Grandma Li's voice also became lighter, "If my girl was still here, an honest and well-behaved child like you would definitely not give you a title now."

Qianxue was stunned when she heard this and spoke out her true thoughts.

"I actually don't have that much thought about status."

Grandma Li was stunned by what she said, looking at her as if she had heard some fantasy.

"You girl, why do you say that?"

Seeing that Nanny Li was anxious, Qianxue told her the whole conversation with Jing Yu that day.

He also gave his own analysis. The young master did not give her a title in order to protect himself so that he would not be criticized after leaving the house.

Grandma Li's brows furrowed more and more as she listened, and finally she couldn't help but ask, "Have you ever told the young master about these ideas and plans of yours?"

Qianxue nodded, "I told the young master that day, and the young master agreed to my offer."

She smiled innocently, but Grandma Li felt that things might not be that simple. Maybe this girl had misunderstood something.

The young master doesn't seem willing to let Qian Xue out of the house. Even the monthly schedule is based on the aunt's schedule.

Qian Xue is already thinking about how she will seek favor after Miss Qi Liu enters the house.

Nanny Li wanted to find a suitable time to ask Jing Yu what he thought.

Qianxue's family has no land after leaving the house and does not know how to do business. Her father's legs and feet are not convenient, so how can they live?

Grandma Li thought about it and called Qian Xue to get up, "The water is not hot anymore. Please wipe yourself and get up. Don't catch a cold."

Qianxue responded, and with the help of Nanny Li, she dried herself and changed her clothes.

The bath water was quickly brought out, while Qianxue was twirling her hair with a dry towel and looking at the bag of tea leaves on the table blankly.

She poked it with her hand, put the things away, and then stared blankly at the door of the room, as if she wanted to wait for Jing Yu to come over and ask how to deal with it.

It's just that Qianxue waited and waited, but didn't wait until Jing Yu came.

She touched her dry hair and finally let out a long sigh.

She recalled the content of her chat with Liuli that afternoon. Liuli clearly didn't like the third young master, but she still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable knowing that the third young master was sleeping in another girl's room again.

Are you and Liuli the same?

Qianxue covered her chest with her hands and quietly felt the beating of her heart, which was peaceful and powerful.

However, when she thought of the scene of the young master and Miss Qi Liu smiling at each other at the window on a rainy night, her heart began to lose its rhythm, and a sad emotion surged from the inside out.

She looked again at the bag of tea that had been on her desk all night, and couldn't help but laugh to herself.

After all, it was her who had the delusion that she shouldn't have.

She no longer hesitated, put the tea together with the cakes given by Miss Qi Liu before, and locked them up.

She won't throw things away randomly, but she doesn't want to make herself uncomfortable by looking at them every day.

After locking the things, she blew out the candle and slowly fell into sleep with a hint of drowsiness.

I don’t know if the temperature dropped too quickly or if yesterday’s protective measures didn’t work after all.

As soon as Qianxue woke up the next day, she felt an indescribable itchiness rolling in her throat. She thought it was too dry and quickly poured herself a glass of water.

However, the situation did not improve, and she still felt like coughing from time to time.

When serving Jing Yu's pen and ink, he couldn't help but cover his mouth and cough lightly.

Jing Yu heard the sound and raised his eyes, looking at her new winter clothes, feeling somewhat satisfied. One autumn rain and another cold. After the heavy rain, the temperature dropped quickly.

If he hadn't taken Qian Xue to the cloth store to rush to make winter clothes that day, Qian Xue might not know what to wear these days.

The satisfaction with the new clothes was quickly washed away by Qian Xue's coughing from time to time.

"Is it because the decoction doesn't work? Or you didn't drink the medicine on time?"

Qianxue covered her lips with her hand, suppressing the itching she felt, and said, "Young master, I will take all the soups and medicines on time."

Jing Yu felt unhappy when he saw that her face was turning pale from suppressing her emotions, "This doctor only knows how to collect money, but his ability to treat patients has not improved."

Qian Xue originally wanted to say a few words for the old doctor, but when she saw Jing Yu lowering his head and continuing to write something, she knew that the young master did not really want to punish anyone.

After Jing Yu had approved all the official documents and started sorting them out, Qian Xue spoke again.

"These days, the young master never changes official documents until late at night."

Jing Yu raised his eyebrows and asked deliberately: "What? Can't you see your young master relaxing?"

"I don't dare. I'm just happy for the young master."

Qianxue didn't panic, just returned with a smile.

Jing Yu was a little surprised when he saw her expression, "I didn't expect that you are quite smart. I have improved a lot these days."

"My slave, congratulations, young master." Qianxue immediately congratulated her.

Jing Yuxu gave her a hand, "However, you can only talk to me about this matter in private. If outsiders hear about it, they might think that I have neglected my duties since I was promoted."

Qianxue nodded quickly and took these words to heart. She did not dare to cause trouble for Jing Yu.

Seeing Qian Xue's well-behaved and sensible look, Jing Yu felt much better and couldn't help but say a few more words.

"You are right. Although I am a military attache, I have always been involved in people's livelihood management. Although I try my best, I always fail to achieve results."

Jing Yu thought for a while, opened the book, and handed it to Qian Xue to read.

Qian Xue hurriedly took it, and Jing Yu continued: "First, because my home field is in the military camp, so it is difficult for me to use my abilities in these matters. Second, because of my father."

As he spoke, he suddenly revealed a mocking smile.

"He was dissatisfied with my desire to break away from his control, and has been silently suppressing me. And all my connections are in the military and in the court. At the beginning, it was really hard to stand alone."

Qianxue had already read several pages of the book Jing Yu handed her. After listening to Jing Yu's words, she couldn't help but look at him with wide eyes.

"Master, have you done so many things over the years? Why have you never heard anyone mention it?"

Jing Yu snorted lightly and took the book back.

"But that was in the past. Some things and some people should be moved."

Qianxue didn't understand the specific meaning of his words, but she still nodded and replied: "I understand, slave. You used to be a general, but you were working as a soldier for various reasons. Now you want to be a general again." General!"

Jing Yu was amused by her crude and vulgar metaphor, and couldn't help but hold his forehead and laugh.

Qianxue was a little confused. Did she say something wrong?

"Don't let others listen to what you said." Jing Yu stopped laughing, but his smile was still there.

Qianxue quickly covered her mouth, wondering if she had said something stupid again.

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