Text-savvy, explore the copy

Chapter 179 The trial mechanism of the copy of the Divine Walking Talisman

Chapter 179 The trial mechanism of the copy of the Divine Walking Talisman

In Zhuang Cai's workshop.

Hearing a knock at the door.

Zhuang Cai waved his hand casually, and the door opened automatically, and people from outside walked in.

Looking at the crowd of people outside.

Zhuang Cai's eyes revealed confusion, why did he come all at once?

"What happened?"

Rainbow Eyes looked at him: "What we care about is what happened to you?"

"I, what's wrong with me? It couldn't be better." Zhuang Cai had a bright smile on his face that never stopped.

"Indeed, can it be seen that you have come up with something new and incredible?"

Looking at everyone, Zhuang Cai looked at his workshop again, as if this place was indeed not suitable for his use of spells.

"Let's go out and talk."

Zhuang Cai said, taking a stack of charms on his desk and putting them into his pocket, and everyone walked to the training hall.

Looking at the curious eyes of everyone.

Zhuang Cai cleared his throat and then took out a charm.

There are cyan fonts on the yellowed talisman paper.

There is a word written in Chinese characters on it.

"A Thousand Miles of Divine Journey"

"This is my latest masterpiece, the Magic Talisman."

Although Rainbow Tong and others could only see the words Qianli Shenxing on it.

But those who know how to do it can see that the main body is still the word "disease", but below it can be seen a rune derived from the word "神".

This rune is derived from the word "shi".

Because Zhuang Cai found that this rune was a bit too angular. You couldn't use such a angular rune to make a useful spell.

Of course, it may also be that his ability in this area is not up to standard.

Zhuang Cai has tried many that are indeed useful, but none of them can be called easy to use.

But adding it to the already strengthened "disease" character spell, it matched instantly.

Although Zhuang Cai is not yet able to combine the two divine words into one word to achieve a stronger effect.

But with one divine character as the main body, another rune derived from the divine character is used for strengthening.

He can still do it with his current abilities.

So there is this "divine walking talisman".

"The name is not bad, but what is its specific function?"

Zhuang Cai did not answer, but smiled and looked at everyone.

Asked: "Who among you moves the fastest?"

In fact, everyone looked at Liu Yueliu without thinking too much.

She runs the fastest among everyone.

He is a pursuit player.

Seeing that it was her, Zhuang Cai reached out and threw it without hesitation, and the charm floated directly over and landed in her hand.

Liu Yue Liu looked at the talisman in her hand.

"How to use this?"

"It's no different from the [Stride Talisman]. It's attached to the feet and used, but you have to have a mental expectation that the speed it accelerates will be explosive in an instant.

It's not a gain in status, but a momentary burst. "

Hearing this, Liu Yueliu nodded, she probably understood.

Then he attached it directly to his leg.

Everyone made way out of the way.

After giving way to a straight runway, Zhuang Cai waved again, and a blank rune paper without any fonts floated out, and then the fonts were reflected on it.

The spell was used, and a very old-fashioned dummy appeared a hundred meters away.

It gives the illusion that a charm is attached to a wooden figure, with the words "spell" and a diagonal "dummy" written on it.

One of those useless but very interesting spells.

"The dummy talisman can more accurately determine your destructive power."

Zhuang Cai also knew about Liu Yue Liu, although he had not cleared the dungeon together.

Liuyue Liu is a pursuit player known for her speed. She is extremely fast, and her ability is directly proportional to her speed.

The faster she is, the stronger her attacks are.

Seeing that Zhuang Cai had even prepared the venue for her, Liu Yueliu nodded.

He directly picked up his weapon from the weapon rack next to him.

A sword made of special materials.

Although it's a bit strange to say this, Liu Yue Liu's outfit looks to be the most two-dimensional among them.

Ryuugetsu Ryu's appearance gives people the feeling of a two-dimensional Tachi-senpai when she holds a tachi.

With a relatively perfect slender figure, long straight black hair hanging down, plus the jk outfit she prefers to wear and the tachi in her hand, it can be said that they are exactly the same.

Take a deep breath.

Liu Yueliu took a stance and held the handle of the sword.

Zhuang Cai can keenly feel the flow of energy.

A light blue breeze began to surround Liu Yueliu.

The charm on his feet was activated.

The effect appears.

The light cyan color enveloped her legs in an instant.

Liu Yueliu instantly noticed the weird and extremely impactful speed bonus on his body.

He rushed out in an instant without hesitation.

Everyone saw only a stream of cyan light, completely invisible, almost in the blink of an eye.

Then there was a crisp cry.

"Qing Ming!"

The cyan stream of light has appeared a hundred meters away.

What he then swung out was a blue air blade about two to three meters long.

Swinging it out from her sword, it flew out and split the dummy in an instant.

Then the penetration dummy continued to fly backwards for three to four meters.

A deep trench was left in the ground.

Liu Yueliu exhaled and stood up straight again. When she saw the deep ditch she had cut, her expression changed.

His face became embarrassed.

He turned to look at the people in the distance, and then his eyes fell on Rainbow Eyes.

"I didn't expect it to be so fast and I wasn't sure."

She originally just wanted to hit the dummy, but who knew that the speed of the explosion was too fast at that moment, and she just slashed out without being able to regain her strength.

Rainbow Tong sighed and waved her hand helplessly.

Of course this is no wonder Liu Yueliu.

Others were more concerned about Liu Yue Liu's sudden burst of speed.

They had all passed the level together with Liu Yueliu, and they knew that even Liu Yueliu couldn't reach the ultimate speed, like just now.

One hundred meters per second?

No, even faster.

It even gives people the illusion of teleportation.

Liu Yueliu, who came over, seemed to be still pondering over the feeling just now.

"How was the experience?"

Zhuang Cai asked with a smile.

"It's not bad, but there's something strange about it. I feel like it's not all about speed, there's a strange power, I don't know what it is.

If it was really that fast, the destructive power of the knife I just struck might be even greater.

I feel like the surroundings are slowing down? This is probably the effect. "

Liu Yueliu couldn't imagine this kind of ability. After all, she just made herself run faster. Her physical sensation was still the same. How could she feel that her surroundings were slowing down? It’s not like everyone’s speed has become faster.

But she had never reached such a speed, so it was hard to judge what it felt like.

Hearing this, Zhuangcai smiled.

It can only be said that Liu Yueliu's feeling was not wrong. The ability to explode at such an extreme speed was due to the ability of time.

Although it is very weak and can only be used on itself.

Zhuang Cai himself cannot control such a small amount of time, whether it goes forward or backward.

But with the word "disease" as a guide, and the little bit of time added, it naturally accelerated.

Plus a little bit of technique.

Let the acceleration of time and the power of the word "disease" work together on the user.

This is a real spell with a certain time effect.

This resulted in the effect of this spell being completely beyond their current level.

After adding the condiment called time, the effect achieved is sublimated.

Of course, this makes it difficult to make this charm.

Moreover, the time of the explosion was only this moment, but the speed and sensitivity of the explosion at this moment almost reached a very outrageous speed.

The effect brought by time also allows the user to enter an effect called bullet time in an instant.

But the effect is too fast during this period, making it difficult for people to make useful actions during this period.

If this talisman is given to Nansu and North.

Let him do the sneak attack.

I can't even think about it.

"Is it just this talisman?" Nan Subei asked strangely from the side.

"What do you mean it's just this one? Isn't this one powerful?" Zhuang Cai glared at him and said.

But it's not just this one. It's just that although the other spells also use brand-new fonts, the effect is a bit weird, at least not as outrageous as this spell.

So there is nothing to say.

For example, the runes derived from the word "empty".

It is the same as "Shi". It cannot be used as a useful charm alone.

So Zhuang Cai also added other subjects to it.

But how can I put it, the effects are subtle and cannot be shown.

The effect may be better when used in actual combat, but if they are allowed to test it now, they really won't be able to detect much.

And because the "empty" Zhuangcai sees more fonts, the effect of the derived spell is better.

It has good linkage with many spells.

For example, it’s very strange, but it has a very interesting linkage with the cleansing talisman.

And the things that come out of the linkage are a bit too strange, but you can't say that it's useless.

Zhuang Cai called it "the Shinra Tenzheng cleanup garbage version".

It no longer collects garbage into a ball, but directly uses invisible brute force to empty it and push it away.

From this came a spell.

"Empty Character".

Clear directly with one sign.

Added to the "Flying Blade Talisman", the flying blade produces a certain spatial effect, and is a new talisman that greatly improves the penetrating ability.

"Breaking Talisman".

It has extremely strong breaking ability and can penetrate higher defenses.

There is also the most interesting "Sharp Talisman".

This spell now adds a layer of spatial properties to the weapon in addition to making it sharper.

Although it is a weak layer, it is at least better than nothing. It directly attaches special effects to the entire blade.

This directly results in the blade being able to hit some illusory objects that cannot be hit.

Useful is definitely useful.

These are all the achievements of Zhuang Cai.

In the end, Zhuang Cai took out the results of the past few days and distributed them to everyone.

Seeing that Zhuang Cai rarely came out, Rainbow Tong thought for a while and said.

"Would you like to decide on the next dungeon today?"

"Okay." Zhuang Cai thought for a moment and nodded.

It has been a month and a half since Zhuang Cai experienced death.

It is equivalent to two and a half months since Zhuang Cai last cleared the level.

Although it doesn’t mean that you will go immediately after making a decision, but you can indeed decide on the choice of the next dungeon first.

It's better to make some preparations in advance.

"Are there any options?"

Zhuang Cai never paid attention to this aspect and looked directly at Rainbow Eyes and asked.

The two of them went straight to the rest area, and Rainbow Tong retrieved some information from the computer.

"These are LV·4 level copies that need to be cleaned up at this stage."

"Need to clean up?" Zhuang Cai was a little confused.

Rainbow Tong nodded: "After all, we have to clear the LV·4 level dungeon, so we have the authority to know some real information.

Remember the place we went to support last time, right? "

Zhuang Cai nodded.

"That dungeon was an example of accumulating too much energy without being consumed, which caused the monsters inside to turn into reality and rush out from the dungeon.

Each copy actually has an energy accumulation bar. "

Zhuang Cai understood after hearing this.

"What you mean is that every time we clear a copy, we are actually reducing this energy bar.

If you don't clear a dungeon for a long time and let its energy level accumulate too much, what will happen to the situation we encountered that day? "

Rainbow Eyes nodded: "Yes, that's what it means."

Reasonable, indeed reasonable.

"Then why is it low-level..."

As soon as Zhuang Cai finished speaking, he stopped himself.

Why else could this be?

Of course, it's because low-level copies won't kill people, they just have some side effects, so of course you don't need to worry about them.

Therefore, low-level dungeons will not have such a situation, because there are enough people to clear the level.

But high-level dungeons are different. If you accidentally die in the dungeon, you will really die.

The losses were huge all at once, and many people were frightened.

There are only a few people who are not afraid of death.

And how many of these people who are not afraid of death can reach LV 4, and how many can really play a useful role at this level.

Rainbow Eyes saw that Zhuang Cai had already thought of it, and continued: "In high-level dungeons, if we die inside, the energy bar will not be consumed. Instead, the energy bar will grow."


Zhuang Cai couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning. If he thought about it carefully, it was a bit too cruel.

Why does it actually increase energy regulation? Isn’t that easy to calculate? Because the dead explorer becomes part of the energy of the instance.

Eaten by a copy.

But this situation will not occur in low-level dungeons, because people will not die in low-level dungeons.

"No wonder." Zhuang Cai murmured.

He suddenly thought of his previous conversation with Milia in the castle's dungeon.

All high-level intelligent beings like to hide these things.

This has almost become inevitable.

But it’s meaningless. The more you hide it, the more dangerous and irreversible it will become in the end.

Because the copy will slowly force them to let go. If they insist on letting go, or slow down, they will suffer the consequences.

Now Zhuang Cai may be able to figure it out.

Low-level copies began to explode in large numbers.

If you are not ready to let go in advance, then there will be a problem. There will not be enough manpower to clear the low-level levels.

High-level copies will also increase, but at a much slower rate than low-level ones.

At this time, taking one step slower will lead to a very bad situation. There are not enough people to clear the high-level dungeons, and too many low-level dungeons need to be cleared.

Being unable to clear the dungeon for a long time will allow monsters to come out and cause a large number of killings, causing panic, making the problem even bigger and causing greater damage.

The slower the situation, the worse it gets.

In the end, it directly creates an infinite loop and it's over.

But if you are aware of this situation and make decisive changes, then you still have the ability to stop it.

If we are ready to open up before such a mechanism appears, we will successfully overcome this difficulty.

It even achieves a virtuous cycle, causing the entire civilization and the world to begin to develop rapidly and prosper.

These copy mechanisms set up in advance are a conspiracy.

"It's like a test, a trial."

Zhuang Cai couldn't help but mutter to himself.

A trial that targets the bad qualities of an entire civilization.

Rainbow Tong probably knew what he meant, and nodded beside her.

"Selfishness, greed, arrogance, and luck will destroy oneself and drag the entire world and civilization to destruction."

Rainbow Tong also felt a little scared as she spoke.

If we say that we didn't make a good choice at that time, someone really did such a stupid thing.

All of them will be buried with him, and even the entire civilization may be buried with him. The more I think about it, the stupider I feel.

"The person who created the copy is really selfless and ruthless."

Rainbow Tong couldn't help but murmur to herself.

Selflessly, directly release this kind of copy that can improve the overall power and technological level of the entire civilization.

The ruthlessness lies in the fact that once any inappropriate operation is made, it will be directly destroyed due to the mechanism of the copy.

"Well, you don't need to worry so much. At least we made the right choice at the last moment." Zhuang Cai said with a smile.

Although they are in a certain crisis now, it can be seen that the large forces have begun to keep up.

Just need to wait two or three months, and the earliest group of people will enter LV·4.

The number is definitely not much compared to the overall base, but at least it is much more than before. This is the biggest booster.

This means that they at least made the right choice in the final period. Although it was a bit difficult, at least they can see hope in the future.

Thinking about it now, if it had been slower for another year or half a year, we might have fallen into a worse vicious cycle.

If it were any slower, it might not be possible to save it.

"Let's get down to business." Zhuang Cai said after coming back to his senses.

Rainbow Tong nodded and continued to talk about the retrieved information.

"Among these dungeons that need to be cleaned up, four of them are more suitable for LV·4 to advance to LV·3."

All LV·4 level copies do not exist and there is no information.

After all, the safety of many people is at stake.

After careful exploration, you can naturally identify which copies are more suitable for promotion.

After all, the dungeon at this stage is a leap forward. With their LV·3 strength, if they choose high difficulty, the chance of death will be too high.

The difficulty should be moderate, just right.

"Is there so little information on these four copies, or is it a special supply?"

"Specially provided for you." Rainbow Eyes said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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