My days at the helm of senior kayaking at WBG

Chapter 104 The Throat of Destiny

Chapter 104 The Throat of Destiny

In the professional arena, choosing a hero like Lee Sin cannot bring any advantages, and it can basically be said to be useless.

piyosik is a player who is very good at setting the early rhythm, but due to the unfavorable start of this round, he was never able to catch the rhythm.

After making a mistake in cooperating with mid laner Silas from the third level, piyosik went to the top lane to catch the shy Kalista, but was counter-crouched by the SofM pig girl. He couldn't hit anything. In addition, the deft in the bottom lane was killed by the line, and ghost had the advantage. Very big.

Throughout the early stage, piyosik could be said to be operating the blind monk to "visit the supermarket", watching while walking and doing nothing.

Finally, he controlled a Rift Herald with his ultimate move, and got a chance to kick back a Pig Girl. However, due to the combination of Pig Girl and Kalista, a Poké Ball was withdrawn, causing DRX to be unable to open for a long time. .

Canyon Pioneer crashed and finally gave Deft, who switched lanes to the middle, a plated minimum guarantee. However, the result was a wave of golden defense towers from On Bard's ultimate move, combined with a wave of pig girls from Jiang Huai and SofM. The ultimate move is combined with Xia Zhen RE, forcing the deft flash to end.

If you can't grab the line in the middle, you can't get the second dragon.

Blind Sin was "hanging out" from beginning to end, causing dissatisfaction among all LCK viewers.

"Can you play blind monk?"

The top and middle teams all collapsed on their own, while the bottom lane was obviously an operational error and was killed by ghost and on.

"This piyosik's big move is really far away." Looking at the position of DRX's jungler, he couldn't help complaining, "My teammates were moving dragons in the river, and he ran into the grass next to the wall in front of the second tower opposite. Squatting, hey, don't tell me... I really confused Boyo. He has been looking for him in the jungle. Who would have thought that Piyosik would not be squatting in the jungle."

It's just that WBG seemed to have guessed what DRX was thinking. After Jiang Huai couldn't catch the trace of the blind monk on the map, he felt that something was not right.

Instead, he waited until the wave of soldiers in front of him had passed through, and then got stuck in a blind spot at the end of the line. He pressed S while walking. When the line of soldiers couldn't see him, he walked all the way to the bottom of the river. , stood by the wall, first inserted a real eye to block the vision in the triangle grass, then touched it, knocked off the explosive fruit and jumped into the river to expose the vision. At the same time, he flashed and kicked the ghost who was sniping. Kicked in front of DRX!

"Jiang Ziwan?"

"I don't even know how many times this has happened. What is the use of piyosik?"

It's impossible not to pick up Xiaolong's DRX refresh, so piyosik must leave early.

"Did you really do it to him?!"

After your teammates have all stood up, find a blind spot in the jungle to hide, find an angle during the team fight, touch your eyes and flash R, and try to kick a C position to your teammates, so you may be able to win the team.

The perfect cooperation between BeryL and piyosik, a flash R, a Lenata R flash followed by Q's imprisonment, all hit the ghost.

The rhythm can be said to be completely blown away. Even before piyosik did anything, WBG had already defeated DRX online.

Piyosik can only quickly enter the blind monk's "playing big chess" stage.

"The worst jungler in LCK."

The audience was outraged.

"There is a gap in the jungle, and WBG has the advantage every time."

You really don’t want to say that.

None of them are reliable. Even if you switch to Tongtian Yewang as a training agent, it won't be easy to catch him.

It's just that ghost's purification eliminated the iron-fisted competition, and he finally landed and returned to his teammates.

Jiang Huai reminded his teammates and took the initiative to find Piyosik's blind monk.

How thrilling is this moment?

"But if you come out of this position, you will be seen by the troops. This teammate will be seen as soon as you pass by during a team battle." 957 still felt stupid.

"How long will it take if we don't do anything in the early stage?"

On their side, piyosik could only think of a solution, but piyosik really tried his best.

A pig girl's ultimate move imprisoned piyosik, WBG focused on the blind monk, and finally successfully killed him.

It's just a pity that Ghost is too fast. The moment he was kicked, he was able to react and hand over Purify at the speed of light and then connect with Flash to get out of danger.

In fact, it's pretty stupid.

When his teammates told him that Akali was in the lower half of the jungle, he made up his mind not to go there.

Although in the end the blind monk QQ followed up and took a shot, but fortunately, the damage of the blind monk alone was not enough at all.

Therefore, we finally waited until about twenty-four minutes before the third dragon spawned.

The jungle area in the lower half of the red side is completely black in his opinion, and the lights lit by WBG are bright. As soon as he shows his head, he will either be seen by the soldiers or illuminated by the false eyes.

"Is the blind monk going around?"

"It's really useless!"

"I have to say that this wave of piyosik's twist is indeed a bit powerful, but fortunately ghost reacted, otherwise if Deft followed up with Verus's ultimate move, WBG would have no choice but to kill this little dragon. Released."

piyosik has his own sexy ideas.


In this wave, DRX miscalculated and failed, the jungler was gone, and Xiaolong was even less likely to continue fighting.

This wave went around extremely well, passing Jiang Huai and kicking back the ghost.

Who would have thought that online would explode so quickly.

It is indeed a pity for DRX. Originally, Sword Demon should have done this kind of thing. As a result, Sword Demon's current equipment is so poor that he can't look directly at it. Naturally, it is impossible to complete the feat of bypassing and harvesting.

A little shocked, but not much. The commentators took a deep breath and smiled as Piyosik was beaten.

The LPL commentators were shocked. They all looked at the beautiful kick of the blind monk, and the audience in the LPL live broadcast room filled the screen with shit.

If deft's reaction was as fast as BeryL's, and the two of them flashed up simultaneously to take control, then ghost would never have survived.

But it's a pity that deft didn't react and didn't follow BeryL's thinking.

BeryL had long known that the blind monk's kick alone would not work in this wave, so he flashed R to Q in an attempt to connect the control.

But who would have thought that Ghost could be eliminated by purification, and the hostile takeover was moving so slowly. Bader's ultimate move also prevented DRX from pursuing further.

Unable to beat, BeryL knew that this time he lost to BP again. The key was that he thought WBG was still copying their BP and brought Jhin support to the field. Who would have thought that Kalista was on the top lane? .

"Oh, what a pity."

In the team voice, BeryL sighed and scratched his cheek.

At this moment, this little fat guy who likes to play Genshin Impact has never felt that LOL is so difficult to play. Even if he lost the game before, he was sure that he would be able to gain some advantage in BP, but who would have thought that the opponent's strategist More absolutely.

"WBG now has the advantage of the three dragons. As long as it stabilizes the situation, it can successfully drag DRX into a life-or-death situation."

At the most damning time, Guan Zeyuan suddenly forgot the lesson about talking too much and said something like that.

The explanation was smooth and he suddenly made a prediction.

Miller and 957 next to them immediately felt that something bad was going on.

"It's not so absolute, right?"

Miller guarded Guan Zeyuan alone and reminded him to pay attention to small mouths.

Everyone in the LPL live broadcast room was saying "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

This is not a bad idea.

If I really give in to WBG, can I still watch the final?

"Ah, it's my problem, my problem." Guan Zeyuan quickly apologized, "I take back what I just said, just don't count."

He explained.

But it seems that once the poisonous milk is activated, it cannot be withdrawn.

When on was doing vision work, he was discovered by BeryL and kingen. Knowing that something was wrong, he quickly opened a passage to escape, but no one expected that there happened to be a piyosik blind monk on the opposite side of the wall, and he kicked the wall directly to kill Q. .

Mistake, on.

But there is nothing that can be done. After all, assisting with vision always involves risks.

However, DRX took the opportunity to form a team and took advantage of the numerical difference to destroy WBG's first tower in the middle, leaving WBG helpless.

"Something's wrong, Brother Guan, what should I do?"

Miller asked Guan Zeyuan, leaving Guan Zeyuan silent for half a minute.

"Uh... I'm guilty."

Guan Zeyuan was also confused.

Who would have thought that his venomous mouth would now be so powerful.

Fortunately, it was just a mid-tower loss, so WBG was not completely overturned.

DRX knew that dragging on would do them no good, so they planned to take advantage of the Baron's refresh to test the damage first and force The shy's TP in the bottom lane.

At this time, The Shy had already demolished the second tower, and he dared to demolish the base in one go no matter what.

In a head-on team fight, there was no way not to come. After Kalista TP came over, DRX immediately retreated and disbanded.

Next, because there is no TP, Kalista should not be too far from the midline, so Jiang Huai can only replace the shy and go to the bottom lane to handle the troops.

It was too early, and neither side of the dragon dared to act rashly. They both wanted to wait for the next wave of small dragons to refresh, and then fight another wave of small dragons.

This long grass period is actually the most suitable time to find a rhythm.

Zeka never likes to sit still. It can be clearly seen from all his previous games that he is a player who is absolutely loyal to "operation".

He has been developing this skill for a long time.

After clearing the lane, I noticed that WBG's kingen was being chased by a group of people on the top lane and was forced to use his ultimate move to retreat.

There was no way to save him, and it was impossible to save him, so Zeka got a blue buff for himself. At the same time, he wanted to go to the WBG wild area to get red and get some resources by the way.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the red game, I unexpectedly ran into Jiang Huai, and was robbed by his Akali QA.

"Hey, Xiba."

After scolding, Zeka didn't expect that his work was in vain, and he felt a little unhappy. He immediately threw the chain with his E backhand, hitting Jiang Huai and forcing him to use his Xia formation, thinking of playing one and retreating.

But Jiang Huai didn't want to let him go. After handing over the Xia Formation, he followed up with Silas with the Rocket Belt, and continued the damage with another QA, triggering the Conqueror.

After scratching his passive twice, Zeka subconsciously moved into the grass to block his vision.

This one is a water dragon soul, so there will be an area of ​​strong triangle grass next to the red buff on the map, which is very dense.

The conqueror came out, zeka W took a sip, and after the E skill was refreshed, he moved forward with E and then locked Jiang Huai with the second E to steal the big move.

Jiang Huai instantly activated his R skill and retreated with his backhand E skill.

But Zeka was already on top. Following Akali's ultimate move, he also released his ultimate move. The two of them performed a wave of "coordinated flight" in the wild area, and both glided to a far distance.

"What do you say? boyo! Who eats whom?!"

Miller was very excited, watching the fierce battle between the two sides.

"The showdown between red buff and blue buff! The fateful battle!"

Guan Zeyuan shouted.

The audience also tensed up their nerves, not wanting to see their favorite player being killed alone.

After catching up with E, Jiang Huai can wait and then R to kill directly.

But Zeka hid a golden body and avoided the damage of Jiang Huai's second E and R skills. He had no choice but to wait for Silas's golden body to end.

After Silas's tight end, he can quickly start Akali's second-stage ultimate move to pursue, so the focus at that moment is reaction.

Jiang Huai quickly used Flash to dodge, but was still sucked in by Silas's Flash W and became passive.

In an instant, Jiang Huai also opened the Golden Body and Xia Formation. Both sides were in the Golden Body one after another, and they all failed to suppress it.

Zeka calculated the time and used one E skill and the second E skill to hit Jiang Huai, but he avoided the chain with a good E skill.

This time, the target is the Xia Formation, so Jiang Huai can pull out his passive and fly over to QA for a solo kill.

However, Zeka's reaction was not slow either.

He knew that Akali was definitely going to fly over, so he planned to predict a Yongshuang Q, knock down Akali, and kill her in advance.

It's a pity that his prediction failed. Jiang Huai took advantage of a red buff to restore blood, increase acceleration, deceleration, real damage, and burn, and successfully killed him alone.

Although Zeka's Silas has a blue buff that adds spell penetration, spell power, and skill CD, he still needs at least one more skill to kill Jiang Huai alone.

Both sides fought brilliantly and fought hard to the last minute.

Zeka lost again, and his mood at this time can be described as explosive.

In addition, DRX's Sword Demon on the top lane is also dead at this moment, DRX is missing a mid laner and top laner, and Baron cannot move no matter what.

WBG directly rushed the baron. In the end, piyosikQ hit the baron and then touched the eye. He tried to fight but failed, and the LPL audience laughed and said "the game is over".

"P, young general, stop making trouble."

"Tang Monk."

"I don't see the use of this blind monk at all."

"WBG beat me so easily."

"Unconsciously, Brother Shy demolished both the upper and lower towers."

"Hahaha, DRX really didn't expect Brother Shy to wear skate shoes on the road? Who can touch her with these skate shoes now!"

He is not even qualified to stand and take a look from a distance.

Seeing the little dragon refresh, WBG can use the big dragon buff to rush the dragon soul.

Even if DRX wants to rob it, it is impossible to rob Xiaolong with a financial gap of nearly 10,000 yuan.

After about thirty minutes, Kingen was surrounded by the field of view and was discovered. The Shy single-handedly chased the sword demon with Kalista and stabbed it all the way, and finally pulled out his spear and successfully killed it alone.

"He can't play anymore."

The shy’s evaluation was very straightforward.

This round is over. On the front of DRX, only Lenata's ultimate move can stop WBG to some extent. The rest of the players have no chance of being able to operate it.

Go up to the QAREW Kaixia Formation.

Jiang Huai single-handedly killed the blind monk with a wave of operations.

WBG was unstoppable. After taking the Dragon Soul, they crushed them and ended the game.

And at the end, Zeka Silas stole Pig Girl's ultimate move to freeze The Shy, and when he tried to use a full set but failed to kill The Shy instantly, all the audience laughed out loud.

With a backhand, don't take anything. Under the defense tower, the handsome boy turned on the pursuit mode and chased the spring of DRX in one breath. In the end, he was successfully killed by the ray of the ultimate defense tower, and the 18 IG icon showed up.

"Two to one! Two to one!"

"Another victory!"

"This round of WBG can be said to be easier than the previous rounds!"

After breaking through the BP, the rest of the game will be very simple.

At this moment, cheers and applause erupted from major universities across the country, and many shopping malls and movie theaters also waved the WBG banner.

At this moment, WBG has truly become the hope of LPL.

Because this game went so smoothly, all the viewers in major media forums began to celebrate WBG's victory in advance and started selling peripherals.

At the same time, Tieba, Douyin, Zhihu, Hupu, bilibili and other platforms also began to report that WBG leads DRX 2:1.

At this point in the finals, the Korean team DRX has entered a life-or-death situation.

All viewers thought that WBG was stable.

In other words, as long as the next round is better, there is absolutely hope for 3:1.

“It’s possible to win the championship!”

LPL, everyone hopes so.

Except for a small part of krd that has died out, the vast majority of the audience hopes that China will win the trophy.

As long as you don't serve as a foil for Koreans, it's actually fine.

At this moment, the Korean network can be said to be collectively pretending to be dead.

They are mainly criticizing DRX for being useless and complaining about them sending away GEN, T1, and even DK.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible for the fourth seed to win the championship. The main blame is that you seeded too early, defeated the favorites T1 and GEN, and did not give the LCK a better ending.

"What a waste, DRX."

"Do you still want to invest in the second year after playing so poorly?"

"Losing to the LPL was not because of your lower limit, but because your upper limit was too low."

"You make frequent mistakes. Is it because the boss of WBG gives you too much?"

“Will the glory of LCK fade away this year?”

"I feel that T1 is the most promising team to win WBG, but it's a pity that they were sent away by DRX themselves."

"It's really a matter of stealing the quota, stealing the T1 quota."

"It's so strange that GEN lost. I feel like it was caused by the COVID-19 problem."

"If there was no epidemic, it would be much better, right?"

Questions from truck fans. I don’t know how many private messages with violent language were sent to DRX’s mailbox at the same time.

At this moment, the five people in DRX were all lying on the sofa, thinking about what to do in the next game.

Absolutely no, no, step on T1 and GEN.

The current situation of DRX, if it does not win the championship, then several people will really be criticized until they retire.

I never thought that WBG could be so strong. DRX now feels like he has been kicked against a steel plate. The more he fights, the worse it becomes, and the more he fights, the more uncomfortable he becomes.

"This can't go on like this."

deft knows what to say.

"We should still play with our original idea and not be led away by WBG. We should bring their rhythm to our side."

"I hope the BP can be stable next time. I feel like there is some success, but all aspects have been taken into account." Piyosik sighed and said.

"Try again, everyone must not be defeated." deft said, while smiling and telling everyone, "I have been defeated countless times, and now I am still standing here chatting with you, everyone's career He will definitely go further than me, and I also hope that everyone can regard this BO5 as just a short episode in their lives. After passing it, the road will be smoother."

"Everyone, come on." Jin Dahu followed.

But Zeka and Kingen still couldn't get out of the shadow of the previous game.

There is a skateboard top laner, one Akali, one the shy, and one boyo. It is too exaggerated that both of them have good skills.

Once down, the Sword Demon's positioning was off by eighty knives. In the middle, it sucked Piyosik's blood and ate wild monsters, so it could make up for it.

If I were really standing and developing against the shy online, it would be really terrifying as if I were fighting a demon in LOL in hell, and it would be impossible to capture even a single pawn.

If you win with the head, you can't win at all.



Kingen, who had been immersed in it for a long time, finally broke out. He hid in the toilet and shouted to relieve himself, and finally washed his face. When he came out of the toilet, he was still cheering himself up over and over again, and finally regained his confidence. Only then did he finally return to his teammates.

Never underestimate a person who is usually the most silent. Generally, such people are very tolerant, but once they can't bear it anymore, they will do some shocking things.

Kingen is such a person. He will never put pressure on his teammates. He is the depressed person in the team. His mentality is usually very good. He seems to be indifferent to the world, but in fact , once he gets serious, he is really powerful and can completely defeat the entire team.

After cheering up, he returned to the much-anticipated global finals arena.

The audience thought that DRX, which was brutally beaten by WBG in a round, should be basically over. At least there would be some obvious problems in the mentality of the players.

But DRX is really not afraid of this. As a team with the most stable mentality and the strongest resilience, their journey from the playoffs to the global finals is really not as simple as relying solely on the version.

Their resilience is not comparable to that of ordinary teams.

Especially after falling behind 1:2, they still did not choose to give up, and were still using practical actions to interpret their e-sports spirit.

In this game, DRX took the initiative to choose the red side, and was also preparing to play this game completely as its last game in 2022.

Both teams are very nervous and want to deal with each other as soon as possible.

But things are never that easy.

After three rounds, the operations of both teams seem to be similar. The only difference is the BP.

If bp is not exposed, then DRX will really have the confidence to continue fighting WBG.

Therefore, starting from this round, BP on both sides is the top priority.

As the tense music sounds, Jiang Huai in the camera is holding a water glass in his hand, drinking water and communicating with maizijian.

Maizijian has become more serious now. He knows that perhaps the fateful battle is at this moment, winning the global finals trophy, and as a champion coach, he can also be like Zhu Kai and make himself a very good player next year. Considerable high salary.

"Come on! DRX's life and death game, let's see if DRX will declare the end of this game directly, or if it will explode again and successfully drag the game into the final game!"

Miller announced, looking at the slow BP rhythm on both sides.

On both sides of WBG and DRX, even banning people now has to think for a long time, and they no longer have the calmness before.

If they lose, they will get out. DRX doesn't want to do such a risky thing with WBG.

I'm scared.

Therefore, it is better to choose the safer Korean style of play.

Remember if you suffer a loss, DRX quickly banned WBG's Kalista and Sylas, as well as Yone.

On the WBG side, Akali, Big Head and Lenata were banned.

Sword Demon continues to give it to DRX, and it depends on whether DRX dares to take it.

When grabbing Varus, the ghost hero takes it first, stabilizing the bottom lane with one hand, so there is no problem.

The ghost in the camera is holding warm patches with his hands to activate the nerves in his hands, expressing his approval of this choice.

Look at DRX again, the czar and the policewoman.

"Looks like we have to fight for growth, DRX."

The commentators can all see what DRX means.

Strive for development, delay the late stage, and control the dragon. This is a classic DRX play style.

As for WBG, they know that the opponent will not tolerate it even if they want to delay it.

Win the Enchantress and Blind Monk.

The main focus is on targeting and the rhythm of the middle and jungle.

After DRX saw WBG playing Enchantress, he thought for a long time and locked Sword Demon.

"Why is it the sword demon again, kingen! There are three sword demons, right?"

Seeing this choice, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but want to complain. He didn't understand why DRX was so fond of Kingen's Sword Demon. Even if he gave up two ban positions, he still insisted on taking Sword Demon.

"to not fix."

"Still not convinced."

"You are stupid. You took the Sword Demon and didn't let the shy take it."

"It's just to steal instead of ban. Who wouldn't be afraid of the TS sword demon?"

"It's just a headache, what can you do?"

The audience laughed.

Immediately afterwards, the two bans on both sides were also released quickly:

WBG banned Zhumei and Qianjue.

DRX banned Qinggangying and Crocodile.

"Four Bans are on the road!" the commentators said in unison, "Is DRX crazy? Or have you finally realized it? Are you going to have surgery on The Shy?"

Directly locking down a Bader, DRX's spearhead is pointed directly at the top road, as if it is to engage in the shy.

"What to choose?" The Shy couldn't decide and paid attention, "I feel like I'm going to be caught badly this time."

"How about choosing an anti-stress hero, Brother Shy." Jiang Huai said.


the shy agreed.

When in doubt, lock Ornn, and finally add an auxiliary Karma.

The bottom lane has full control, the top lane is stable and resistant to pressure, the midfield rhythm is strong, WBG's lineup is formed, and it's time to wait for DRX to choose the last jungle hero.

Finally, in front of everyone, piyosik's final trump card - Shadow of War, Centaur, was locked.

It can be said to be the last battle.

The hero with the highest winning rate in piyosik's career is also the hero he has played most comfortably.

After having this hero, he is completely confident that he can lead the rhythm of the whole game.

And the situation was just as he thought. DRX seemed to be on the road, but before level 6, he cooperated with the troops to capture the bottom lane, and successfully captured the ghost's flash and treatment.

SofM saw this and went to grab the upper lane, but failed.

In the end, with Jiang Huai's cooperation, it took two captures to kill Kingen's sword demon, and finally the Tsar TP went on the road, followed by R and WEQ, and killed the shy brother who was resisting the tower with hard damage.

The two sides were very close in the front, but the first dragon was DRX, because DRX played very well in the bottom lane. As soon as ghost and on's Karma and Varus came up, they were defeated by BeryL and deft's Bader and Policewoman. It was very miserable, and it wasn't until SofM came over to catch a wave that the situation finally improved.


The speed of piyosik's troops running on the map is a bit exaggerated. He is too fast. After opening up the middle lane to cooperate with the Tsar to force Jiang Huai's ultimate move, he sprints directly to charge down the lane.

Jiang Huai couldn't help, and it was impossible to catch up with the people.

Therefore, he crippled the Czar's state, withdrew a wave of troops, and watched helplessly as Badkin stayed in the defensive tower at the bottom. Then he cooperated with the troops to kick, and directly exchanged a wave of kills with the ghost.

DRX exchanges one for two, crazy people, and the anti-tower would rather fight to death than let deft eat people's heads.

And deft did not live up to expectations at all. After Bard wandered onto the road, and the shy handed over the flash, and finally controlled the canyon, deft pushed the bottom tower directly online.

"This one... I feel like DRX is back in shape. The jungler and support are running around, helping the top lane and the bottom lane."

Miller said very puzzledly. He didn't know what kind of medicine DRX had taken, and he seemed to have awakened suddenly.

It wasn't until Jiang Huai caught a wave of deft in the bottom lane and raised his bounty that everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief for WBG.


The DRX plan has officially started from this moment.

Unable to hold on on the top lane, deft used as bait to attract Jiang Huai to go down. Four people from DRX caught him and used four big moves to directly pin the shy Ornn to death under the defense tower.

A Tsar's ultimate move, plus Sword Demon's ultimate move, plus Centaur's ultimate move, and Bard's ultimate move.

A wave of annihilation from heaven and earth, the shy was stunned.

"What the hell? Are they... not playing anymore?"

What's going on? This is it!

What's the rhythm of DRX? It's hard to kill people.

When the shy died, he also fell from the tower.

Taking advantage of the vacuum period of the opponent's ultimate move, Jiang Huai led the blind monk to control the Canyon Pioneer and knocked down Zeka's middle tower.

Immediately afterwards, he saw DRX's top laner Kingen, together with Bader in the bottom lane, doing a tunnel and climbing over the tower to kill a ghost who was developing silently in the bottom lane.


Ghost even moved and twisted for a while before he was finally taken away.

This king's sword demon can be said to be full and full of growth, and its growth is very impressive.

And another interesting thing is that whenever Bader does something, Piyosik's men will definitely kick Jiang Huai in the middle, with all kinds of skills, and together with the Tsar, like a piece of shit plaster, change Jiang Huai's state, leaving him without Ways to do things.

Jiang Huai has been pestered all the time, and he can't get rid of the two guys no matter what, which makes him very annoyed.

Finally got a chance and killed Tsar Bar once in line. Four people from DRX suddenly appeared and wanted to capture Jiang Huai. In the end, Jiang Huai played a trick on the four people and narrowly escaped with his remaining health.

Zeka, show your face.

Bronn's lewd smile.

Only then did Jiang Huai realize that zeka was deliberately selling him a flaw, and after he was beaten to a low health by DRX, he could only watch DRX get the second dragon.

"WBG seems...a little uncomfortable right now."

"This time it feels like piyosik is running around and doing things everywhere, and SofM is completely left behind."

"Stop brushing, SofM, go do something."

The audience and commentators felt uncomfortable, and SofM really couldn't keep up with piyosik's early pace.

Nothing else, he just isn't as strong as piyosik in rhythm, not to mention that DRX has two roamers, one Bard and one Centaur.

It's normal for him, a blind monk, to always be half a beat slower.

When Jiang Huai was entangled, he lost his brain and couldn't play at all.

It wasn't until WBG made the transition and Jiang Huai took the lead that everything finally turned around.

DRX stole the second Canyon Herald, but Jiang Huai had already demolished the second tower and sent a wave of troops to DRX's Highland Crystal.

Colliding into the canyon, DRX caught Brother Shy again, this time bombing with another wave of big moves, and Jiang Huai had almost demolished DRX's bottom lane high ground.

It was Tsar's quick TP to protect the tower, and DRX's bottom lane was not destroyed by Jiang Huai.

The whole game is leading in development, and Jiang Huai is going to do something.

Xiaolongtuan directly controls, WBG is not afraid of DRX at all from the front.

But when Jiang Huai's W crossed the wall and dropped deft in seconds, Bader predicted the time when W would reset, and a big move caught Jiang Huai's body.

Then, the Centaur's ultimate move directly pressed him up, and finally combined with the Tsar's ultimate move, WEQ, and only pushed one flash, forcing all of Jiang Huai's flash displacements out and killing him forcefully.

"Ah, boyo..."

The commentators didn't know what to say.

Although Enchantress can kill ADC in seconds, she is hit hard and can't escape no matter what.

"Ghost and SofM killed one, but Kingen Sword Demon went around and killed a wave of double kills. On chose to sell himself, but...SofM was still disabled. In this case, the dragon is gone."

I never expected such an ending. The commentators could clearly feel how badly WBG's units were targeted in this game.

As the shy Ornn was chased and killed solo by the Sword Demon with the Baron buff in the bottom lane, WBG's fourth game began to become unsustainable.

In the end, Dragon Soul Group and DRX occupied the entire field of view in the jungle. BeryL completely destroyed on's field of vision. It was basically equivalent to teaching on how to play Bard and swimming in everyone's faces in WBG. Show off.

Jiang Huai continued to harass, and it seemed that the only thing Enchantress could do now was to knock down the opponent's C position in seconds.

Just because of Bard's ultimate move, the Enchantress almost always has no return, and Jiang Huai has no way to hand over all the displacement to kill a deft with resurrection armor.

But the Dragon Soul Group and SofM went to grab the dragon and still got it.

It's just that this time grabbing the dragon is not very effective.

Because piyosik didn't use punishment at all. Instead, the moment SofM landed, he used his ultimate move on the wall to scare him. Finally, he cooperated with Sword Demon QE to knock him away, and the policewoman's ultimate move killed him instantly.

I didn't get the Dragon Soul, but WBG didn't have a jungler. What could I do to stop DRX from beating the Baron?

In front of the dragon, there were ghost and on pokes, plus the support of Ornn. Jiang Huai went in and killed the Tsar, and then went in and killed Bard.

Although piyosik and kingen still took the baron buff and ran away, they paid a heavy price.

And with the Baron buff, they still removed WBG's top lane crystal.

When the next wave of dragons spawned, DRX directly released the dragons. The three of them delayed in the front, and the remaining deft, Bard, and Sword Demon opened a passage to take a long way to steal the tower.

Halfway through WBG Xiaolong's fight, he found that there was only a tsar and a man and horse in front of him, and the man and horse looked like mad dogs. As soon as he saw WBG returning to the city, he started to drag hard.

Jiang Huai had to make two moves before he had a chance to TP home.

The shy, who was responsible for guarding the line on the top lane, was forced to retreat into the front tooth tower by the three DRX stealers because of his poor development. In the end, the golden body front tooth tower came with a wave of strong kills.

"Home! Home!!"

The audience couldn't help shouting.

WBG's incisor tower was demolished and only one was left.

Jiang Huai hurried over, deft in seconds, and used one of his treatments plus resurrection armor.

Then there’s the Sword Demon! Bud!

All teammates go home and kill the Sword Demon and Bard who are circling the tower and demolishing their homes!

But WBG still has a little blood left, a flat A!

The deft policewoman died right next to WBG's crystal, so as long as he was resurrected and handed over the flash, WBG's base could be successfully demolished.

"Are they going to be demolished! deft!"

"It can't really be you, right?!"

"Mr. Dai! Are you saying that you want to give DRX a last chance to fight?!"

At this moment, all the explanations had the same tone.

All the professional anchors looked at him in shock and dared not speak.

Everyone was extremely nervous!

And the policewoman!

Finally succeeded in taking that shot!




"Highland Crystal!"

"The Highland Crystal is resurrected!!"

Everyone could hear Guan Zeyuan’s exclamation.

It seems that even South Korea has been completely defeated by this crystal resurrection, and people are wailing everywhere.

The highland crystal is resurrected, and deft can only lose his life.

At this moment, deft couldn't help laughing, with tears in his eyes, and he looked up and sighed.


He seemed exhausted.

Touching his forehead.

He laughs.

He laughs at the mockery and reincarnation of fate.

Another knife.

Back then, in KT, S8, and IG the shy sword girl, I didn't have the sword that A came out.

Could it be an advance of luck?

Now it's finally back.

The two sides dragged it down again, and followed the earth dragon soul on WBG's side to get into position.

The two sides once again dragged the ancient dragon to a decisive battle.

Jiang Huai seemed to feel that DRX would want to steal the home, so he went to guard the home and let the remaining four teammates harass DRX to fight the ancient dragon.

If the situation is urgent, he can support you at any time.

However, he did not expect that DRX would be so decisive. In his absence, Zeka Tsar pushed a big one, and the kingen sword demon flashed in an instant, and cooperated with the policewoman's ultimate move to kill SofM.

By the time Jiang Huai's TP landed, one of his teammates was already dead.

And wait until Jiang Huai TP passes.

Bard had already opened the passage to steal the house, and even clicked an eye to summon the Tsar and the Sword Demon.

TP cannot be cancelled. Jiang Huai landed back in the city. As soon as he got home, the crystal was broken, but Ghost, On and Brother Shy were still trying to resist.

In the end, under Jiang Huai's operation, DRX's home-stealing team was killed, leaving only one BeryL who used his ultimate move to immobilize the player and quickly escaped.

Jiang Huai chased all the way, and finally noticed that BeryL clicked on the explosive fruit and escaped over the traffic road, but he couldn't catch up.

"Congratulations! WBG!"

The commentators have already started popping the champagne.

Because deft walked from the bottom lane and was caught in the act. He was killed without even A coming out.

"Looking at it this way, DRX! There is only one Bard left. Without a big move, it is impossible for Bard to defend his homeland."

"I never expected it to end like this, but it's good after all!"

"Click the base! WBG!"

"A wave in the middle, take what belongs to you..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, the camera in WBG moved and everyone was stuck in place.

Jiang Huai had returned home without knowing when, and the other four members of WBG were also returning to the city.

Time is frozen at this moment.

Because WBG's base exploded.

BeryL's Bard's talent selection is the unsealed secret book.

When he was being chased, he used this talent in exchange for a TP, and the TP went to a false eye placed by the policewoman in the blind spot in front of the WBG Highland Tower. Finally, he walked to the wall and used his last mana to open the passage. , glided to the side of WBG's base at an extremely long distance and demolished WBG's base.

On originally opened the scanner to sweep around the area, but who would have thought that the policewoman's tactics of luring enemies were actually deliberately tricking On into scanning the wrong place, and the position where he inserted his ward was on the road.

"Oh my God, BeryL!"

"125 drops of blood limit to steal a house!"

"Is this your last ripple? BeryL!!"


“We never expected that DRX would be able to accomplish such an amazing feat!”

"Under WBG's many encirclement and suppression attacks, they finally fought until the last moment!"

"And BeryL! This talented young man finally used his composure and coolness to turn decay into magic and turn the tide! In just a short moment of WBG's negligence, he demolished the base they dreamed of..."

"Let us congratulate DRX, let us sigh DRX, this tenacious and unyielding team..."

"They finally relied on their perseverance to reach the last round of our 2022 League of Legends Global Finals, which is also the last round that everyone is looking forward to——"

"WBG vs DRX."

"Deciding game!"

(End of this chapter)

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