Chapter 128 One against Nine

It's just that this time Liu Xiuke didn't know that Yoshio Shinozuka was going to attack the arsenal. Because he left the independent group, he naturally lost the advantage of being familiar with the plot.


clatter! clatter! clatter!

"The impact point is a bit to the left, please adjust it a little!"

It was Liu Xiu who was speaking. At this time, Liu Xiu was in the airplane on the airport runway, controlling the Maxim heavy machine gun that had just been installed on the nose of the aircraft and firing it at a target a hundred meters away.

Of course, Liu Xiu was not shooting randomly at this time, but was adjusting the position of the Maxim machine gun according to the sight on the aircraft, so that the 100-meter impact point of the machine gun would be consistent with the aiming point of the aircraft fuselage.

After wasting more than twenty rounds of bullets, Liu Xiu was finally satisfied with the purchase. However, just when Liu Xiu started the engine of the plane and was about to fly into the sky to try strafing, a signal flare suddenly rose from the top of the mountain in the distance.

Liu Xiu's expression changed immediately after seeing this signal flare, because what he was most worried about had come.

Yes, the thing to worry about is that the little devils find out that they are building an airport and building airplanes, and then they will send airplanes to bomb them.

You must know that the arsenal is inside the Eighth Route Army, among the mountains. If the little Japs want to send troops to attack from the ground, they will end up like the Yamazaki Brigade, isolated and helpless, and the worst will be wiped out by the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, the best way was naturally to send fighter planes to bomb. Liu Xiu, who knew that the Japs could only send fighter planes to bomb, also put a lot of effort into building the aircraft manufacturing factory. For example, the factory buildings were covered by tall trees.

Moreover, Liu Xiudu had observation posts on the mountains surrounding the arsenal. The signal flare just sent was naturally a warning signal sent by the observation posts after they discovered the Japs' plane.

That's right, the main reason why Duan Peng and Wei Dayong had to pull out the bulletproof inserts was because they were afraid that the bullets from the Japs' Type 1 fighter would actually hit him.

"Retreat, retreat. What should we do with this plane? Let it stay on the runway and be bombed to pieces by the Japs' planes? Okay, stop talking nonsense and execute the order quickly!"

Therefore, for the sake of his own life, Liu Xiu naturally bought a few more bulletproof inserts to protect himself.

After Liu Xiu finished speaking, he planned to climb onto the plane. Yes, Liu Xiu planned to use this big cricket plane to compete with the Japs' Type 1 fighter planes.

"Wei Dayong, Duan Peng, hurry up and hide in the air-raid shelter according to the previous drill. Don't show your head to me. By the way, Wei Dayong, Duan Peng, hurry up and bring my father into the air-raid shelter. Do not let me show you." We can’t let anything happen to my dad!”

Feeling the sense of security brought by the three bulletproof inserts, Liu Xiu waved his hand to signal Duan Peng and Wei Dayong to leave the runway quickly.

"Captain, can our little wooden plane defeat the little devil's big metal thing? Otherwise, let's retreat together!"

You must know that the machine gun on the Type 1 fighter plane has a caliber of 12.7, and the bulletproof inserts Liu Xiu equipped for the special forces, including himself, are just enough to withstand the power of 38 rifle bullets and Mauser rifle bullets. plugboard.

As he said this, Liu Xiu seemed to remember something and immediately took out the bulletproof inserts from Wei Dayong and Duan Peng and placed them on his chest.

Duan Peng saw Liu Xiu climbing into the cockpit of the aircraft, and immediately understood what Liu Xiu was going to do, and couldn't help but worry:

There was no way Liu Xiu was the leader after all, so Wei Dayong and Duan Peng carried out Liu Xiu's orders.

Liu Xiu looked at the nine small black dots that had appeared on the horizon and knew that he could not delay any longer. He immediately opened the accelerator 100%. As for whether full accelerator would damage the engine was not within Liu Xiu's consideration.

Anyway, after today, there is a high probability that this plane will not survive.

With the throttle fully opened, the plane took off from the ground and only slid about 90 meters before leaving the ground. After leaving the ground, Liu Xiu immediately retracted the plane's flaps. As the flaps were retracted, the resistance of the plane's wings became smaller, and its speed immediately increased a lot.

Just when Liu Xiu was flying a wooden plane towards the Little Japanese Type 1 fighter, seeing that the plane brought out by the Eighth Route Army was actually a wooden plane, the Little Japanese pilot immediately made a mocking sound. .

Then one of the planes immediately raised its tail, and then dived towards Liu Xiu's wooden plane.

When the two sides were about five hundred meters apart, the Type 1 fighter jet that rushed towards Liu Xiu opened fire first.

Several rounds of 12.7mm large-caliber bullets hit Liu Xiu's wooden plane.

But fortunately, several bullets hit the wings of the aircraft and non-vital positions. The fuel tank of the aircraft driven by Liu Xiu was not on the wing, but was designed by Liu Qin. Behind the driver's seat.

However, there was a 12.7mm bullet that almost killed Liu Xiu. This bullet penetrated from the nose of the plane, easily penetrated the wooden nose fairing, and then hit Liu Xiu's head. Chest.


The power of this 12.7-meter bullet is naturally not comparable to that of the 38-meter rifle and the Mauser rifle. With a kinetic energy of more than 10,000, Liu Xiu was beaten to the point of vomiting blood.

Fortunately, the three bulletproof inserts successfully withstood the penetration of the 12.7mm bullet. As for Liu Xiu's vomiting of blood, he was actually shocked by the bullet's kinetic energy shock wave.

Liu Xiu had no choice but to use iron plates as bulletproof inserts. If some ceramic anti-bulletproof inserts were made a few decades later, they wouldn't have such a big impact.

Because when a bullet hits the ceramic bulletproof insert, the ceramic will fragment to absorb the kinetic energy of the bullet, thereby greatly reducing the damage caused by the shock wave.

Of course, compared to being punched with a bowl-sized hole in the chest, being so shocked that you vomited some blood is really nothing.

Although the kid's plane opened fire, Liu Xiu's plane stopped firing. When the kid's pilot saw Liu Xiu flying straight towards him, he thought he was planning to collide with him. Before you die, you should have someone on your back!

Therefore, when the two sides were less than 200 meters away, the little devil quickly pushed the nose of the plane down to avoid Liu Xiu's collision. Liu Xiu also smiled when he saw this situation.

Because as the opponent's nose is pressed down, the cockpit of the aircraft is also revealed laterally.

Seeing such a good opportunity, Liu Xiu immediately pulled the trigger of the Maxim machine gun without hesitation.

clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter! clatter!

Five shots were fired in just half a second. The 7.9mm bullets poured out and hit the little Japanese's cab. The ordinary glass cab that was not bulletproof glass could not withstand Liu Xiu's Maxim bullets.

Looking at the beaten little Japanese fighter pilot, Liu Xiu was sure that at least three bullets had hit the little Japanese fighter pilot.

Sure enough, Liu Xiu looked back and saw that the Type 1 fighter that had just been in line with him fell straight down and could not be pulled up from the dive state.

(End of this chapter)

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