Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning.

Chapter 207 Moon Face, Werewolf Lupine

Chapter 207 Moon Face, Werewolf Lupine
  The vulture specimen trembled and trembled, as if it came to life and wanted to eat human flesh and blood.

Facing Augusta's fierce look, Robin responded with a bright and harmless smile, "Thank you for the compliment. If I hadn't been brave, I wouldn't be in Gryffindor House. Right, Neville?"

"Yes! Grandma, Luo Bin is very powerful. Last year, he went down under the living plank, broke through several levels, and fought away. This year, he killed the basilisk and saved Oiyo!"

"You, Neville, can't you be smarter, alas!"

Augusta grabbed Neville's shoulders and walked into the bookstore.

Luo Bin turned around and went to a pet snack shop. He had promised Maura to reward her with 5 pounds of spicy termite food.

Unfortunately, the store only has original dried termites, but it provides DIY services.

After Luo Bin paid the deposit for the kitchen utensils, he sat at the door and fried spicy termite jerky.

When it comes to spices, I finished cooking Christmas dinner last time and there was a lot left in the space. The kitchen utensils are a bit small and can only fry two pounds at a time.

Pour oil into a hot pot, the oil temperature is 70% hot, add termites and stir-fry until slightly dry, then add chili, pepper, cinnamon and other spices and stir-fry until slightly yellow, pick out the aniseed, stir-fry until crispy, spread it flat on a tray to cool.

When the termites in the fifth pot are browned (wet becomes dry, the weight will be reduced), a big rough hand reaches into the frying pan, and it is not too hot, and grabs a small handful of dried termites. The next second, there is a crunching sound from above. Crisp chewing sound.

While shoveling the pot, Luo Bin looked up at the ruthless man eating termites.

He looked like he was in his thirties, but he had many wrinkles at the end of his eyes and his light brown hair was a bit gray.

He was wrapped in a patched and washed white witch robe, and he was carrying a tattered small box.

Well, he is a middle-aged wizard who has experienced vicissitudes of life and lives in embarrassment, but the temperament he exudes is calm and capable, with alert eyes and a hint of mischief.

"It tastes good. Sprinkle some chopped rosemary before serving, and it will be even more perfect."

He sighed after chewing the termite stems.

"How about I decorate it for you?"

"No, thank you. Those just now are enough for me to satisfy my cravings."

"Mr. Lu Ping, the braised beef bones you ordered have been packed." The clerk said as he handed over a large cowhide bag.

"You are Lu Ping?" Luo Bin's eyes widened in shock.

"What, you know me?"

Lupine took the paper bag and asked jokingly while looking up and down in his pocket for Nat.

Robin shook his head on the surface, indicating that he didn't recognize him, but secretly he was recalling the information related to Remus John Lupin in the original work.

When Lupine was young, his father offended the werewolf Fenrir Greyback, and the werewolf bit Lupine out of revenge, causing him to transform into a mindless wolf when the moon was full.

In 1971, the generous Dumbledore planted a whomping willow, dug a tunnel leading directly to the Shrieking Shack, and mailed Lupine his admission letter.

After Lupine entered school, he became friends with James, Sirius, and Peter Dwarf, and formed the "Predator" camp.

After the other three knew Lupin's werewolf identity, they trained hard as animagus, just to turn into animals to protect Lupin's safety on a full moon night.

In 1975, Lu Ping, who was in fifth grade, was elected as a prefect and was given the responsibility of restraining the 'predators'.

After all, in the eyes of the professors, the 'Predators' are the equivalent of the 'Troublemaker Four'.

Snape, the sworn enemy of the 'Reaver', was very curious about where the four went on a full moon night. He often followed the four quietly, trying to find some clue so that they could be expelled.

The board of directors will never allow a werewolf to hide in the school.

So, James and Sirius, who were brave and even a little crazy, often 'dueled' Snape, trying to get him to admit defeat and give up the idea of ​​tracking and finding clues.

Lupine didn't want 'more V1s', but he really wanted to stay in school, and the guilt of sitting on the sidelines had been lingering in his heart for many years.

Later, the four people created the Marauder's Map based on their exploration of the castle and the site over the past few years. The map was enchanted and could accurately show everyone's location in Hogwarts. The four of them also wrote their pseudonyms on the map based on their characteristics after transformation.

Lupine is Moony, James is Prongs, Sirius is Padfoot, and Peter is Wormtail.

When Lupine was in his sixth year, Snape spied on Madam Pomfrey taking Lupine into the tunnels.

Under Sirius's instigation and guidance, Snape took the risk and followed him, and was horrified to discover the secret of the werewolf. James pulled him out of the Shrieking Shack before he died in the wolf's claws or mouth.

When Lupine was in seventh grade, the administrator Filch confiscated the Marauder's Map from four people.

After Lupine graduated, he joined the Order of the Phoenix and fought with the members against Voldemort.

Later, the Potters' hiding place was leaked and they were brutally injured by Voldemort. Under the testimony of the Fidelity Curse (used to protect a secret, unless the secret keeper personally reveals the secret, the secret will never be leaked), the secret keeper Sirius became Suspected betrayer.

Sirius knew that the betrayer was Peter the Little. During the pursuit, Peter the Little took the lead and blew up the entire street, killing thirteen Muggles.

After Peter the Little lost his finger and fled, Sirius once again took the blame for killing his friends and causing chaos.

At first, Lupine, like everyone else, believed Sirius was evil.

In 1993, after he learned that Sirius had escaped from prison, he immediately went to Hogwarts to teach and protect Harry.

In 1994, he learned the whole truth and reconciled with Sirius. In the same year, he resigned from his position as a teacher. After that, he helped Harry out of trouble several times.

In summary, Remus John Lupin is a very capable, loyal, kind, and hard-working wizard.

But who are you buying the braised beef bones for?
  At this point in time, although Sirius had transformed into a big black dog and was waiting for an opportunity to follow Harry, he had not yet reconciled with Lupine.

  In confusion, a bag of dark chocolate was thrown into Luo Bin's hand.

"Thank you for the termites."

After Lu Ping finished speaking, he hugged the cowhide bag and walked away.

After Luo Bin fried five kilograms of termites, he also paid and left the snack shop. When he passed by the Quidditch boutique, he saw a bunch of people gathered outside the store, picking up the glass and looking inside the display window.

"Luo Bin, come on, come and take a look."

When Simo saw Luo Bin, he waved his arms and shouted.

Luo Bin leaned sideways, squeezing past the wizards who were shouting excitedly, and saw a white stone stand set up in the window, with an exquisite broomstick placed on it.

"Well, the samples just came out. I heard that they are a hot commodity. Several international teams are rushing to reserve the first batch."

Dean sighed with emotion, his eyes shining.

After hearing this, Luo Bin glanced at the sign next to the stone platform.


This latest ultra-high-speed broomstick adopts a streamlined arc design, uses a premium-grade ash wood handle, and is polished with a polish as hard as diamond.

Each birch tree branch at the tail has been carefully selected and carefully polished, so it has unparalleled balance and accuracy.

The internal braking device has endless charm. Within 10 seconds, the broom can accelerate up to 4km/m. It is the first choice that every Quidditch player dreams of.

Luo Bin: →_→, everyone? Not necessarily.

(End of this chapter)

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