Global Distortion: Eat the Black Mamba alive at the beginning

Chapter 143 After the war, the ancient emperor attacks the demigod again

Chapter 143 After the war, the ancient emperor attacks the demigod again

Tianlang Territory and Nan Heng Territory instantly understood the seriousness of the matter.

Even the Emperor Star Alliance cannot turn around and attack the Black Wind Territory without stopping.

But there are two demigods from the Black Wind Region, two demigods from the Sirius Region, and two demigods from the Nanheng Region.

Or have a meeting in the shortest possible time!

Facing the ambitious Emperor Star, Black Wind Territory, Sirius Territory, and Nan Heng Territory, they chose an unreserved alliance!

Next, the Tianlang Territory and Nanheng Territory will support the Black Wind Territory to the greatest extent.

The Black Wind Territory is the closest to the Ice Soul Territory. A large number of monks from the Ice Soul Territory, as well as a large number of monks from the early Tianhong Territory, all gathered in the Black Wind Territory at this time.

If the Emperor Star does not attack the Black Wind Territory, the Black Wind Territory can obviously stab the Emperor Star behind.

Attack the Ice Soul Domain controlled by the Emperor Star, as well as the Tianhong Domain.

However, the three parties in the Black Wind Region also know that the Emperor Star will not quickly launch a war in a short period of time.

They still have some time to make the best preparations for the war that is coming soon!

Ice Soul Domain, above the nine heavens.

Gu Qijue stood proudly in the air. Beside him was the demigod Di Kui and the will of the Emperor Star in human form.

After transforming into a human form, Emperor Star Will is an extremely cold-blooded young man in black.

Demigod Di Kui looked down at the battlefield below and said calmly: "The natives of Shenhuang Continent already have a relatively deep understanding of our technological weapons."

Hearing this, Gu Qijue nodded slightly: "Yes, although they do not follow the technological route, they do not understand the principles of our technological weapons."

"But they have used various magic weapons and formations to effectively defend against our technological weapons."

"If our technological weapons do not continue to develop breakthroughs, they will continue to be updated and iterated."

"In a few battles, or even in the next battle, it may be effectively targeted."

Demigod Di Kui nodded solemnly and said at the same time: "The research and development breakthroughs and updates of technological weapons are the strengths of Infinite Group and the strength of Emperor Star."

"After the material and energy problems are solved to a great extent, most of the Emperor Star's technologies will complete an upgrade iteration."

"As long as the technology of the Emperor Star maintains its momentum of development and continues to be updated."

"As long as the natives of the Shenhuang Continent don't understand technology, we can always maintain an advantage."

"However, if the head of state now calls for the conquest of the Divine Desolate Continent, will it be easy to make enemies for the Emperor Star?"

Gu Qijue shook his head: "This concern is unnecessary. The top forces in the Divine Desolate Continent all want to conquer the entire Divine Desolate Continent, but no one has been able to do it."

"When they hear the news, except for the areas already occupied by us, others will just think we are telling a joke."

After hearing this, the demigod Di Kui thought for a moment and found that this was indeed the truth.

Just like now, if a peak emperor of the Ice Soul Realm jumps out.

He shouted to the three of them that he would kill the three demigods in the near future.

Gu Qijue, him, and Emperor Star Will would only think that the other party was telling a joke, but would not believe that the other party really had this ability.

Di Kui demigod thought for a moment, and then continued: "I suggest taking a rest for at least two weeks, or even three weeks, for three reasons."

"First, let the combat troops of the Emperor Star rest and recover."

"Second, continue to collect resources from the Ice Soul Realm and Tianhong Realm to enhance the overall strength of the Emperor Star."

"Third, strengthen the occupation and rule of the Emperor Star over the Tianhong Territory and the Ice Soul Territory."

"Let Tianhong Territory and Bingso Territory fully recognize the Emperor Star, and let them feel that it is possible for the Emperor Star to establish the Shenhuang Empire."

Demigod Di Kui is the first powerful demigod native to the Emperor Star, and is also the founder of Emperor Mountain. Both in terms of strength and control of the situation, they are both very impressive.

His proposals were also well-reasoned, well-founded and convincing.

Gu Qijue was extremely happy about this, because the demigod Di Kui finally began to play his role as the second-in-command of the Emperor Star.

He appointed Demigod Di Kui and Demon Emperor Tianyue as the second-in-command of the Emperor Star, hoping that these two could assist him in managing the Emperor Star.

Demon Emperor Tianyue's performance has always been very good, but Demigod Di Kui was relatively silent before.

After capturing the Ice Soul Realm and knowing Gu Qijue's goal, Di Kui's demigod's confidence and fighting spirit were ignited.

After his proposal, Gu Qijue nodded and said, "Next, let the Emperor Star combat troops rest for three weeks."

"Quickly digest and absorb the gains from the last two wars to prepare for the next battle."

"Let Demon Emperor Tianyue, Gu Yangze and others try to attack the demigods."

Demigod Di Kui has absolutely no problem with Gu Qijue's arrangement.

But he couldn't help but asked: "Your Majesty the Head of State, aren't you ready to attack the demigods?"

Gu Qijue shook his head and gave an answer that stunned the demigod Di Kui.

"I need to consume a lot of resources to attack the demigods."

"It is no exaggeration to say that the resources I consumed in this process may be thirty or even fifty times the resources consumed by an ordinary emperor to become a demigod!"

He is not talking nonsense, but his foundation is too solid, which leads to his cultivation and improvement, and the resources he needs to consume are also very scary.

Exhausting all the high-level resources currently reserved by the Emperor Star may not be enough for him to become a demigod.

His current plan is to defeat the Black Wind Territory, the Heavenly Wolf Territory, and the Nanheng Territory, and then attack the demigods.

At that time, the Emperor Star already had enough strong men to guard the four directions and collect resources.

There must be enough resources for him to attack the demigods.

After the war, Emperor Gu Yangze, as expected, once again chose to retreat to attack the demigods.

During this war, the Taikoo Group under his name gained a large amount of resources.

These resources are all deserved by Emperor Gu Yangze and the Swire Group.

No matter what he does with these resources, Gu Qijue can't say anything about him.

However, Gu Qijue still wanted to say that Gu Yangze had better not waste resources.

His foundation is not solid enough yet.

Just like building a tall building, it must have a very solid foundation.

With his current level of solid foundation, he is unable to carry a demigod-level tall building.

Therefore, there is a 99% chance that his attack on the demigods will fail.

But after all, there is still a 1% chance of success and becoming a relatively weak demigod.

So at this time, Gu Qijue did not directly stop Gu Yangze.

Compared to Gu Yangze, Emperor Dao was much wiser.

He did not directly announce the retreat to attack the demigod, but came to the demigod Di Kui, a veteran, for consultation.

(End of this chapter)

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