Princess, I am really a good person

Chapter 126 Private Meeting

Chapter 126 Private Meeting
  "We have no way to deal with the hint in your mind for the time being, but it doesn't seem to be harmful in any way, nor is it connected to any magic."

"Really? Then can you let me go?"



"Don't look at me like that. Supervisor Tiansi has no intention of supervising you anymore. The order forcing you to stay was issued by Lingwei Palace."


"You have to ask the saint."


Zhou Mingyi covered his face and felt a little headache.

"What do they want me to do?" He asked Mu Yunfeng in front of him.

"Lingwei Palace requires you to stay in Shenglai Mountain. They have prepared a residence for you on the mountainside because the divinity of Shenglai Mountain can suppress this suggestion in your mind. They said it is best until you understand it. How to deal with it." Mu Yunfeng replied while looking at the documents and reports in his hand.

"I remember that halfway up the Shenglai Mountain is also a no-man's land, right?" Zhou Mingyi asked slowly.

"Yes, but there is an abandoned observation station there. It was used for meteorological research. Now you can live there." Mu Yunfeng said.

"The environment is bad and there is no electricity, but the coal pipes are enough. What do you think?"

".Do I have a choice?"



Seunglai Mountain is located northeast of the North Forbidden City, with a maximum altitude of 3080 meters. There is a large buffer zone halfway up the mountain. There is only one time a year when the place is full of people, and that is the Shuntian Ceremony at the end of the year.

Only at this time, Shenglai Mountain will be open to the public for four days for tourists to come and worship during the ceremony.

The small house they prepared for Zhou Mingyi was on a protruding cliff. It was a wooden house larger than a hut. Zhou Mingyi felt that if the wind was stronger, it would probably blow it down.

The people who sent him here put down his luggage and left cursingly. As they left, they were still talking loudly about eating hot pot.

Zhou Mingyi sat in the drafty wooden house, looking at the supplies left for him, while the wind and snow howled outside.

Two large bags of coal, a stove, two boxes of corn and potatoes, as well as warm quilts and clothes.

The cold wind blew into the house, making him shiver and quickly turned on the stove.

At this time, he missed the heating and Shana's soft and fragrant embrace.

Before coming, Zana said she wanted to go with him, but bringing her here would be a disaster, so she still advised her to stay.

He already knew about Qin Tai's case. He was not a member of the Juetian Society. He was just an ordinary person brainwashed by their ideas. However, he rarely attended their meetings, so he was not found in the previous investigations. This time, five people died. The Ningxia Party incident in which thirteen people were injured was a senseless suicide attack instigated by the remnants of Juetianhui.
  The result of this commotion was that the watchman uncovered a bunch of remnants of Juetianhui who were hiding in the mountains.

"I don't know how long I have to stay. I'm afraid I have to stay in a ghost place like this if it's not the New Year's Eve." Zhou Mingyi put his hand on the burning stove and thought to himself.

"If you feel cold, I can give you some warmth." Xiya appeared next to him at some point and made a fire with him.

In such a cold place, she could still wear a long suspender skirt, which showed that she was not very afraid of the cold.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Mingyi asked her.

"What?" Xiya looked at him without knowing why.

"The hints on my body were planted by you, right? This place is under the eyes of Heaven, won't it have any impact on you?" Zhou Mingyi asked.

"What's that? It's just a small way of heaven. When my disciples were walking around, he didn't know where he was!" Xiya said with a snort.

"Even if I let Him notice it, He wouldn't dare to say anything, so don't worry."

Zhou Mingyi looked at the petite girl in front of him. Such outrageous remarks came out of her mouth and it actually seemed like the same thing.

"If you can't help but feel cold, just confess. Maybe you can sleep in a warm palace tonight with your soft feather string in your arms." Xiya looked at him with a smile.

"Come on, let's just reconnoiter the terrain beforehand." Zhou Mingyi said while rubbing his hands.

There is less than half a month left before the Shuntian Grand Ceremony. The most important thing right now is the Shuntian Grand Ceremony. His plan is to contact the auspicious beast and negotiate with it during the Shuntian Grand Ceremony, and the auspicious aura on it, Will be able to completely solve the biggest problem currently plaguing him.

That is alienation disease.

He is still young and has spiritual suppression. The alienation disease does not have a great impact on him now, but no matter how strong he is, the condition will worsen again in five years at most. By then, about half of his body will have mutated. Death is not far away either.

The power of the auspicious beast is also weakening, and his auspicious power is one of the few antidotes in the world that can completely cure alienation diseases. If it were delayed another year, Zhou Mingyi was not sure whether the remaining power of the auspicious beast could be used. Therefore, we must contact Him this year and exchange enough benefits with Him for the opportunity to cure the alienation disease.

After confessing to Luo Yuxian in advance, he didn't know what kind of shock it would cause. When the time comes, Jin Yiwei's view of him may have changed. Even if Luo Yuxian can keep him, he doesn't know if Supervisor Tiansi will secretly What should be done, and Luo Yuxian cannot be distracted from the ceremony. This unknown risk is too great. He cannot take this risk.
  Just as he was lighting the fire and thinking about roasting two potatoes, there was a knock on the door.

He stepped forward to open the door. Standing at the door was Luo Yuxian's chief guard, Xia Qiu, wearing a coat and hat. Her plain white robe was blown by the wind and snow. She was holding a package in one hand.


"The Holy Lady asked me to bring you a quilt and some food." Xia Qiu came in and placed the two packages on the only furniture in the room, a wooden flat bed.

"Thank you, Lady Saint, for your grace," Zhou Mingyi said while humming over the fire.

"And if you need anything else, you can entrust me to deliver it to you. I will go down the mountain and come here once a day." Xia Qiu said to him.

"What can I need? There are so many supplies here that I want to have a potato party," Zhou Mingyi shoveled the roasted potatoes in the stove.

"Don't complain, this is the best way to deal with it. You should know the consequences of being contaminated with divinity. The saint is here for you and for the safety of Tianshu." Xia Qiu stood behind him.

"Is there anything else you need?" Zhou Mingyi turned to her and said.

"If you want to take a bath, there is a spring a hundred meters behind the house."

"Hot spring?" Zhou Mingyi became excited.

"No, it's just ordinary snow-capped mountain melt water, but it won't freeze there. You can get water from there and boil it for washing." Xia Qiu said.

"Isn't the Lingwei Palace Bathhouse open to the public? It's not impossible for me to use your remaining bath water." Zhou Mingyi said.

"You should be glad that you are being taken care of by the Holy Lady now, otherwise your tongue would have fallen off when you finished saying this." Xia Qiu said coldly, put on his hat again, and went out into the wind and snow.

"Have a bath." He looked at the stove in front of him that was no taller than his waist and sighed.

He turned around and looked at the two packages that were delivered. When he opened them, he saw that one was a fragrant quilt and the food was packed in layers of bamboo boxes.

When I opened it, I saw that what was inside was Xiao Long Bao. I guess some kind of technique had been used to make the box, and the plump white buns were still steaming.

Zhou Mingyi looked at the buns without moving, then picked up one and took a bite.

"It's indeed stuffed with meat."

Flower petals were floating on the large bathing pool, and waves of fragrant mist were floating in the air. Luo Yuxian's exquisite, white and pink body was hazy in it.

The maids lowered their heads and backed away after taking off her clothes. Luo Yuxian is a succubus. After gaining the power of heaven, her racial abilities were not suppressed, but enhanced. If she just took a look at her uncovered body , both men and women will be charmed. In order not to lose their composure, the maids try not to make eye contact with her body.

She slowly entered the water, soaked her delicate body in the hot water with flower petals, stirred up the water with her slender palms, and caressed her body.

As she washed, her cheeks felt warm, but it wasn't because of the water temperature.

"elder brother."

She murmured softly, hugged her body with her backhand, twisted her sensual legs, and her breathing gradually became heavier while soaking in the water.

The maids holding towels and nursing oils by the bath seemed to understand something, and they all exited the screen. At this time, in the bath, there were gasps of lust, mixed with a few murmurs from time to time, echoing in the empty bathroom. Come on, it won't subside for a long time.

Xia Qiu came from the corridor and wanted to report the matter quickly, but when he saw the maids standing outside, he quickly understood what was going on. He sighed slightly, turned around and walked towards the palace, planning to wait there.

After about ten minutes, the gasping inside subsided, and they entered and finished bathing the limp Luo Yuxian as quickly as possible.

Xia Qiu stood and waited until Luo Yuxian returned to the palace after bathing.

"Lord Saint, all the things you entrusted me to give to him have been delivered. The latest information about him has also been obtained from the Tiantian Division." Xia Qiu took out a document and handed it over.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, Xia Qiu." Luo Yuxian took the information, his cheeks still flushed as he was still in a daze. "Did he say anything?" she asked Xia Qiu.

"He said, thank you very much, Lady Saint." Xia Qiu replied.

"Really?" Luo Yuxian's face showed no emotion as he looked through Zhou Mingyi's information.

"It has been confirmed that he got the weapon more than four months ago. The spear is called Po Zhenzi and it is one of the lost artifacts. He somehow got the information and found it from Feng Shaolin's underground demon refining field. it."

As she watched, Xia Qiu reported on the side.

"He disappeared for half a month a month ago. After confirmation from Supervisor Tiansi, he used the Wheel of Moment to go to the space of the auspicious beast to confirm the status of the auspicious beast."

"Impossible!" Luo Yuxian suddenly shouted excitedly,

"I have a certain connection with the space where Yu lives. If something happens there, I can't possibly not know!"

She pressed the document on the table, her face became anxious, and she paced back and forth.

"And the Jin Yiwei who was sent to kill me nine years ago also saw it. My brother had a red spear on his body. It was probably this weapon. And he was lying when he said that he went to the auspicious beast's dimension. Then Where did he go during the missing half month?"

"Please calm down, Holy Lady!" Xia Qiu said quickly.

"If he used the power of time and space of the Moment Wheel, he would have gone nine years ago." Luo Yuxian had an extremely excited look on his face.

"Forgive me for being presumptuous, but please don't have any preconceived notions about this Saint. Moreover," Xia Qiu hesitated and said, "If he really went nine years ago, how could he appear in the Saint's image as a child?" Lady in front of you? Another point is that if this is the case, then Saint Lady must consider his purpose of getting so close to you."

"These... these" Luo Yuxian hesitated for a moment, and then also fell into uneasiness.

"Yes. If that's the case, then why does my brother keep acting like he doesn't know me and doesn't want to meet me." Luo Yuxian lowered his head, and a strong negative emotion welled up.

But soon she raised her head again, as if she was determined: "No matter what, I have to ask him first. When I'm ready, I'll go see him."

Zhou Mingyi sneezed hard, wrapped the quilt tightly around him, and continued to lean into the stove.

It's been almost a week since he came here, but he still hasn't adapted to the extremely cold weather. His lips are trembling with cold.

"Isn't it very cold?" Xiya looked at him with a smile while wearing a long suspender skirt.

"What do you want to do?" Zhou Mingyi looked at her tremblingly.

"If you are cold, I can say something to warm you up." Xiya moved closer to him with a sly smile on her face.

"What can you say to warm me up? Are you kidding me?" Zhou Mingyi curled his lips.

"You don't believe it, do you?"

Xiya came closer to him and whispered in his ear: "Do you know how Yu Xian, as a succubus, has been a saint for so many years?"

"What and how?" Zhou Mingyi looked at her confused.

"I mean, how did she deal with the instinct of being a succubus~" Xiya whispered.

"." Zhou Mingyi was stunned for a moment and forgot to rub his hands.

"Think about it, the succubus has a lot of desires in that regard, but as a saint she can't touch others, so guess how she usually solves that kind of desire?" Xiya had a malicious look on her face. laugh.

Zhou Mingyi remained silent, but his heart was no longer calm.

"What else can you do? You have the feeling of being single. You can't just do it by yourself." Xiya poked Zhou Mingyi's face with her long fingers and said in a long tone: "You can solve it yourself."

"Also, guess... who was she thinking about at that time?" Xiya added.

The atmosphere in the wooden house became quiet for a moment, and only the sound of howling wind and snow could be heard.

"Did you just imagine how the holy and beautiful Yuxian would solve his desires by himself?" Xiya showed him a big smile.


"Not yet! You're blushing!" Xiya pointed at him and shouted.

"Let me see if there is a reaction elsewhere?" She said and was about to pounce.

"Are you sick? You are just telling dirty jokes when you say you want to keep me warm!" Zhou Mingyi blushed and pushed her away.

"But aren't you getting warm too?"

There was a knock on the door, and Xiya disappeared immediately.

Zhou Ming shook his clothes easily as he thought, stood up and opened the door.


A fragrant and soft body fell into his arms.

"Zana? Why are you here?" Zhou Mingyi hugged her in surprise.

"We made dumplings today. I...I just wanted to bring some to you, Master." Zana placed a heavy thermos pot next to the stove, and then looked at Zhou Mingyi.

"Master, your face has turned pale from the cold, and you have lost a lot of weight." She said distressedly, grabbed Zhou Mingyi's hand, and put it into her warm neck to warm it.

"Why did you come here on such a cold day?" Zhou Mingyi blamed it, but still hugged Shana. He hadn't felt such beautiful softness in a long time.

"I miss you…"

Shana whispered, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Zhou Mingyi's somewhat pale lips.

They separated after a while, and Shana pushed the thermos in front of Zhou Mingyi with a satisfied smile.

"Master, please eat it while it's hot."

The jar was opened, and inside were thin-skinned mutton dumplings with large fillings, and a large bowl of mutton soup. Although there was no dipping sauce, it was really delicious to Zhou Mingyi, who had eaten potatoes for several days.

"How long will the master stay here?" Zana asked as she squatted aside.

"Who knows, let's see when those guys above will let me go." Zhou Mingyi stuffed his mouth with mutton and drank a mouthful of rich and hot mutton soup.

"Can you come back before the Chinese New Year?" Zana asked expectantly.


"Really?" Zana lowered her head in disappointment.

"I also want to accompany the master to visit the temple fair. They said that they want to spend the New Year in Tianshu with their families. How about I stay here with the master?"

"No, you can see, this is not a good place, and I also have some things to deal with here." Zhou Mingyi took out his hand and rubbed her head. "Don't be sad. I'll make it up to you during the Chinese New Year next year, okay?"

"This year you will accompany your sister Caiyu. Oh, and the little hall master of Mingtang. She really wants to play with you. Remember to take her with you during the Chinese New Year."

"Yeah" Zana finally nodded.

After Zhou Mingyi finished eating, Shana stayed with him for a while. If it wasn't so cold here and it was troublesome to clean her body, Zhou Mingyi might have let her stay a little longer. But in this situation, he still let Shana stay. Go back as early as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to go down the mountain after a while.

After Zana left, the wooden house fell silent again. Zhou Mingyi took out a pen and paper and looked at the map of the location of Lingwei Palace that he had drawn during this period.

This is the memory of the conceptual design draft when I was developing game scenes before, and I thought it should be pretty much the same.

After Luo Yuxian connects with the way of heaven during the ceremony, the auspicious beast will appear simultaneously. At that time, there will be a strange phenomenon in the world. He will take the opportunity to sneak into Lingwei Palace, enter the space of the auspicious beast, and come into contact with it.

Just as he was checking for omissions, the knock on the door rang again,

"Xia Qiu?"

During this period, Luo Yuxian's captain of the guard did come once a day to ask if he needed anything, but now he basically didn't knock on the door when he came.

He stepped forward to open the door, and then froze.

Luo Yuxian stood at the door. She was wearing a fluffy cloak. Her beautiful face was calm and expressionless. She stood in the snow and looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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