Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning.

Chapter 267 Another world, strange old man

Chapter 267 Another world, strange old man

Dear little benefactors:
  I hope this letter will be delivered before you leave Hogwarts.

Buckbeak and I found a perfect hiding place.

I won't tell you where I hide it, for fear that this little owl will fall into the hands of other wizards.

It is too out-of-touch and makes a lot of noises. I have some doubts about its reliability.

However, he is the best postman I can find, and he seems to enjoy the job of delivering letters.

The last time we chatted, time was too tight. There was something I didn’t have time to tell you. The Firebolt you received last Christmas was from me.

"It's really him. But, he has been imprisoned for 12 years, how did he get so much money?" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry, is there another page in the letter?"

Harry took out the first page, and on the second page he wrote about where Sirius had gotten hundreds of gold coins.

Harry, you are my godson and you have the authority to open my vault. So, I faked your signature and asked Crookshank to send the Owl Post Office to withdraw money and purchase orders to Gringotts in London.

The goblin will open vault 711, take out some gold coins, buy a Firebolt, and give it to you at Hogwarts. Of course, Gringotts will charge a 10% service fee.

Oh, by the way, one more thing!

I want to apologize to you. In August last year, I ran to Privet Drive and looked at you quietly. Without thinking, I scared you.

I wanted to walk out of the alley and follow the example of an ordinary dog, flicking my tail and rolling my belly to show that I meant no harm. However, the Knight Bus came and I had no choice but to evacuate there first.

The third page of the letter is a permission form signed by me. Give it to Dumbledore next semester, and you can go to Hogsmeade with other students openly.

Harry, if you want to talk to me, ask Hedwig to deliver a message. I think she can find me.

Robin, Hermione, thank you both again for saving my life.

Ron, Madam Pomfrey, I should have healed your leg injury by now. I'm sorry that I caused you to lose your pet.

If you want, you can adopt this little owl. To be honest, it's pretty cute when it's not making a fuss.

Harry quickly took away the second page, looked at the signed permission form on the third page, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"Adopt it?"

Ron looked at the little owl that was as big as a hamster, jumping around and pecking at the mud on the ground, and said dubiously.

Ron bent down and picked up the little owl and handed it to the bamboo cage in Crookshanks. "Hey, big guy, do you hate this little guy?"

Crookshanks put his nose out of the grille, sniffed it two or three times, then retracted it to catch up on his sleep.

"Not interested? That's fine. It belongs to me. Just call it Zhu Weiqiong. How about it?"

Luo Bin: →_→, not so good, the little pig is its final destination.


The train pulled into the station, and the four of them carried their luggage and rushed towards the station.

Before Hermione got in the car, she gave Robin a big hug and a kiss.

After Ron took his seat, he stuck his head out of the window to remind Robin of the Quidditch World Cup.

  The train was beeping and steaming, and the wheels were turning. After a moment, it turned a corner and drove out of Luo Bin's field of vision. Luo Bin returned to the castle along the same route, avoiding the eyes of others, and slipped into the tunnel under the Whomping Willow. Halfway through, the sole of his shoe clicked, crushing a clod of earth.

Suddenly, a flash of spiritual light flashed through his mind, and he successfully caught the tail of the spiritual light.

He raised his foot and stepped on a smooth, hard-looking clod of soil.

  The ‘hard clod’ was broken into dregs.

It will break with one hammer, remember to make good use of the items around you
  Could it be that Dumbledore was referring to the hammer and the black film? ?
  This thought was like throwing a torch on the grassland in late autumn. The fire burned stronger and stronger, making him feel itchy.

Luo Bin bent over and squatted down, took out the hammer and the black piece, held the hammer tightly, and hit the black piece hard.

  The lens shattered, and several orange-red weak lights shot out from the cracks. At the same time, a strong suction force also emerged, sucking Luo Bin into the lens.

The next second, Luo Bin found himself flying over the endless sea of ​​clouds, and his body was falling rapidly.

The strong wind made his hair stand on end, his robes flew in random directions, and white clouds wrapped around his skin, making it sticky and wet, making him feel particularly uncomfortable.

After getting rid of the clouds and mist, he saw that one thousand meters below the sea of ​​clouds was the turbulent black sea. The water was turbulent and the waves were tens of meters high. He quickly activated the "Flying Dragon in the Sky" skill to summon invisible wings.

He flapped his wings and flew between the sea of ​​clouds and the Black Sea. About twenty minutes later, a columnar stone mountain standing a hundred meters above the Black Sea broke into his sight.

On the top of the stone mountain, there is a long suspended platform that protrudes five meters from the edge of the mountain. In the center of the mountain top, there is a strange-looking stone chair. The back of the chair is like a tall tombstone, and the armrests are like stone steps.

Sitting on the stone chair was an old man with a white beard hanging down to his abdomen. The old man was holding a drawing board in his left hand and a quill in his right hand, writing and drawing on the drawing board.

Norbert's level has increased, and the usage time of the 'Flying Dragon in the Sky' skill has changed from ten minutes to thirty minutes.

Luo Bin turned his head and looked at the endless black sea. He didn't want to swim in the sea, so he flapped his wings and slowly landed on the top of the mountain. He walked lightly to the stone chair.

He saw the old man drawing a white horse with a strong physique and well-proportioned muscles. The hind legs supported the horse's body upright, waving its front hooves and roaring to the sky. However, there was a '△'-shaped gap at the tip of the horse's right ear.

  The old man put down his quill and looked up at the sky. Luo Bin also looked up. He was shocked to find that in the sea of ​​clouds, there appeared a cloud horse with the same appearance and posture as the horse on the drawing board.


The old man sighed, his white beard swaying slightly.

"You draw very well, why do you sigh?" Luo Bin asked.

"Alas! The intruders come one after another, but no one can help me take revenge. Can I not sigh? What about you, what extraordinary skills do you have?"


"Luck is the most useless thing."

"Who is your enemy?"

"I can't say it now, and you won't believe it if I say it. Tomorrow you will understand. Come, follow me."

The old man staggered around to the back of the chair and tapped the back of the chair three times with the tip of his pen. Circles of water patterns suddenly appeared on the back of the chair.


After the old man finished speaking, he put away his quill and stepped into the back of the chair. Luo Bin thought for three seconds, raised his legs to follow, passed through the ripples, and entered... a fruit forest? ? ?
  The drooping branches are covered with big red apples and countless little squirrels.

When the squirrel saw the two people appearing out of thin air, it screamed in fright and ran away in a panic.

  A squirrel baby, as big as a tit, fell from a branch into the grass. His claws kicked around and caught a thorny vine.

Then, it was tied up with five flowers.

The old man slowly walked towards the cub, which was so frightened that its pupils dilated and its limbs trembled.

Whoosh, a female squirrel as big as a civet cat jumped up to the cub, bared her teeth and let out a low, angry, warning roar at the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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