Chapter 90 Batman’s Trial

Batman walked toward the window, as silent as when he came.

"Wait a minute, what did you find?" Gordon Lan said in front of Batman. The eyes under the glasses are full of determination.

Batman said hoarsely: "This matter has nothing to do with you."

Having "trained" in the League of Assassins, Batman was well aware of the terror of those assassins, and taking Gordon there was to murder the police officer.

Although the two didn't get along for a long time, Batman could feel that Gordon was a good policeman.

"you do not need to know."

Batman spoke again, repeating his stance.

Gordon pushed up his glasses and said firmly:

"No, I want to know!"

He looked excited: "I am the policeman of this city and the guardian of this city. I have the right to know the truth from you and seek justice for these victims!"

The two looked at each other, and neither of them said anything.

If it were a romantic drama, it would be an adventure story between a masked hero and an arrogant little police officer. Unfortunately, reality is far more cruel than a phone call.

Batman was silent for a moment, then said: "Well, if you must know. I can tell you..."

Abruptly, Batman pointed his hand behind Gordon: "What is that!?"

"What?" Gordon turned his head and looked, but there was nothing behind him but darkness.

When Gordon turned around again, the figure in black robe had already disappeared without a trace. Only the open window gave evidence of how he had left the room.

"Sour radish bichi."

Gordon slapped the wall with both palms in frustration.

He was tricked by that damn tight black pervert!

Gotham sewers.


The majestic Batman is like a sewer pipe worker, climbing down the iron ladder using his hands and feet.

Batman drew a lighting rod from his belt to dispel the darkness, and walked down the putrid-smelling underground passage.

The cloak was stained by the sewage, and his calf pants were also stained.

Ignoring the stench of the sewer, Batman thought as he walked.

Since ancient times, cities have always been a gathering place for superstition.

After all, the residents of the city come from all over the world. People leave the small villages and towns where they have lived for generations and live in a huge maze of steel and glass that interweaves shadows and cold light.

They cling to the beliefs they brought with them from home, and others bring with them various prejudices.

For example, Asians will draw talismans to bring bad luck, and black people will use the carcasses of some animals to perform weird and evil African rituals.

Walking to a corner in all directions in silence, Batman looked at the walls made of granite.

The group from the League of Assassins came from the sewers.

But Batman's mind came back to a nursery rhyme that was popular in Gotham.

"The Court of Owls is here to watch. Be on guard all day and all night."

"Lime mud walls and granite walls, with a guard station in front of the bedside stove."

"There are clues to the Court of Owls."

Batman narrowed his eyes. He suspected that the Court of Owls and the League of Assassins were involved.

If that's the case, it's certainly a bad situation.

This means he needs to deal with two behemoths and do everything he can to drive them out of Gotham and save Gotham from their clutches.

He raised his fingers and tapped every part of these granite walls.


I don't know if it's just luck or...

The hollow sound coming from the wall made Batman clench his fists.

This wall is empty, maybe there is something hidden inside.     “Bang!”

Batman punched the granite with his fist.

With bricks and stones flying, a small hole appeared in the wall. Batman punched again to expand the hole until he could pass through it.


He stepped into the cave entrance, his boots making a sound on the gravel.

The lighting rod flickered a few times and lost its luster.

Batman simply threw away the lighting rod in his hand and silently walked deeper into the hole.

I don't know why, but he prefers to hide in the darkness than in the light.

After passing through the narrow cave and the dark corridor, a huge underground maze suddenly appeared in front of Batman.


There is a huge LCD screen standing above the head.

As snowflakes flickered, a huge golden conference room appeared on the screen.

Batman looked up at the scene on the screen, with the corners of his mouth pulled down, showing a typical expression: doubt.

Only visible within the screen.

A guy wearing a pure white mask was sitting in the main seat.

He just sat there, like a living human emperor.

Lei Xiaogu?

No, it won't be him. Batman was once tried by the League of Assassins.

He also knew Lei Xiaogu's temperament. As the leader of the Assassin's Alliance, his presence felt like a cold poisonous snake, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow.

But the guy sitting on the golden chair didn't have that cold temperament. He calmly held the armrest with one hand, spread his legs slightly, and leaned lazily on the back chair, giving people a sense of magnanimity. The domineering.

Batman looked up at the young man. He saw the young man stand up slowly. His tall body gave people a terrifying sense of oppression.

This man's temperament reminded Bruce of an ink painting that hung on the wall of Ms. Siwa's training ground when he was traveling in the East. It showed the legendary overlord Xiang Yu who defeated a thousand people with one.

Behind the mysterious man stood a row of members of the Assassin's League.

They were neatly dressed and armed. Under their black masks, only a pair of cold eyes were exposed, staring at the screen, as if they were always preparing for a killing.

Batman's brainstormed.

He began to speculate about the relationship between this man and the League of Assassins, and what conspiracy they were planning to carry out?

Just as Batman was thinking, the man slowly walked up to the camera. With his hands behind his back, he looked down at Batman like a superior god.

He heard the other party's deep voice coming from the screen.

"I want to play a game with you, a fun game."

"This is a taping and I'm waiting for you at the end of the road."

He stretched out his slender green-white fingers and tapped the assassins behind him.

"These people are the elite of the Assassin's League. They will sneak into this maze in ten seconds to hunt you down."

"If you can escape from them, I wouldn't mind telling you the truth about Gotham."

Listening to the mysterious man's words, Bruce's heart trembled slightly.

The truth about Gotham City?

Looking at the maze in the distance again, Batman Furui Mubo also felt a little sullen in his heart.

What does this guy think he is? A clown for people to play with?

"Then, the game begins."

The mysterious man snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the screen went out, the original light was no longer there, and darkness swept through the underground maze again.

What followed was the sound of rapid footsteps and the clash of armor coming from all directions.

Batman knew he had to run.

(End of this chapter)

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