My fishing game syncs with reality

Chapter 208 Groups of giant cuttlefish

Chapter 208 Groups of giant cuttlefish

As soon as the scene changed, Gu Nan closed his eyes and waited for a while. After hearing the sound of the waves and feeling the sunshine, he slowly opened his eyes.

After entering the Qianhai map many times, he has become smarter now.

Entering with your eyes closed will not cause you to feel dizzy when you suddenly change places. Secondly, your eyes will have to adapt from night to day.

When I appeared on the coast today, everywhere I looked, there were rugged rocks and no beach at all.

The waves were rolling in front of me, and there were countless seaweeds floating on the water.

Gu Nan looked at himself and found that he had put on a diving suit, with a net bag and live fish buckle hanging around his waist.

There is also a speargun with a one-meter trajectory in his hand. It is estimated to be similar to his own. It is considered a basic equipment for beginners.

Gu Nan understood immediately. It seemed that today's main harvest would come from the water.

This was not the first time this happened. It had happened before in fishing and hunting. As a result, he almost wasted the opportunity to go to the sea to pick up money only once a week.

This is also the reason why Gu Nan went to another map to practice fishing and hunting every day.

I swam out from the seaweed with difficulty, and suddenly there was an empty space in front of me.

As soon as he got closer, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

It took him a few minutes to determine that there was indeed nothing on the shore in this case, not even common screws.

The resources under the water are very rich. After finding the giant snail, he quickly discovered two huge scallops that were as big as his face, and they were also foreign species.

However, the belly is not as bulging as in winter. If this thing comes with fish roe, it will still be a bit attractive. Without fish roe, it is not worth his money.

But life was important. Gu Nan didn't want to get used to fishing and hunting like this in the future. If one day he couldn't hold his breath, it would be fatal.

In this case, he had no choice but to come to the water and sit on a relatively flat rock. He put on his flippers, put on his diving glasses and entered the water directly.

He looked at the spear gun in his hand and gestured at the width of the ray. He estimated that it was almost 1.5 meters.

After swimming forward for about twenty meters, a piece of sand appeared at the bottom of the water, and there were many fish swimming.

Several golden pomfrets, estimated to be about forty centimeters in length, were swimming under the water, and Gu Nan decided to warm his hands with them first.

Gu Nan's eyes lit up, and he finally found a suitable hunting spot.

One is to see where it is better to go into the water, and the other is to make sure there is really nothing on the shore.

At this time, he was at the bottom of the water for only a minute. He could collect the fish in the water, and then quickly retrieve the line and load the second fish.

His main goal is to find some valuable coral fish and groupers in the coral area.

If this wasn't in the Qihai map, collecting some jellyfish would be fine.

Moreover, the ray is not harmless. In the water, it will fight back with the stinger on its tail. Therefore, he did not want to be excluded from the map by the game, so he had to continue to keep an eye on the golden pomfret.

However, while he was on his way, he was also looking for good goods under the water. Sure enough, the next moment, he found a large snail bigger than a palm on a reef covered with seaweed three or four meters in front. However, unlike domestic The ring snails are slightly different.

There was a bulge at the bottom of the water. He took a closer look. Isn't this a ray?

But there are only three hours a week, so Gu Nan naturally won't waste time on these bargains.

So Gu Nan ate it by himself most of the time. After all, it was hard to explain when taking it out.

The sea water in the map was so clear that he could clearly see the scene in the water fifteen meters away.

Those things that don’t cost more than ten yuan a pound can be bought by anyone who likes them.

However, Gu Nan took the fishing rod, took off his flippers, and walked around the nearby reef area wearing only his diving socks.

One advantage of fishing and hunting in the game map is that once the net bag or live fish is full, you can put it into the chilled house at any time, unlike in reality where you have to return to the fishing boat to release fish.

After he came to the coral reef area from left to right, there happened to be twelve golden pomfrets weighing four to five pounds in the ice cream shop.

And there is not just one golden pomfret, there are quite a few golden pomfrets on this small piece of sand.

This kind of goods cannot be sold at all. Gu Nan has also identified the goods and cannot even pass customs.

Gu Nan didn't care either, fishing and hunting were just like that.

However, there were no fish within the area where he was, so Gu Nan had no choice but to move forward in a random direction to find the location of the fish school.

This fish was also not very valuable, and Gu Nan had no intention of hunting more.

Gu Nan will also collect these small quantities and put them in the aquarium. If there are more, they may be shipped to the store for sale, or they may be made at some point.

I quickly removed the seaweed from my glasses, and then discovered a large number of jellyfish.

These aconites are really quite big, almost each one is about 40 to 50 centimeters long.

After changing his breath twice and picking up a lot of delicious ingredients, he finally encountered a very large school of fish.

This stingray weighed at least two hundred pounds, and his basic spear gun couldn't handle it.

The shore was covered with seaweed pushed over by the waves, and Gu Nan was blinded as soon as he entered.

Just looking at the big aconite passing in front of him, Gu Nan felt very little interested.

Gu Nan skillfully let go of the speargun, grabbed the fishing line and pulled it back, while swimming quickly towards the surface of the water.

With a bang, the fish arrow flew out and penetrated a golden pomfret at once.

He had previously been unwilling to think that there was something in the reef area, but after finding nothing three times in a row, he now knew that there was nothing on the shore when he saw the diving suit on his body.

However, after swimming back to the surface to take a breath, when we returned to the bottom, all the fish had disappeared, including the ray that was dormant.

But I didn't see the groupers for the time being, but I did find three large cuttlefish that were moving in the shape of finished glyphs.

This cuttlefish is not small, one probably weighs more than ten kilograms.

Judging from the patterns on the cuttlefish's body, it should be a tiger-spotted cuttlefish.

Gu Nan's interest in cuttlefish is pretty good. One of the two or three kilograms frozen on the Internet costs about thirty yuan.

Although this kind of weighing more than ten kilograms is not much expensive, because he can ship it fresh here, it is no problem to sell it in the store for five or sixty one kilograms.

These three cuttlefish are big, at least six to seven hundred each, so they are worth taking.

Gu Nan loaded the speargun and was about to shoot one of the cuttlefish when he suddenly noticed some movement out of the corner of his eye.

He turned around and saw that it was also a cuttlefish, and there was more than one of them.

Gu Nan was curious, and slowly ascended to the top of the water layer to observe. Then he was shocked. He didn't expect so many large cuttlefish to appear in this large coral reef area.

These cuttlefish all come together in two or three, and there are a lot of them.

And each one is not small, I estimate that the smaller ones can weigh five or six pounds.

Fortunately, although the price of cuttlefish is not that high, his harvest this time will definitely not be bad.

He took advantage of the situation to take a breath on the surface, and then quickly dived down, looking for the larger ones first. After finding the target, the spear gun was aimed and there was a "bang" sound. The sound of the rubber band popping out sounded in the water, and the fish arrow immediately pierced the big cuttlefish.

The giant cuttlefish that was attacked immediately spewed out the ink in its stomach and fled, just like car exhaust.

The body that was originally dark brown, almost the same color as a coral reef, changed rapidly the moment it escaped, turning into orange in just the blink of an eye.

Of course, this is the color in the water, and it should be different when you get to the water.

Gu Nan didn't care about this. He quickly grabbed the fishing line and pulled it back. He tugged twice and found that the cuttlefish's struggling strength was average. It was much easier for him to retrieve it than a fish of the same weight.

Moreover, after the cuttlefish escapes for a while, it loses much pulling power, so hunting this is obviously much easier than fishing.

Gu Nan still hit the prey and swam towards the water, while holding the fishing line.

Fortunately, the depth here is only about twelve or three meters, so it is very convenient to return to the water surface and does not consume much energy.

Put the cuttlefish into the net bag, and the live fish buckle will probably not be used next.

Back in the water, Gu Nan continued to look for big targets. There were not too many cuttlefish here. Even if he specifically looked for ones weighing more than ten kilograms, he probably wouldn't be able to catch them all in three hours.

There was a "bang" sound, and another one was hit.

The cuttlefish barely moves, just like shooting at a fixed target.

Moreover, this was a cuttlefish, so he didn't know if it had been hit in a vital part. It spurted out a stream of ink and then became motionless. Gu Nan easily collected it and put it into his net bag.

It's just that the cuttlefish are too big, and the net bag is almost full after only two of them were put in it.

Gu Nan didn't care, he could take it into the chilled restaurant at any time.

For the next hour or so, there was a constant pounding at the bottom.

Another advantage of the game map is that he doesn't feel tired from diving.

As for the cuttlefish, the particularly large ones were almost outnumbered by Gu Nan Huohuo, and the rest were obviously smaller in size.

He counted the large cuttlefish in the chilled restaurant and found that he had already caught eighty-three in just one and a half hours.

No wonder it was hard to find one of the same size when there were so many big cuttlefish just now.

Eighty-three large cuttlefish, it is estimated that it may weigh about one thousand catties, and five or sixty-one catties is equivalent to fifty or sixty thousand.

After estimating the specific value, Gu Nan was immediately satisfied.

Although there were still a lot of cuttlefish left, he decided to look elsewhere.

There is still one hour and thirteen minutes left in the countdown. If you find other good things, you can continue to harvest them.

The main reason is that Gu Nan has reached the end of this coral reef, which is connected to the reef area. Here in the reef area, he spotted several groupers at a glance, which is why he changed his target.

If the number of grouper and parrotfish is large, the final value after harvest will only be higher than that of cuttlefish.

No, Gu Nan slowly moved forward and came to a reef as big as an adult, and found two fish hidden in the crevices of the reef.

One is a blue ornamental fish, which is not very valuable, and the other is a green parrot fish, which can be sold for 1231 pounds.

Seeing Gu Nan coming, the fish shrank in a little uneasily, but the gap was only so big, and it weighed four or five kilograms, so it couldn't shrink in.

Gu Nan raised the spear gun and pointed it at its face, sending it directly to the Western Paradise, hoping that it would not be so valuable in the next life.

The speargun made a lot of noise, and the blue ornamental fish on the other side swooped out and fled.

The head and tail of the parrotfish hit by the fish arrow kept shaking, and there was a snapping sound from the bottom of the water. This was the sound of the fish hitting the reef.

Gu Nan waited for a while, and after its movement subsided, he grabbed the fish arrow and pulled out the fish together with it.

Not to mention, fishing and hunting in this kind of cave is obviously much easier than in an open location.

He bleeds the fish, hangs it on a live fish clasp, and moves on to find the next one.

I originally thought that the live fish buckle would be useless, but I didn't expect that I would change at will like an eel.

He returned to the surface to take a breath, then came down again and changed his position slightly. With good luck, as soon as he reached the bottom of the water, he found a fiery red grouper, the spotted nine-spiny bass, in a rock crevice.

Unfortunately, the fish is not big, less than two pounds. This one is suitable for steaming by yourself.

Ever since he got the game, Gu Nan has no shortage of seafood.

It's a pity that mountain treasures are hard to find. I thought that one time I was sent to the foot of a mountain while traveling on a sea map. Maybe I could run up the mountain?

Thinking of this, Gu Nan's heart moved again. It seems that his other sea map is a big island!

In reality, there used to be a lot of rabbits and pheasants on the mountains of that island, but not wild boars, so the safety factor was pretty good.

He just didn’t know if there would be any ground running animals in the game map, but he had seen seabirds anyway.

Shaking his head, Gu Nan put aside these thoughts for the time being. If he had the chance, he could go in at night and have a look. He would have to continue fishing and hunting.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye, and he was kicked out of the sea map at the last second.

The harvest in this hour was also good. Not only did I catch about fifty valuable fish, I also found a scallop nest and picked up a hundred or so.

Each one is as big as a palm and can be sold for a lot of money.

The total harvest from this trip to the sea should be about 100,000, so Gu Nan directly arranged the delivery of cuttlefish and scallops.

But not all of them will be distributed, some of them will be distributed first and then we can talk about it later.

The scallops were okay, he sent out all of them weighing about 100 to 80 kilograms. The cuttlefish weighed almost a thousand kilograms and could only be stored in the cold storage of the new store.

But there must be other seafood there, and it’s impossible to just put cuttlefish.

After arranging the delivery, because it was chilled, it arrived late in the evening, so Gu Nan felt relieved and closed his eyes to sleep first.

He only slept for three hours, but he woke up refreshed and not tired.

It was just noon. Gu Nan didn't plan to continue fishing tonight, so he started the fishing boat and went back.

There were only a few high-priced local fish caught last night. When he returned to shore, he sent all the fish to his old shop.

As soon as he arrived at the store, Gu Nan saw a strange yet familiar figure killing fish at the door.

"Sister Xin?"

Gu Xin, Gu Nan's eldest cousin, but she is already forty years old this year, there is a big age gap, and she is married out of town, so the two of them are not very familiar with each other.

We may not even meet him once during the Chinese New Year. The last time we met, he was still in his second year of college. I didn’t expect to meet him today. He was still killing fish in his shop.

"It's Anan. I haven't seen him for a long time. He's already a handsome guy." Naturally, Gu Xin noticed someone coming. When she looked up, she realized it was her cousin, so she smiled and said hello while working.

Looking up, Gu Nan realized that his cousin, who was only forty years old, looked a bit old, even to some extent, a bit older than his mother.

Not in appearance, but in the feeling given by spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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