Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning.

Chapter 250 Exam Week, Outdoor Obstacle Race

Chapter 250 Exam Week, Outdoor Obstacle Race

The third session is the Care of Magical Creatures class.

Hagrid, ask everyone to take care of the Flobber caterpillar and make sure it's still alive after one hour.

To be honest, a Flobberworm caterpillar will not die even if it stays in the sun without eating or drinking for an hour!
  At the end of the exam, Neville stared at Hagrid gratefully. After all, he had performed particularly poorly in the first two exams.

During this period, Luo Bin and others settled down in their respective caterpillars and ran to talk to Hagrid. Hagrid's eyebrows were drooped and he was nervous and flustered. It took a lot of effort for them to calm down his mood.

The fourth session is the Potions test.

Snape asked everyone to brew the intoxicating potion. Robin made it neither thick nor thin, but he received several cold looks from Snape.

The fifth session is about archaeological runes, the sixth session is about astronomy, and the seventh session is about the history of magic.
  Friday morning was the penultimate exam - Defense Against the Dark Arts!

Professor Lupine was creative and organized an outdoor obstacle course with Dumbledore's acquiescence.

The first level is the deep pool where Grindylow lurks.

When the green claws grabbed Luo Bin's calf, he bent down and broke off the green claws. The little water monster's eyes were frightened, and it burrowed into the water plants and disappeared.

The second level is full of potholes with red hats (a small creature that looks like a goblin, likes to be stationed in potholes on ancient battlefields, or places where human blood flows, and loves to attack people with wooden sticks).

Luo Bin waved his wand, cast a levitating spell, and handed over their sticks.

The third level is a swamp with hinkpunk.

Luo Bin straightened his clothes, gave some small fish and shrimps to show his goodwill, and bowed to it again, and it responded politely.

Then the water in the pit on the top of its head flowed into the swamp. Its knees became weak and it collapsed on the ground, looking angrily at the boy who was gradually going away.

The fourth level is the big wooden box containing the Boggart.

After the box was opened, a huge, dark abyss containing whirlpools jumped out. Luo Bin concentrated his concentration and cast the "Funny" spell, and the "Abyss" turned into a "cheap smile" emoticon, and After a hearty laugh, he got back into the big wooden box.

"Very good, Luo Bin, full marks."

Lupine leaned against the big tree and said with a smile.

"Thank you!"

Robin walked to the tree and watched the others taking the exam with Lupine.

He saw that Ron passed the first two levels smoothly, and at the third level, he bowed directly to Xinkpunk without any prelude.

Then he was dragged into a waist-deep puddle in the swamp. After a lot of effort, he climbed out and went to the next level.

Seeing Harry going smoothly and passing all the levels, and seeing the unlucky Neville being grabbed by several Grindylows and being torn into pieces, his horrified screams resounded throughout the film. woods.

Seeing Seamus, seeing Dean, seeing Hermione holding her chin high, she quickly passed the first three levels. However, when 'Professor McGonagall' jumped out of the box and said sternly that she had failed every exam, she collapsed. He stood there and screamed, "No, it's impossible. There's no way I'm going to fail."

Luo Bin rushed to the big cargo box, and with a crisp sound, 'Professor McGonagall' turned into a 'Bottomless Abyss'. After being hit by the funny curse, it turned into an emoticon of frowning, eyes closed and tongue sticking out, and he jumped up. Got the big box back.

Hermione lay in Robin's arms and calmed down for a long time before getting out of the shadow of 'failure'.

As they walked towards the castle, Lupine was already waving his wand and cleaning up the messy exam venue.

As soon as the four of them passed through the greenhouse and stepped onto the stone steps, they saw Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, pushing open the oak door and walking out.

Behind Fudge, there were two other people.

One is an old wizard with gray hair and numerous wrinkles on his skin.

One was a middle-aged wizard with a burly build and sparse black sideburns. He also had a large, polished ax on his belt.

"Potter, have you finished all the exams?" Fudge greeted.

"Minister, we still have one exam to go, Divination, which will be taken in the afternoon. Do you have any business coming to Hogwarts?" Harry glanced at the ax and asked politely. "Oh, the Dangerous Animals Committee said that a witness needs to be present when McNeil is executed. I happened to want to ask about Blake's search, so..."

"Has the appeal ended?" Hermione asked, interrupting Fudge.

"No, no, the appeal is scheduled for this afternoon." Fudge looked at the bold little girl in surprise.

"Tsk! I didn't expect that there is a prophet hidden in the committee! Look, the appeal has not even started yet, the executioner and witnesses are already in place. Isn't the verdict... all drawn up?" Luo Bin said sarcastically.

Fudge hesitated and did not dare to answer directly. The old wizard behind him glared at Luo Bin with his cloudy eyes and said, "Fudge, it starts at two o'clock, right?"

"Yes, old man!"

"Shady, you guys are all shady!"

The three of them blocked Ron's mouth, dragged him up the stone steps, bypassed Fudge and the others, and walked into the foyer.

"Why don't you let me talk?"

Ron said angrily after he was 'free'.

"My parents are Muggles."

"My guardians are Muggles."

"I have no father or mother."

"What does this have to do with not letting me talk?" Ron asked confused.

Luo Bin patted him on the shoulder, "It's a serious matter. Your father, Mr. Arthur, works at the Ministry of Magic. You reprimand the Minister of Magic. Aren't you afraid that your father will be caught wearing a pair of shoes?"

"What should I do?"

"After the exam this afternoon, I'll try to find Hagrid and ask him if Kenzio's things have been delivered to him."

Luo Bin's proposal was approved by the three of them. They walked through the foyer and turned into the auditorium. After eating, they went back to the tower to rest for a while, then went downstairs to take the exam with pens and paper.

Hermione dropped out of Divination and was going to take the Muggle Studies exam, so Hermione parted ways with them on the second floor of the North Tower.

When Luo Bin and the others climbed to the eighth floor, they saw many students sitting on the spiral staircase leading to the classroom on the top floor, immersed in reading "Pull Through the Fog to See the Future".

"Professor Trelawney said she wanted to meet us one by one." Neville, who was seven or eight meters away, reminded in a low voice.

"Ah! When will the exam be held?" Ron wanted to jump in line, but Lavender stopped him with his eyes.

About five minutes later, the exam bell rang, and the queue on the spiral staircase began to move slowly downward.

Whenever someone walked down the silver staircase, a voice would rise from the queue, "What did she ask?"

However, those who came down pursed their lips tightly and refused to say a word.

Neville was anxious when asked by Ron, and said in a tearful voice: "I can't say it. If I tell her, she will say that I will be in a big disaster."

"Let's just say it. Trelawney is a big liar. How can you believe her lies?"

In the end, Robin pushed away Ron's hand that was grabbing the man's arm, and Neville was able to "free himself".

When Parvati came down, the pride in her eyes almost overflowed. Faced with Ron's 'explanatory question' question, she replied:

"What she asked. I can't say, but... she said that I have all the qualifications to become a prophet. I seem to have found the direction in life. Okay, I wish you good luck."

Under Ron's confused gaze, Parvati walked down the spiral staircase.

(End of this chapter)

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