Xu Yihuan was wondering when the man who had been tied up ran in from the door and stared at Xu Yihuan as he said something "hum hum" in his mouth.

When the steward saw the man running in, he said with great joy: "Miss Xu, King Jin, this is Xu Tai's staff. He is just a commoner. He stayed in the mansion because of his talent and strategy."

When Xu Yihuan heard this, he said: "That means he is following Xu Tai to help the emperor, and he also has a share in letting Xu Tai kill us."

When the staff heard this, they shook their heads in panic and looked at Xu Yihuan blankly, with a look of longing in their eyes.

Seeing this, the steward hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Miss, my staff doesn't know much about the fact that I want to kill you. Please ask Miss Xu to take down the cloth, and he will explain it to you."

When Xu Yihuan heard this, he also felt very good. He could not just wrongly accuse a good person.

The assassins in black were wandering between the stewards and the staff. Without their master's orders, they were more like headless flies looking at what to do.

The master has long said that if you don't save the slaves, they will definitely die without a burial place. Many assassins are ready to take action behind them. They are all slaves who were forced to become assassins. They don't want to die or be slaves, but they have no choice. , the fields are gone, the family is gone, and the only way to survive is to become an assassin.

Because everyone is like this.

The moment Xu Yihuan took it off for him, the aide started talking eloquently: "These assassins were taught by Xu Tai that they must fight to the death to save their master, otherwise they will be beheaded, so they are afraid and very loyal."

He gasped, and then said: "So, you can kill these three people. They will be leaderless and will not attack you. In addition, if you want to rebel, you can give them land and food later, and they will naturally not Be your enemy”

When Xu Yihuan heard this, she felt that this plan was very good. She said with great joy: "Okay, let's do it like this."

Lu was choked by Xu Yihuan and couldn't move. When she heard the staff's suggestion, her face darkened, and murderous intent flashed in her eyes. However, Xu Yihuan grabbed her neck and gave her no chance to speak.

She used a little strength in her palms, and Mrs. Lu rolled her eyes.

Between tightening and loosening, Lu fell to the ground weakly.

When Lieutenant General Du and Ye Shang saw this, they slapped each other hard.

Xu He and Xu Hu instantly vomited blood, their eyes became hollow, and their limbs fell to the ground.

The slaves were relieved to see this.

Xu Yihuan suddenly said: "Where did all of you come from? I don't believe you are the only ones."

When the steward heard this, he stepped forward and said, "The Xu Mansion has its own training ground."

When the staff heard this, their eyes widened and they looked at the steward. The steward chuckled and said, "Miss, you just need to open the training ground yourself. You need to be a member of the Xu family to open it, and you need special shoes to follow the assassin in." "Underground City"

Xu Yihuan's eyes lit up and she said, "Tell me about it."

After hearing this, Ye Shang turned his eyes to Xu He and Xu Hu's feet. He immediately stepped forward and took them off, handed them to Xu Yihuan and said, "Try on their shoes."

The steward smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said, "As expected of the King of Jin."

Xu Yihuan took the shoes and put them on, and finally said: "Then what?"

The staff member said: "After these people are subdued, they will be yours, Miss Xu." His eyes fell on the remaining assassins, and then he said to the housekeeper: "I'm worried that if she fails to subdue them, she will be backlashed."

The housekeeper nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "That's what Mr. said."

Xu Yihuan asked: "What do you mean?"

The housekeeper said: "Master Xu Tai is not dead yet, so they may not listen to you for the time being."

Xu Yihuan frowned when he heard this, turned to look at Yeshang and said: "Then, we can always stop the assassins in the training ground from exporting, otherwise too many people will die." Yeshang looked at his staff, who quickly said: "This Miss Xu can handle it by herself, you can just order it to stop, but remember not to tell Xu Tai." After saying this, he looked at the steward with lingering fear.

Secretly blessing in my heart, I hope Xu Tai will die soon, die soon.

As long as he is dead, it will not be his fault for surrendering to the enemy.

The butler stepped forward and said, "The Xu family has tokens for managing assassins." After saying that, the housekeeper thrust a dark black token into Miss Xu's hand, with a dark "order" written on it.

Xu Yihuan stepped forward, showed the token to the assassin and said, "I order you to return to the training ground immediately."

As soon as the assassin saw the token, his body instinctively knelt down and said: "I obey"

In just a moment, all the assassins disappeared in the courtyard.

Xu Yihuan's eyes widened, and after looking at it carefully twice, she said, "I, I, am I seeing a ghost?"

The steward said: "That's what happened to the assassins who came out of the training ground. Miss, don't panic. County Magistrate Liu sent an old slave to tell Miss Xu that the meal is ready."

When Xu Yihuan heard this, his face was filled with joy.

"Let's go eat"

Without the Xu Mansion's assassins, Xu Yihuan and Ye Shang walked out of the yard and faced the dead soldiers who came to kill them.

Ye Shang gave the dead man a wary look and said, "You go help others, there is no need to stay here."

When the dead man heard this, his face paused and his eyes showed a fierce look, but when he saw Ye Shang here, he immediately retracted his murderous intention, turned around and jumped out of the yard.

Xu Yihuan felt a chill in her heart, and the chill fell from her forehead to the soles of her feet.

Yeshang turned back and glanced at Xu Yihuan and said: "This is what the dead soldiers who were killed in the prison camp are like this. Once they are sure to kill, they will not stop." He pursed his lips slightly and looked away.

The steward said: "There are not many people like the prince who still retain a trace of compassion." When the staff heard this, they also secretly shed tears.

"What do you say?" Xu Yihuan was also in the dark.

The group of people walked and talked.

After Xu Yihuan learned about it, he realized that the dead soldiers in the prison camp could no longer be regarded as human beings after they survived. Although they could avoid David's pursuit of them, they had already lost their humanity in the eyes of the world.

In the gladiatorial arena of Kyoto, all slaves and prisoners who win in the end will be killed by the master, because the master cannot control these people, and after the fight, the animal nature in these people has been stimulated, and they want to It is basically impossible for them to return to a normal life.

As for King Jin, he retained it, and he still had a hundred dead soldiers. They could be treated as one against a hundred soldiers, but they would also be a potential threat when they were around him.

However, King Jin was not afraid. Just the act of taking them in was enough to prove that King Jin treated prisoners, soldiers, and slaves differently from the royal family and nobles.

Human beings are human beings because they have human nature.

The staff followed behind him and said: "Xu Tai trains assassins and slaves with the purpose of dealing with disobedient nobles, civilians, and slaves. It is not to protect the family and the country."

"The Xu family is a glorious family, and there are many disciples and former officials of the Xu family. In the past ten years, they have spread throughout the court. It is difficult to guarantee that the Xu family will not revive." After the staff member finished speaking, his body trembled.

The gentry controlled the government, and the royal family controlled the government. In his opinion, the Jin king was still weak in making food.

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