Chen Zitian had a wry smile on his face. In the past, drivers like them always felt that it didn't matter who was the leader, they were all running on the same road anyway.

Who would have thought that after a new person was hired, the entire department would have a lot more complaints.

If you run around the city all day long and report to the company every day, it will also cause a lot of conflicts.

For people like them who are relatively honest, the tasks that everyone least likes will be assigned to them.

In the past, when Ming Yunde was the leader, he would summarize them and treat them equally, but now, Director Li basically doesn't care about anything, and the team leader below doesn't just follow his mood.

It has only been a short time, but already people's hearts are surging, and all kinds of contradictions have emerged.

"The workplace is still the same as before." Chen Zitian was not in a hurry to get something to eat, he just wanted to find someone to talk to.

“Marginal people like us can only work as others assign us.

It is estimated that this line will become exclusive to me in the future. I have been running outside for such a long time, and my family has a lot of opinions. "

Ming Yunde did not stop and looked at him while eating, "If you have any opinions, you can report them to the superiors."

"If Director Ming were here, how could we have such troubles?" Chen Zitian's tone was full of complaints, "You said you are the same, why bother with those mean people? It's uncomfortable to be blown by the cold wind in the office. You have to get it. You suffer this outside."

Ming Yunde smiled and said, "I think it's pretty good like this, it's unrestricted and no one is telling me what to do in front of me.

In the past, no matter how reasonable my arrangements were, you would still complain because the work of the people above me was quite difficult. "

This guy used to seem quite honest, but he also made trouble.

No matter how evenly he distributes it, these people can always pick out branches.

Now that you have Li Siji for comparison, do you think of your own merits? But it's too late. His career is prospering now, so he won't look back.

Wait until the end of this month to save some money, and then buy two cars. This will create a small fleet. Wouldn't it be better to be your own boss?

"But sports cars are quite tiring," Chen Zitian looked at the cars parked on the roadside with a bit of envy in his eyes. Who among drivers doesn't want to own a car of his own?

"I think this is good," Ming Yunde said, and then immersed himself in eating. Those so-called colleagues in the past are now just familiar strangers to him, so just saying hello is not bad.

Chen Zitian was dissatisfied with the other party's indifference to him and brought up another topic, "Director Ming, you haven't been to the unit for some days. I don't know that a lot of things have happened in the unit during this time..."

"Just call me Lao Ming. I'm not the director now." Ming Yunde interrupted him. He was not in the unit, but those things would reach his ears without asking.

"We've almost eaten, you can do what you want." After Ming Yunde said that, he stood up and walked over to pay his bill. As for what Chen Zitian wanted to do, that was his own business.

Chen Zitian clenched his fists. He didn't expect Ming Yunde to be so clearly distinguished from them now. When old colleagues meet, they won't be willing to pay for a bowl of noodles.

Minghao finished the noodles in two gulps, then picked up the last fried dough stick on the plate, and quickly followed Ming Yunde. The family got in the car, closed the door and started the car in one go, leaving Chen Zitian with a look of exhaust fumes on his face.

"Abba, didn't we just meet an acquaintance who we usually don't have a good relationship with?"

"It's not that it's bad, it's just a normal relationship between colleagues." Ming Yunde doesn't want to get involved in the company's affairs now. Others have already come out, so there is no need to get involved anymore.

His position was assigned to Li Siji, and he also had some connections with Li Shanshui. This favor would always be there as long as he didn't move.

He knew what Chen Zitian meant, and he just wanted to complain to him and discuss ideas with him.

Later on, he will have to do the good things, and he will have to do the bad things.

It is best not to contact these people, ignore them, or stay away from them. "I think he is quite gossipy. Does he want to tell you about things in the previous unit?"

Ming Yunde, "What else can happen in the unit? It's just conflicts of this kind.

I am an outsider now, and I have no intention of entering again.

Although that kid is quite honest, he is full of bad ideas.

Their group leader sent him away, and he probably caused some mischief in the middle. "

Ming Yunde is determined to educate his son, "So don't just take things and people at face value, you have to make your own judgment in your heart."

Su Yun'an, "He only wanted to find your father for two reasons. He wanted to use your father's mouth to stir up trouble, and the other was to vent his dissatisfaction.

These people are really naive, thinking that your father is still the good old man who always liked to take care of everything.

Look, your father ignored him just now. Maybe he still doesn’t know how to resent him now. "

"This human heart is really complicated," Minghao was distressed, "If I meet such a person in the future, I don't know if I can handle it."

"You have to learn to grow," Ming Yunde is also worried about Minghao. He is too simple-minded and doesn't know how to deal with twists and turns.

Such people are liked by everyone and easy to get along with, but they are also easy to trick others.

"If you think you want to get a job, I'll ask you about it then." I used to think that there was no need for children to suffer this, but now I think it's good to practice it.

"Then I have to go. School will not start for nearly a month. I can earn as much as I can.

My eldest brother is so powerful, I can’t lag too far behind. "

Ming Yunde looked back at him for a second, then turned back.

"Abba, what was that look in your face just now? Did you look down on me?"

"You're a little self-aware. If you had half the brains of your elder brother, I wouldn't worry about it." Ming Yunde still knows his son very well. This boy doesn't hold grudges, otherwise he wouldn't have said this.

"Can you blame me? It's all your fault and grandma's. They are obviously twins, why don't you know how to put them together?

If I give my strength to some eldest brothers and give a copy of their heads to me, then we two brothers will be perfect. "

Su Yun'an sneered, "You are so grown up, yet you are still so naive."

Minghao had a heart attack, "..."

Now that Chen Zitian mentioned those things in the unit, Su Yun'an was a little curious, "What did you mean just now? What do you want to say to you?"

"It should be Zhao Dachui's business," the only ones who had a relationship with him in the unit were Zhao Dachui and Gu Xiangyang.

"Zhao Dachui?" Su Yun'an felt like he hadn't heard this name for a long time, "What's wrong with him now?"

"Being expelled and taken away," Ming Yunde simply said, which was enough to shock Su Yun'an and her son.

"You mean that Huang Guoguo and her child are missing?

Didn't go back to your parents' home? You didn’t go back to your in-laws’ house either? "

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