Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning.

Chapter 163 Debate King, Weasley!

Chapter 163 Debate King, Weasley!
  Riddle raised his wand, "Hagrid, monsters are not ideal pets. Get out of the way."


"Get out of the way, Hagrid!"

"No!" Hagrid shouted angrily as he moved to the box.

Riddle waved his wand and said: "Treasure revealed!"

The tip of Riddle's wand shot out a dazzling flame.

After the fire knocked down Hagrid, it hit the big box again. The box trembled violently for a few times, and the lid opened automatically with a bang.

Click! Click!
  From the big box, a huge, black, and hairy spider crawled out.

On its head, there are two big eyes close to each other. There is a small eye on each side of the upper eyelid. Under the big eye, there are four small eyes in a row.

Its large, jagged claws made a clicking sound every time it moved, and its eight extra-long legs were waving forward rapidly.

When Ron saw the spider, he was so frightened that he screamed.

The screams continued, and Harry put his hand over Ron's mouth to stop him from screaming.

On the other side, Riddle waved his wand again and said: "Strike the giant spider hard!"

Riddle's magic failed because Hagrid, who got up, knocked him down with his body.

When he got up, there was no sign of the big spider inside or outside the house.

Hagrid also got up. He wanted to walk out of the house, but was blocked by Riddle, who was holding his wand.

"Hagrid, I can't let you go. The attack must come to an end. In view of what you have done, the school will confiscate your wand and expel you. You may even be tried by the Ministry of Magic and imprisoned. Azkaban Prison.”

"No, it's not me."

As Hagrid shouted, a powerful vortex of suction swept the four of them once again.

Then, lying on their buttocks, they returned to the women's bathroom on the third floor.

"It's Hagrid. It was Hagrid who opened the Chamber of Secrets 50 years ago." Ron shouted in shock after getting up.

Luo Bin took out his magic wand and cast a spell to make several people's clothes dry.

At this time, the stall with the broken toilet no longer sprayed water, and there were no more shrill, high-pitched cries from all around.

Apparently, Myrtle is no longer here.

"T.M. Riddle may have found the wrong person, maybe another monster attacked those people." Hermione hypothesized.

Luo Bin nodded in agreement, "If the monster in the secret room is a big spider, then the little spiders in the castle should not crawl out like they are fleeing, but should get into the secret room and seek refuge with the Spider King. And, to be honest, Hagrid's big box The size of the spider inside is much smaller than the army of eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest."

"Luo Bin is right."

Last year, when he followed Quirrell to the Forbidden Forest that night and rescued two owls, one big and one small, Harry experienced the power of the Eight-Eyed Spider Army in the Forbidden Forest.

However, Ron did not agree with their views, "Robin, Harry, whether magical creatures are powerful or dangerous is not purely based on size."

"The almost 4-meter-tall mountain giant that Quirrell introduced into the castle, apart from smashing into the women's bathroom and scaring Hermione into a trance for two days, what other harm did it cause?"

"And Dobby, a house elf who is not much taller than his knees, is blocking express train passages, manipulating bludgers, trying to knock people's heads off, and wandering around in the castle. I don't know how dangerous he is. Much taller than the troll."       "Also, don't forget, spiders have the instinct of cannibalism. I think this is the reason why the little spider escaped from the castle."

Luo Bin: →_→, Saonian, if I weren't familiar with the plot of the original work, I would give you a thumbs up.

Harry frowned, pushed up the frame of his glasses, and said, "I know Hagrid has always been interested in rare and strange monsters. The three-headed dog Luwei who guards the Sorcerer's Stone and whose body reaches the ceiling is not the school's Borrowed from him. Last year, he tried to raise Norbert, a fire-breathing Norwegian Ridgeback, in his cabin."

"If the young Hagrid 50 years ago heard that there was a secret room in the castle and a monster was locked in the secret room, he would definitely rack his brains to find a way to get into the secret room to see the monster."

"Hagrid might also sympathize with the monster being imprisoned for thousands of years, put a leash on the monster, put a collar on it, and let it wander around the castle in the middle of the night to stretch its legs."

"Although, before I entered school, I knew that Hagrid was expelled and his wand was broken. Moreover, from the engraved medal received by Riddle, we can judge that after Hagrid was captured, the monster attacks , it stopped.”

"But I still believe in Hagrid. I believe he can't do anything harmful to anyone."

"Yes, Hagrid is warm and kind. He couldn't have done those things." Hermione agreed.

"Hagrid is kind, but that doesn't mean monsters are also kind. Don't forget, last year, I was injured by Norbert and stayed in the hospital for a long time. Snape's leg was also bitten to pieces by Lu Wei."

"Harry, as you said, young Hagrid, knowing the existence of the monster in the Chamber of Secrets, will try to open the Chamber of Secrets, sympathize with the monster's encounter, and will release it."

"But what will the monster do after it comes out? Can he control it?"

Ron snapped back.

The atmosphere became a little stiff. Luo Bin thought for a while and said: "It's not certain whether the big spider Hagrid raised is the monster in the secret room. However, some spiders in the Forbidden Forest also have hair on their heads. Many eyes, maybe, there is some connection between the two, how about we go."

When Ron thought of the hairy spiders with crawling legs, his scalp tightened and his hair stood on end. "No, don't go to the Forbidden Forest. Spiders can be found everywhere."

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), Saonian, eight-eyed spiders are not found everywhere!
  Robin looked at Hermione and then at Harry. Seeing that neither of them responded, he had to pick up the bricks and said, "What I want to say is, why don't we go to the hunting lodge and find Hagrid?" Ask clearly."

"That will be a nice visit."

Ron's eyes widened and he acted out the questioning scene vividly, "Hello, Hagrid, tell us, have you ever opened a stone door before and now, and let out anything violent and gross?"

Will Hagrid answer truthfully?

In the end, several people decided not to say anything to Hagrid unless there was a new monster attack.

In mid-February, the weather gradually warmed up.

Many adaptable plants have begun to sprout buds.

Even the mandrake in the third greenhouse has entered the transitional period from childhood to adolescence, and his personality has become moody, sometimes crying and sometimes taciturn.

Sprout said that once the pimples on the mandrakes heal, they can be transplanted into larger pots.

Then, if you wait patiently for another three months, you can harvest them and brew a powerful recovery potion.

Gilderoy Lockhart prided himself on the fact that there had been no monster attacks in Hogwarts in the past two months since Finch-Fletchley and Ghost Nick. It was the deterrent power he exuded that shocked them. The Heir and the Chamber Monster.

He also submitted a letter of application to Dumbledore, requesting a lively event to celebrate the school's return to tranquility.

So, in the early morning of February 14th, when Luo Bin went down to the first floor, he saw that the layout of the auditorium had changed.

(End of this chapter)

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