Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning.

Chapter 176: Lockhart’s house collapses, Hermione takes off her badge and tramples on her

Chapter 176 Lockhart’s house collapses, Hermione takes off her fans and steps back
  In such an atmosphere of grief, resentment, and uneasiness, there was one person who smiled exceptionally brightly, so brightly that one wanted to cast Avada Kedavra on him.

For example, the late Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Sorry, I took a nap and came a little late. Didn't I miss something?"

Lockhart didn't seem to notice that the other teachers were glaring at him with something close to hatred.

Snape raised his lips and curled up into a sneer, "There is a girl who was captured by a monster and taken into the secret room. Professor Lockhart, the opportunity you have been waiting for to show off your skills has come."

"what chance?"

"Didn't you swear just last night that you already knew where the entrance to the secret room was? Did you also know what the monster was inside?"

"It's also a pity that you couldn't fight the monster before Hagrid was captured, isn't it? Now, the time has come to make up for your regrets."

Lockhart's face turned extremely pale.

He stared dumbfounded at his cold-faced and unhelpful colleagues.

"Did I say that? I think you may have misunderstood what I meant."

"It's settled. The task of defeating the monster and rescuing the girl will be left to you. After all, your skills are superb, Gilderoy."

The acting headmaster had spoken, and Lockhart had no reason to shirk anymore.

The corners of his eyes drooped downward, the air inhaled through his nostrils was less and more exhaled, and his lips were trembling. His whole body was thin and haggard. Even though he was dressed in luxurious and exquisite clothes, he was no longer as handsome as before.

"Okay then, I'll go back to the office to get ready."

With that, Lockhart hurriedly left the corridor.

"Minerva, who did the monster capture?" Madam Pomfrey asked sadly?
  "Ginny Weasley!"

Behind the door, Ron was so frightened that his vision went dark and his whole body went numb. Harry and Hermione noticed the abnormality in time and stretched out their hands to hold his arms to prevent him from falling to the ground.

"Okay, the people who were in the way have been moved away."

"Severus, Pomona, Filius, let's go inform the students in each house what happened and ask them to pack their things tonight and leave the school by express tomorrow morning."

"Other teachers were patrolling the castle to see if there were any students. They didn't obey the order and go back to the dormitory."

After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, the teachers left the corridor one by one.

When Snape passed the bathroom door, he glanced sideways at the keyhole, but he didn't stop. He was rushing to the Slytherin common room.

After two or three minutes of silence in the corridor, Hermione gently opened the door, and the four of them walked out of the bathroom and walked to where the professors were standing just now.

On the gray stone wall in front of them, a new line of red letters was added. Under the illumination of the burning torch, the red letters shone with a penetrating light.

[Her bones will be sealed in the secret room forever! 】

Ron looked at the red letters on the wall and said in a hoarse and trembling voice: "Ginny must have known something before she was captured by the monster. What she wanted to tell us this morning was not even half of the stupid thing Percy did. Nat relationship.”

"Ginny is not a Muggle, nor is she a squib. She is not on the expungement list. There can be no other reason other than leaking information about the Chamber of Secrets."

"Robin, tell me, is it possible that Ginny is still alive now?"

Even though Ginny thought Ron was embarrassed and Ron thought Ginny was a character, the two of them, whose blood is thicker than water and who are close in age, still have a very good relationship.

At least, that's how Ron behaved.

"Is Ginny still alive? Emm, wait, let me see."

Luo Bin took out a crystal ball, raised his head and closed his eyes. While touching the ball, he recited a spell. After reciting, he jerked his body, as if he had seen a strange scene.

"I saw"

"What did you see?" Ron asked, clutching his chest.

"I saw Ginny wearing floral pajamas and attending the year-end banquet. Everyone in the auditorium, including the professors, were wearing pajamas."

"Ginny is not dead, she is still alive, and she will attend the party in the future, that's great!" Ron hugged Robin and shouted while crying and laughing.

Hermione didn't believe in the prophecy, nor did she believe that the school would have a pajama party, but when she saw Ron like this, she couldn't bear to expose the lies of the prophecy.

"Lockhart wants to enter the Chamber of Secrets. We should go to him and tell him what we have discovered. I think he will believe it."

Hermione suggested once Ron stopped crying.

"Uh, okay!"

Harry, who thought Lockhart was a loser, said helplessly.

The four of them turned a few corners and arrived at the door of Lockhart's office. There was a lot of movement inside the door, with scratching, banging, and clattering footsteps constantly coming out.

Luo Bin knocked on the door, but there was suddenly no sound inside.

After a moment, the wooden door opened a small crack from the inside, and he saw a panicked blue eye peering out through the small crack.

"Oh, it's you! I'm busy right now, I'll talk to you later if I have anything to say."

"Professor, we have something to tell you."

Ron put his arm against the door panel and pushed the door wide open. Then, the four of them found that Lockhart's office was almost empty.

On the floor were two oversized, open suitcases.

A box was filled with clothes in various colors, as well as sparkling accessories.

Another box was filled with his published drawings, and there was a large cardboard box on the table filled with moving portraits.

"Are you going to go away?" Hermione asked confused.

"Well, yes, it's an emergency. I have no choice but to leave."

"What about Ginny?"

"Well. I sympathize with your sister's misfortune, but, I."

Lockhart avoided the eyes of several people, forcefully opened the desk drawer, and roughly stuffed the exquisite quills inside into a large bulging bag.

"You are a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, how could you leave your students alone at this time?" Ron complained.

Lockhart muttered vaguely as he laminated the expensive ink cloth bag, "I would say that when I was hired, no one said I was going to be confrontational."

Luo Bin stood at the intersection between the desk and the stone wall and asked deliberately: "Are you planning to escape? The book says you are very powerful and responsible!"

“Books can be fictional!”

Lockhart straightened his back, a sly look in his eyes.

"But, that was written by you yourself!"

"Young man, use your brain. If people don't believe that I did all those heroic deeds, how can I sell the book?"

"If you put a picture of an ugly old witch with a long beard on her chin and a bark-like appearance on the cover of a book, who would be willing to take it off the shelf, even though the book contains thrilling stories? The whole process of expelling the Wanlun female ghost." Lockhart said impatiently.

"You are a liar. You take the heroic deeds of other wizards and blame them on yourself. Big liar!"

Hermione rushed to Robin, gritting her teeth and glaring at her former idol.

"What on earth will you order?" Ron said speechlessly.

Lockhart put down the big bag and his expression became more relaxed, "Forgetting spells, what I am best at is forgetting spells."

"I will follow up on these people and ask them how they did what they did. Of course, I will use magic to delete their memories."

(End of this chapter)

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