civilization myth empire

Chapter 358 5 consecutive draws, golden item Immortal Taoist Monument!

Chapter 358 Fifteen draws in a row, the golden item Immortal Taoist Monument!

For seven consecutive days, after rigorous inspections by the Film and Television Agency, a total of twenty-two officials from various departments were found to be corrupt, pervert the law, and practice favoritism.

The property involved involved more than 10,000 Dalong copper coins, and more than ten properties were involved. All those involved were severely sentenced in accordance with the law and beheaded at the execution ground in the inner city of Kyoto to serve as a warning to others.

His subordinates, relatives, family members, and friends who are involved in this case will also be punished in accordance with the law.

This was the busiest and bloodiest execution in the inner city.

When the people learned that the tax money paid by these corrupt officials was not used to build their country, but flowed into the pockets of these people, they were filled with indignation.

In Qin's officialdom, more than 20 officials, big and small, died this time. Their iron-blooded methods were able to frighten other people in the officialdom.

After dealing with the corruption incident, Qin Yu ordered a group of officials to be re-promoted from the Academy of Chinese Studies to quickly fill the vacancies.

Although this war temporarily won peace, Qin Yu felt that there was a chance that the enemy would take the opportunity to take a breather and develop, and then raise troops to counterattack in a few months.

It's not impossible.

Therefore, he cannot be idle in the remaining few months.

First of all, although this is a world simulated by Total War, there are still about nine months until the end, and you can still harvest food once.

Therefore, he decided to pull the captive population, which totaled 1.2 million, to cultivate land and grow food.

First, we should not let this group of people sit idle and prevent them from causing trouble or causing trouble.

Secondly, it simulates the terrain of Western Daze, that is, the Sanshi Continent. The land is fertile and very suitable for farming. Even one harvest season can produce millions of koku of food.

Third, giving them labor opportunities and promoting them to civilians based on their contribution will not only ease the situation, but also effectively increase the labor force.

What a joy it is to accomplish three things with one stone.

Qin Yu also left full authority over this matter to Xu Yi. After all, he had always been responsible for the placement of captives.



Outside a small stone-walled courtyard eight hundred meters away from the palace in Kyoto, a group of cavalry slowly stopped.


The leader reined in the horse, then turned over and gently knocked on the door.


The wooden door slowly opened, and a boy pushed open the door and stretched his head to look.

"We are from the Yingweiyuan, and we are here to convey the order under the king's order. We will inform Mr. Xu immediately."

The leading shadow guard was dressed in a snake suit, with two scimitars hanging from his waist, and his whole body was filled with evil aura.

When the boy saw this, he didn't dare to neglect him. He quickly turned around and rushed into the courtyard and shouted: "Master! Master! The people from the Film Guard Academy are here to deliver the message!"

Xu Yi walked out of the courtyard quickly after hearing this.

When several shadow guards saw that the rightful owner had arrived, they directly handed the secret edict in their hands to Xu Yi.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Xu Yi took the secret order, responded and sent away several shadow guards.

After a few people left, he opened the secret edict to watch.

He looked up and saw something written to the effect, ordering him to leave as soon as possible and mobilize the more than one million captives to the location of Sanshi Continent to cultivate the land and strive to harvest a harvest of food this year.

After thinking for a moment, he probably guessed Qin Yu's intention, and couldn't help but sigh, "It's so wonderful."

That day he took a carriage and led five thousand militiamen to several large camps where the prisoners were placed.

At the same time, he ordered people to continue to build new camps in the Sanshizhou area.

On the first day, he transported 50,000 people to Sanshizhou. After a day's rest, farm tools from various cities also arrived.

As a result, land reclamation officially began in Sanshi Continent.

Since this is not the real land of Qin after all, Qin Yu directly stated that Xu Yi should maximize the reclamation of as much land as possible. The main purpose is to harvest food, and future construction will not be affected.

On the third day, two camps in Sanshizhou were successfully built, and the second wave of 50,000 people arrived.

The number of people cultivating reached 100,000, and the pace was much faster.

Five thousand acres can be reclaimed in just one day.

In the next few days, camps in Sanshizhou continued to be built, and the number of people responsible for farming also continued to increase.

Xu Yi once told them that every acre cultivated would be considered a contribution.

After three contributions, you can obtain civilian status.

One contribution can be exchanged for one hundred dragon coins, and twenty contributions can be exchanged for a hut.

After all, there are many families in this population, and it is not difficult to put together twenty contributions from one family member to buy a hut.

This promise also made everyone feel motivated. All of them were doing it passionately.

After half a month, more than one million people had moved over, and the rate of land reclamation reached a terrifying level.

Almost every day, more than 100,000 acres of land are cultivated, and seeds from cities across the country are constantly transported to Sanshi Continent. It seems that it has become a bottomless pit, swallowing up as many seeds as it comes.

Later on, everyone’s contributions increased, and Xu Yi took even more serious measures.

The things exchanged for contributions not only increase the number of admissions, but also increase the extraordinary qualification test.

Not only that, there’s even food!

Want to eat a few white-flour steamed buns, a bowl of fat and lean braised pork, grilled venison steak, steamed mutton and mutton soup in one meal?

Just one contribution! The whole family can have a good meal!

Everyone who had not tasted meat for a long time seemed to be crazy.

The whole family began to work hard to farm.

When one acre is cleared and tilled, it is counted as a contribution.

A delicious meal, tender and tender steamed mutton, crispy and delicious grilled venison steak, rich braised pork, fresh and smooth mutton soup.

The delicious food immediately made them feel that all the work was worth it!

Compared to Xu Yi, two kilograms of meat would be exchanged for eight hundred kilograms of grain a few months later.

Actually it’s more than that.

Although one acre of land produces about 800 kilograms of grain, the coarse outer bark of the roots and stems can be used to feed livestock.

In fact, it can not only provide eight hundred kilograms of grain for the population, but also bring thousands of kilograms of grain for livestock, thereby breeding more livestock and bringing more meat to the people.

Thinking about it this way, the current investment is simply a waste of money.

If you don't have a reward system, maybe these millions of people can use 50% or even 30% of their strength to cope with it.

If you give a little reward, you can perform 60%.

Food is the most important thing for people, and if they are given a delicious meal, they can achieve 80% of their performance.

But if you give a future, it will be 100% effective!

Since the land reclamation lasted for one month, more than two million acres of fertile land in Sanshizhou have been reclaimed.

Among them, the paddy fields with fertile soil near the river are all high-quality fertile fields with higher yields, and the number has reached 100,000 acres.

Taken together, the annual grain output of these fields is enough to reach more than 10 million shi from one harvest!

What is the concept of more than 10 million stones?

That’s more than a billion kilograms of grain!

This may be enough food to feed more than four million people for a year!

Moreover, only a quarter of Sanshi Continent has been developed!

In other words, if we ignore the consequences and only focus on food output, Sanshizhou can continue to cultivate nearly six million acres of cultivated land!

If Xu Yi passed this news to Qin Yu, Qin Yu would definitely laugh from ear to ear when he heard it.

What are the prerequisites for expanding the army?

In addition to having sufficient productivity and labor force, the country must also have sufficient money and food. Even if the labor force is insufficient, as long as there is no shortage of money and food, or even very enough, it is still possible to continue to increase productivity and increase the number of soldiers in the army.

Of course, this is definitely not a long-term solution.

But the words are rough and the reasoning is not rough.

If all the eight million arable lands are cultivated, approximately 6.4 billion kilograms of grain can be harvested, not counting livestock.

Adding livestock will only make things even more terrifying, and it will be more than ten times the amount based on food.

If the harvest is successful, the harvest here alone will be enough to consume more than 10 million people for a year.

It is enough to consume more than five million people for two years.

From now on, Great Qin can expand even further.

How many people can swallow it without fear of dying.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi immediately wrote a letter and delivered it to the palace.

And he continued to supervise the reclamation of farmland here.

He also wrote to Qin Yu about the food and clothing expenses for cultivating farmland.



At this time, in the courtyard of Yangxin Palace in the palace.

Qin Yuzheng was discussing with Qi Shi about adding criminal laws.

After the corruption and bending of the law appeared in the domestic officialdom last time, Qin Yu decided to add some laws.

If the law is not strict, the effect of binding officials will not be achieved.

Naturally, no one is born to be a good official or a benevolent official.

Money and power can easily make people lose themselves.

And the law is a knife in front of them. Do you want to fall?


Take a step forward and look at the silver in your hand to see if it has your own blood on it!

"Your Majesty, here is a letter from Mr. Xu."

An official came over quickly and respectfully handed over the letter.

Qin Yu took the letter and waved his hand: "Go down."

He did not shy away from Qi Shi, but directly took it apart and looked at it.

It says what Xu Yi has done in the past month, what the results are, and what he expects to be in the future.

I saw the sentence "If we continue like this, we can support tens of millions of people."

Qin Yu suddenly laughed from ear to ear.

Looking at the surprised Qi Shi across from him, he couldn't help but explain: "This Xu Yi is really the pillar of our Qin State. Look at these millions of people who have not only been resettled, but have not eaten our food in vain. In just one month, they have reclaimed land." More than two million acres of fertile land, in the reward system formulated by Xu Yi, the rewards are either ordinary things that these common people are attracted to, or things that will be given to them sooner or later, but the news uses this as an incentive!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

After hearing this, Qi Shi couldn't help but admired: "Master Xu is really a god."

Qin Yu was happy for a while and waved his hand: "Let's not talk about him anymore. Qi Shi, when you go back, you will formulate a new set of laws. The law is not only used to discipline the people, but also to discipline the officials. Officials are role models for the people, just like the official capital. If you can't keep your peace, what will happen to the people?"

"I understand, I will go back and meditate day and night, and try to formulate a new law as soon as possible."

Qin Yu waved his hand, and Qi Shi stood up and left.

After Qi Shi left, Qin Yu thought about it and realized that he hadn't used Civilization Tianchi to extract anything for a long time.

Recently, I have accumulated a lot of civilization gold coins.

He suddenly realized.

In a daze, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

The familiar yet unfamiliar cliff shore, the lush green jungle behind.

In front of me is a thousand-foot waterfall and a thousand-foot abyss.

The majestic waterfall fell from high altitude, hitting the rocks below with a roar, and the large white mist made the surrounding area feel like a fairyland.

Qin Yu thought for a moment and decided to take five high-level gold coins, five intermediate gold coins, and five junior gold coins and drop them together.

I saw gold coins being thrown out violently.

Suddenly there was a turbulent sound of falling water below.

Then streaks of light of different colors rose into the sky!

[You consume a high-level winner gold coin and obtain "Immortal Capital Taoist Monument" × 1 (gold quality)]

[You consume a high-level winner gold coin and obtain "Ten Thousand Years Rudraksha Fruit" × 1 (gold quality)]

[You consume a high-level winner gold coin and obtain the magical power "Sword Flying" × 1 (purple quality)]

[You consume one primary winner gold coin and obtain the special building "Hundred Medicine Garden" × 1 (purple quality)]

[You consume a high-level winner gold coin and obtain the magic weapon "Vulcan Trident" × 1 (purple quality)]

[You consume one intermediate winner gold coin and obtain the skill "Purple Yun Tianxian Jue" × 1 (gold quality)]

[You consume an intermediate winner gold coin and obtain "Listening Sculpture" × 1 (purple quality)]

[You consume an intermediate winner gold coin and obtain the magic weapon "Big and Small Ruyi Stick" × 1 (purple quality)]

[You consume one intermediate winner gold coin and obtain "Genting Flying Boat" × 1 (blue quality)]

[You consume one intermediate winner gold coin and obtain "Thousand-faced Mask" × 1 (blue quality)]

[You consume one primary winner gold coin and obtain "Stainless steel two-edged sword" × 1 (green quality)]

[You consume one primary winner gold coin and obtain "Forged Steel Centenary Manual" × 1 (blue quality)]

[You consume a junior winner gold coin and obtain the mount "BMW Phenom" × 1 (green quality)]

[You consume one primary winner gold coin and obtain "Jasper Golden Hairpin" × 1 (green quality)]

[You consume one primary winner gold coin and obtain "Brand Silk Underwear" × 1 (green quality)]

Fifteen items, including five primary gold coins, none of them were white items!

It can be seen that Qin Yu's luck has increased a lot, and even the guarantee is green!

A total of three golden items were won.

He was immediately in a good mood and began to look at the items one by one.

Look from head to back.

[Immortal Qualifications Taoist Monument: This is a strange object in the immortal world. It can reveal the best qualifications of anyone in the myriad of ways. It can be revealed regardless of the way. The tester only needs to drop a drop of blood to reveal it. Qualifications are fully tested. 】

Testing qualifications?

Qin Yu suddenly became happy when he saw this introduction.

You know, millions of people across the country now want to rely on luck to find candidates with talents in various fields, and their workload is extremely difficult.

Now that he has this magical object, Qin Yu has no idea how much trouble he has left.

It really solved many of his problems!

(End of this chapter)

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