Chapter 382

The inner limit of time and space

A figure wearing a red armor was shuttled through the boundless chaotic laws of time and space!

"Marquis Ouyang!"

And right behind this figure, there is a figure wearing dark green armor who is chasing after him quickly! A roar echoed throughout countless spaces in the surrounding area!

"Marquis Ou Yang, leave behind the secret crystal of time and space!"

"King Mokeng, you are thinking too much! Treasure hunting and adventure in the vast realm of time and space are all based on their own abilities. I found the secret pattern crystal of time and space first, so why should I give it to you!"

Ou Yanghou, who was flying in front, had the same black hair as the Earth Chinese people, and even his appearance was very similar to the Earth Chinese people!

"King Mokeng, if you want to go find it yourself, why are you staring at me!" Ou Yanghou yelled at King Mokeng while running away at high speed.

"Marquis Ou Yang, you should know how hard it is to find the secret crystals of time and space. Every time you find one, you are lucky! Finding one is not easy. I have spent tens of thousands of epochs in this time and space, but I still can't. I have found a secret crystal of time and space, I am bound to get it this time!"

The Mokeng King looks like a humanoid but is not a human being. Instead, he is a small race of life in the universe that is covered with metallic colors - the Mokeng Tribe!

Just by hearing the name of King Mokeng, you can tell that he is the strongest man of the Mokeng clan and the king of the Mokeng clan!

It is also a king-level immortal!

"King Mokeng! You are so shameless! If you can't find it, it's your bad luck. If I find it, it's my luck. What's the point of robbing me if you don't have that luck!"

Ou Yanghou ran as fast as he could while shouting curses at King Mokeng!

However, King Mokeng didn't care at all and shouted coldly: "Then have you ever thought that it was my luck to meet you!

To tell you the truth, you have to give me the secret crystal of time and space, whether you give it to me or not!

Our clan is good at the Law of Gold and the Law of Time, but the Law of Gold and the Law of Time are not closely integrated with each other. I only broke through to the King-level immortality after switching to the Law of Light, but my talent for the Law of Light is far inferior. With the Law of Gold and the Law of Time, it is almost impossible to go further. Now I can only rely on the secret crystals of time and space to improve my talent for the laws of time. The road ahead for me is to fight until death! "

King Mokeng roared loudly, and a horn on his head suddenly lit up. A thin beam of light condensed from King Mokeng's horn and shot straight towards Marquis Ouyang!

"King Mokeng, you are really shameless!" Ou Yanghou cursed loudly, and at the same time, he quickly turned around and set up a secret magic barrier in front of himself.

That ray of light did not penetrate Ou Yanghou's secret barrier, but the huge force pushed Ou Yanghou a long distance away!

Of course, King Mokeng is a king-level immortal after all, and even a simple move is not that easy to defend against.

Although the light was blocked by Ou Yanghou, the force of the rebound still made Ou Yanghou vomit a mouthful of blood! Of course, Ou Yanghou couldn't care about this at this time. It was good enough to receive the immortal blow from King Feng without being seriously injured. Taking advantage of the opportunity just pushed away by the light, Ou Yanghou accelerated again and pulled away from King Mokeng. Some distance!

"Ou Yang, you can't escape! Obediently hand over the secret crystal of time and space!"

When King Mokeng saw that Qu Yanghou was pulling away from him, he immediately roared angrily and attacked Qu Yanghou crazily!

As for Ou Yanghou, he could only dodge King Mo Keng's attacks in a panic, and of course he would curse.

During the pursuit and escape, Ou Yanghou quickly greeted the 180 generations of women of King Mokeng in a short period of time!

King Mokeng was so angry that he flew into a rage and wanted to tear Marquis Ouyang into pieces on the spot!

If before, King Mokeng simply wanted to kill people and seize the treasure, then now he just wants to kill Marquis Ou Yang without repenting of his hatred!

However, Ou Yanghou was really slippery. No matter how King Mokeng used his methods, he could not intercept Ou Yanghou. In terms of strength, Yanghou in this area is definitely far behind King Mokeng, but

But at this time, King Mokeng was really angry, with a total of seven eyes on both sides of his cheeks and between his eyebrows erupting with anger.

"Ou Yang! Since you are seeking death, I will help you!"

King Mokeng shouted coldly, and his momentum began to rise. Suddenly, King Mokeng's speed increased ten times, and he was suddenly a long distance away from Hou Yang!

"Burn the divine body!" Ou Yanghou was shocked when he saw it!

When an immortal-level powerhouse burns his divine body to fight, his hand, which is basically a life-threatening battle, is broken.

Under normal circumstances, immortal-level experts would not easily burn their divine bodies to fight.

The reason is very simple. When the immortal-level powerhouse loses more than 30% of its divine body, the immortal-level's strength will decline. When the divine body is consumed by more than half, the immortal-level's will will be shaken to a certain extent, and it may even fall into a coma.

If the body loss exceeds 70%, not only will the immortal's strength be permanently reduced, but there will also be a high chance of falling into a coma. At that time, the immortal will be recognized as a piece of fish and meat. If the immortal in this state is exposed to the eyes of the enemy, That is a life of complete enslavement.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, few immortals are willing to burn their divine bodies to fight. Of course, when they are really desperate, they can't control so much.

King Mokeng even burned his body to speed up the pursuit for the time-space secret crystal in Hou Yanghou's hand. Special rays of light were continuously shot at Hou Yang from King Mokeng's hand.

Faced with such actions, District Yanghou also became ruthless. It was extremely embarrassing to be chased by a king-level immortal. Now that the king-level immortal has taken the lead in burning his divine body to fight, then naturally he, a small feudal lord, can only Can follow the burning divine body to speed up and escape.

However, the strength enhancement obtained by such a feudal lord-level immortal is still far inferior to that of a king-level immortal burning divine body. Soon Hou Yanghou was severely injured by King Mokeng's crazy pursuit. The degree of damage is also increasing rapidly.

However, in a short time, more than 10% of his immortal body was lost.

However, King Mokeng's crazy attack continued, as if he would not stop until Hou Yanghou was killed!

"Mokeng! If you kill me, aren't you afraid of my human race's revenge!" Ou Yanghou was injured repeatedly and roared in embarrassment.

"Ou Yang! This is an extreme area of ​​time and space. Even the signal from the virtual universe cannot be transmitted. How will the human race know that I killed you!" King Mokeng sneered loudly.

Following King Mokeng's sneer, Ou Yanghou, who was escaping quickly, was silent for a while, and then his expression changed continuously. Finally, he turned around sharply and stared at King Mokeng with his eyes, which were three parts ferocious and seven parts determined!

"Mokeng! You forced me to do this. Even if I die, you will never get the secret crystal of time and space!"

(End of this chapter)

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