The abyss invades, I control the power of darkness.

Chapter 175 The vitality is soaring, the head-on battle is hearty!

Chapter 175 The vitality is soaring, the head-on battle is hearty!

Naturally, Qin Jinnian had already investigated how to advance the super core.

There is an inexplicable connection between abyssal materials and spiritual energy. A seemingly solid abyssal material can activate the power contained in it when it comes into contact with spiritual energy of a certain intensity or concentration. Then, by introducing this power into the super core in the body, the super core can be upgraded.

This process is actually very dangerous, because if the force triggered at one time is too strong, it is possible to 'explode' the super core together with the body... In the early years, when the promotion of superpowers had not yet formed a system, I don't know How many superpowers have died because of this.

Of course, it is very safe now... It has been clearly figured out how many levels of superpowers need to be matched with those abyss materials.

This is something that every human sage with superpowers spent his life exploring in the past.

In order to upgrade, Qin Jinnian has already made some preliminary preparations. For example, what materials are needed to upgrade from level 2 to level 3, and what materials are needed to upgrade from level 3 to level 4...

When the main body was on his way, the clone had already prepared these things.

The ruins are still a bit dangerous, after all, there is that golden light... Although the No. 3 ruins have not yet been discovered, in order to prevent accidents, Qin Jinnian went directly into the deepest part of the underground palace, where the abyssal race's 'statue' was previously enshrined.

On the altar, there are seven piles of materials. Qin Jinnian first came to the materials for upgrading from level 2 to level 3.

After taking a deep breath and sitting cross-legged, he thought, and the spiritual energy in his body started to work.

The quality of the psychic energy inspired by the super core has also been improved to a certain extent, and it is obviously much more powerful.

And with the surge of spiritual energy, the 'black mist' in the abyss material was also aroused, and it was immediately mixed with the spiritual energy, intertwined and entangled in the air, looking mysterious and mysterious.

[Your vitality reaches 500, which is the limit of your current cultivation level. Please improve your cultivation. 】

However, thanks to Qin Jinnian's strong mental power, he was able to upgrade from level 2 to level 3 without feeling out of control.

The next moment, the super core emits bright light, and the powerful spiritual energy seems to melt the super core.

[You use '11 attribute points', vitality +1...]

Qin Jinnian thought in his heart.

This few attribute points are not enough to increase his mental power from the current level of more than 7,000 to full level. So I just stayed.

And it's not just physical strength that's also becoming stronger. There is also more psychic energy in the super core. It is obvious that as the vitality increases, it becomes more and more abundant, far more than before.

The spiritual energy follows the body and reaches the super core located between the 'pineal gland' between the eyebrows.


During the process of improving his vitality, Qin Jinnian could clearly feel a strong warm aura permeating his whole body, and his body strength and power were constantly improving.

The 'crystal'-shaped super core, which was originally no more than the size of a little finger, turned into a crystal the size of a ring finger.

White light surged and immediately covered the abyssal material in front of him.

The powerful mental power played a huge role at this moment. The mental power controlled his own spiritual energy, restraining this power into a ball without revealing anything.

at last……

He looked at the panel.

After about a few minutes, all the power was introduced into the super core, and the super core was shining brightly. After everything was over, you could see that the 'super core' was obviously 'bigger' than before.

This feeling is like soaking in a hot spring. very comfortable.

"It seems that they are also at level 3, but the combat power of those who have just reached level 3 is completely different from those who have been at level 3 for a long time..."

When the powerful spiritual energy entered the body, a feeling of 'swelling' suddenly filled the air, as if the body was about to explode.

[You use '11 attribute points', and your vitality +1. 】

Not only the psychic power, but the strength of the super core itself has also been greatly improved in the process...

He smiled slightly and continued to add more.

However, he knew that after the transaction with the Night Watchman, his vitality would also start to increase, so in the next five or six days, all the attribute points were saved, so at this moment, the attribute points exceeded 1.7 million...

But despite the fact that the volume has only increased a little, the capacity has increased significantly.

The improvement of the super core refers to the change of the container. But the subsequent increase in spiritual energy intensity is still a cumulative process.

He took a deep breath, and the next moment, he introduced this spiritual energy into his body.

But this feeling of 'explosion' is just an illusion... A body with 100 points of vitality guarantees that the body can fully support this level of psychic energy.

"The next step is to improve your vitality..."

After completing a super core promotion, Qin Jinchang took a long breath and opened his eyes.

It is not that accurate to say that the only shackles of superpowers are 'mental power'.

Time passed little by little, and after about half an hour, finally, all the black mist in the abyss material was drawn out, and mixed with the spiritual energy.

Although compared to super warriors, the improvement of super warriors is indeed much faster... but it does not happen overnight.

After opening his eyes, he smiled slightly.

It doesn't mean that once you upgrade, your spiritual power and vitality will immediately increase.

[You use '11 attribute points', and your vitality +1. 】

Although his mental power is completely enough to control the current situation, after all, even he may die if he is not careful, so it still takes a lot of effort.

During this time, he began to increase his mental power with all his strength, and the attribute points he consumed alone were as high as four to five million.

Looking at the text refreshed on the panel, Qin Jinnian smiled slightly... He was used to seeing hundreds of attribute points only adding 1 point of mental power... Suddenly seeing that more than ten points can add 1 point of vitality, it was a bit uncomfortable. .

However, for Qin Jinnian, this process can obviously be omitted... As long as he has enough attribute points, he can reach the top in one go.

Taking a look at the panel, he saw that his vitality had reached 500, and his cultivation level had also reached 'Level '.


He looked at the pile of materials from level 3 to level 4 and walked over without any hesitation.

Soon after, this pile of materials was also guided out by spiritual energy...

[You use '51 attribute points', vitality +1]

[You use '51 attribute points', vitality +1]


[Your vitality reaches 1500, which is the limit of your current cultivation level. Please improve your cultivation. 】


The level 4 super core brought Qin Jinnian's vitality limit to 1500.

My whole body is filled with warmth, and an unprecedented sense of power fills my body!

This is the purest physical power...or it cannot be described as physical power, but the power brought by the physical body mixed with spiritual energy.

This kind of power is far more direct than the senses that authority brings to him!

A feeling of complete energy permeated his whole body. Qin Jinnian's eyes lit up and he took a deep breath.


Seeing the super core turning into a crystal the size of his middle finger, Qin Jinnian walked towards the pile of fifth-level materials...

More than half an hour later...

[Your vitality reaches 3000, which is the limit of your current cultivation level. Please improve your cultivation! 】

Another bunch of attribute points were smashed down, and Qin Jinnian's vitality reached 3000.

He clearly felt that some wonderful changes had occurred in his body. His skin became whiter and smoother, but the intensity was far beyond before.

Not only the skin, muscles, and bones, everything seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes. A strong sense of power surged throughout the body... It was as if the cells in the body had been stimulated with some magical properties and were full of vitality.

This description is very strange, because it is difficult for ordinary people to understand the specific feeling of 'cells full of vitality'... But at this moment, Qin Jinnian can only think of this description.

He looked at his hands in shock.

After a long time, he took a breath.


He walked towards the level 6 materials...


[Your vitality reaches 5000, which is the limit of your current cultivation level. Please improve your cultivation. 】

The sixth-level super core brings the vitality to 5000.

That kind of vitality became even more intense.

Qin Jinnian looked at his hand. After thinking about it, a black shadow appeared beside him and turned into a sharp shadow knife. He raised his hand to touch the blade, and with a thought, he pressed it hard.

Blood flowed from the fingertips, but he clearly felt that when the shadow blade cut into the finger, there was a little bit of 'blunt' feeling... Although it was not much, it was already very shocking.

You know, with the strength of the shadow blade, I am afraid that even steel can be cut through like tofu.

He looked at the wound on his finger, but the next moment, spiritual energy surged to the fingertip, and the scar began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, the scars completely disappeared.

Qin Jinnian took a breath... Is this the benefit of increased vitality?

It is indeed... vitality!

The cells are full of vitality, which improves his recovery ability by no means!

Without hesitation, he walked towards the seventh-level material.

[You consume 510 attribute points, and your vitality +1]

[Your attribute points are not enough to increase your current vitality. Please get attribute points. 】

A prompt appeared on the panel, leaving Qin Jinnian stunned for a moment.

Finally, I sighed...

Okay, I ran out of attribute points...

The next upgrade will be slow.

He spent six days accumulating more than 1.7 million attribute points, but now they were all consumed in one go.

He looked at his panel.

【Qin Jinnian】

[Vitality: 5002.00]

[Spirit: 7310.00] [Has authority: Shadow]

[Personality: First Awakening III]

[Cultivation: Super Martial Arts Level 7]




[Current attribute points: 470.45]

[Current shadow point: 2840234.28]


The mental power reaches 7310, and each point of improvement requires 740 attribute points. To increase it to 10000 points, you need at least million attribute points.

The vitality has now reached more than 10000, and each increase requires more than points... He is now at level and has reached level . Not surprisingly, the limit is also . That would require more, probably more than three million.

That adds up to more than six million attribute points.

This was an astronomical figure that was unimaginable to him more than a month ago...

Fortunately, the monster in the ruins was discovered.

Otherwise... just the source of this attribute point would give him a headache for a long time.

"It looks like he's getting sick."

He took a breath and looked at the remaining three materials...

Eighth level, ninth level, tenth level.

The materials in these three stages alone are worth tens of billions... and the Super Martial Alliance does not sell them on a daily basis. You can only see it occasionally at the black market auctions in the Imperial City...

It won't appear in ordinary cities.

Looking at the materials in front of him, Qin Jinnian took a breath and stood up.

Feeling the completely different feeling in his body than before, Qin Jinnian's eyes brightened slightly. The next moment, he moved and without using any superpower, he had already reached the entrance of the underground palace at an extremely fast speed.

There is a distance of tens of meters in the middle.

And in the process, his reaction ability improved to an unknown extent.

He was originally dissatisfied with his reaction, but with more than 7,000 mental powers, his reaction was far beyond that of ordinary people. Once his mental power is highly concentrated, everyone's movements seem to be in slow motion... time seems to be extended in his world.

But in the past, during this 'extended time', only his shadow could keep up with his reaction... his body, but not his body.

This gave him an extremely strong sense of 'delay'.

Even in daily life, this 'sense of delay' is very strong...

But now, this feeling of delay seems to have completely disappeared.

His body could barely keep up with his mental reaction.

Then he left the underground palace, eager to get a feel for his current physical strength.

In the past, I relied on my shadow to fight, which was very cool and handsome.

But fighting with the body is definitely different. He was looking forward to it.

After leaving the underground palace, the 'Zhang San' who was on duty here naturally dissipated... This clone was separated before the super upgrade. The promotion of super cores does not occur at the same frequency. It needs to be differentiated again.

The next moment, another 'Zhang San' appeared.

He moved his body, his eyes brightened, and the next moment he took a deep breath, exerted force under his feet, and heard a loud bang, the ground shattered, and his whole body suddenly jumped up high!

This time he did not use superpowers, but an explosion of pure brute force and psychic energy. With this jump, his body was like a cannonball, jumping hundreds of meters, before the momentum weakened, and then fell down.

And this fall from a high altitude was completely different from the previous falls... I didn't feel any weightlessness at all. Because he seemed to be able to adjust his physical condition easily.

call out!

The wind roared in his ears, and a few seconds later, he landed on the ground with a bang.

Just by bending his knees slightly, the impact of falling from a height of hundreds of meters was completely withstood.

The improvement of vitality is comprehensive. His muscles, bones, and skin were all horribly improved. It was just a little impact and had no impact at all.

And this is when the clone only has 60% of the original cultivation level.

The clone did not stop, but jumped up high again the next moment. Qin Jinnian enjoyed the comfort brought by the 'freedom' of his body at this moment.

This kind of physical strength and the confidence brought by superpowers are similar, but they are also completely different.

It’s hard to describe and describe.

For a moment, Qin Jinnian controlled his clone to jump quickly forward in the ruins, walking through the ruins-like ruins and buildings, feeling extremely comfortable.

Suddenly, he turned his eyes and found a monster wandering among the ruins.

Qin Jinnian's eyes lit up, and without any hesitation, he suddenly jumped away, and then punched the monster on the head.

The strong sound of breaking wind alarmed the wolf-like monster. It raised its head sharply and found Qin Jinnian in the air. It roared immediately, and the next moment, a ray of fire spurted out from its mouth.

Qin Jinnian did not dodge or dodge, his spiritual energy surged throughout his body and concentrated on his fist. The next moment, he hit the fire with a punch.

boom! ! !

He only felt a little hot, and the next moment, the fire crackled, and he had already passed through and continued to blast towards the monster.

The monster reacted very quickly, and its limbs jumped violently to let go of the punch.

Qin Jinnian used strong force but did not use his super power. This punch hit the ground hard.

boom! ! !

With a loud noise, the ground collapsed by more than ten centimeters, forming a huge cracked area.

The monster pounced on him the next moment, claws as sharp as blades, and grabbed Qin Jinnian directly.

Qin Jinnian was determined to try his current physical strength, and he would fight hard with just one punch.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and powerful forces collided with each other. The wolf-shaped monster was repelled by the powerful force. At the same time, Qin Jinnian also felt the reaction force and retreated.

There was a little pain in the hand, but in the blink of an eye, the cells were actively repaired, and the pain disappeared...

There is no one-hit kill.

But this kind of head-on confrontation between strength and power was something Qin Jinnian had never experienced before. His eyes widened, and he burst into laughter as he jumped forward again and fought the wolf-shaped monster.

Kicks, punches, Qin Jinnian's body was like lightning, and for the first time he felt the joy of fighting with fists and fists.

This wolf-shaped monster is obviously not as powerful as him, but the difference between the two seems not that far away... After all, the monsters in the ruins are basically fifth or sixth level. Now Qin Jinnian is at the seventh level, but this avatar is only 60% as strong as the original one, which is 50-50 equal to the monsters here.

The ground of the ruins caused by this battle was shattered, and rocks were flying.

To be honest, the battle with the guardian spirit of the Vacuum Church was not as big as the commotion caused at this moment.

It did not take so much effort to kill the Vacuum Sect and several seventh-level superpowers.

However, Qin Jinnian had never experienced this feeling of fists hitting the flesh and blood flowing.

That monster was not as powerful as Qin Jinnian, but it was ferocious and cunning, so it had the upper hand.

Although Qin Jinnian's reaction was quick, it was the first time he fought directly with his body like this. He didn't know what it meant to hold back his strength, so he fell into a disadvantage and soon had some scars left by the wolf's claws on his body.

But under the surge of spiritual energy, these wounds quickly healed, allowing him to fight more and more freely.

Instead, the monster began to slowly show signs of fatigue.

It spit out a lot of fire, but Qin Jinnian unreasonably smashed it to pieces with his fists, without considering the issue of physical consumption.

After the battle lasted for half an hour, Qin Jinnian felt a little tired... This was an experience he had never experienced before.

Psychic energy is consumed very quickly.

When he uses shadow control, he uses authority and does not consume spiritual energy. But fighting directly consumes a lot of spiritual energy.

But he consumed a lot, and the monster consumed even more. After half an hour of fighting, the monster began to retreat and wanted to escape.

But how could Qin Jinnian make it happen? He immediately chased after him.

Who knew that the monster was so cunning that when Qin Jinnian was chasing after him, he actually killed a carbine and grabbed Qin Jinnian's neck with his claws.

Qin Jinnian used too much force. Although he reacted, it was too late to dodge.

Instead of dodging, he turned his right hand into a hand knife and stabbed it straight into the monster's neck.

next moment……

puff! !

The sharp claw pierced Qin Jinnian's throat, most of his neck disappeared, and blood suddenly flew out. And Qin Jinnian's hand knife barely cut open the monster's neck... But the monster's size was more advantageous, so the injury was obviously not fatal.

He felt a little regretful, feeling the psychic energy rushing to his neck like crazy, trying to repair his injury.

However, a lot of psychic energy had been consumed before, and the injury was too serious. Looking at the scarred monster in front of him, panting and staring fiercely at him, Qin Jinnian felt a little regretful.

Eventually, his vision went dark and his consciousness disappeared.

And when his consciousness dissipated, his body also turned into a black shadow and melted into the air...

The monster was obviously a little confused, and its fierce eyes were dull for a moment...

I was stunned for a moment when I was stationed at the Vacuum Church. The next moment, I felt a strong headache.

But after just a moment, the pain disappeared.

He was stunned for a moment, then smiled...

It seems that the increase in vitality has weakened the pain caused by the death of the clone.

very good!

Although this battle with the monster ended in his defeat.

But this unprecedented, head-on, hearty battle... made him feel extremely satisfied.

"It seems that I have to pay attention to some super martial arts secrets in the future..."

He rubbed his chin in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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