a noisy sound of electricity coming from his earphones, and the signal was no longer very good.

After all, in this hellish scene, it is normal to have no signal.

"These ghost things..."

Yuan Qing's energy was like a gossamer, as if she was afraid of waking up the dead souls in hell.

The dome here is five meters high, with transparent glass curtain walls on both sides. On the huge iron frame behind the wall are neatly arranged petri dishes. Evolutionaries soaked in nutrient solution are sleeping inside, and their bodies are all connected. An infusion tube is used to transport a certain substance.

"It looks like we've broken into something special."

Lu Fuji stared at the experimental subjects behind the glass curtain wall. Most of these people showed signs of decay. It was obvious that they had a rejection reaction when the dark matter was fused.

They were also marked as defective.

There are also people who have a mild degree of decay and are labeled as semi-finished products.

In the middle of the corridor is a huge altar.

Not only that, there are also ancient stone statues and huge clay tablets placed here, like exhibits enshrined in a museum. Surrounded by sacrificial utensils, there are crowns woven from tree roots, and inlaid crystals. There are skulls, the remains of giant pythons, and ancient copper bells.

"It turns out that everything in the underground ruins was moved here."

Lu Fuji turned around and looked at the ancient stone statue: "No wonder there weren't many valuable things left except for the empty laboratory."

It was an image of a fallen angel.

There is a scarlet inverted cross on his forehead, and he wears a terrifying skull mask. His eyes seem to reflect hellish scarlet, and his whole body is covered with immortal hard armor, filled with burning scarlet lines, formed by the gathering of thorns. The wings are spread out, dripping with darkness.

With uncanny carving skills, this fallen angel seems to be burning in the darkness.

"Sister, do you think he looks like a rotten ghost or a thorn ghost?"

Lu Fuji couldn't help but said.

"It's a bit like that."

Yuan Qing came over to take a closer look: "This seems to be a desolate god."

Shika Fuji was stunned: "Aragami?"

"Well, it is second only to the evolved form below the gods."

At this time, Yuan Qing showed her heritage as a member of the Yuan family and explained: "Look at the hardened armor on his body and the thorns growing on his back. These are the characteristics of the rotten ghost and the thorn ghost. Whenever he evolves At a certain stage, He will gain a new ability.”

"Sister, you can actually remember this."

Lu Fuji praised.

"I heard the specific principles back then, but I forgot about it!"

Yuan Qing pouted: "It's too hypnotic to take that kind of class."

Lu Fuji wiped his face hard, but he still couldn't believe this woman.

However, when he turned to look at the sculpture, his mind became more active.

One day, I might be able to evolve like this.

Yuan Qing stared at the huge clay tablet under the stone statue carefully. There was no doubt that these were words from the Ministry of the Past. She bit her finger and looked at it for a long time, as if she understood something.

"Can you understand?"

Lu Fuji was shocked.

This should be the clay tablet document that was taken away from the Ministry of Purity.

He couldn't understand a word.

If Yuan Qing could understand, the sun was really rising in the west.

"Last time I lost someone outside the wall, I went back to make up for it."

Yuan Qing raised her chin proudly: "I understand this time!"

She had a show-off expression on her face.

As if to say: "Praise me quickly, praise me quickly!"       "Sister, please speak."

"This clay tablet seems to be talking about the principles of the White Walkers. The real White Walkers are determined based on the physique and soul of each evolver. After they swallow the dark matter, if they adapt to themselves, something in the body will Each organ will undergo a certain degree of mutation. The ability produced by the mutation is related to the evolutionary chain to which Dark Matter belongs, but it will not perfectly replicate the abilities of the White Walkers."

"Hmm...didn't understand."

Lu Fuji shook his head.

At that time, Xuelian did talk to him about science, but the talk was very general.

"Well, let me think about it."

Yuan Qing had little knowledge of the existence of the White Walkers before, but only now did she understand: "To put it simply, take the evolutionary chain of the Creation Brood as an example. The mutated organ is the skin. When you fuse the darkness of this sequence, After the constitution, the skin will mutate. Considering that your numerology is the attribute of thunder, your skin may also undergo changes in the attribute of thunder."

"I see."

Lu Fuji understood: "Sister, you are so smart today."

"When am I not smart?"

Yuan Qing frowned and said modestly: "If I hadn't secretly observed Longque performing the White Walker technique a few years ago, I probably wouldn't have been able to figure it out. What he swallowed was the White Walker in the evolutionary chain of the Dragon of Candlelight. Then his spine mutated and he was able to transform into a dragon!"

Lu Fuji's heart moved, this was indeed different from his own ability.

Because there is a high probability that he can swallow up an entire evolutionary chain.

In short, his own ability is to be able to devour White Walkers.

Thereby becoming White Walkers and mastering their abilities.

The alien magic is more like a combination of dark matter and numerology.

Transform yourself into a new kind of White Walker.

"The practice of ghost magic can also evolve, but it also depends on the compatibility between numerology and dark matter. For example, the immortalization of the dead ghost, if I fuse this dark matter, my flames will become Become an immortal flame. If you are an evolver of the tree genus and gain the ability to become immortal, you will become an immortal tree! In the Creation Brood Sequence, all White Walkers of the first to third levels should have the power of immortality. He They can all be used to fuse ghost magic."

When Yuan Qing saw this, her beautiful eyes flashed brightly, as if she was eager to try: "But if you want to evolve the White Walker technique, you have to devour the next stage, which is the fourth to sixth level White Walkers. That one. When the time comes, your ghost magic will change, such as changing from the Immortal Wood to the Eternal Wood or something, I don’t know the specifics.”

But she thought of something, and the expectant look in her eyes disappeared.

Instead, there was deep fear.

Lu Fuji understood.

This is again the difference between ghost magic and one's own abilities.

The former masters general abilities.

The latter is a subtle change at every stage.

The former focuses on the conceptual level.

The latter is more comprehensive.

"Sister, I see that you seem to be very excited. I remember that you are from the Holy Family in the City of God. Isn't there anyone in your family who has mastered the art of ghosts?"

he asked again.

"How is it possible? There is absolutely no way that my original family would get involved in that kind of thing? It would lead to annihilation! The big families in Tianzhu City all talk about the ghost magic. I asked my father once before out of curiosity. As a result, I was severely beaten. I don’t know why, this new system created by the third generation of the Holy Monarch has been listed as taboo.”

Yuan Qing muttered: "On the contrary, the soul blade system pioneered by Lord Metanzo has now become the mainstream. But unfortunately, Lord Metanzu failed to become the Holy Monarch."


This is the second time Lu Fuji has heard this name.

He also had a rough impression of the Soul Blade.

When he first came to the Third City Guards, the huge iron bow in Yuan Qing's hand was the legendary soul blade. Later he went on missions with her and saw her use it several times.

I have to say, it is very powerful.

Noah Agency seems to be responsible for forging this weapon.

"Just listen to what I have to say about these things. They are not allowed to be spread to outsiders."

Yuan Qing glared: "Especially the ghost magic, you must not learn it. My father said that thing is Pandora's box. Although it will bring you great power, it will also bring you disaster. Master it. Most people who have mastered the alien magic can no longer be regarded as human beings. The Yuan family has also suppressed several disasters caused by the alien magic, and paid a considerable price. The Federation and the Church have no control over the existence of those who have mastered the alien magic. Also expel and suppress as much as possible.”

She emphasized: "So far, only Longque is still alive and remains sane. But that guy's life can be considered completely ruined, right?"

Oh my god, don’t suppress me too one day.

Lu Buer complained in his heart, and asked curiously: "What happened to Longque? I always feel that he is lifeless and has nothing to care about except the Holy Mountain."

Yuan Qing shrugged: "I don't know the specifics, but look at what he looks like now. Not only has he been seriously injured and his strength has declined, and he needs medicine to restore his strength, but his legs are disabled and he has difficulty moving. What the little nurse I met today said Yes, he won’t live long.”

Lu Fuji fell silent.

Can't live long?

Yuan Qing continued to interpret the content on the clay tablet: "So that's it. No wonder I didn't think of the White Walkers when I first saw the corpse-eating cult. Because their experiments were incomplete, some people did get the abilities of the dead ghosts or the thorn ghosts. , but it also became rotten and died soon. Or, it was simply used as a host body, just like that guy Guillen."

Lu Fuji thought thoughtfully: "Is that why it's called defective products or semi-finished products?"

This is obviously somewhat similar to his own ability.

Rather than White Walkers.

These subjects gained the abilities of the White Walkers, but did not evolve gradually.

Instead, it sews together a human and some kind of White Walker.

It seems that the research on the Corpse Food Cult is indeed not going well.

Yuan Qing raised her head and looked overhead.

There were several empty petri dishes there.

"Little deer, look."

She suddenly said: "What is marked on this?"

Lu Fuji narrowed his eyes: "Quasi finished product, quasi high-end finished product!"

They both looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Regardless of the meaning of this quasi-word.

Just the two words "finished product" and "high-end finished product" were enough to shock them.

These lunatics from the Corpse Food Cult actually did some tricks!

At this moment, they heard the sound of the glass curtain wall breaking.

In the corridor they passed, the sleeping experimental subjects opened their eyes in an instant, and their pupils revealed bloodthirsty murderous intent.

It was as if the demons were awakening from their slumber!

"Sister, it seems that the double queue with you this time is a bit difficult."

Shika Fuji murmured.

Facing so many experimental subjects, he could no longer hold back.

The dark matter covered by divine magic was about to move, gathering on his right shoulder blade.

"I've also discovered that it's a bit awkward to play double queue with you!"

Yuan Qing raised her hand, and a small iron bow pendant appeared in her palm.

As the iron bow cut through the palm, it was moistened by blood and suddenly trembled and swelled.

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(End of this chapter)

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