Bright Sword starts with the grenade flat.

Chapter 108 Yang Xiuqin’s Phoenix Crown Xiapei

Chapter 108 Yang Xiuqin’s Phoenix Crown Xiapei

After Liu Xiu saw Li Yunlong's letter, he thought for a while, although this marriage was a bait, this marriage was also a real marriage!

So he couldn't be too shabby, so he looked at Wei Dayong who was still playing with the Thompson submachine gun and said immediately:

"Senior brother, this target is dead. I'd better take you hunting before we leave, so that you can familiarize yourself with the performance of the Thompson submachine gun! Maybe you will need to use it tomorrow!"

Naturally, Wei Dayong would not refuse Liu Xiu's proposal. Although Wei Dayong was good at shooting Mauser pistols and rifles, he still needed to practice and become more familiar with the submachine guns when he came to Liu Xiu's special operations platoon.

You must know that the weapon configuration of the assault group is a submachine gun plus Mauser pistol, and the firepower group is a grenade plus Mauser pistol ammunition configuration.

The sniper team is equipped with a rifle and a pistol, but the number of people in the sniper team is somewhat small. So far, it only has Wang Xikui plus an assistant.

In fact, when Liu Xiu formed the special operations team, he also considered the weapons carried by the special operations team. First of all, what the special operations team did were raid missions, so the operations were all close combats, so it was natural to use a submachine gun. wrong!

Then the instantaneous firepower needs to be fierce, which can have the effect of quickly attacking the enemy. This is why Liu Xiuhui is different from Yamamoto Kazuki's special team's all-member submachine gun configuration and creates an additional firepower group.

As for the sniper team, it was based on Li Xiu's reference to the deployment of snipers in all special forces decades later.

The requirements for Wang Xikui, the only sniper of the special forces team, are also very simple, that is, to prioritize attacking enemy command posts or important and valuable targets.


"This is really a good harvest! Tomorrow Captain Li will get married and have a grand show!"

Liu Xiu looked at the two wild boars on the ground, the Zhangzi, and some hares, pheasants and other animals. He also smiled and said to Monk Wei, of course, this is how much prey will be enough now if it is placed in forty or fifty years. Wei Dayong shot him five or six times!

But now, if you can fight, that's your skill. As for the law of wildlife protection, it will take more than 40 years to come!

So now, no matter how much you kill, no one will care about it, and the emergence of firearms has made the three big beasts of the jungle, tigers, bears, and wild boars, that were originally scary, become good babies, especially the Thomson that Wei Dayong took this time. For automatic weapons like submachine guns, the barrage during strafing is useless no matter how fast the animal is.

When Wei Dayong heard Liu Xiu's words, he smiled and said:

"With this much meat, we can treat the whole village to the leader's wedding banquet tomorrow without any problem!"

"I just plan to treat everyone in Zhaojiayu to a feast tomorrow, otherwise why would you let you hunt so many prey? Are you familiar with the characteristics of this Thompson submachine gun? Don't take it off tomorrow when you shoot the little devil. It's embarrassing. ah!"

Wei Dayong said confidently after hearing Liu Xiu's words:

"Don't worry! I'm not just playing with guns. After more than a hundred rounds of bullets, I have fully understood the characteristics of the Thompson submachine gun. Hey! By the way, you just said that we will fight the little devils tomorrow. Why is the leader getting married tomorrow? Don’t you want me to participate?”

"Who said you won't be allowed to attend the group leader's wedding? We will go to the group leader's wedding tomorrow to beat up the little devil..."

When Liu Xiu revealed that Zhu Ziming was an undercover agent and Li Yunlong's plan, Wei Dayong immediately said: "That's just right. Let the little devil's blood be used to add more joy to the leader's wedding tomorrow!"

Of course, Liu Xiu not only asked Wei Dayong to practice shooting in the name of hunting, but also ordered people from the special forces to buy a lot of wine and wedding items, but half of the wine was mixed with water by Liu Xiu. After all, although we are getting married tomorrow, we cannot get drunk, so naturally we can only use fake wine to fool them. As for the other half of the real wine, it is for the villagers of Zhaojiayu.

Early the next morning, Liu Xiu led more than 30 people from the special operations team and drove several carriages towards Zhaojiayu.

As soon as Zhao Gang saw that Liu Xiu had brought so many prey and drinks so early in the morning, he immediately pulled Liu Xiu aside and asked:

"Why did you bring so many prey! Didn't you tell me that even though Xiu Qin and Lao Li are getting married this time, they will also be used to lure the little Japs' special forces!"

After hearing what Zhao Gang said, Liu Xiu immediately said:

"Zheng Wei, although this wedding is mainly about attracting little devils, it is still a real marriage! So how can it be so shabby! You can't fool me with canned cabbage stew!"

Zhao Gang saw what Liu Xiu said and felt that it made sense. After all, the leader of the independent group couldn't get married in a shabby manner. However, Zhao Gang then pointed to the wine Liu Xiu brought and said:

"Liu Xiu, we have to deal with the special team of Japs tonight. How can you beat the Japs that night when you bring so much wine!"

Liu Xiu smiled and waved his hands, then whispered:

"Zheng Xi, half of this wine is fake wine with water added, it is for us to drink, and the other half is real wine for the fellow villagers in Zhaojiayu. Naturally, this act must be done in full! Of course, you must have a special meeting with our comrades in advance It was the brothers of the Guards Platoon who agreed to let them act more realistically! After all, there might be some Japanese spies among the fellow villagers in Zhaojiayu!"

Regarding Liu Xiu's words, Zhao Gang nodded to express his understanding, and then asked the people from the Tuanqi cooking class to drag away all the prey that Liu Xiu had brought.

Naturally, the two wild boars were given to the other one in Zhaojiayu. You must know that this custom of marriage has not changed for thousands of years. Unless she is too poor, either the woman marrying her daughter or the man marrying his daughter-in-law will do it. Having a banquet at home.

Originally, Yang Xiuqin's parents died early, and her only brother was also a soldier in another regiment of the Eighth Route Army. Naturally, there was no one to hold a banquet for her at her parents' house.

Of course, the more important thing is that there is nothing to hold a banquet for Yang Xiuqin. However, when Liu Xiu gave a wild boar of more than 200 kilograms, a Zhangzi and a dozen bottles of wine to the fellow villagers in Zhaojiayu, how could he prepare a banquet for Yang Xiuqin's natal family? It has become a simple matter!

When Yang Xiuqin saw these things that Liu Xiu had brought, especially when he gave the prey and wine to Zhaojiayu and asked the villagers of Zhaojiayu to hold a family banquet for Yang Xiuqin, there were tears in the corners of Yang Xiuqin's eyes!

Liu Xiu saw Yang Xiuqin's moved expression and immediately smiled and said:

"Sister Xiuqin, why are you crying? Although Sister Xiuqin's brother is not here, my brother can't let my sister suffer no matter what! There is no one in Sister Xiuqin's natal family, so I am from Sister Xiuqin's natal side. Come on! By the way, Sister Xiuqin, the leader will come to pick up the bride later, so hurry up and put on the phoenix crown and harem!"

Liu Xiu said as he took out a red package and handed it to Yang Xiuqin. Yes, Liu Xiu ordered the special team to go to the city yesterday. In addition to buying drinks, he also had people buy wedding items. Of course, this Fengguan Xiapei was among them. .

(End of this chapter)

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