As the wooden door opened with a creak, a palm-wide beam of moonlight spilled into the house.

The man outside the door is leaning on a cane and admiring his masterpiece.

It's Master Gao Tian.

The half-meter-long cone-shaped silver pestle hits the Tianling Cap of the agarwood guide and penetrates nearly one-third of the way.

The long hair that poured out like ink swayed leisurely in the darkness as the body trembled.

Master Gao Tianshi dialed the phone, his hoarse voice showing excitement and pride.

"Agarwood is dead. It's a pity that you couldn't see it with your own eyes."

"Her magic power is not weak, but she loses because she doesn't know magic, so she can't defeat me."

"It's the karma of your previous life. Fortunately, I discovered it early and hid you temporarily. I laid a killing array on her first, otherwise you would be the one who died."

"When you become one with the Fox Fairy, no man in the world can refuse you, and He Chongtian is no exception."

Gao Tianshi hung up the phone, walked to the corner of the door, stretched out his arm and gently wrapped it around a red rope.

The red thread network suddenly collapsed, Chen Xiangyin's body fell heavily to the ground, and the silver pestle made a loud noise when it hit the ground.

"As fellow cultivators, I'm here to save you. We'll see you again in the next life, with no grudges or enmities."


Chen Xiangyin's consciousness moved forward aimlessly in a white mist. The further he walked, the darker the road became.

Until I walked into complete darkness and suddenly regained consciousness.

Waking up from the darkness, Agarwood forgot what night it was.

The movement of raising the wrist caused the cold and heavy collision of the iron chains.

There was a flash of thunder in his heart, and a desolate and broken scream burst out of his chest.

The most terrifying nightmare, the most unbearable past, and the prison situation that I most want to forget have reappeared.

The chains that tied her hands were extremely short, and she couldn't stand up, so she knelt down and struggled.

The sound of the chains colliding was ruthless and hard.

Unable to distinguish between dreams and reality, Chen Xiangyin was shaking all over.

In his ears, a low whisper of a spell came from far and near, with cadence and restraint, and was eerie and terrifying.

Agarwood wanted to cover her ears, but was unable to do so due to the constraints of the iron chains, so she could only curl up helplessly.

After familiar fear comes familiar passivity.

Chen Xiangyin's eyes widened, trying hard to see clearly, but couldn't see anything.

Countless hands grabbed different parts of her body and moved her into a cross-sitting position.

The collar was peeled off, and a cold sharp instrument was pierced into the chest, spinning, and warm liquid flowed out.

In the darkness, the helpless cries were drowned out by the chanting of mantras.

Falling into despair, Chen Xiangyin forgot who he was and why he was here.

After an unknown amount of time, she heard someone calling her name, far away.

"Agarwood Yin."

"Agarwood Yin."

"That's not true. You've escaped."

"I won't help you lead the way this time, you have to rely on yourself."

It's Ah Pong's voice.

Chen Xiangyin gradually regained consciousness, remembering that he had been out of trouble for a long time, that he had returned to Biluo Ancient Town, and that he had been plotted by Master Gao Tian.

I was lost again in the fragments of the memory ticker, and fell into the most terrifying nightmare.

However, she is no longer the person who was unable to save herself.

The magnetic field around the body resonates, the will to survive bursts out with strong force, the mind rises, and the body warms up.

The iron chains that bound her hands and feet were shattered inch by inch, the spells and verses quickly dissipated, and the hands holding her were all shattered into ashes.

In front of my eyes, overlapping spots of light gradually appeared in the exposed white light, and finally converged into an outline.

The outline is clear. A Bang is standing a few meters away, wearing a dark blue cloak and holding a terrifying white ghost face in his lower hand.

"Let's go." Ah Pong said and turned around.

Chen Xiangyin followed and looked back at the prison where she was trapped. It was like a phantom in the water and could not be seen clearly.

"I was stabbed in the head. Will I die again when I wake up?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It's possible, you died very secretly recently." Abang spoke with a slow Beijing accent, his tone full of resentment.

Chen Xiangyin: "...I didn't mean to seek death."

Ah Pong was silent for a moment and said, "I told you that you can only watch, you can't do anything."

Chen Xiangyin was extremely unconvinced, "That's not necessarily true."

Abong didn't argue with her, "Okay, let's die." After passing through the bright fog, Chen Xiangyin's consciousness returned to reality.

The first thing I felt was a sharp and cold pain in the top of my head.

"Hiss—" Chen Xiang moved her stiff fingers and raised her arm with all her strength.

The large wet blood stains on his back made a sticky sound.

Chen Xiangyin's teeth chattered, his brows knitted together tightly, and he held the silver pestle above his head.

The slightest force can affect the pain nerves in the skull. With a burst of strength, Chen Xiangyin pulled out the silver pestle and threw it aside.

Then he gasped for breath and moaned softly. The pain was so painful that tears burst out of his eyes. It took him a while to recover.

She couldn't waste time, she wanted to catch up with Gao Tianshi before he was far away.

Chen Xiangyin touched the mobile phone that fell nearby and looked at the time, eight o'clock in the evening.

Standing up, the penetrating injury on the top of her head was recovering. As she moved, it hurt a little.

It hurt so much that Chen Xiangyin gritted his teeth and staggered out the door.

There were clear footprints outside the village house. Chen Xiangyin followed the footprints and dialed Gu Yunshi's phone number again.


The voice on the phone was noisy.

Chen Xiangyin asked anxiously: "Gu Yunshi?"

After a long while, the other person replied vaguely: "Well..."

After confirming that it was Gu Yunshi's voice, Chen Xiang's heart dropped to the ground, "Where have you been!"

"I..." Gu Yunshi's voice was filled with tears, "I was tied up..."

"Where are you now? Are you safe?"

"I was let go again just now. I'm...where is this? I don't know him. I took a taxi on the road."

Chen Xiangyin continued to ask: "Are you injured?"

Gu Yunshi: "No, but everything on me was robbed... It's over, Sister Shen, I won't tell you anymore. I just turned on the phone and haven't answered Huniu's call yet. I didn't go to the train station to pick her up. She just in case……"

Chen Xiangyin interrupted him: "I picked up Huniu. She is tailoring clothes in Shenji, and Mao Ni is accompanying her."

Gu Yunshi lost his urgency for a moment, and his tone returned to calm and leisurely: "That's good...Sister Shen, where are you? Why are you panting so much?"

Chen Xiangyin: "I'm busy, goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xiang quickly started running.

The footprints went up the mountain, and Master Gao Tianshi was hiding nearby.

He was lame in one leg and could not walk fast.

Agarwood mobilizes the mind and thoughts to search forward.

A few hundred meters away, Gao Tianshi's crooked body was struggling to walk.

The fox fairy said that Gao Tianshi carries her inner elixir with him.

Agarwood mobilized her mind to circle around and think about it quickly.

Now she was seriously injured, and the crazy growth of flesh and blood from the wound was consuming a lot of her physical strength and energy.

The ability to maintain activity and activate the mind is already the limit.

Master Gao Tian is proficient in magic and is blessed by the power of Karma Fire.

It would be unwise to confront him head-on at this time, as the chances of winning are slim.

If he saw the scene of his fatal injury recovering with his own eyes, it would be even more complicated.

Today was Lao Longtou's birthday party, and she had something more she wanted to do.

Soon, Chen Xiangyin came to the conclusion that she would only retrieve the inner elixir to avoid a direct conflict.

The necklace around Master Gao Tianshi's neck was hidden in his clothes.

The pendant of the necklace is a spherical wooden box.

Agarwood induces concentrated thoughts, shielding the five senses and suddenly exerting force.

The mobile phone in Gao Tianshi's pocket flew up into the air, plummeted upwards, then suddenly fell and exploded.

Before he could react, the necklace hidden in his clothes broke.

The spherical wooden box suddenly flew out from the collar and flew towards Agarwood at an extremely fast speed.

The moment Master Gao Tianshi realized it, the fir tree next to him broke and fell towards him.

Chen Xiangyin stood still and raised his hand. The next second, the spherical wooden box flew over and hovered in front of his hand.

Opening the wooden box, there was a fox inner elixir with a round shape and a faint white light inside.

got it.

Agarwood felt a little joyful in her heart, there was something good going on tonight.

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