Chapter 22 Dutiful Daughter Thalia
  Calm and distant on the endless sea.

Rough and rolling waves crash against the strangely shaped rocks.

This is a huge island with countless towering buildings similar to medieval Tang Dynasty houses.

Waves of guys in black samurai uniforms started a day of hard training by waving their sharp blades before dawn.

And in the tallest building on the island.

In a dark room.

Several samurai swords hanging quietly on the wall add a sense of solemnity to the style of the house.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa."

The sound of warm water echoed in the bathroom. Blocked by a gauze curtain, a graceful figure was washing her body from bottom to top.

The water flowed down the smooth collarbone and splashed into the bathtub from top to bottom, causing some tiny waves.


As if she had finished her morning bath, the woman turned off the shower, opened the gauze curtain, and then gently stepped out of the bathtub with a pair of beautiful legs that were round, tight, yet straight and slender.

The fingers of the little feet are painted with black nail polish.
  Those beautiful and small toes gently tapped on the expensive carpet.


The maid who had been waiting outside the bathroom obediently handed over the heated bath towel in her hand. From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the woman's tight, smooth white back. She couldn't help but admire God's preference for this woman again. It seemed that all the good and perfect things were added to her. body embellishment.

The woman's small hand swept over the undulating peaks, she opened her red lips lightly, and her voice was low and elegant, with a hint of majesty:

"Huh, where is dad?"

She wrapped herself in a bathrobe and walked towards the full-length mirror in the bedroom with light steps.

The long, smooth black hair, the delicate and perfect face, the high bridge of the nose and the slightly thin red lips together constitute a charming and charming beauty in the world.

But the pair of cold and ruthless green eyes reflected in the mirror made her temperament even more cold and fierce, revealing the oppressive aura of the superior.

This is undoubtedly a perfect woman. The combination of Asian and European looks gives her a bit of the subtle beauty of an oriental woman and the charming enthusiasm of a western woman.

Half of her blood comes from her mother, and the other half comes from that old-fashioned oriental man.

The maid bowed her head respectfully and said:
  "The leader is in the council chamber."

Hearing the maid's words, Thalia raised her pretty cheeks, revealing her slightly pointed chin, and a sneer came from her mouth: "Ha, he is still like that, clinging to the old-fashioned tradition and not letting go."

As she spoke, the woman opened the closet.

Unlike other women, her wardrobe is all black clothes.

Thalia took out a set of black training clothes and put them on, which made her figure look more curvy.

Thalia walked out of the house, walking silently and steadily through the ancient corridors.

Eighteen years of training and cultivation have turned her into an excellent assassin.

Soon, with the passing assassins bowing their heads respectfully, Thalia walked down the tall building and stood outside a hollowed-out cold cave near the seaside of the island.

"Chief." Thalia called in a calm tone, but her pretty face was full of ridicule. Her old-fashioned father did not even allow her to call him in the organization.

Thalia secretly hates:
  "Just because he feels that I am a woman and cannot shoulder the important task of leading the Assassin's League."

While thinking about it, a desolate and hoarse voice sounded from outside the cave: "Come in."

Thalia took a deep breath and stepped into the cave.

There was no light in the dark and deep cave, and only the faint smell of incense floating in the air made Thalia's mind peaceful.

Her beautiful green eyes stared deep into the cave entrance. Under the weak fuel lamp, a thin old man with black hair wearing a green robe and cold eyes was sitting on a futon. When he saw Thalia, the old man's expression remained unchanged, as if he was just an ordinary member of the organization.

"What are you here for?"

The old man raised his eyes, his brown eyes flashing with brilliance. He stared into Thalia's eyes, waiting for the other party's answer.

Thalia got straight to the point. She hated this rigid old man: "Chief, I think I'm ready to carry out my first mission."

Thalia raised her right hand and slowly clenched it, making a brittle sound: "After eighteen years of hard training and fighting, my skills have been tempered to the peak, and my blood is roaring."

"I am ready to carry out the noble purposes of the League."

"Really?" The old man listened to Thalia's words, glanced at Thalia, waved his hand indifferently and said: "Then you can choose any task from the underground website to do."

"That was your graduation mission at that time."

The man's attitude was as casual as ever, and he didn't care about Thalia's affairs.

As he said that, the old man slowly closed his eyes again, and the intimidating power in his eyes disappeared, and he once again became an ordinary old man.

Looking at the old man with his eyes closed tightly, Thalia bit her lips tightly, and even a little blood slipped down the corners of her lips because she was too hard.

Thalia took a deep breath and lowered her head: "Your wish!"

After saying this, the woman turned and left, but looking at her speed that she wanted to run, it could be seen that she was in a bad mood.

Thalia quickly returned to her house.

The moment she gently closed the door, her pretty cheeks were instantly filled with rage.

"Damn old thing!" Thalia roared, lifting the katana on the table and slashing the tables and chairs in the room, venting her anger.

Obviously that man is his father, but he has never recognized himself, just because he is a woman, Lars Al Ghul (you can also call him Lei Xiaogu), this old guy who has lived for countless years It was decided that she could not lead the League of Assassins.

Yes, this island is the famous Assassin's League base.

From the fall of Rome to many major historical events, the League of Assassins can be seen in them.

And Talia Al Ghul is the daughter of Lei Xiaogu, the daughter of the great leader of the Assassin Alliance.

However, this identity never made Talia proud. Her father never regarded her as a relative, but more like a stranger.

"Huh!" Thalia took a deep breath, straightening her chest and rising and falling slightly: "Oh, I will get the Assassin's League sooner or later, Lei Xiaogu, just wait!"

The firm belief ignited in her heart made Thalia restrain her anger.

She stepped towards the computer and stared at the computer screen with her cold eyes.

Thalia decided to choose a simple mission to start with.

"I need to find an easy assignment."

Thalia flipped the mouse, and soon, the mouse arrow landed on a post.

"Take the gem necklace from Lana Blue, a freshman at Smallville High School in Kansas, and place it under the third large locust tree in the town cemetery."

"A necklace?" Thalia raised the corners of her beautiful eyes and raised her lips with a hint of mockery: "A story about a teenage brat's revenge?"

Thalia moved the mouse and clicked to confirm.

"This mission is interesting." Thalia's eyes were haughty, her left leg resting on her right leg, her thigh without a trace of fat swaying slightly, but deep down in her heart she lurked the thought of watching the fun.

"I took it!"

 I am going to use AI to make some pictures, and will create a group to share them with you after they are put on the shelves. Readers, please stay tuned.

  (End of this chapter)

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