Chapter 99 Two lines intertwined

The sun hung high over Gotham City at dusk, coating the tall buildings with a fine golden powder.

"Afu, report the situation!"

The roaring Bat-motorcycle carries a man wearing a black bat suit as he speeds through the streets of Gotham City.

Ah Fu's voice came from the headset.

The old man stood in front of the underground cave monitor.

On the Assassin's blue light screen, countless displays burst into a snow-white mosaic from time to time, which means that they have been forcibly destroyed and destroyed by humans.

"I'm sorry to tell you, Master Bruce, that they have already begun to take action."

Ah Fu was a little surprised by the speed of the Assassin's League's actions.

Efficient and concise, it is like an engine with clear division of labor, and every component is operating in an orderly manner.

"Have you found any trace of them?"

"Judging based on the pattern of camera disconnections."

Afu observed the screen and concluded: "They are advancing from four directions in the city, and if the other party maintains this efficiency, then their target will be the Assembly Hall in the city center, where Mayor Mark has his office. .”

"I understand."

A solemn look appeared on Batman's face.

He had received systematic training and study in the Assassin's League.

Batman needs to know how the League of Assassins operates.

When they want to invade a city, they disintegrate it from within like termites.

Assassinate the political figures and departments that control the city, thereby paralyzing the city and public security, and then successfully destroy the city.

Batman twisted the handle of the vehicle, and the Batmobile roared and sprayed blue flames from the tail pipe of the motorcycle, carrying him towards the city center.

The original site of Wayne Tower.

This ancient clock tower was built in 1880 under the supervision of Alan Wayne.

There are a total of 12 gargoyle stone statues in the building, each overlooking an important thoroughfare in and out of the city.

The five gargoyle statues on the first floor overlook Gotham's earliest gateway, three bridges and two tunnels.

Cars come and go on the bridge.

The chaotic Gotham is like a beautiful actress posing, attracting scum from all over the world to gather here. It also brings many unexplained black businesses to the city.


A heavy-duty delivery truck quietly drove toward the Gotham Bridge.

If Jino were here, he would definitely be able to see an exaggerated metal missile through the iron box, as well as the assassins guarding the dirty bomb all around.

The assassins worked in pairs to monitor each other's scene on the glass outside the box.

A black motorcycle passed by the window. The assassins looked at each other and immediately pressed their headphones to talk: "Chief, we have found traces of Batman. He is riding a motorcycle and seems to be heading towards the city center."

In the sewer under the city hall, Lei Xiaogu hung up the communication and glanced at several of his subordinates.

They lowered their heads and turned to leave the tunnel, intending to lay a trap to stop the masked weirdo.

Lei Xiaogu looked at a cement wall, with a ghost-like smile on his withered face.

"Batman? Stupid name."

He tightened the samurai sword behind his tight body and pressed the earphone: "Ignore it, Batman will be dealt with by me."

He is curious, what is the strength of Batman who has become famous in Gotham?

The strong wind blew on both sides of the mask, blowing the black cape. Batman looked forward and controlled the motorcycle to rush to the Council Hall through a narrow alley. He must protect the city. This is his mission.

The light of the setting sun swept across the building and spilled into the alley.

The slightly dazzling light made Batman squint slightly.

However, the angle of light refraction caused his eyes to catch something unusual.

On the road that the locomotive must pass, a sharp steel wire rope with a cold light is waiting for a destined person.

Batman recognizes this thing. A murder weapon often used by the Assassin's League.

When someone rushes past at an extremely fast speed, the sharp steel wire will turn into a deadly blade and cut his body into pieces.

Bruce didn't hesitate, immediately stepped on the brakes and put his foot on the ground. Using the inertia of the motorcycle, he kicked the vehicle's fuel tank with his other leg, and then rolled the shovel into the garbage pile in the corner of the alley.

The out-of-control motorcycle suddenly hit the wire.

Sharp wire ropes made of unknown steel were used to separate the vehicles.


The high-performance motorcycle costing tens of millions of dollars exploded with a bang, sending hot air waves rising to the ground, illuminating the dark alley.


At the moment when the vehicle exploded and set off raging flames, several assassins hidden in the darkness also launched attacks at the same time.

Four sharp samurai swords stabbed Batman's body from four directions.


The moment the blade cut through the uniform, Batman also fought back.


His thick and powerful arms grabbed a ninja's wrist and threw him away while moving back to avoid the blade from piercing his chest.

He raised his left leg and kicked an assassin hard in the jaw, causing him to faint. He then turned sideways to avoid another round of ferocious attacks.

"!" Batman groaned, rolled on the spot and flipped his wrist to shoot several batarangs.

"Ding Ding Dang!" Two assassins waved the samurai sword on their hands, and the blade collided with the dart blade.

At the same time, the assassin who had been thrown away before staggered to his feet and rushed towards Batman again with his katana.

The man noticed the blade slashing at his chest. He took two steps back, stepped on the wall with his right foot, and suddenly exerted force the moment the blade struck. He flipped back at an incredible angle and slammed his elbow into the assassin's neck in the air.


Batman rolled over and landed on the ground, picked up the katana scattered on the ground, and turned the blade towards himself.

The two warriors looked at each other, then rushed towards Batman in unison.


The back of the knife knocked the two assassins unconscious, and Batman dropped the blade in his hand.

His super reaction and execution ability allowed him to easily resolve the crisis.

But the corners of his mouth that exposed the lower half of his face under the mask were slightly pulled downward, giving him an unhappy expression.

Batman was in a bad mood.

The Assassin's League was able to send people to block him, which meant that they had discovered him.

To put it simply, you have exposed yourself.

"I have to move."

As a master strategist, Batman knows that he must move his position to prevent the endless stream of assassins from draining his strength.

The sharp eyes under the bat mask glanced at the manhole cover on the roadside. He sighed, thinking that his cloak was going to be dirty again.

This is not good. I remember Ah Fu nagging me for quite a while last time.

And the smell of the underground passage is also very unpleasant.

But for the sake of the plan, Batman still opened the manhole cover and jumped into the passage.

Not long after the masked knight from Gotham left, a hunched Lei Xiaogu also appeared in this alley.

The man tugged on his green cloak and looked at the unconscious assassin lying on the ground.

He picked up the batarangs on the ground and looked at the footprints in the muddy alley leading to the sewers, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

What a coincidence. Just as he climbed up from the sewer at the other end, the other party jumped into the sewer.

(End of this chapter)

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