Chapter 118 Call T1 over to me

Canyon is placed in the bottom lane. This Jiejie is prepared to support Leave. After all, Leave is an Aphelios and has absolute carry ability in the later stage.

In the previous few EDG games, everyone felt that leave was EDG's future hope. Some people even called him "little husband" because of his daring to play randomly in team fights. Zeli's JK behavior of directly sliding the wall and E-face to kill people.

EDG's "little husband".

It seems to be comparable to Viper.

But does he really deserve the title?

JK feels unworthy at all.

The hero of Meiko this time is Annie. She is destined to not be able to stay in the bottom lane and follow Aphelios to replenish troops and develop. She must first take out her shoes and wander around.

Therefore, leave is the only one in the bottom lane who clears troops under the tower, but his opponent is JK.

After confirming that there was no one in the bottom lane, JK directly controlled Lucian to float up and shoot two shots, and with the help of Nami's passive electrocution effect, he immediately disabled Leave, not to mention leaving. While Leave was still in dodge, Baptism of the Holy Spear wiped him alive. died.


But JK can no longer leave.

"Fuck! Ice King!"

Meiko mentioned something.


"Do you want to go downstairs? Let's go downstairs?"

A wave of AWEQAA strong wind force left him in seconds, and JK seemed to have no intention of living this time.

Suddenly, everyone in the live broadcast room was laughing at this barrage, pointing at him and calling him a clown.

"Laughing, do you think it's possible?"

"Ale drove down the road. He deliberately sacrificed his own development to help catch him this time."

How to play?

"This one looks like it's going to be G?" Uzi thought for a moment and said, "The top, middle and bottom collapsed. Only the jungle area didn't collapse. Jiejie's blind monk doesn't seem to be very loud. It feels like the leave is a bit too loud. Not careful."

"Look at my position."

Before the two dragons could be refreshed, Thain drove directly to the bottom lane. After preparing to cooperate with the bottom lane to catch a wave of JK who didn't dodge, he directly asked leave to switch to the center and FoFo to switch to the top.

"What's the plan?"

Ale clicked the signal.

Leave didn't know why, but after Zidao Q immobilized JK, he used JK's purification.

It's really outrageous to say something that is impossible even when you think about it.

No one will think deeply about what is so strong about him. Most people just see the kills coming in one after another. They see him being raised for a round and then killing the opponent with four kills and five kills.

"Annie, Anne is here!"

"This guy was swept to death after a flash hookup. Do you really call him husband? No, right?" Zhi Zi adjusted his glasses, and after watching the replay, he still didn't understand.

"I saw early on that he was a CJB, and there were a lot of people who didn't expect it."

"GSL is crazy about Uzi coming back."

Just like that, he was regarded as the "new god" by the LPL audience, just like the countless "gods" that they had praised and destroyed before.

"To tell a joke, they say the newcomers from EDG are geniuses."

"EDG Uzi."

on reminded JK.

MacT understood clearly that the way A Le helped EDG was to bleed his own development.

ADC is a position that is easy to be boasted about. Whether in the game or in the public opinion field, he is the "C" who reaps the team's results and wins the kill.

"Revealing his true form."

"It's more than abstract. Oh my god, isn't this a gift?" Doinb smiled.

The top and middle teams were all wiped out by WBG. After losing their voice, all EDG could rely on was the jungler's subsequent adjustments.

This made the commentators very embarrassed and also made the EDG Knights at home in Shanghai quite silent.

In fact, Jiang Huai didn't expect Leave to be unconscious for such a long time. In his memory, this little AD was really strong when he first debuted. Later, as EDG's performance got worse and worse, everyone finally discovered that he actually had a shortcoming.

As an egg lying in instant noodles, leave just did the right thing at the right time and completed the output that he should complete as an ADC.

Now, leave collapsed again, and the bottom lane lost a lot of lanes under the tower.

Whenever a top laner is needed to support a game, then whichever lane he supports, there must be a cjb on that lane.

But he didn't expect that JK would dare to fight back directly this time. After seeing Thain, it strengthened his confidence in turning back to person A.

At this moment, in the EDG team's voiceover, Meiko is still directing, and Jiejie is already numb. I don't know how to catch this one after it collapsed like this.

Gou Fen was ecstatic, they never expected that Ah Shui was in such good condition.

The strongest people in EDG at that time were Meiko and Ale, which had nothing to do with his leave.


"I have a plan to make EDG regain his sight."

After being immobilized by Annie's ultimate move, he suffered a glorious sacrifice from Thain's ultimate move.

In an instant, the screen was filled with the rhythm of Ah Shui.

But JK shouted in his voice that it was no loss.

"It's a profit," he said.

Because Jiang Huai and Ning Wang were involved, Nami counterattacked with a big move, causing meiko's Annie to be unable to withdraw and was forced to die.

Jiang Huai got the head and used the sand soldiers to poke A Le. After finding that he couldn't poke him, he let him go back to the tower.

Now, hit the road.

Brother shy seemed to be going to kill FoFo alone. An EW pushed FoFo to the corner and resisted FoFo's Syndra push without being repelled.

After standing firm, he grabbed FoFo, used a big move to catch EW and quickly slipped away. He forced FoFo to use a big move, locking the blood and not dying.

"How dare you play, Brother Shy. This time, I just used Syndra's ultimate move. I'm still afraid of being killed by Syndra with an R when I'm in a winning position, right? Are you playing to the extreme?"

"Brother shy is too extreme."

The audience laughed.

This wave of big moves are changing to big moves. If you are not dead, you will be able to play. If you are dead, you will be Naibi. There is something wrong with your thinking.

The master and the rookie were in an instant. Brother Shy played to the extreme, which directly gave WBG the opportunity to take the dragon head-on.

After all, this wave of Jiang Huai and Prince Ning have already killed Meiko and crippled Thain.

The two sides exchange AD, and Syndra has no ultimate move.

EDG can only let go of the second dragon that is about to be refreshed.

"Why are you letting the dragon go all the time..."

Maokai adjusted his glasses, feeling very different and helpless at the same time.

After winning the championship in S11, he felt as if he was ten years younger again, but when he later heard that boss Ed Zhu was unwilling to invest money, and that Viper, Scout, and Brother Holy Spear were all leaving the team, he instantly felt a sense of sadness. feel.

It's like a class teacher who has been leading students for three years and sees the children leaving one by one during the graduation season. Now that he is leading a new team, he will inevitably feel tired.

Ale, FoFo, leave……

Maokai is not very familiar with these three people, and they don't have much conversation.

Zhu Kai was still the same as before, greeting everyone with a smile, and being "passionate" during training sessions, but when faced with a stupid young man like A Le, he still had nothing to do.

The two coaches were sitting on the sofa, looking at EDG in front of them. Their emotions were quite complicated.

WBG's operations are much more stable than before, and there are not so many flaws.

Until the third dragon was refreshed, WBG never gave him any chance.

Xiaolong refreshed, and EDG came in as a group, preparing to push the line of troops through first.

But King Ning directly launched a team to immobilize A Le, and bumped into him with a pig's head.

"Drive directly in the middle?" Uzi couldn't understand WBG's lane number.

But don't tell me, after freezing Alok, Thain couldn't withstand Lucian's output at all. JK's holy spear baptism directly wiped out more than half of Thain's health, and almost knocked out the corpse!

"Ale's development is so poor! He has been helping his teammates, and as a result, he can't be frank in the front row!"

The commentator saw the problem at a glance and pointed it out accurately.

Ale was a little panicked because he saw the Tsar and Quisanti in the background.

"Back behind, back behind." He reminded again and again.

Jiejie kicked the purified JK into the center of EDG's team. Meiko sat down with a big move, but failed to kill JK in seconds.

on flashed to Crucible and Healing, which stunned the audience.

"So handsome on!"

"Flash instant solution, I thought JK had two purifications!"

No one expected that WBG's assistant could show off casually, and they were a little surprised for a while.

It flashed immediately after landing. JK's flash speed was really too fast.

I don’t know how many times I have flashed forward, and the hand speed I have developed is decisive!


Aphelios opened up, and leave thought he had found a good angle, but he only hit a pig girl with his green knife.

Brother Shy circled back and cooperated with the Czar's double entry.

"Look at AD, kill AD first!"

Jiang Huai said, but his WEQ Flash R Czar entered the field and pushed four people, pushing almost everyone in EDG to the thicker wall in the middle, and played a long hard straight, giving Jack Plenty of harvest time with Brother Shy.

"Four people! Boyo's Czar! Boyo's Czar pushed four people! Brother Shy took Leave directly away from the battlefield! What a perfect cooperation! Is this the cooperation of the 23-year global world champion?!"

The picture effect was very exciting and explosive. Jiang Huai's Czar made dumplings for everyone in EDG at this moment. They watched helplessly as their blood volume withered like snowflakes. Everyone had no intention of fighting back and just wanted to live one more life. Is a.

Brother shy kills leave alone, and the front EDG lacks output.

Ah Le died very quickly, and because he knew he wouldn't survive, he didn't even think about turning around, but just tried to use his body to delay him for one more second.

In the chaotic moment, Jiejie the blind monk took away.

Meiko flashed over the wall and was chased 800 meters away by Brother Shy, before killing him directly and getting a double kill.

King Ning returned to the city with residual health, but JK seemed to be happy that he had not killed him. He chased FoFo's Syndra all the way to the river. When he was almost on the road, he reluctantly let him go because he had eaten a magic ball.

Winning a team directly determines the direction of the entire game.

After WBG took down the small dragon first, it easily defeated the baron.

After listening to the dragon and the big dragon, the two small dragons were given away for free.

Zhu Kai was so angry that he exploded in the lounge.

"They are all playing randomly! I think they all have no idea what they are playing! Don't you know that there are two people missing from the front push line? Isn't there anyone to look for it?"

No one is really looking for it.

On EDG's side, Ale is resisting damage from the front, jiejie is on the side preparing to kick someone, leave is in the center, and FoFo and meiko are not looking for anyone, so naturally they can only be kicked into a group.

I didn't expect WBG to start a group directly. Who would have thought that King Ning would start a group to attack Thain, and Thain really couldn't withstand the damage!

With a big advantage, all the WBG viewers became excited.

"came back!"

"It's adjusted."

"That's the way it is. It makes no sense not to use your strengths in team play."

"Peace of mind!"

"Boyo pushed four, is that so exaggerated?"

"Did EDG get kicked in the head by a donkey? Can't you see the two people behind you?"

"Champion mid laner! Domestic light! boyo!"

"One wave establishes the victory, and it is difficult for WBG to lose."

"Don't be a bitch upstairs, to be honest, I'm most afraid of a comeback in the game."

Can you make a comeback?

Can't turn it over.

The new EDG is not like the old EDG. The members of the old EDG were very stable. No matter how disadvantaged they are, there is a certain probability that they can make a comeback.

However, the new EDG has not been used well enough, and it is really impossible to make a comeback if it is said to be a disadvantage.

In the last wave of Dragon Soul Group, Jiang Huai did not use his ultimate move, preparing to use it to protect JK.

JK, a player, is really brave when someone is willing to protect him.

He immediately swiped Leave's face in one breath and shocked Leave.

"What the hell?!"

I didn't expect Lucian's damage to be so exaggerated now. He cooperated with Nami's wind EQAA and ate him alive!

"Oh my god! Jakeylove!"

At this moment, not only the commentators were shocked, but the audience was also shocked that Lucian was hurt.

A QE stunned Lucian and knocked back JK. When FoFo noticed that leave was dead, he no longer knew what to say.

FoFo has tried his best to reluctantly take over Prince Ning.

After killing the jungler, the next EDG only needs to keep Jiejie alive.

But Jiang Huai pushed Jiejie back with a big move, forcing him to flash and touch his eyes.

The damage was enough, but the blind monk was too flexible, so I let him run away.

EDG was defeated from the front.

Ale died again, and Meiko disappeared.

Only FoFo was left with a golden body to save his life. In the end, he was pressed to his feet and gave JK his head.

Jiang Huai has been chasing Jiejie to prevent him from grabbing the dragon.

Jiejie made a good move, preparing to punish the dragon, but he didn't expect that he would be soaked by Nami's Q skill at the first second when Q followed Q into the dragon pit.

"Is it so exaggerated?"

The operation is beyond imagination, and the posture is so scary that your eyes widen.

Jiang Huai's quicksand transformed, stabbed the blind monk to death in one wave, and successfully stabilized the dragon soul!

"Boyo! The hope of the LPL mid laner! This wave of boyo's thinking is too clear! On is also very handsome. I feel that he is the most handsome support in recent years. He defeated BeryL head-on! And Jack Dirty Dance, left in an instant, too Exaggerated..."

Uzi started bragging and felt that WBG's strength was as strong as his demeanor when he was in RNG.

After getting the dragon soul, WBG directly chooses a wave, quickly demolishing the highland towers, and taking advantage of the opponents to resurrect one by one, Brother Shy directly takes him away with a proud and majestic appearance, stalling for time.

"One wave, directly demolishing EDG's base, WBG achieved a wave of desperate counterattack, and tied EDG one to one! Come to the decisive game!"

Tong Xi shouted excitedly.

The atmosphere of the audience was heated up. WBG's decisive team fight was a joy to watch.

Just like IG back then, I never hesitated to fight.

Now, with Jiang Huai's command and decision-making, coupled with IG's extraordinary fighting ability, WBG's upper limit has truly surpassed that of IG back then, and even exceeded it.

"Call T1 over here!"

"Boyo: Just here, who is Faker?"

"It does look a lot like IG, but it also looks more like last year's WBG."

"Stable and courageous, this is a LOL team that can win the championship."

"Come on WBG! Win the second championship in one go!"

(End of this chapter)

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