Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning.

Chapter 98 Your brain was also burned out by fire?

Chapter 98 Your brain was also burned out by fire?
  Luo Bin saw gray flames sweeping through his body, but he felt no pain or heat. In an instant, the gray flames enveloped his body, making him unable to see anything, but he did not stop. In the next second, he successfully passed through the fire door and reached the last level.

The fire gate is like a castle gate, with dozens of stone steps at the door.

Robin stood on the top of the stone steps and looked down. He saw Harry being restrained by ropes and saw Quirrell rubbing the Mirror of Erised while speaking crazy words.

"Dumbledore cast a spell to hide the Sorcerer's Stone. This mirror is the key to finding it. Hey, he's not as smart as the rumors say. I used a little trick to get a letter from the Ministry of Magic and deceived him. gone."

"Well, I saw it. It was as dazzling as a gem. I dedicated it to the master. The master gained a new life and ruled the world. The master gave me terrifying power. Those who had bullied me all died miserably."

"Quang, but that damn old man, where did you hide the magic stone?"

"Well, I really don't understand. Could it be that he cast a traceless stretching spell on the mirror and stuffed the magic stone inside? Maybe I should think of a way to break the mirror!"

Quirrell conjured up a hammer and smashed it against the mirror. He hit it dozens of times, but it didn't even make a scratch. He threw away the hammer and collapsed: "What is the function of this broken mirror? Master?" , please give me some guidance."

A hoarse roar suddenly sounded from the position of Quirrell's head.

"Use him to use the boy at the door!"

Quirrell turned around as instructed and met Luo Bin's eyes.

"Lestrange, it seems that I overestimated you. You came much later than I expected."

"Qiluo, you'd better use a rag with two holes cut out to cover your bumpy face covered with purple centipedes, otherwise I'll feel like vomiting, yue~"

Quirrell recalled the scene of being burned in the Forbidden Forest that night and became furious. He snapped his fingers and summoned several steel pipe-thick ropes that spiraled forward.

The rope rushed up the stone steps and tied up Luo Bin in circles. Then, a strong pulling force pulled him to the Mirror of Erised.

Quirrell walked around behind him and was about to speak, but he was the first to retort: ​​"It stinks, stay away from me. How long has it been since you washed your hair?"

I would like to ask, will Quirrell, who is parasitized by the village bully on the back of his head, wash his hair regularly?

The answer is probably only known to Quirrell himself.

"I won't allow you to slander me like this."

Quirrell held Robin's shoulders and forced him to face the mirror. He gasped and gritted his teeth and said: "Lestrange, I advise you to take a good look in this mirror and see what you see. Tell me everything, especially where the Philosopher's Stone is hidden. If you don't do it, I'll "

Luo Bin: →_→, look at what you can do, you can threaten people. However, you have mistaken the target person. Among the three people and one evil creature present, the only one who can find the Sorcerer's Stone is Harry Potter.

It is mentioned in the original book that Dumbledore cast a spell on the Mirror of Erised in order to prevent interested people from stealing the Philosopher's Stone.

Only those who desire to find the Philosopher's Stone but have no intention of using it for anything can obtain it.

The village bully and Quirrell want to use the magic stone to create the elixir of life. Robin wants to throw it into the square to speed up the evolution progress of magical creatures. So, the only candidate left is Harry Potter!

"Tell me, what did you see in the mirror?" Seeing Luo Bin's delay in speaking, Chilo asked anxiously.

"Oh, I saw something, it doesn't hurt to tell you."

"Say it."

Quirrell tightened his grip on his collar, and the excitement in his eyes almost overflowed.

Luo Bin raised his eyebrows and asked back, "Do you really want to hear it?" "Speak quickly, and if you keep grinding, I will remove your arm."

Quirrell grabbed Luo Bin's shoulders with both hands and threatened.

"Okay, I say."

Luo Bin let out a long sigh, and then said in a tone that sounded like the eighteen turns of a mountain road: "I saw a black curtain, as black as your heart. A black curtain, yes, it is a black curtain."

"anything else?"

Quirrell's heart felt as if someone was hanging on a cliff by his hair, and he was so nervous that the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Luo Bin turned his head and stared at Quirrell in shock and pity, "Has your brain been burned by the fire too? I told you, I saw a black curtain covering the entire mirror. When I looked in this mirror, there was nothing but blackness in front of me. Still black, can you understand me?"

Quirrell was irritated by the other person's look that said, "Everyone has a responsibility to care for the mentally retarded." He pressed Robin's shoulders and the back of his head vigorously, forcing him to face the mirror, "Lie, take a good look in the mirror again, if you still dare If you lie, I will scratch your face."

Luo Bin: (╬◣д◢), Fuck, how did Qiluo know that my weakness is—disfigurement? Hey, wait, there's something wrong with the mirror. Someone seems to have poked a small hole in the black screen, which is as big as a sesame seed, and the small hole is emitting red light.

Luo Bin bent down and got closer to the mirror, trying to figure out whether the 'red spots' were dirt on the mirror or a virtual image in the mirror.

Suddenly, the red dot grew bigger and bigger, and when it became the size of a walnut, it whizzed out of the mirror and hit him between the eyebrows. Then it fell to the ground, bounced forward four or five times, and stopped on a stone. step edge.

"Magic Stone!" Three shocked voices sounded in the room at the same time.

"Well, Master, look, it's the Philosopher's Stone. I finally completed one of your orders."

Quirrell clutched his collar and cried excitedly.

"Robin, follow quickly, we must not let Quirrell get the Philosopher's Stone." Harry, who was tied up, jumped hard towards the stone steps.

"Get it, get it quickly."

A hoarse roar sounded again. Quirrell swung his short legs and quickly passed Harry to the stone steps. He bent down and excitedly grabbed the crystal clear ruby-like stone.

When the dark purple fingertip was still 0.01 centimeters away from the Magic Stone, it disappeared out of thin air. Then, Quirrell fell heavily on the stone steps, bleeding from his nose.

"Lestrange, what have you done?"

Quirrell didn't even have time to wipe his nosebleed. He leaned on the stone steps and asked angrily.

Luo Bin raised his eyebrows and shook his head, saying that it was none of his business.
  Quirrell wanted to scratch his face, so he let him experience the feeling of reaching the top of his wish and then suddenly falling to the center of the earth.

"Say, tell me, where did you do it?" Quirrell roared, wiping his nosebleed.

"Hey, can you please be reasonable? I'm tied up with ropes and can't cast magic. I'm five or six meters away from the stone steps. In my opinion, you have selfish motives and want to monopolize the magic stone. Let Harry and I be witnesses."

"Lie, you slandered me."

Quirrell changed his face quickly after yelling, and said nervously with a trembling voice: "Master, he is lying. I have sworn a poisonous oath to follow you all my life. How could I possibly want to monopolize the Sorcerer's Stone?"

(End of this chapter)

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