Samsara Paradise: Shadow King

Chapter 33 The Imitation God Weapon

Chapter 33 The Imitation God Weapon

The southern coalition general stationed in Razvet is a man named Fris Tosh. According to several deserters, he is the most prestigious general in the Patria army of the previous generation. He has commanded large and small armies in his life. Ten wars later, he is now over seventy years old.

Such a veteran was assigned to garrison a city of extraordinary strategic significance in the face of danger. It must be said that the hope of the Southern Union was entirely carried by this battle.

Frith lived up to expectations. On the first day he took office, he mobilized all the labor force to start strengthening the city defense. Not only did he widen the moat to a width of nearly ten meters, he also built a higher and stronger city wall based on the original city wall. The two city walls form a "back"-shaped structure.

A large number of heavy machine guns and artillery were installed on the city walls. In order to defend against the several pseudo-god soldiers with the ability to fly, they also prepared bed crossbows, with arm-thick metal chains attached to the crossbow arrows.

In addition to these, Frith has set up countermeasures for some of the abilities currently displayed by the pseudo-god soldiers, but what harm can they cause to the pseudo-god soldiers? Zhao Zijin looked at Xuan.

The soldiers were waiting in three shifts. When Zhao Zijin approached with a few deserters, it happened to be time for their rotation. He noticed that almost all the soldiers were on full alert.

When Zhao Zijin and the others approached, there were at least dozens of gun muzzles and no less than ten cannon muzzles pointed at them.

Zhao Zijin originally wanted to hand over a few deserters and get a chance to enter the city, and then try to establish a relationship with the people of the Southern United Nations. He didn't expect these guys to be so wary. Let alone entering the city, he felt like he was If there is any unusual behavior, there will be a hail of bullets.

Zhao Zijin had no choice but to retreat, planning to wait until night fell and let the shadow soldiers such as Die and Crow Feather sneak in, and then use [Shadow Swap] to enter Razvit.

The location he exchanged with Die was in an alley. After taking back the shadow soldiers, he climbed over the wall and sneaked into the nearby house.

He quietly explored several houses and found that there were only old people and children left here. The old people were the kind of people with inconvenient legs and feet who could get out of breath just walking around inside the house. The children, let alone holding guns, They were barely strong enough to put the evening meal on the table.

Every family has the same filling food, potatoes boiled in salt water. That's it. The portion is pitifully small. The old people will give as many potatoes as possible to the children, and they mainly rely on the pot of salt water to fill their stomachs.

Zhao Zijin hid in the attic of a house. That night, he fell asleep with the suppressed sobs of children and the sighs of the old man.

In the next two days, he relied on the owl's stealth skills to collect information in the city. First of all, it was certain that Fries was not deliberately exploiting the civilians. On the contrary, he had been actively thinking of ways to solve the problem of food supply in the city. question.

He himself ate potatoes boiled in salt water, not even as well as his officers. At least his officers were allotted two or three slices of bacon every day.

This thin old man would patrol the city wall on time every day and cheer up the low morale. He sent out many scout teams to investigate the military situation of the Northern Allied Forces. When he led all Razvit officers up to the city wall with solemn faces, Zhao Zijin knew that the war was about to begin.

At this time, he had put on the uniform of the Confederate Army and occupied an observation port on the city wall. In the green torrent outside the city, five guys in white coats stood in the most conspicuous position, four men and one woman.

The two-dimensional characters were transformed into real-world paintings, and Zhao Zijin couldn't tell which of the five pseudo-god soldiers they were for a moment.

The military music ended after the drummers struck the last syllable. The commander on horseback waved his sword forward and shouted:

"go ahead!"

Stand at the beginning!

[All contractors please note that the Battle of Razvit has officially begun. All contractors are requested to go to the designated area in time to participate. 】

Under Zhao Zijin's gaze, the muscles of the four male pseudo-human soldiers swelled, bursting through their clothes, and instantly transformed into monsters tens of meters tall.

A kindly, round-faced little fat man transformed into a rhinoceros man with a red horn and blue skin.

Comparing the impression of this character in the palace of thinking, Zhao Zijin's information popped up in his mind. Daniel Price, the pseudo-divine soldier "Spriggan", transforms into a mythical creature based on the treasure-keeping goblin in the folklore of Cornwall, England, the giant rhinoceros.

According to the description, their appearance is extremely ugly, and they like to haunt ancient ruins or ancient tombs to guard the treasures buried there, and can become huge to scare off treasure thieves. At the same time, human children within six months of birth will also be secretly replaced. The secretly replaced children will become old and ugly, which is called "changeling".

The heavily armored minotaur is named Theodore, and the mythical soldier "Minotaur" is based on the Minotaur, the monster with the head of a bull and a human body in ancient Greek mythology. It was the descendant of King Minos of Crete. The monster born from the union of his wife Pasiphae and the Cretan bull was imprisoned in a huge labyrinth and would kill everyone who entered the labyrinth.

He is an expert in positional warfare. As long as he is given enough materials, he can single-handedly build an impregnable war fortress.

The prototype of the pseudo-god weapon "Oranides" also comes from Greek mythology. It is a hundred-armed giant imprisoned in Tartarus by the god King Cronus.

The pseudo-god weapon "Ulikumi" is based on the stone giant, the enemy of the god-king in Hittite mythology. In the comics, he is shown as a good old man. Even if he is an ordinary soldier, he will use his body to protect them from incoming harm.

There is also a female pseudo-god soldier who has hidden herself. It is very likely that she is the pseudo-god soldier "Sai Yao" who has been fighting side by side with Sprigan.

Ulikumi threw dozens of boulders and landed on the moat. In less than a few minutes, a bridge was built for the Northern Allies to attack. Sprigan took the lead in launching the attack, lowering his body slightly and pointing the horn at the tip of his nose at the city wall, and rushed over.

Zhao Zijin's observation point was on the second wall, but he still felt the impact. He squatted down and held on to the wall to avoid rolling on the ground.

Spriggan let out a deafening roar, and Frith placed a layer of acid-filled interlayer in the wall. When he smashed the wall, he also let the acid pour on his body, which turned red due to pain. Staring at the soldiers on the wall, they felt the cold murderous intent rising from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads.

Artillery and machine guns began to roar. Sprigan covered his face with his arms and continued to widen the gap in the city wall. Behind him, the Minotaurs waved a huge battle ax and also kept hacking at the city wall.

Words like "god" or "monster" are really suitable for them. Even the lethality of artillery cannot penetrate their skin. Although it can make them feel pain, they still want to kill them. , it is too difficult for ordinary people’s weapons.

On the city wall, the figures of the contractors became active. The more eye-catching one was the adventure group led by a warrior-looking man. Their attacks were fast and fierce. On the bodies of Spriggan and the Minotaur Many wounds were created.

The hundred-armed giant Oranides also entered the first city wall through the gap, and immediately launched an offensive to provide cover for his comrades. His fists fell like meteor showers towards the area where the adventure group was located. That adventure group The regiment's main tank and deputy tank tried to block the attack even though they did not know their own strength, and were beaten into pieces.

The rock giant Ulikumi continued to throw boulders outside the city, and each boulder landed accurately where the crowds and firepower were concentrated.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the Southern United Army fell into a disadvantage. The power of the pseudo-god soldiers lived up to their names. They were truly "god-like" existences.

Contractors who chose the [Northern Alliance] also broke into the defense line from the gap, and the first city wall was about to be breached.

A contractor slaughtered the soldiers on the city wall with a grin. Seeing the expressions on the faces of these ordinary people who were afraid of him and did not dare to step forward, he exhaled happily and wiped the blood from his hands on his bald head.

"I didn't expect that I would also play 'Wushuang' in the derivative world! It's so cool!"

The next second, he couldn't laugh anymore.

The black figure was hidden in the crowd. When he rushed into the crowd again, he sent the tip of the knife into his heart from behind.

Watching coldly, the contractor with a frozen expression fell to the ground, and the shadows disappeared into the crowd again.

(End of this chapter)

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