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Chapter 185 The Fire of Revenge in the Heart

"You said... between cows and deer."

Before Zhuang Cai finished speaking, Rainbow Tong understood what he meant and punched him in the leg.

She gave him a hard look with her own eyes: "Stop talking, I don't want to remember it!"

After finally suppressing his thoughts about that, when Zhuang Cai mentioned it, he couldn't help but think about it.

"What? What happened?"

Alice asked curiously from the mark on the back of her hand.

Looking at Alice, the two of them couldn't help but cough awkwardly.


"Oh." Although Alice was very curious, Alice was a good child. Since she didn't want to talk, she didn't ask.

With this thought in her mind, Alice flew to Zhuang Cai's neck.

Zhuang Cai held Alice's legs and asked Alice to hold her head with both hands to prevent her from falling.

"Do you think there's anything suspicious about this matter?" Rainbow Tong asked.

At least looking at it now, he felt that it was indeed a very normal case of killing his wife, without too many doubts.

In this situation, it is very normal to be angry and kill someone with a knife.

Even honest people are angry.

Zhuang Cai was thinking as he walked, and after thinking for a while he said, "Actually, there is a doubt, but I don't know if it counts."

"Talk about it."

"Perhaps you didn't read the file just now, but I took a quick look and found out that Niu Ba was a well-known gangster around him. He relied on his physical strength and bravery to fight, making the surrounding neighbors very annoying.

But you also saw that he was hacked to death on the spot.

It was the stag that chopped him to death. Although you didn't see it, the size of that stag didn't look like someone who could chop down a bully.

Unless that Niu Ba is also a pure paper tiger.

If Lu Chang had this ability, he wouldn't be bullied everywhere. He looks very thin and... weak, and he looks like he is easy to bully. "

Zhuang Cai concluded.

"So what you want to say is how can a person like him be able to hack Niu Ba to death, right?"

Zhuang Cai nodded, that's what he meant, but then he said: "But after all, this is not the real world, isn't it? If he had to say it, he suddenly took action out of mad rage. The bully was hacked to death, In fact, it doesn't seem to be very unusual.

So this is just a doubtful point or not. "

The main reason is that the timing is wrong. If a murder case suddenly appears at this time, you can't even think about it without suspicion.

"Then maybe we can ask Lu Chang himself." Rainbow Eyes said.

Given their status, it's absolutely fine.

Zhuang Cai nodded, then shook his head.

Alice, who was sitting on Zhuang Cai's neck and holding his head, shook her body as Zhuang Cai nodded.

"I was thinking the same thing just now, but suddenly I felt something was wrong. If there was really a problem, wouldn't we just have alerted the enemy?

After all, we are new here and don’t really understand many of the city’s problems. "

"Indeed." Rainbow Tong nodded, agreeing with Zhuang Cai's statement.

"There were indeed a lot of people at the Yamen just now. Maybe we can take advantage of our duties and go there secretly to inquire at night."

Zhuang Cai smiled: "That's exactly what I meant."

The two chatted and returned to the small courtyard where they were resting.

After entering, he saw Hu Yu, who was half-lying in the stone pavilion next to him and seemed to have fallen asleep.

It looked very chic, and there were still the remains of the finished cakes on the stone table.

Seemingly sensing that Zhuang Cai and the others were back, Hu Yu opened her eyes.

Although in Zhuang Cai's opinion, it didn't matter whether he opened his eyes or not.

"Come back? How does Huang Zhongcheng feel?"

"It's okay." Zhuang Cai replied casually.

After a while, the courtyard door was pushed open again, and two silent people, Chen Jianping and Xiong Xian, walked in.

Several people sat together in the stone pavilion.

Zhuang Cai thought for a while and asked: "We are here to prevent the sealed evil things from affecting the city.

Well – what impact will it have on cities? "

"What's the impact?" Hu Yu repeated, as if recalling, and then said: "It's all related to the murder of the evil demon. The evil demon likes to arouse the murderous intention and hatred in people's hearts.

It causes people's hearts to be trapped by hatred, rise up to kill, and then indulges in hatred and killing, destroying the peace of the city. "

Revenge killing?

Hearing such an influence, Zhuang Cai and Hong Caitong looked at each other and understood the thoughts in each other's eyes.

"Did you find anything?" Hu Yu asked curiously, looking at the two of them.

Zhuang Cai nodded, and then recounted what they had just seen.

After listening, Hu Yu rubbed his chin and nodded his head from time to time.

"At first glance, it seems normal that there is a reason for this, but upon further reflection, it is indeed consistent with what the evil thing did.

Mainly because the timing was so coincidental. "

And after listening to this.

Chen Jianping rarely spoke: "Then how to prevent this? The hatred hidden in people's hearts is not something we can see. By the time we know it, the blood debt has already been committed."


After saying that, everyone turned to look at Hu Yu.

"Not everyone who commits blood debt for revenge will surrender like Lu Chang.

Most of them will commit killings in revenge, and they will become addicted to killings and cannot distinguish right from wrong.

Although Lu Chang was trapped by the hatred in his heart, he did not indulge in it after the killing, nor did he feel resentful about what others had done. But maybe he is a kind person with strong will at heart. What a pity, what a pity. "

To put it simply, if Na Lu Chang was really influenced, after he killed his wife and his wife's lover, he did not indulge in that kind of revenge killing.

He did not start killing everyone who had bullied him because of the pleasure of revenge, but instead surrendered.

If he was really affected and could finally pull himself out, one can imagine this person's will and kindness.

But everyone also heard the subtext of Hu Yu.

"In other words, we actually have no way to prevent it. We can only take action after someone kills someone and catch them as soon as possible to avoid more killings?"

Hearing Zhuang Cai's words, Hu Yu nodded, that's what he meant.

“Everything has gains and losses, how can there be only gains but no losses?

The people of these six cities used the creatures in the cities as their suppression force to suppress the evil demon. Except for the birth of the All Souls Ball once every 300 years, the rest of the time is peaceful for the whole family. "

To put it simply, there are gains and losses.

Because if you want to suppress the evil spirits, you must ensure that the people in the six cities have a safe and secure life. The cities must have a high level of happiness.

In this ancient time of cultivation, most of the lives of these mortals could not keep up with those of these six cities.

But everything comes at a price, and 300 years of peace only exchange for one month of chaos once every 300 years, which is obviously worth it.

In other words, it is too profitable for ordinary residents.

Moreover, there are also teams specially sent by the sect to suppress the chaos, so in fact there won't be too many problems.

The price of this little bit of income is simply insignificant.

A few people thought about it and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Having said so much, in fact, they have not yet confirmed whether Lu Chang was really affected.



Under the moonlight, Zhuang Cai and Chen Jianping left the resting place, and with the help of Jade Pai, they secretly arrived at the prison below the Yamen.

Because of the special reminder during the day, Lu Chang was kept in a place without other inmates, so the actions of Zhuang Cai and others would not be noticed by others.

Arriving outside the prison, Zhuang Cai looked at Lu Chang, who was wearing prison uniform and sleeping on the thatch.

His eyes looked towards Shika Chang with a faint light, which was very obvious this time.

Although the aura on Lu Chang's body is very light, in Zhuang Cai's eyes there is still such a subtle residue, mainly because normal people have white aura.

The deer is often mixed with a little bit of black, which is so conspicuous. Looking at the black gas residue, Zhuang Cai was basically certain that Lu Chang had indeed been affected.

But looking at the gradually decreasing aura residue, we can also know that after being affected, Lu Chang got out of it again, tearing himself away from the desire for revenge and killing.

Zhuang Cai suddenly knocked on the prison door.

The banging sound woke up Lu Chang, who was sleeping with his body curled up. He sat up in a daze and was not too alarmed when he saw Zhuang Cai and the two outside the prison.

"Do you want to ask me directly?"

He thought he didn't need to wait another month, and now he was going to be dragged out and chopped.

Zhuang Cai looked at him and simply sat down cross-legged, looking at him through the cell door.

"Not really, I just wanted to ask some questions."

Although Lu Chang was confused, his somewhat timid character made him nod his head, sit up slightly and lean against the wall.

"Although saying this is a bit revealing, I still want to ask you. You should have known about your wife's affair with Niu Ba for a long time, but why did you have the courage to hack them to death that day?"

Hearing Zhuang Cai's question, Lu Chang recalled it with an expression of regret and annoyance, but also seemed to have a hint of anger.

"My wife and I fell in love. She was not like that originally. It was just because I was too cowardly and useless, and I disappointed her."


After listening to Lu Chang's words, Zhuang Cai and Chen Jianping looked at each other and didn't know what to answer for a moment.

Fortunately, Lu Chang did not stop talking, but continued: "I went home early that day, and happened to run into what happened between those two people.

Although I already knew it, I still felt sad when I saw them there, but I didn’t want to kill those two people at the time, at least I didn’t want to kill my wife.

At that time, I was thinking that it was time to divorce my wife.

But at this time, the two people seemed to have noticed my return, and they happened to bump into me in a hurry. They seemed to insult me ​​when the matter was revealed.

I was so angry that I picked up the kitchen knife next to me in anger. When I...when I came back to my senses, I had hacked the two people to death and fell in a pool of blood. "

Having said this, Lu Chang covered his forehead.

He seemed to be regretting it now.

Regret that he accidentally killed his wife.

Looking at him, Chen Jianping suddenly said: "Did you feel so happy at that time that you wanted to pick up the knife and chop all those who bullied you to death, so that they all fell in a pool of blood."

Hearing Chen Jianping's words, Lu Chang raised his head fiercely, staring at Chen Jianping with fear in his eyes.

Apparently he was right.

In horror, Lu Chang swallowed his saliva, and after a while he nodded: "Yes, that's what I thought at that time. I wanted to hold the kitchen knife in my hand and chop all those who bullied me to death. .

I don't know why I thought that, I was scared and turned myself in. "

The two of them had gotten the information they wanted. Zhuang Cai stood up and sighed as he looked at Lu Chang, who seemed to be trembling in memory of their words.

He raised his hand and hooked it, and a charm flew in and stuck to Lu Chang's body.

"Have a good sleep."

The charm burned, and the deer often fell down in the straw and fell asleep.

The two of them returned the same way and returned to the courtyard.

At this time, in the courtyard, Rainbow Tong and the others were waiting for their return.

After coming back, they sat together again, and Zhuang Cai recounted what happened in the dungeon.

"It is basically certain that the problem is caused by the loose seal and the evil atmosphere."

"It is impossible for everyone to be like Lu Chang, who can turn back in time in the midst of revenge and killing.

So our current task is to catch the criminals as soon as possible after the murder case occurs, so as to avoid causing more killings? "

Upon hearing Rainbow Tong's question, Zhuang Cai nodded. At least for now, this was their temporary mission.

On the first day after entering the dungeon, they all achieved something.

At this time, another city.

In Wushe City.

In the dark night, Wu Nian and four others were sitting on the top floor of a double-story building.

"To summarize today's intelligence, we know some information about this mission from the sheep-headed elder. What we need to pay attention to are some things about hatred and killing.

In other words, we need to always pay attention to whether there are murder cases. "

The leader of their team was none other than the antelope.

However, their elder Antelope can be said to be indifferent to these things, or to this mortal matter.

After telling the four people about the matter, he gave them full responsibility for the entire task, and he began to practice on his own on the spiritual veins.

Under the leadership of Jiang Shuyu, Wu Nian's team also had a simple charter.

“Maybe the impact hasn’t started yet, because there haven’t been any murders in this city for five or six years.

We just need to keep an eye on what's coming next. "

After saying that, the four of them dispersed and returned to the room to rest.

It seemed that the first day passed peacefully.

Huangzhong City, where Zhuang Cai's team is located, has begun to show signs of being affected by evil spirits.

Wushe City, where Jiang Shuyu's team is located, does not seem to have any signs of being affected by evil spirits.

So, what about Gusai City, where the Nansu and Northern teams are located, which has been relatively unlucky all the way?

At this time, the first night they were in seemed to be very different from the tranquility of the other two cities.

Fires broke out in three places across the city's center.

The fire shot up into the sky, illuminating the dark night.

The officers and soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion and residents from all walks of life were putting out the fire. The entire city was obviously more "vital" than the other two.

At this time, Nan and Su Bei were running wildly on the bricks and tiles of residents' houses alone.

"Don't run away. If you have the ability to set fire, don't run away if you have the ability!"

At this time, what South and North Jiangsu are chasing is the arsonist who set the fire tonight.

Obviously, the arsonist who was escaping was no ordinary person. He was extremely fast and seemed to know the entire city very well.

Sometimes he jumped on the roof, and sometimes he got into the alley again. If Nansubei wasn't faster and had spider silk to close the distance, he would have been lost.

He yelled and chased.

And the man in black clothes who kept running away looked back from time to time.

Looking at Nan Subei who was chasing after him, he felt extremely agitated.

"It's so haunting, why can't I get rid of it!"

He cursed and then turned around, and then he was faced with a huge hammer, and he was hit straight by the hammer without warning.

The whole person was like a baseball, flying backwards and hitting the wall of a resident's courtyard.

"Run! Keep running for my aunt!"

Carrying a huge hammer, the petite Qiaoyun said angrily.

Nan Subei, who was chasing behind him, immediately jumped down and waved his hand. A large number of spiritual spider threads immediately tied up the arsonist who hit the courtyard wall.

In order to prevent him from performing other operations, paralyzing lightning was poured directly into his body.

The arsonist immediately fell to the ground trembling.

After a while, Yang Rongrong and Han Qu also ran over from the other two sides. It turned out that people had already formed a circle of encirclement, and the arsonist had already fallen into the circle and could not escape at all.

Yang Rongrong walked over and pulled off the black cloth covering the arsonist's face.

A chicken head is revealed.

Han Qu took out a piece of paper that looked like a wanted notice from his arms, compared it, and nodded.

"Yes, that's him."

But the chicken man recovered from his paralysis, looked at a few people and said with a smile: "Gu, are you still in the mood to stare at me? Gu Gu Gu Gu!"

The laughter was like a cock crow, unusually harsh.

Then with a roar in the distance, another house burned.

Apparently he had an accomplice.

Apparently they couldn't get any rest tonight.

The other two teams were sleeping soundly in the peaceful city. (End of chapter)

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