Bright Sword starts with the grenade flat.

Chapter 113 33 System Tactics

Chapter 113 Three-Three System Tactics

Liu Xiu's method of misusing artillery shells as ammunition really made Li Yunlong, who was watching the battle from behind, tremble in distress.

But since the main attack was handed over to the Second Battalion, Li Yunlong had nothing to say.

And if the city wall does not collapse, then the dozen or so light and heavy machine guns mounted by the little Japs on the city wall will definitely cause huge casualties to the soldiers charging behind.

So for Liu Xiu, who traveled from modern times, these artillery shells were nothing. The lives of the soldiers were not important.

At the moment when the city wall collapsed, Liu Xiu also asked the bugler to blow the charge horn.

Under the leadership of three tanks, more than 5,000 people from Liu Xiu's Second Battalion began to rush towards Ping'an County. There was no need to worry that more than 5,000 people would be crowded in the city gate and unable to pass through the collapsed city wall.

However, when Liu Xiu's more than 5,000 people charged, they did not charge randomly, but in a three-by-three formation.

That's right, Liu Xiu popularized the three-three system combat method in the second battalion.

This three-three system tactic was proposed in the late period of the Anti-Japanese War, matured in the United Front, and finally became famous in the War of Resistance.

As for the 3-3 tactic, it was that person who proposed it. Although he was injured by his teammates because he wore the wrong clothes, he was still thinking about how to enhance the combat effectiveness of the Eighth Route Army even while he was recovering from illness.

When the weapons can't be stronger than the little devil, they can only use the formation to work hard.

Of course, under hot weapons, the cold weapon troop formations left by our ancestors no longer work, because they are no longer suitable for combat under modern hot weapons.

So after a series of experiments and thinking, the famous three-by-three tactical formation was finally proposed in October 1944.

As for Liu Xiu, he didn't know what kind of reaction it would cause if he came up with the three-three system now, but in order to reduce casualties, Liu Xiu couldn't control it so much.

In fact, Liu Xiu did not teach the 3-3 tactics to the Second Battalion at first, but taught it to his special forces team first. Then the people in the special forces team found that it was quite useful after actual combat, so they asked if they could use it. Passed on to ordinary warriors.

Liu Xiu naturally agreed to this, and because each member of Liu Xiu's special team also served as deputy squad leader and deputy platoon leader of the second battalion, it didn't take long for the three-three tactical formation to be popularized in the second battalion. coming.

The principle of the three-by-three tactics, to put it simply, is to use the squad as a unit and divide it into three combat groups, with each combat group consisting of three people.

In order to facilitate mutual communication, generally speaking, they will line up in three echelons.

Moreover, in the three-person combat team, the division of labor between these three soldiers is very clear. One is to attack, one is to provide cover, and the other is to provide support.

In terms of formation, the entire group is arranged in a triangle.

After entering the actual attack, two soldiers are in front and a team leader is in the back, which creates a triangle.

According to this, three people form a combat group, three combat groups form a combat squad, and three combat squads form a combat group.

In other words, a total of twenty-seven warriors form a battle group. The distance between groups is usually twenty to forty meters, and the distance between people is seven meters. These twenty-seven warriors can cover A front of eight hundred meters wide.

As for communication between warriors, simple methods such as spoken language or sign language are usually used. This formation has two advantages. The first is to avoid group destruction. After all, there is a certain distance between soldiers, so there will be no large-scale casualties caused by weapons such as grenades.

Second, it can create an illusion, making the enemy look as if our soldiers are everywhere, which can cause huge psychological pressure on the enemy.

In addition to the above two benefits, this three-three system tactic has another wonderful effect in defensive operations.

When it is necessary to defend against an enemy attack, one soldier in a combat team can accurately snipe and kill the enemy, while another soldier can provide fire support on one side to disrupt the enemy's attack formation and ensure accurate sniping. The soldier who killed the enemy was focused.

Another soldier can use grenades and other weapons to attack the enemy, forcing the enemy to not get close.

This is a defensive operation, and when it comes to active offensive operations, the advantage of the three-by-three system is that each combat team will form a front triangle and a rear triangle formation to advance, calling in front and behind to avoid the damage of intensive firepower, and ensure Shock continuity. First of all, it can cover more fronts with fewer people. Twenty-seven soldiers can bring an 800-meter range into fire control, which makes our army's "human efficiency" higher and

Secondly, due to the small number of people and the large coverage, this creates a fire blind spot for the enemy and minimizes the casualties of our soldiers.

However, Liu Xiu felt that this three-by-three system tactic should also be based on the ancient three-talent formation, because for example, when Liu Xiu's second battalion rushed into the county and fought hand-to-hand with the Japs, they had to start fighting with the Japs with bayonets.

As a result, the originally scattered three-by-three tactical formation began to shrink, and three people formed a triangle back to back.

Even if he rushes too fast and gets surrounded by the little devils, he won't be stabbed by the little devils immediately.

Because when a three-person combat team faces a Japs, they will always receive support from comrades from the rear or side, and there is no way for the Japs to sneak attack on their back.

However, Liu Xiu and his special forces team did not tangle with these ordinary little devils. His target was Yamamoto Kazuki and the few dozen special forces members that Yamamoto Kazuki had left.

After all, ace versus ace, so Liu Xiu led the special forces team directly to the county government office after three tanks.

I have to say that these three tanks are indeed good. Although they are thin-skinned, don't forget that the little devils here also don't have weapons to deal with tanks!

However, the little devils were not just for nothing. After seeing that ordinary weapons were useless, they actually wrapped several melon grenades in their clothes and rushed towards them to kill them all.

But the good thing is that these three tanks are following the special forces!

So he was beaten to death before he could rush over. Multiple consecutive rounds of hollow-point bullets killed the little devil on the spot.

Under the powerful firepower of Liu Xiu's tanks and special forces, after the city wall was blown down, the defensive formation formed by the little devils was also broken through.

As the defensive formation of the Japs was torn apart, the soldiers of the second battalion who followed also used the three-by-three tactical formation to separate and surround the Japs.

After all, the second battalion can have more than 5,000 soldiers in total!

But now there are only about 800 little Japs in Ping'an County, and a lot of them were killed before the city walls were blown down.

So with the absolute numerical advantage and firepower, these little devils naturally couldn't jump.

Liu Xiu also directly let the tanks break through the wall of the county government office. Then the special forces members filed in and started exchanging fire with Yamamoto Kazuki's special forces forces.

(End of this chapter)

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