Chapter 42

The entire human territory is divided into 1008 cosmic countries, and Ganwu Cosmic Kingdom is one of the extremely ancient countries.

Within the scope of Ganwu Universe Kingdom, the most powerful force is undoubtedly the royal family under the jurisdiction of the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom.

Any force needs to absorb countless strong people, recruit and train a large number of geniuses, and constantly update and iterate.

Excluding the five transcendent peak powers of mankind, the most prosperous and sacred place in the Qianwu Universe Kingdom is the imperial capital star - Qianwu Star, and the most talked about one is the Qianwu Tower.

Without him, this is a real Tower of Babel that does not limit your challenges. As long as you pass different challenges, you can get different treatments.

The Ganwu Tower is not a tower, but twin towers, one is a challenge tower below the universe level, and the other is a challenge tower at the universe level.

As one of the oldest human kingdoms, the leader of Ganwu Kingdom has been the management of Virtual Universe Company for a long time. However, he has been in debt for hundreds of millions of years. He can only put down what he is doing and focus on cultivating talents to earn contribution points and pay off debts.

These two towers are used to screen stellar-level geniuses and cosmic-level geniuses, and are also preparations for the Universe Peak Genius Battle and the Universe Peak Powerhouse Battle organized by Virtual Universe Company.

Jin Yu's destination at this time was this Qianwu Tower.

"Oh, it's really spectacular and majestic." Jin Yu looked at the tower in front of him with a sigh on his face.

You can't see the top at a glance, let alone millions of kilometers high. The lateral width is at least 200,000 kilometers.

The highest mountains on earth are far less than 10,000 meters, that is, less than ten kilometers. But looking at a height of one hundred thousand times, it is impossible to imagine how majestic it is.

The diameter of the earth is only over 10,000 kilometers. If you put it into the tower, it would be like putting a one-centimeter marble into a jar that is more than 20 centimeters wide and more than one meter high.

It's not negligible, but it's also inconspicuous.

"Babata, what do you think the Lord of the Witch Kingdom is doing setting up a tower in the imperial capital? The virtual universe is so developed, isn't it unnecessary and a waste of financial and material resources?" Jin Yu was quite puzzled by this.

Theoretically speaking, where is a more convenient and safer place to screen geniuses than the virtual universe? Why choose reality?

"Tch, you don't know this." Babata said disdainfully, and then the teacher began to explain, "I understood it when I came with the boss. This is a move that benefits the country and the people."

Seeing Jin Yu's puzzled expression, Babata in the virtual core space felt even more proud.

"The royal family of the Qianwu Universe Kingdom is the most powerful force, so all the geniuses they recruit will enter the secret realm opened by the Lord of the Qianwu Kingdom to practice. It is said that the energy of the universe there is very rich, and their cultivation will make rapid progress." Speaking of this, Babata also felt the same in his heart. A burst of emotion.

Back then, if his boss had joined the royal family, he would not have died.

After calming down, Babata continued: "But not every genius is willing to join the Qianwu Universe Kingdom. They may have higher pursuits or ambitions, some scruples, or desires. This A tower is their path to heaven."

"As long as you pass the corresponding level of this tower, you can obtain part of the inheritance."

"And as long as you pass the first ten floors of this tower, you can directly join the royal family and be trained as a core member."

"If he is strong enough to break through this tower, the Lord of Ganwu Kingdom will personally accept him as his direct disciple and train him."

"In short, as long as you are talented enough and pass the corresponding number of towers, everything you want will be available." When Babata said this, he couldn't help but look forward to it. "No matter who your enemy is, no matter what concerns you have, or what you want, as the actual controller of Ganwu Universe Kingdom, the royal family will realize it. Of course, the premise is that you are talented enough!"

"Back then, the leader of the Ganwu Cosmos Kingdom personally issued a message prohibiting any fighting within the Ganwu Tower. Anyone who disobeyed would die! It is said that a certain king, Immortal, was killed by the king because he chased his enemy and ignored the order, ignoring the order and going his own way."

Babata was dumbfounded and a little sad, "Back then, as long as the boss was willing to join the organization, he would not end up falling. But the experience of joining the organization hurt him too much."

Babata was alone there, feeling sad, recalling Huyanbo's past.

"Joining the royal family is not a bad thing." Jin Yu touched his chin and thought for a while, "Luo Feng and the others are worried about their freedom, but my clone has no such concerns at all. It's just that this clone cannot be free."

"Moreover, what kind of vision do they have? It will be a battle of geniuses within a few years. That is the biggest opportunity. How can you stand out without planning in advance?"

Of course, the reason for saying this is that Jin Yu doesn't want readers to watch the same plot all the time. The battle between geniuses is too cliche. Try something different once in a while for a change.

Otherwise, just by relying on his own talent and practicing step by step, he is confident that he can surpass everyone in the same period. If he wants, he can always stay calm and become the strongest.

"So, wouldn't it be nice if I joined an organization, practiced quietly, and lived in peace until the end of the world?" Jin Yu murmured to himself.

However, he didn't realize that at this time, he was looking at the words on the tower with an obsessed face, and he seemed to have lost his mind.

This is a fantasy!

In Jin Yu's world ring, the huge black mountain slowly stood up.

A star-level golden-horned behemoth, the best combination of metals to swallow - 325 kinds of B-grade metals with a purity of nearly 100%! Moreover, these 325 pure metals have precise proportions.

Devouring this combination at once can increase the evolutionary efficiency to 89 times!

It takes 15 years for the first to third levels of the Golden Horned Behemoth's cosmic level, 20 years for each level from the fourth to sixth levels, a total of 60 years, and 120 years for each of the seventh, eighth, and ninth levels. As for the ninth level of the universe to become a domain master, it will take 500 years!

The entire cosmic-level process usually lasts for nearly a thousand years under normal circumstances.

However, as long as you use metal combinations at a cost, you can greatly shorten the evolution time.

Now, the time Jin Yu spent along the way plus the life and death battle in the Giant Ax Arena has been almost two months.

The metal combination has an 89-fold evolutionary increase, which is comparable to nearly 15 years of normal evolution. The clone of the golden-horned giant beast is about to reach the third level of the universe.

It stands nearly 3 kilometers long and is nearly 5 kilometers long. If placed on the earth, it would be a terrifying existence that is unimaginable.

"What happened? It has definitely affected the soul of my clone." The golden-horned giant beast clearly felt that its human clone was trapped in a boundless illusion and could not escape.

"It actually affects my soul perception silently. If I encounter it in a battle, I will be dead at this moment!"

"But you want to make me fall into a fantasy like this? It's simply a delusion! This world is so gorgeous and wonderful, how can I just hang around doing nothing! This is not what I want!"

At this time, Jin Yu, who was in a state of obsession, suddenly woke up and looked at the tall tower in the distance with a vigilant face. There were countless words floating on it. At this time, the word "phantom" that was originally so bright in his eyes slowly dimmed. .

(End of this chapter)

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