Chapter 76 Three postures of crawling

Qian Ze let out a long sigh.

"I don't feel sorry for the money, I feel sorry for the meat bun."

"There is a saying that goes like this, if a meat bun beats a dog, there will be no return. Alas~"



After a while of fighting, it was almost time to gather.

Wang Chen left the company headquarters and returned to the class to get his stool and kettle.


"First company! All personnel bring stools and water bottles, gather downstairs and prepare for training!"

The watchman's whistle sounded at the right time, and the recruits ran to the front of the building in an orderly manner.

"Huh? Aren't you going to queue up today? Why is there a gun in front of the cabin?"

The sharp-eyed recruits immediately spotted the twelve model guns set up on the ground in the distance.

"You don't understand! We're going to do some tactics today!"

Zhang Dingbang, who was in the queue, whispered to the other recruits.

When the other recruits heard this, they immediately showed shocked expressions.

Seeing the shock on their faces, Zhang Dingbang looked particularly proud, and then said:

"I'm not lying to you, we are working on tactics, while other companies are still working on formation! I can only say that our company is making rapid progress!"

The recruits in other classes still haven't recovered from the word "tactics", and their minds are filled with fantasy images.

"Don't whisper in the queue!"

"It's been more than a week, can you still not get rid of this problem?"

The attendant frowned and scolded.

Zhang Dingbang immediately lowered his head.

"The subject of today's training is tactics. We will explain it in detail after we get to the training ground."

After the duty officer finished speaking, he led a company of recruits out of the camp.

After leaving the camp, walk up the mountain road that you used to go to the health team.

The training ground was a little farther than the health team. After passing the health team, we walked forward for five or six minutes and arrived at a large open space.

The open space is as big as a football field.

At the front end, in addition to some equipment, there are two rectangular short bodies tied with wires.

Obviously, today's training content should be conducted there.

The recruits stepped on the hard ground with some bumps, and it was quite difficult to walk on their feet. If they were not careful, there was a risk of sprained feet.

"Okay, we're at the place. Let the new recruits start warming up first."

"Run ten laps along the outermost edge of this open space. Wang Chen will come out."

After the duty officer finished speaking, he asked the recruits to put the model gun on the ground, and asked the veterans to start running with the recruits to warm up.

Wang Chen left the queue and walked to the attendant.

"Huh? What is this new recruit named Wang Chen capable of? Why doesn't he run with us?"

"Yes! When we inspected the housekeeping yesterday, why were we able to inspect the housekeeping together with the veterans?"

The recruits looked at Wang Chen who didn't have to run, and they all cast envious glances.

"How can you, brother Wang of our class, be allowed to talk nonsense?"

"You just need to remember that Brother Wang in our class is the eldest brother who has enlisted in the army for the second time and is also a veteran. Of course he doesn't need to run."

When Zhang Dingbang saw this, he immediately started bragging to other recruits.

"What happened to the second enlistment? Aren't you still the same rank as us now?"

"Tch~ Yes, yes, they are all new recruits, what's there to show off? He's the only one making a special case."

Listening to Zhang Dingbang's words, they already had no good impressions of this new recruit named Wang Chen.

"Pay attention to your feet, be careful of sprained ankles!"

There were scoldings from the veterans on the side, but the recruits stopped talking.

"How's it going? How are you memorizing the lesson plan?"

The attendant asked Wang Chen with a smile.

"There's no problem. I've often done this kind of formalistic stuff before."

Wang Chen shook his head and said there was no problem.

He turned around and looked at the low-lying squatting body tied with wires, and began to move.

After I warmed up a little, I stood at the starting point in the distance.     "Mark the time for me."

Wang Chen greeted the attendant.

The test here uses three postures of crawling.

The so-called three postures of crawling include ten meters of low posture, ten meters of side posture, and ten meters of high posture.

After the thirty meters, there is still a sprint distance of ten meters, which adds up to forty meters.

The results are qualified if completed within thirty seconds, and excellent if completed within twenty seconds.

"it is good."

The watchman picked up the stopwatch and was ready.


As the watchman pressed the stopwatch, Wang Chen jumped forward like a flying arrow, sliding forward about four meters just under the low-lying barbed wire.

Then he exerted force with both hands and feet at the same time, coordinated at a constant speed, and quickly passed the low-profile barbed wire fence.

At the same time, I did not choose to change positions, and kept crawling in one position.

Until he passed the thirty-meter barbed wire fence, he stood up and kicked the ground with his right foot.

The body exploded out again.

When we reached the finish line, the watchman stopped the stopwatch.

"Fuck, eight seconds two!!!"

The attendant looked at the time on the stopwatch and couldn't help but curse.

I even thought the stopwatch was broken.

But Wang Chen's speed is indeed like this.

"Eight seconds and two, that's a little faster."

Wang Chen nodded.

I patted the dust on my body.

After building a three-position crawling building, the originally clean camouflage uniform on my body became completely dirty.

"Fuck, that's okay, Madman Wang."

"The three-position crawling time is so fast, my fastest record is only twelve seconds."

The company commander Qian Ze on the side couldn't help but say.

"That's too slow. It looks like you're lazy in the military academy."

Wang Chen smiled.

This achievement of his was something he didn't expect.

I remember when I was in the Special Operations Brigade, the fastest was only eleven seconds.

But now that I have a system, all aspects of my body's functions have been greatly improved.

So it is reasonable to achieve this result.

"Your movements are quite standard. As expected, finding you as a teacher is the wisest choice I have ever made."

Qian Ze chuckled.

Wang Chen's face darkened.

Which pot should not be opened and lifted?
  A large circle in the open space, about 400 meters.

The recruits run ten laps, which is four kilometers.

In addition, the ground here is not very easy to run on, so by the time all the recruits finished running, more than twenty minutes had passed.


The recruits stood panting one by one in front of the duty officer and lined up.

Looking at Wang Chen who was calm and composed on the side, he suddenly felt even more envious.

"I'll organize everyone to move their upper limbs, so that they can use their strength later, so as not to get injured."

The duty officer said this and led the recruits to start moving their bodies further.

After all, tactics can be said to be the most vulnerable subject among recruits, so there must be sufficient warm-up.

After finishing this, the recruits felt that their bodies were completely warmed up.

"Okay, now we officially start training!"

"We have invited our instructors to teach you tactics. Everyone applauds!"

 I’ll update five chapters first to cheer everyone up.

  (End of this chapter)

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