Chapter 49 Prom Invitation

Thalia returned to her room. The house located on the dark side of the island gave it a dark style.

Thalia turned on the light and squinted slightly to adapt to the light. The woman sat gently on the soft bed, her green eyes staring at a photo full of holes on the wall.

The young man in the photo looks handsome, with long blond hair and a white shirt. He looks like an angel descending from heaven to earth.


Thalia snorted and took out the darts from her pocket.

With a "swish" sound, the cold and sharp edge of the dart penetrated the crotch of the young man in the photo, as if doing so would make her feel better.

"Despicable thing." Talia gritted her teeth bitterly. She didn't know her feelings clearly. She was resentful and confused.

"Ding ding~"

The phone rang. Thalia opened the phone and saw the content on the phone. The woman frowned slightly and then sneered.

"Recommend an assistant to me?" Thalia snorted coldly and said to herself: "You are clearly planning to send an informant to monitor me."

Thalia thought about Gino's threat, and finally humiliated herself and chose to agree, and arranged a meeting place with Tina.


The first ray of sunshine in the early morning shone into Luther Castle. Gino stood in the bathroom in his pajamas and spit out the foam from his mouth.

"Master." The butler came not far from Jino with a stack of invitations and said, "Your memo shows that you will send out a dance party to your classmates during this time."

"I have prepared hundreds of invitations for you, and the time is set at ten o'clock tomorrow night."

"Ah, if you didn't tell me this, I would have forgotten it, butler."

Gino smiled and took away the invitation.

The invitation letter decorated with gold looks quite grand.

Jino glanced out the window,
  On the grass outside the castle, servants were busy moving tables and chairs.

"Tomorrow night is destined to be lively." Jino smiled.

He was looking forward to the dance tomorrow night.

"Oh, by the way, butler." Kino turned to look at his butler and said: "Go and prepare a plane ticket to London, and ask Tina to go to the cafe on No. 16 Street in London, and then call this number Contact her supervisor.”

After the exchange with Talia last night, Gino has already arranged the next trajectory of Tina's life.

"Your wishes."


The engine roared and drove the Bugatti sports car into the campus.

It’s another school day. Keno comes neither early nor late. There are already many students in the school.

"Good morning, Kino!" Chloe suddenly jumped out from behind Kino and gently patted the boy's shoulder.

"Should I act surprised?" Gino turned around and looked at the campus trio.

"I know I can't scare you." Chloe sighed, and the four of them walked side by side, chatting.

Chloe approached Gino mysteriously and lowered her voice:
  "Have you heard? A thief broke into Lauren's antique store last night and found Mrs. Lauren's body in a cabinet!"

"Wow, has the murderer been caught?" Kino's expression was as usual. Clark on the side kept staring at Kino, trying to see what he could see from his friend's face.

It's a pity that Clark didn't know that the Ziben family were all born actors.

"The police suspect that Lauren's daughter killed her."

Jino shrugged: "This is really regrettable news."    "But I also bring good news."

Jino winked at the girl, and then took out a stack of golden invitations from his pocket.

These beautifully crafted invitations look great in the early morning sunlight.

"This is it?" Chloe's eyes widened and she quickly reached out and opened one.

The girl looked at the words on the paper and read out: "Jino Luther sincerely invites you to attend the dance at Luther Castle at 22:00 on May th!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Chloe's voice suddenly rose: "Oh my god, this is a prom invitation!"

Listening to Chloe's scream, Little Black Pete and Clark's eyes also lit up.

In the eyes of teenage boys with restless hormones, prom means an invitation to the girl they like. Clark immediately thought of Lana.

Clark imagined in his mind that he was holding Lana's hands and dancing on the wide grass of Luther Castle.


Clark swallowed and immediately put aside Tina's matter, Tina? Is it important for Tina to have Keno's dance party?

Chloe's eyes wandered, she took a deep breath to gather her courage, and looked at Kino: "So, do you have a dance partner?"

Chloe's big eyes were full of expectation, and she didn't know what answer she could get.

"Dance partner? No." Gino shook his head, looked at Chloe, and smiled: "Want to dance with me?"

He naturally knows what Chloe is thinking, but Gino has no idea of ​​falling in love right now.

Chloe nodded repeatedly: "Of course!"

Gino rubbed Chloe's short blond hair: "I'm fine."

Peter on the side was hesitant to speak, and after thinking for a while he asked: "But Jino, with all these invitations, who do you plan to give them to?"

"To be honest, I don't plan on handing it out myself."

Jino shook a pile of invitations in his hand, looked at Clark as if unintentionally and said, "Perhaps, I need a few helpers to help me distribute these invitations."

It was not without reason that he did this. If he had done it by himself, a group of girls would have come to him in droves and begged for a spot. Jino hated wasting time on this kind of thing, so he simply left this kind of limelight thing to him. A few friends.

Beauty? He has been tired of seeing it since he was a child. Beauty is not a scarce resource for top creatures.

"Ahem, I'm willing to contribute!" Clark raised his hand to sign up without hesitation, puffing out his chest to show that he was reliable.

And Little Black Pete also raised his hand.

This is a good opportunity to shine.

"why not?"

Jino divided the invitation letters into two piles and handed them to the two of them, while making a condition: "First of all, those who take drugs must not be allowed to enter Luther Castle, as well as the bastards who like school bullying."

"And bringing your own alcohol and "leaves" is not allowed."

American high school students like to pursue excitement, but Keno doesn't want to see a group of "addicts" on his castle.

Clark and Peter nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, Gino, we will strictly control the situation."

Gino smiled and said: "I'm not worried about Peter, but Clark has no independent opinions and is easily influenced by others."

As he spoke, Gino gently bumped Clark with his arm and whispered: "Perhaps, you can also go to Lana to discuss who can participate in the dance?"

"Good idea!" Clark took a deep breath and clutched the golden invitation in his hand tightly. Just like what Gino said, this was a good opportunity for him to increase the distance between him and Lana.

(End of this chapter)

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