Bright Sword starts with the grenade flat.

Chapter 144 Aircraft Communication Problems

Chapter 144 Aircraft Communication Problems

Regarding Zhang Dabiao's proposal, Li Yunlong also nodded in cooperation and said:

"This is also a good idea!"

Then Li Yunlong turned to Chu Yunfei and said:

"I'm going to the Lion Garden tomorrow. Brother Chu, please wait here for a few days. I'll be back in four or five days at most! Brother Chu! The exercise is an order from our superiors, and we have to carry it out! I hope Brother Chu can understand!"

Chu Yunfei was also angry at Li Yunlong's apologetic tone. How could Chu Yunfei not understand that Li Yunlong was playing him!

So Chu Yunfei could only say:

"When my brother comes back in four or five days, the people in my two battalions will probably starve to death!"

"Then what should we do! Brother, tell me!"

Regarding Li Yunlong’s kick, Chu Yunfei said:

"I said, I said forget it! I was really touched when I saw my brother being so sincere. I don't want to go to Guishi. There is something I want to ask of you!"

"Say what you say, brother's business is my business!"

"Ask your troops to open an opening for me. My two battalions are about to withdraw! Brother Yunlong should make the final decision on this matter!"

Regarding Chu Yunfei's request, Li Yunlong still pretended to be stupid and said:

"I also followed orders from above!"

"What's wrong? Dagu Town is well established, so why should we evacuate?"

Yes, planes fly hundreds of kilometers per hour in the sky, and the wind is very loud, so it is simply unrealistic to rely on shouting for tactical communication. It would be a bit of a joke to install a radio on the plane.

After saying that, he ordered Zhang Dabiao to do it, because now Li Yunlong had achieved his goal of forcing the Chu Yunfei team from Dagu Town, so naturally he simply asked Zhang Dabiao to do it!

In this regard, Li Yunlong didn't want to really break the relationship. After all, although the little devil is now weak, he is not easy to mess with! So Li Yunlong smiled and said:

"Since it's an order from above, I have nothing to say!"

When Li Yunlong finally resolved the conflict with Chu Yunfei, Liu Xiu was taking two people with better flying talents from the New Third Regiment to fly the plane towards Taiyuan Airport!

As the number of aircraft increased, Liu Xiu discovered a very serious problem, that is, the commander's orders could not be issued.

You must know that the regiment-level combat units of the Eighth Route Army are not even assigned a radio station! Of course, the little devil's planes are actually not much better than those on the Eighth Route.

From the invention of the telegraph by Morse in the United States in 1837 to the realization of long-distance radio signal transmission by Italian Marconi in 1897, until the Second World War, radio technology and applications have been in the stage of exploration and development.

During this period, limited by device and process technology, radio communications were mainly based on long wave, medium wave, short wave, and ultra-short wave frequency bands, while ultra-long wave was only used for underwater submarine communications. Moreover, the forms of radio applications including tanks, ships, and aircraft are also relatively simple, mainly voice calls, wireless telegraphy, and direction finding navigation. During World War II, the level of radio application and equipment configuration in aircraft in various countries varied. Among them, the Morse code radio transmitter is basically the standard equipment of most medium-sized aircraft, such as the Little Japanese's Type 88 torpedo aircraft, the German JU- fighter jet, etc.

For radio applications in the form of voice calls, only the Yingmi Air Force was equipped with mature products at that time. The voice call radio equipment used by various fighter aircraft of the U.S. Navy was so powerful and powerful that it could even be used as a live broadcast by the officers and soldiers on the mother ship. Come and listen.

The performance of the voice communication radio equipment used by the Little Japanese and Italian fighters was poor. For example, the Little Japanese "Zero" fighter was originally equipped with a voice communication radio equipment, but according to the post-war pilot memoirs of the Little Japanese However, the little devil's airborne voice communication radio equipment rarely had "insight". Some frontline officers and soldiers even directly dismantled the radio equipment and antennas to reduce the weight of the aircraft.

Therefore, the Little Devil's fighter fleet can only rely on simple sign language, luminous communication, semaphore or handwriting on a small blackboard for air communication. Due to poor communication between the Little Devil's fighters, stand-alone combat has been its main combat method for a long time.

For skilled pilots, the difference is not visible, but the quality of the little Japanese pilots dropped significantly in the later stages of the war. Therefore, they could not gain the upper hand in the face of the flexible communication of American fighter formations.

In terms of radio direction finding navigation, although research on the directionality of radio waves had begun as early as 1911, airborne radio direction finders did not become more commonly used until the s. The core of the airborne radio direction finder is the loop receiving antenna on the fuselage.

After the ground station emits vertically polarized radio waves, when the radio signal is at 90 degrees to the torus, the induced voltages on both sides of the coil cancel each other out without generating an induced current; when the radio signal is at 0 degrees to the torus, the coil output The induced current at the terminal is the largest.

Theoretically, the source of the radio signal can be determined by simply rotating the loop antenna until the induced signal is the weakest. However, the loop antenna has a 180-degree characteristic. That is, after the loop antenna is rotated 180 degrees, the radio signal obtained The intensity is consistent.

In the same way, there are two zero points or minimum values ​​at ninety degrees and two hundred and seventy degrees. Therefore, a signal source that does not change with direction must be superimposed. This signal is obtained by a "wire rope" antenna crossing the top of the aircraft.

After the strength and phase of the antenna signal are adjusted, the total signal superimposed with the loop antenna signal doubles at zero degrees, and a unique zero point or minimum appears at one hundred and eighty degrees. Therefore, once the loop antenna is rotated to obtain the minimum value, the source direction of the radio signal can be accurately determined.

When using an airborne direction finder, the loop antenna must be rotated to discern direction. On World War II-era aircraft, loop antennas were rotated by hand while the pilot listened to catch the weakest signals.

The biggest advantage of the airborne radio direction finder is that it requires very little ground transmitting station. As long as the frequency is appropriate, whether it is a navigation station, a communication station, or a radio broadcasting station, it can be used for direction finding navigation.

It can be seen that during World War II, due to technical limitations, people could only use radio shortwave frequencies of about 20kHz to 30MHz for radio communications. If the frequency was increased, higher requirements for devices and process technology would be required.

Therefore, the radio antenna on the aircraft is mainly used for straight-line communication in the medium and short wave bands; and the power of the radio station is generally about 10W. When the power of the radio is increased, the overall size and weight of the radio will be increased.

In addition, given that the aircraft stayed in the air for a short time at that time, the distance between the aircraft and the base or mothership was generally no more than 1,000 kilometers, and the aircraft had a height advantage after taking off, with a maximum ceiling of several thousand meters. Therefore, the need for antennas The gain requirements are lower.

Of course, the most important thing is that there were not so many messy electromagnetic waves in the airspace at that time, so even a radio station with a power of more than ten watts could propagate very far.

(End of this chapter)

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