The abyss invades, I control the power of darkness.

Chapter 182: Create new power, those who steal power, Gaia will die!

Chapter 182: Create new power, those who steal power, Gaia will die!

Taking a deep breath, Qin Jinnian glanced at the ruins next to him... The four clones seemed to be more useful than he imagined.

He was unconscious during the whole process just now. All actions were decided by the four clones themselves, and then they gave him such a big surprise.

Except for the slight discomfort when facing the clone, everything else is simply perfect.

If that's the case, then he doesn't need to pay attention to this anymore.

With a thought in his mind, he stood up and flew away.

He couldn't wait to open up new authority. Naturally, he couldn't be next to the ruins, but had to choose a relatively safe environment...

After all, the development and upgrade of shadow authority made him lose consciousness for a period of time every time. Although with his current cultivation level, it would be difficult to kill him even if he loses consciousness... but safety comes first.

And this 'safe environment' is naturally in the previous fragment of the shadow world.

The figure moved and flew away...

The panel was refreshing, Qin Jinnian waited patiently.

If all these bats are killed and devoured by him...the number of shadow points must not exceed 100 million?

This number made Qin Jinnian feel dizzy.

Although his current combat power is extraordinary, gaining new powers still makes him excited... Does he feel full of accomplishment?


['Basic authority of the fire system - Fire Control' (Fragments) is being completed... Please wait... The current progress is ten percent... twenty percent...]

Golden, red, purple, blue, green... colorful flames cover the whole world.

With a thought, text appeared on the panel.


He sighed in his heart, but soon he let out a breath. He would think about this in detail later, but it was more important to open up authority first.

The blazing flames twine, jump, burn, and rise...

"Calculating this, more than 10,000 bats have been killed in the past two hours... I don't know how many bats are in that big cave?"

[Your personality has reached 'Divine Enlightenment I', and your current personality can awaken 2 branch powers. Do you want to consume the 'Basic Power of the Fire System - Fire Control' (complete) to awaken the basic power of the Fire System? 】

boom! ! !

There was a roaring sound in his mind, and the familiar pulling feeling of consciousness appeared, as if his whole consciousness was being pulled high into the sky. The next moment, a feeling of extreme intensity filled his entire mind.

Come to think of's awesome that the clone is conscious.

At the end of such a blazing world, Qin Jinnian suddenly saw a huge flaming figure in the endless depths.

It was a body made entirely of fire, and words could not describe its majesty and vastness. Like the blazing sun and the stars in the sky, just one look at it makes people feel a sense of surrender and insignificance.

Without any hesitation, Qin Jinnian made a move in his mind.

[Congratulations to the host, you spent one million shadow points to complete the 'Basic Authority of the Fire System - Fire Control' (fragment) and obtain the 'Basic Authority of the Fire System - Fire Control' (complete). 】

Qin Jinnian knew for the first time that fire had so many colors. Colorful and brilliant like a rainbow.

next moment……

What's more important is that for Qin Jinnian himself, these shadow points are simply a waste of time sitting at home...

Seeing this reminder, Qin Jinnian couldn't help but get a little excited.


An hour later, Qin Jinnian had returned to the fragments of the shadow world in the city. After arriving here, he went deep into the center, then took a deep breath and looked at the panel.

But the four clones were still alive and well, and nothing happened.

In just this hour, attribute points and shadow points have been flooding the screen. Now, the attribute points that were just over 20 million have now reached over 60 million. Shadow points have exceeded 20 million!

Compared with before, the efficiency has increased by more than a hundred times?

It is estimated that the status can be upgraded again!

But the important thing now is to open up new authorities. As for the upgrade of the character, we can wait until later.

After all, the cave is so deep.


[Completing the 'Basic Power of Fire - Fire Control' (Fragment), Shadow Point -1000000...]

Taking a deep breath, he fixed his gaze on the fragment of the 'Basic Authority of the Fire System to Control Fire'.

Thinking of this, he looked at the fragments of authority option on the panel.

Suddenly from tens of thousands of shadow points to hundreds of millions of shadow points... the increase in numbers alone is astonishing.

[Do you want to consume one million shadow points to complete the 'Basic Power of the Fire System - Fire Control' (Fragments)? 】

It was completely different from the picture he saw when he upgraded his power in the shadow system. What he saw now was a world of fire.

This made Qin Jinnian a little confused.

Then, he saw a whole new world...

About ten minutes or so.

Now, his clone can really become his right-hand man.

He had used remote viewing to see the situation in the large cave before. The bats inside were densely packed. Although he didn't know the exact number, he thought... there were always hundreds of thousands.

Because it doesn’t take any effort on his part. It's all solved by the clone.

Especially when they begin to formally implement the deal mentioned with Qin Fang... they can truly represent 'Breaking Dawn' and sit on one side.

Qin Jinnian's eyes instantly glazed over...

The last thing he saw in the film world was a statue of a god.

And in this world of flames, what you see is actually a living life?

what is that?

Qin Jinnian stared blankly.

And when this gaze fell on this figure, the sleeping being seemed to sense something and frowned slightly in his sleep.

Qin Jinnian couldn't see his face clearly, but he seemed to be able to sense his frown.

At a certain moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a scorching gaze that seemed to melt his soul suddenly pierced Qin Jinnian.

At the same time, an angry and thick voice echoed loudly.

"Stealer of power!"

An extremely terrifying sense of crisis swept through Qin Jinnian's mind instantly. His eyes suddenly widened, and that gaze melted his body and spirit almost instantly!

boom! ! !

With a roar, Qin Jinnian's consciousness fell into a blank.

And at the same time...

Qin Jinnian's body in the dark world suddenly exploded into a ball of flames.

Endless flames suddenly swept out of his body, covering the entire shadow world in the blink of an eye.

The various vehicles and excavators that the evil churches had left here before were melted into molten iron by the terrifying flames almost instantly.

The rocks on the ground were melting, and in just a few minutes, they turned into magma. Qin Jinnian's body is gradually being swallowed by the magma...

But he just stood there blankly, as if such high temperature did not cause any harm to him.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Vehicles and excavators exploded.

Terrible shock waves and debris rushed in all directions.

As the debris flies through the air, it directly vaporizes.

The temperature was so high that it was beyond imagination.

And what's even scarier is...

Outside the shadow fragments, the entire world suddenly trembled violently, and the void was shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

"How is this going?!"

"Void shock?! The blood moon came early?"

The time outside now is daytime.

And the movement this time far exceeded the last night crow incident.

High in the sky, directly in broad daylight, a blood moon appeared inexplicably!

Immediately afterwards, the space began to vibrate, and tiny cracks appeared.

And this scene does not appear in one place, but in the entire earth.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, and the next moment there was endless panic. A strong man was alarmed and soared into the sky.

"Damn it, what's going on? Hasn't the blood moon just passed a little over a month ago? Now the blood moon has begun to advance? And it also appears during the day?"

In San Lorenzo, the capital of the Yas Empire, one of the most powerful countries on earth, the blond old man in white robes rose into the sky, looking at the blood moon in the sky and the pulling cracks in the void. His mind was shaking, and he was stunned in Yas Mandarin. scold.

Suddenly, a figure appeared next to him. He had long golden hair and was wearing a set of golden armor. He had a slender figure and a handsome and cold face. He was also looking at the sky, his blue eyes glowing with rich golden light.

"It's not like a blood's like someone has disturbed an indescribable existence."

He said calmly with a cold face.

"What?! Something indescribable?!"


The old man in white robe next to him almost jumped.

This is not as good as the blood moon being brought forward!

The indescribable thing is far from being something that the current earth can compete with. One glance from that kind of being is enough to destroy the earth!

"Don't be overly alarmed. Gaia's will still exists, and it is contending with it...and the other party's gaze does not seem to fall directly on the earth."

The golden eyes of the blond young man looked at the sky. In his field of vision, at the cracks in the broken void, there were lines of different colors, frantically closing the cracks in the void, confronting the tearing power.

"What alarmed him? Who was it that looked at him?" The old man in white robe's panic did not slow down much, he asked quickly.

The blond young man looked at the sky and shook his head: "I don't know about this..."

He paused and then said: "I'll go to the entrance of the abyss first and take a look."

After saying that, his figure shook and disappeared.

"I am coming too!"

The old man's figure was also blurry...

And it was not just the Yas Empire that was alarmed.

At the same time, the most powerful people from various countries who stayed on the earth all appeared.

In Tianzhu, a figure appeared in the sky with its right hand raised high. This is an old man with a miserable face, unkempt hair, and the three clothes on his body are in tatters. His raised right hand is withered, stiff, and black, like a broken limb.

He has red white hair between his brows, a messy gray beard all over his face, and his face is full of deep ravines. His eyes were also glowing with golden light, he looked at the cracks in the void and the blood moon high in the sky, and murmured in a low voice. Then he fell into a trance and disappeared from the spot.

In the temple beneath him, a large number of monks sat cross-legged in the main hall and in the empty square, chanting ancient Sanskrit sounds piously.

In the White Bear Country, a city-state covered with ice and snow, a burly man looked up at the sky, his golden eyes filled with a coldness deeper than the ice and snow, and his figure disappeared.

In the island country, high above the shrine, a beautiful miko in a red miko uniform also looked up at the sky. After a gust of wind, the figure disappeared.

The country of Buluo, the country of Suwa...

The strongest men from all the countries on earth stood up and looked into the sky.

Daxia is naturally no exception.

In a certain chaotic world, a large number of foggy beings have gathered at this moment.

Deep in the chaos, a figure sits at the core.

In this chaotic place, there is a dark mist everywhere, and in the deepest part of the mist, there stands a back figure. This figure is tall and majestic. He faces the depths of the dark mist, and the sound of interlacing gold and stone comes from his mouth.

"Someone has disturbed the unspeakable thing again."

There was contemplation in his voice: "In just over a month, someone has alarmed the unspeakable things twice in succession... According to the information from the Great Xia Night Watch, the abyssal race has had similar ideas recently... Gaia can no longer hold on for too long. Long."

"The great calamity is coming."

There was silence.

"What to do next?"

A strange tone sounded, speaking Daxia dialect, but the tone was weird. He was obviously a foreigner, but he was asking for advice from the figure behind him.

The intertwined voice of gold and stone responded calmly: "Humanity is too young and too weak compared to all the races of the abyss. Kill the abyss god species, let Gaia swallow more divine breath, and let him persist longer... This It’s the only way at the moment.”

The sound of interlacing gold and stone remained calm.

"But this is not a long-term solution... Isn't there a permanent solution?"

Someone asked reluctantly.


The intertwined voice of gold and stone answered: "An indescribable thing that is self-generated also appears on the earth."

This answer made everyone's eyes widen.

After a long time, someone murmured: "The current strongest human beings are only in the early stages of the original realm. They did it with the help of Gaia. The distance is indescribable... I don't know how far it is. Humans can really Can you do it?"

This murmur silenced everyone.

After a long time...

"Okay, it seems that Gaia has resisted that indescribable gaze. That existence has not really discovered the earth... everyone should go back."

The sound of gold and stone interlacing echoed.

Everyone was silent.

After a long time, someone leaned forward, turned around, and disappeared...

In the blink of an eye, in this endless chaotic world, only this figure was left.


He murmured, and finally fell into silence...




When Qin Jinnian woke up from a dream, he didn't know how much time had passed.

He was panting, his face was horrified, and after suddenly turning his head, he had a look of astonishment on his face...

Because he saw the sea of ​​​​fire all over the sky.

And he himself fell into a piece of magma.

He was in a daze for a while, and then he reacted in vain. He moved and rose into the air.

Only then did he realize that the clothes on his body had been burned away, and he was completely naked at this moment.

With a thought, the shadow turned into clothes and covered his body.

He stared blankly at the sea of ​​​​fire below, but finally raised his head and looked up at the sky...

"Those who steal power..."

Those were the three words he heard when he lost consciousness.

It’s just three words, but it contains a lot of information!

His face was dull, and after a while, he looked at the panel...

[Congratulations to the host for successfully awakening the 'Basic Power of Fire - Fire Control'. Current level: first awakening. 】

The prompts on the panel are extremely simple.

There is no description of what just happened.

Qin Jinnian's thoughts were extremely complicated for a while...

For the first time, I was extremely curious about what exactly a 'panel' was...!

But this kind of curiosity was only forgotten after a short while.

It's not that he doesn't care, it's that he's useless to be curious.

He was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and finally looked at the data panel.

There have also been some changes in the data panel...

(End of this chapter)

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