Bright Sword starts with the grenade flat.

Chapter 98 Brilliant Explosion

Chapter 98 Brilliant Explosion

Regarding Liu Xiu's plan, Li Yunlong nodded and said:

"Don't worry! I'll say hello to Chu Yunfei and make sure nothing happens to your dad! By the way, can you blow up the kid's ammunition depot by yourself? Do you want me to send the monk to you!"

When Liu Xiu heard Li Yunlong's words, he immediately shook his head and said:

"No need, the monk should leave it to the leader! It's easier for me to move alone!"

Li Yunlong didn't say anything after hearing Liu Xiu's words, turned around and took Wei Dayong into the restaurant of Juxian Tower.

When Liu Xiu saw this scene, he naturally turned around and came to the county government wall. Although the county government wall was not as exaggerated as the ten-meter-high wall in the county town, it was still about five meters, which was higher than the average wall. Be thick.

In fact, making the county government wall so high and thick has another purpose, that is, it is used as an inner city. Even if the county wall is breached, the county government wall can be used to continue to block the enemy.

Of course, Liu Xiu did not rush over the wall and enter the county government office now. After all, the fighting at Juxian Tower has not started yet, so there must still be a lot of Japs in the county government office, so once Liu Xiu climbed in, it would not be direct. Throw yourself into a trap.

Now Liu Xiu was making preparations outside the wall. First, he took out the Nanfang 14 pistol that had not been used for a long time and started checking it. After finding that there was no problem, he installed the brass silencer he had made before.

That's right, the reason why Liu Xiu used the Southern 14 pistol was mainly because its subsonic bullets combined with a silencer have a good silencing effect. This operation is no better than before. They are all operations on the battlefield. It doesn't matter whether it is silenced or not. This operation The main thing that requires the most concealment is to assassinate the guards of the ammunition depot, which is naturally the best way to do it.

Then Liu Xiu took out a tactical belt from his satchel. Yes, this so-called tactical belt was made by Liu Xiu himself.

This belt not only has several magazine pockets for easy access when changing ammunition, but also has simple holsters on both sides to facilitate pulling out the pistol at any time.

Liu Xiu only waited for about half an hour when intensive gunshots came from the Juxian Tower. Sure enough, as soon as the gunshots from the Juxian Tower rang out, the little devils stationed in the county government also blew their assembly whistles.

Liu Xiu watched hundreds of little devils rushing out from the gate of the county government office, and naturally understood that his opportunity had come.

There was no hesitation at that moment, and he stood just vertically under the corner of the wall. Then he stretched out his hand, and his hand had already grasped the top of the county government wall.

However, Liu Xiu put his hands on the wall and did not jump over the wall immediately. Instead, he carefully stuck his head out to observe the situation inside the county government office.

As Liu Xiu expected, after hundreds of people were dispatched, the county government office seemed empty.

At this time, in addition to the two sentries at the entrance of the county government office, there were only a few sentries guarding the ammunition depot.

Seeing this, Liu Xiu no longer hesitated and immediately turned over and entered the county government office, and then quickly approached the Japs' ammunition depot under the cover of darkness.

Then he raised his hand and fired. Of course, in order to prevent the Southern Fourteenth pistol from jamming, Liu Xiu also held a Mauser pistol in his left hand.

If the Nanfang Fourteen pistol jammed, the Mauser pistol in Liu Xiu's left hand would fire immediately. Perhaps because of the double insurance, this time the Nanfang pistol fired surprisingly without jamming.

After Liu Xiu got rid of the kid guarding the ammunition depot and the sentry at the gate of the county government office, Liu Xiu entered the ammunition depot to check. When I opened the door, I saw neatly stacked boxes of ammunition.

He pried open a wooden box and found neatly packed 6.5mm ammunition wrapped in oil paper.

In addition, there was even ammunition for the Type 92 infantry gun in this warehouse, but it was a pity that Liu Xiu couldn't take back so much ammunition.

After all, this is a roomful of ammunition! How much could Liu Xiu carry alone? Moreover, it was difficult for Liu Xiu to run away with a large amount of ammunition!

But now Liu Xiu has some trouble not with carrying ammunition, but with how to blow up such a pile of ammunition, especially how to blow up such a pile of ammunition safely. You must know that if the ammunition in such a room explodes, its power will be natural. It cannot be an exaggeration to say that the entire county was razed to the ground.

After all, these are just cannonballs made of ordinary gunpowder, not mushroom bombs, but it can still be done to level the entire county government.

The simplest way to detonate an ammunition depot is to throw a grenade into a pile of shells, and then use the grenade to explode the pile of ammunition.

However, the key is that the grenade's fuse only takes four or five seconds to explode. However, these four or five seconds do not allow Liu Xiu to safely retreat beyond the scope of the explosive force of the ammunition depot!

If something goes wrong, Liu Xiu might have to be buried with the ammunition depot, but the method of detonating the ammunition depot was just Liu Xiu's temporary thought, and Liu Xiu also forgot to get a timed detonation device.

It was only now that I remembered the danger of detonating the ammunition depot. Fortunately, Liu Xiu's mind was more flexible and he came up with another way to solve the problem, which was to use a rope to point a mortar shell head down. Just hang it on the beam, and then light a fire to burn the rope. After all, the time for the fire to break the rope is longer than the time for the grenade to explode!

With Liu Xiu's current strength, Liu Xiu only needs to be given twenty seconds to escape from the explosion.

Ropes and kerosene lamps were relatively easy to find. In less than five minutes, Liu Xiu tied three mortar shells to the beams. The reason why he used three mortar shells was naturally just in case.

Of course, the reason why Liu Xiu used mortar shells instead of the more powerful Type 92 infantry cannon was mainly due to the shell safety device.

Because the shells of howitzers and mortars are different, the shells of howitzers use a self-rotating detonation fuse safety device.

That is to say, if the cannonball does not rotate out of the cannon hall, the collision fuse of the cannonball will not be activated. Even if you accidentally load the cannonball and fall headfirst from your hand to the ground, it will not explode. .

But the mortar is different. Because the mortar has a smooth bore, it will naturally not rotate and there is no way to use a rotation safety. However, an inertia safety was invented for this, which uses the mortar to generate energy the moment it comes out of the chamber. A device that uses strong inertia to release the fuze safety.

Of course, the inertia generated by knocking the tail of the mortar to the ground can also release the mortar's safety. Therefore, in war movies, you can often see some soldiers throwing away the mortar shells after using up the grenades in their hands. Knock it on the ground and then throw it towards the opponent.

Of course, this insurance method is actually not very safe, so after World War II, most mortar shell insurances were changed to airflow type. Even if there is a small fan on the head of the shell, it is driven by the mortar when it flies at high speed. The airflow will cause it to rotate, and finally the small rotating fan will be released.



(End of this chapter)

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