Global Distortion: Eat the Black Mamba alive at the beginning

Chapter 145 The new discovery of nightmare

Chapter 145 The new discovery of nightmare

Without exception, these powerful men who have disappeared are all heading towards the demigods with all their strength.

However, their road to attacking the demigods is destined to be bumpy.

Among the top experts on the Emperor Star, Gu Yangze was the first to attack the demigods.

This was not his first time attacking a demigod. This guy had tried it before on the Emperor Star.

But the old man refused to give up, he firmly believed that he also had the qualifications of a demigod.

Furthermore, failure is the grandma of success.

He learned the lessons from last time this time, and there is no reason why he can't succeed!

Then, he failed!

Yes, Emperor Gu Yangze failed to attack the demigods for the second time.

In the training room of the Swire Group, the floating base, Emperor Gu Yangze was completely stupid.

"That's unreasonable!"

"Why is it so difficult to attack a demigod?"

To attack a demigod, simply speaking, you only need to do one thing.

That is to find ways to condense the demigod crystal core.

As long as the demigod crystal core is condensed, you can become a demigod.

When the peak emperor encounters a demigod, he basically hits the stone with an egg.

The reason why it is said that it is basically an egg against a stone is because there are exceptions, such as the leader of the Emperor Star, Gu Qijue, is an exception.

Along the way, the foundation at each stage has been consolidated to the extreme.

Others build hundred-story buildings using reinforced concrete.

He built hundreds of stories high-rise buildings, all using titanium alloy.

The same hundred-story building has the same height, but its strength is completely different.

With such a long experience, an ordinary demigod has no qualifications to fight against Gu Qijue.

Although the Ice Demigod and the Ice Lin Demigod had two brushes, they still could not force Gu Qijue to use the second or even third form.

Especially the third form, and the fourth form that is about to be understood, I am afraid that it can only be used when killing gods.

Emperor Gu Yangze doesn't care how awesome Gu Qijue, the leader of the Emperor Star, is now. The ancient head only cares about one thing now, and that is how to become awesome himself.

However, his journey as a demigod was not smooth.

For the first time, his demigod crystal core was completely shattered before even revealing its outline.

This time it was better, the outline of the demigod crystal core was there, but before he could continue to condense the demigod crystal core, the demigod crystal core in his body actually shattered again.

Not only did Gu Yangze fail, Bei Qingcang and the other peak emperors also failed one after another at this time.

The only one who is still insisting is Tianyue Demon Emperor.

Demon Emperor Tianyue's strength and foundation are stronger than others.

Her probability of becoming a demigod is also higher than others.

But it’s hard to say whether she can become a demigod!

Ji Tianyue was currently in retreat in the Tianyue Group's training room to attack demigods.

She consumed more resources than Gu Yangze.

Her progress in attacking the demigods was faster than that of Gu Yangze.

"Crack, click, click!"

However, the Demon Emperor Tianyue still failed to complete his transformation.

After her demigod crystal core was condensed halfway, it became unsustainable and quickly shattered.

Although Tianyue Demon Emperor failed to become a demigod.

But after Ji Yinyue's bloodline was purified again, she successfully completed her transformation and became an emperor-level powerhouse.

At this moment, Ji Yinyue was completely stupid.

Because the way she attacked the emperor, I dare not say that it is unprecedented, but it is definitely unprecedented!

The way she attacks the Great Emperor is passive, she is transformed into the Great Emperor by being impacted.

Although Ji Yinyue had already sat cross-legged and adjusted her breath, beginning to consolidate her emperor-level strength. But at this moment, she was still dripping with sweat, and her little heart was still beating wildly.

She had no preparation at all and became an emperor naturally.

As time went by, her imperial level strength was gradually consolidated.

Gu Qijue had already gone to the bathroom to take a shower and picked up a magazine to read.

After being fully released, the energy in his body seemed to become more pure and condensed.

At this moment, while sitting on the sofa and reading a magazine, Gu Qijue looked at the pretty and blushing Ji Yinyue.

Ji Yinyue's skin was so tender that it could break with a blow, and her pretty face with a rosy white face was even more alluring.

While Gu Qijue looked at the impurities, an impulse inevitably arose in his heart, and he wanted to go over and kiss her deeply.

However, Ji Yinyue is consolidating her strength now, and he cannot disturb Ji Yinyue. Of course, he has this sense of propriety.

After picking up the magazine and flipping through it, Gu Qijue focused his attention on the meteorite ore.

Meteorite ore is said to come from outside the sky, so it is called meteorite ore.

It is no secret that meteorite alloys can be refined using meteorite ores.

However, there are huge technical barriers to using meteorite ores to refine meteorite alloys.

At the moment, there are only two ways to do it.

The first method is to consume a large amount of energy stones to continuously charge the meteorite ore.

After absorbing a large amount of energy, the impurities in the meteorite ore will gradually turn into powder, and what is left in the end is the meteorite alloy.

The cost of this method is very high. Use the meteorite alloy obtained by this method to build an emperor-level war machine.

The cost in this process is enough to train twenty powerful emperors.

Therefore, generally no one does such thankless things.

The meteorite alloys currently refined by major groups and major overlord-level forces are basically used to forge weapons.

Even, it is only used to forge key parts of weapons, such as the blade of a knife, the blade of a sword, etc.

The second method is to let demigods and top emperors serve as humanoid refining furnaces.

The stronger the strength, the higher the efficiency of refining meteorite alloy from meteorite ore.

But this method is also very time-consuming.

A demigod who does nothing for a day can only refine a piece of meteorite alloy.

As for the refining speed of the Peak Emperor, it is of course even more impressive.

Gu Qijue now held a piece of meteorite alloy and began to feel it carefully.

He wants to find a more efficient method. Meteor alloy is a very useful material.

But if the refining efficiency cannot be improved, it will be a waste of time to guard the treasure mountain.

When Gu Qijue was thinking about how to improve the efficiency of refining meteorite alloy.

His communicator received the communication request from Nightmare.

Nightmare is the brain of the Emperor Star and controls all the knowledge of the Emperor Star.

After the Ice Soul Realm was occupied, all kinds of knowledge about the Ice Soul Realm were quickly entered into the Nightmare Intelligence Brain.

After receiving Nightmare's communication request, Gu Qijue answered it at will.

"What's wrong? Nightmare."

Nightmare still appeared in front of Gu Qijue in Gu Yinling's transparent form and saluted Gu Qijue extremely respectfully.

Then, he said: "Your Majesty the Head of State, I may have some discoveries that you are interested in."

Gu Qijue became interested: "Tell me about it."

A transparent light and shadow began to appear in front of Gu Qijue's eyes.

Nightmare was also on the side and started to explain what the information was about.

(End of this chapter)

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