Bright Sword starts with the grenade flat.

Chapter 147: Ground rescue rotorcraft appears again

Chapter 147: Ground rescue rotorcraft appears again

Because the Imp did not have a proximity fuse, Liu Xiu perfectly dodged the 40mm howitzer and then immediately turned around and bit the tail of the Imp Zhongkui fighter.

The advantage of the Cricket aircraft's light weight and small turning radius was once again brought into play. The small turning radius naturally turned the nose of the aircraft easily.

Then Liu Xiu clung to the little Japanese fighter plane that also wanted to turn around and hit him.

But how can a two-ton Zhongkui fighter be as nimble as a three-hundred-kilogram Cricket fighter?

This is like a car turning around on the highway. A small car turns around in a flash, but a big car takes a long time to turn around.

In fact, after several months of flying, Liu Xiu also discovered how to make the fighter plane achieve a smaller turning radius. After a lot of experiments, Liu Xiu found that the throttle must be lowered when just starting to turn. With the help of the aircraft's own Inertia to turn.

When the plane turns around, increase the throttle, so that the turning radius and time will be much smaller, giving you the feeling of tail-flicking and turning around.

Under the service of nearly a hundred rounds of bullets, the cab of the Zhongkui fighter of the little devil was also beaten to pieces by Liu Xiu's Maxim!

Of course, the little devil on the cab facade also died!

After Liu Xiu killed this fighter, he immediately scanned the surroundings and discovered that there were only three Zhongkui fighters left in the sky!

It seems that Liu Xiu's move is more effective than flexibility.

At this time, the competition between the two fighters is naturally that the fighter on the other side is the first to complete the nose turn.

However, as long as it resists the waves of frontal attacks, the Cricket Fighter will have its advantage later.

As long as one side completes it first, then the tail-biting pursuit can continue. Once the fighter plane is attacked by a tail-biting attack, it will be a very scary thing.

Since the fighter planes from both sides passed by each other, his first thought must have been to turn around and pursue them.

Precisely because he couldn't do it from the front, Liu Xiucai asked him to constantly roll and change the posture of his fuselage to make it difficult for the little Japs on the opposite side to aim.

Therefore, we can only fight face to face with real guns and live ammunition like now, and this kind of face to face attack will definitely suffer from the side with insufficient firepower.

Therefore, when encountering a Type 1 fighter, you can use the method of increasing the specific climb rate to get rid of the opponent's fighter and finally make a high-altitude dive. This method is very effective. If the operation is not wrong and the Little Japanese fighter does not cooperate, it will be ten to zero. It's all easy.

And where are the cricket fighters on Liu Xiu's side! There is only one poor Maxim machine gun, and its caliber is still 7.9 mm.

For example, the Zhongkui fighter on the opposite side has two 12.7mm heavy machine guns and two 40mm howitzers in its firepower.

After all, everyone is equipped with a supercharger, so the maximum climbing height is about 10,000 meters, so it is simply unrealistic to rely on climbing to get rid of your opponents.

The two major advantages of the Cricket fighter jet make it still capable of fighting against the Japanese fighter jets. The first is that it can face fighters without superchargers such as Type 1 fighters and Type 0 fighters. Of course, Liu Xiu cannot encounter Type 0 fighters. Fighter, after all, the Zero fighter is a carrier-based aircraft.

And if the second situation is to encounter the situation that Monk Wei encountered today, then he can no longer continue to climb up, because he can't compete, so if he insists on competing, he will only be beaten to pieces like this.

You must know that a fighter plane is not like a bomber. Because the body is large enough, it can accommodate multiple machine gunners and protect its rear position.

The weapons of the fighter plane are all facing forward, and all weapon controls are controlled by the pilot alone, so once the tail is bitten.

Then it would be equivalent to dragging this fighter plane into a countdown to destruction. As for how those three fighters survived, one of them did not encounter an opponent, while the other two fighters gave priority to killing Liu Xiu's fighters during the head-on confrontation. That is to say, those two fighters were unlucky. The unlucky guy who took a 40mm shot.

Now ten versus three, the advantage is naturally on Liu Xiu's side. However, Liu Xiu still did not care, and chose the wolf pack tactic. However, after killing the last three Zhong Kui fighters, Liu Xiu discovered a very serious situation. The problem is that the little devils on the ground have actually surrounded us.

Of course it was not Liu Xiu who was surrounded in the air, but Duan Peng, Monk Wei and others who were shot down and then parachuted into the ground!

And it seemed that he still wanted to capture him alive. Of course, Liu Xiu couldn't be polite to these little devils. He just dived and fired a machine gun.

It's a pity that no bombs were hung this time, otherwise I would have to throw a few bombs for them to try.

However, Liu Xiu found that these little devils were very persistent. In Liu Xiu's estimation, their ten fighter planes took turns to shoot at them for a long time, but they still wanted to catch Monk Duan Pengwei and the others tenaciously.

Although Duan Peng and Wei Monk are both martial arts masters, don't forget that there is a group of little devils stationed around the Taiyuan Airport!

Too many ants will kill an elephant, not to mention Duan Peng, Wei Dayong and the others are not considered elephants!

Fortunately, under the leadership of Duan Peng and Wei Dayong, although each of them only had a small pistol, they still held on to a hillside with cliffs on three sides that were easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Liu Xiu took a look at the fuel in the fuel tank of his fighter plane and the ammunition of the Maxim machine gun, and immediately started making gestures.

After Liu Xiu's gestures, he finally understood everything.

So Liu Xiu went back first. Of course, Liu Xiu was not planning to escape but to go back to rescue the troops!

With Liu Xiu's departure, the remaining nine fighters also followed Liu Xiu's instructions and cooperated with Duan Peng and the others to defend the hillside.

Anyway, as long as there are little devils charging towards the hillside, the planes here will interrupt the charge of the little devils with several rounds of dive and strafing without saying a word.

Just like this, fifty minutes later Liu Xiuze drove over again in a fighter plane full of fuel and ammunition.

Of course, Liu Xiu was not alone. At this time, Liu Xiu once again brought out a formation of twelve aircraft.

After Liu Xiu arrived, the nine planes that were hovering in the sky to cover Duan Peng and the others quickly returned.

Their fuel tanks would be exhausted if they did not return, and Liu Xiu had also told the people at the airport that after they returned, another formation would be formed to pick up Liu Xiu and the others.

Repeatedly, the two fighter formations alternated to protect the safety of Duan Peng and Wei Dayong.

Of course, Liu Xiu couldn't continue to escort them like this endlessly.

When Liu Xiu returned just now, he had already issued an order for five rotorcraft to take off here.

But there is no way this rotorcraft is just like this. Although it can land without any distance and take off at short distances, its speed is a bit impressive, only a little over a hundred kilometers per hour. Therefore, it will take at least two more to wait for the rotorcraft to come over. Hour

Therefore, they would naturally have to have fighter planes to escort them during this period, otherwise Duan Peng and the others would not be able to withstand the siege of a regiment of little Japs for two hours.

(End of this chapter)

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