Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning.

Chapter 184: Stung by my own sword

Chapter 184: Stung by his own sword

Mr. Arthur grabbed Ginny's shoulders, his eyes full of shock.

"I've always told you, never trust anything that can think independently unless you are sure you can control it."

"A diary that can write and talk to people is obviously not a normal object. Where did you get it?"

"The day I bought textbooks, a little girl knocked me down in front of a jewelry store and scattered my things all over the floor. Then, there was a diary in my crucible."

"I swear, I never did those things on purpose. Will I be fired?"

Ginny looked towards the mantelpiece in desperate pleading.

The swaying fire flickered on Dumbledore's half-moon glasses, and he said gently:
  "Ms. Pomfrey, you just gave the Mandrake resurrection potion to the basilisk victims. They will wake up in two or three hours."

"Since no one was permanently harmed, and many wizards older than Ginny, smarter, and astute, have also been deceived by Voldemort."

"So, the school will not expel Ginny, nor will she be asked to write a reflection report, or be placed in solitary confinement or anything like that."

"Ginny, you look so bad. Go back to the dormitory and get some rest. Oh, Mrs. Weasley, a cup of hot chocolate milk before going to bed will help soothe your mood."

"Okay, Mr. Dumbledore."

After Ms. Molly gave Ron a 'be smart' look, she pulled Ginny out of the office, and Mr. Arthur followed the two of them lazily.

Dumbledore walked behind the desk and looked at the corner to the right with a smile, "Defeating the basilisk and rescuing the students is such an amazing thing, but someone who also experienced the adventure has remained astonishingly silent. Professor Lockhart, why are you so humble all of a sudden?"

"Professor? Oh, my God, I thought I wouldn't have a big future, but I didn't expect that I turned out to be a professor."

Lockhart said in shock.

Dumbledore looked at the four people standing at the desk with confused eyes.

"While down there, he snatched my wand and tried to cast an oblivion charm on Hermione, but the spell shot backwards."

Dumbledore lowered his eyes with understanding, "Oh, Lockhart, you were stabbed by your own 'sword'."


Lockhart groped around on his body in confusion, and finally looked at Dumbledore in confusion, "I don't have a sword."

"Amnesia is not necessarily a bad thing."

A slight smile appeared on Professor McGonagall's usually serious face.

"Minerva, please take Lockhart to the school hospital. Also, everything that happened today is worthy of a banquet to celebrate, isn't it? Please inform the kitchen, oh, it's already dark, I guess. The banquet won't start until eleven o'clock, so don't bother the children changing into uniforms, just come in pajamas."

Pajama party? ? ?

Hermione looked at Robin in surprise. Her brain was running at high speed, thinking about the points through which he deduced that the school would hold a pajama party tonight.

"Okay, sir. I'll leave the four of them to you."

After saying that, she led the foolish Lockhart out of the office.

"According to what you said, you have violated more than a hundred school rules since the beginning of the school year."

Ron opened his mouth in horror. He thought to himself: If he was fired, Ms. Molly's roar would definitely be heard by people on every floor.

"Am I going to get fired?"

"Brother and sister, we have the same idea."

Dumbledore continued gently: "What you have done does meet the standards for expulsion. However, I do not intend to punish you. On the contrary, each of you will receive a special contribution award to the school and one hundred college points." ."    "Thank you!" Ron's face suddenly turned pink.

"I am the one who really should say thank you! You must have shown absolute loyalty to me when we were in the secret room. Otherwise, Fox would not have felt the call and flown to the secret room to help."

The fiery phoenix slowly flew down to its owner's lap, and Dumbledore gently stroked its wing feathers.

"Harry, I noticed that you haven't relaxed your eyebrows since you walked in, even when you heard that you were rewarded. Something is bothering you, right?"

Harry frowned even more after hearing this, "Sir, I. I found that Riddle and I have many similarities. For example, we both have no parents, we both live in dependence, and we don't want to go home for the summer vacation. They all speak Parseltongue, and I once suspected that I was a great-great descendant of Salazar Slytherin.”

"Harry, you are not born a Parselmouth. If I guessed correctly, when Voldemort left the lightning scar on you, he also transferred part of his magic power to you."

"Transfer to me?"

Harry was astonished as thunder exploded above his head.

"Yeah, he didn't mean to, but that's what happened."

Luo Bin: (︶︿︶)
  Alas, it is mentioned in the original book that Voldemort's heinous act of killing a person will temporarily give him the ability to tear apart the soul.

So, when he killed Lily, his soul was split.

The soul fragment attached to Harry's body, turning him into a Horcrux that even Voldemort didn't know about.

"But when I was sorted, the Sorting Hat thought that Slytherin would help me achieve glory."

"Harry, you just happen to have the qualities that Salazar Slytherin admired. You can speak parseltongue, be resourceful, determined, and disdain rules. But why were you sorted into Gryffindor in the end?"

"I asked for it!" Harry said.

"Yes, this is the difference between you and Riddle. People's nature is not determined by their natural abilities, but by our choices."

Harry's brows relaxed and he smiled with relief, "Thank you, sir, for helping me untie my knot."

Dumbledore opened the desk drawer and took out an empty piece of parchment, a bottle of ink, and a quill. "Okay, go back and have a good sleep. When you wake up, go downstairs for the banquet."

"As for me, I have to write a release certificate, and I think it's time for our gamekeeper to go back to school."

"I also need to draft a teacher recruitment information and publish it in the advertisement column of the Daily Prophet. Lockhart is obviously no longer qualified for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"Well, people should think that this job is unlucky again."

At this time, the wooden door was knocked open by someone, and the edge of the door bounced against the stone wall behind, making a loud banging sound.

Lucius took back his cane and walked in with anger in his eyes. Dobby, covered in bandages, followed him cowardly.

"Dobby, your master is indeed him," Harry said.

Dobby's nose twitched, and then he bent down low, staring at the hem of Lucius's black robe in panic and fear.

Lucius lowered his head and looked at Dobby, "I'll settle the score with you later."

"Stay out of the way, kid."

Lucius stepped onto the stone steps, pushed Robin away with his cane, and stared coldly at Dumbledore behind the desk.

"You are really back. You actually ignored the board of directors' order to temporarily suspend the principal and returned to Hogwarts on your own initiative?"

(End of this chapter)

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