Bright Sword starts with the grenade flat.

Chapter 120 Flaps, ailerons, elevators, rudders

Chapter 120 Flaps, ailerons, elevators, rudders

After hearing what this old man said, Liu Xiu also corrected his previous understanding. There was no way that although Liu Xiu was a time traveler more than eighty years later, there were some things that Liu Xiu only knew roughly. If he had professional knowledge about Taoism, .

Especially Liu Xiu, who was good at rubbing planes with his hands, felt that his knowledge was still a bit shallow.

Therefore, Liu Xiu quietly put away his arrogance as a time traveler and humbly asked for advice:

"Dad, who controls the vertically movable wooden board at the tail of your plane?"

Regarding Liu Xiu's question, Liu Qing blamed the two wooden pedals on the pilot's seat of the aircraft and said:

"These are the two pedals. These two pedals are connected by ropes to the vertical movable board at the tail of the aircraft. When you step on the left pedal, the movable board will deflect to the left, so the aircraft will be affected during flight. The air resistance on the left side pushes the tail of the plane to the right, so the nose of the plane will move to the left, and the same is true when you step on the right pedal."

Liu Qin paused for a moment before continuing to Liu Xiu:

"Xiu'er, this vertical movable board. The horizontal movable board is too troublesome. In the aircraft industry, the vertical movable board at the tail of the aircraft is actually called a rudder, while the horizontal movable board at the tail is called a rudder. It’s called the elevator!”

Liu Xiu nodded to express his understanding when he heard this, and then pointed to the movable baffle behind the wing and said to Liu Qin:

"Is that called a rolling rudder?"

However, Liu Xiu regretted this as soon as he said this, because he seemed to have never heard of the term "tumble rudder" related to airplanes before traveling through time. Sure enough, as soon as Liu Xiu said this, Liu Qin smiled and said:

"It's not wrong to call it a roll rudder, but in the aircraft industry, it is called aileron, because as long as the ailerons are not placed too hard, the aircraft will not easily roll the rudder. This is mainly used to adjust and control the attitude of the aircraft. of!"

As he spoke, Liu Qin pointed to the movable wooden board behind the wing and said:

"Of course, not all of the movable planks on the wing are ailerons. Only the small section near the tail of the wing is the aileron, and the large section near the fuselage is called flaps, which are used for takeoff and landing of the aircraft. Everything is needed.

Putting it down can increase the resistance of the wing and increase the lift of the wing. After the aircraft takes off, you can fold it up, which can reduce the resistance of the wing and increase the speed of the aircraft! "

Liu Xiu listened to Liu Qin's explanation of the principles of aircraft flight control while simulating in his mind the role of these control parts when the aircraft was flying in the sky.

Liu Qin on the side saw Liu Xiu looking thoughtful, and asked Liu Xiu worriedly:

"Xiu'er, you understand all the principles of flight I'm talking about. Do you understand?"

"Yeah! Dad, I understand everything you said!"

As Liu Xiu spoke, he roughly repeated what Liu Qin had just said. Fortunately, the physical fitness rewarded by Liu Xiu's savior system doubled and the intelligence of his brain was also improved. Although It is said that it has not reached the level of being able to remember it at a glance, but it is still no problem to remember it all after reading it two or three times, not to mention what Liu Qin said. But having said that, when it comes to this savior system, Liu Xiu is full of grievances!

What the hell! Ever since he just traveled back in time in 1940, he took the initiative and gave Liu Xiu a reward of doubling his physical fitness. From then on, it was like untying the host Liu Xiu. No matter how many times Liu Xiu called, he disappeared. This made Li Xiudu begin to wonder if he was hallucinating. In fact, there was no such system at all. It was the body that Liu Xiuhun wore that was gifted with innate supernatural power!

Just when Liu Xiu was thinking about the system, Liu Qin nodded with satisfaction when he saw that Liu Xiu could actually explain his explanation intact and continued:

"I've finished talking to you about the attitude control of the aircraft. Now let me tell you what the instructions of some instruments in the cockpit mean!"

It's just that after Liu Xiu heard Liu Qin's words, he looked into the cab again and again, but he didn't find any instruments or anything like that!

If I had to say something, there were only two thick and one thin glass bottles hanging in front of the driver. Liu Qin’s next words also made Liu Xiu’s eyes widen. Liu Qin pointed at the thick glass bottle. said:

"Did you see that thick glass bottle? It is a horizontal measuring instrument used to measure the balance of the aircraft fuselage. I filled half a bottle of ink in the bottle, and then drew a horizontal scale line on the outside of the bottle. You fly into the sky. After that, you can check whether the level of the ink in the bottle is flush with the scale line. If it is not flush, it means the fuselage is skewed, and you have to control the ailerons to straighten the fuselage!"

After hearing Liu Qin's explanation and looking at the glass bottle again, Liu Xiu also felt that it was reasonable to use a glass bottle containing ink instead of a level. After all, the level used by the bricklayers also seemed to be a glass bottle.

After seeing Liu Xiu nodding, Liu Qin pointed to the thin glass bottle and said:

"This is a pitot tube used to measure the flight speed of an aircraft in the air. The principle of this pitot tube is also very simple. The faster the aircraft speeds, the stronger the wind pressure will be. Just like when you are riding a horse, Xiu'er. The faster the horse runs, the bigger the water level will be, so I used a tube to direct the water from the plane into the glass bottle, so the faster the plane goes, the higher the water level in the glass bottle will be!"

Liu Xiu followed Liu Qin's introduction, and then took a closer look at the glass bottle speedometer in front of him. He saw that there was a tube inserted in the glass bottle, and the outlet of the tube was the windward side of the nose.

In this way, the greater the speed of the aircraft, the stronger the wind pressure poured into the tube will be. Therefore, the strong partial pressure or air pressure will force the water in the bottle to flow into another thin tube inserted in the bottle, so The water level in the thin glass bottle or tube will be higher, somewhat similar to a barometer!

After all, the principle of the pitot tube is actually the same as that of the barometer, both of which calculate air pressure differently.

Just when Liu Xiu was looking at the ingenuity of the aircraft speedometer designed by Liu Qin, Liu Qin pointed to an inconspicuous place next to the airplane seat and said:

"As for the fuel gauge of the aircraft, I removed the fuel gauge from the little devil's sidecar motorcycle and installed it. There are two fuel tanks and two fuel gauges! Unfortunately, the fuel gauge wire is not long enough, so I can only press it here. But the most important thing when you get into the sky is to pay attention to the speed of the plane and the horizontal position of the plane. As for the fuel not burning for two hours, there is no need to worry!"

Liu Xiu could only say that the oil meter was hidden in this place. After Liu Xiu listened to Liu Qin's words, he said:

"Dad, that's about it! Let's push the plane out and give it a try! After all, no matter how much you talk, you have to go up to the sky and try it out to know if the plane will work! Besides, only by going up into the sky and trying it out can you know the shortcomings. Improve it!"

(End of this chapter)

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