"I know you, stupid girl, never thought about it. She told me that she was the one who should have delivered the things at the double wedding banquet. Her bright future was robbed by you."

Jing Yu angrily tapped Qian Xue on the forehead, "You think about sisterhood, and people just think you robbed her of her wealth."

Qianxue didn't know how to describe her current mood. She never wanted to think too badly of others, let alone sisters who had been together for more than ten years.

The person Zhao ordered to deliver things that day was indeed Nong Qin, but Nong Qin found it troublesome and couldn't get any reward, so he passed the matter on to her.

Everything was just a mistake. Unexpectedly, from Nongqin's point of view, it seemed like she was deliberately trying to steal her luck.

Qian Xue only felt a little scared. If she really helped Nong Qin gain Jing Yu's favor, she might not be able to get out of the house smoothly, and she might encounter many obstacles in her days in Jing Yu's backyard.

"This slave is stupid and doesn't understand people well." Qian Xue immediately admitted her mistake.

"Now you know you were wrong. Why didn't you feel it was wrong when you gave up your husband to others based on your mistress's wishes?"

Jing Yu's voice was full of sinister aura, which made Qian Xue feel uncomfortable all over.

However, the word "husband" really made Qianxue's heart stop for half a minute. She clenched her sleeves tightly and tried to keep her tone steady.

"You are Miss Qi Liu's husband, a slave, you are not worthy of..."

The air suddenly became silent, Jing Yu made no sound again, but Qian Xue felt uncomfortable and thought of explaining a few words.

"This slave has never had any inappropriate thoughts and did not dare to interfere with the arrangements in the young master's backyard. However, the news brought by the piano a few days ago helped the late madam. She brought news about your marriage today, so I did not By stopping her from coming to see you, Zuo just wanted to help the young master."

Qian Xue thought she had explained it clearly, but Jing Yu shouted in an unusually high pitched voice: "What do you think I am? A bargain that sells my body in exchange for information?"

Qian Xue was immediately stunned by the roar. This skin-to-skin relationship had always been a disadvantage for the girl's family. Looking at Jing Yu's appearance, she felt like he was being tainted.

"This slave has never thought of it this way..." Qianxue didn't know what was going on with Jing Yu's madness, so she could only silently acquiesce in her mistake.

Jing Yu opened his mouth to say something, but when he saw that she kept silent, he finally waved his hand and said, "Go back and think about it for yourself. Is this really something I am taking advantage of?"

Qian Xue nodded in agreement and retreated.

During the few steps leaving the room, Jing Yu's expression flashed back and forth in Qian Xue's mind, and some things she had always been accustomed to were broken at this moment.

This era has strict requirements on women's chastity, so naturally no matter how you look at it, women suffer in this regard.

However, being plotted by someone you don't like and then having to take responsibility for it is a kind of harm to the young master.

But she, because the young master was a man, felt that it was okay, and she took it for granted.

If the young master was really the kind of person who could take in a woman, he wouldn't have had only Nanny Li waiting for him in the courtyard for so many years, not even a personal maid.

She couldn't help but pause before stepping out of the room. She turned her head with some confusion and asked, "Master, why did you leave this slave behind?"

Although she was born outstanding, she was not very beautiful, and she was quite deft at work. However, when Jing Yu needed her, how many nimble maids could not be found?

She is still a little clumsy and can't speak. She can't even help Jing Yu around Zhao. She has no help in terms of life experience. Why on earth does Jing Yu insist on keeping her by his side?

Jing Yu looked at her serious expression and didn't know how to speak. Tell her that you just think she is different from others, smarter than her, better-looking than her, and more useful than her. Don't you care about her?

When he thought of what happened to Qian Xue today, Jing Yu couldn't say anything.

He was just doting on Qianxue a little bit these days, so she thought about getting people around her. If she really knew her difference, it would be troublesome for her and Lingying to make trouble in the backyard in the future.

Some thoughts should be strangled at the outset to avoid causing harm to the whole family in the future.

He sat back on the chair, his tone deliberately dismissive and indifferent, "It's just that your body is quite comfortable. You don't think there are other reasons, do you?"

Qianxue just listened quietly, responded in a low voice and left quickly.

Since returning that day, Qianxue has started self-imposed confinement.

Seeing that she didn't say anything and didn't eat much, Ah Zhi felt extremely annoyed.

"People are separated from each other, but she sincerely helps, but the other party is trying to plot against her. However, she has learned a lot. Fortunately, she is still young and has a long time to live. She will figure it out in a few days. Now it’s good to let her vent.”

Grandma Li was called by Ah Zhi to persuade her. Grandma Li did not enter the room, but only comforted Ah Zhi, who seemed more irritable than Qian Xue.

Ah Zhi felt that what Nanny Li said was wrong. Playing the piano was nothing. Only the young master could hurt Qian Xue into such a bad character.

Ah Zhi looked back and forth at Nanny Li several times, and could only say vaguely: "It's so pitiful. I met the wrong person."

Azhi could not say whether the wrong person was Nong Qin or Jing Yu.

On the second day of the confinement, Qianxue didn't take a few bites of the food Ah Zhi brought. She just murmured to herself in a daze: "The young master asked me to understand that he didn't want to betray his body for the news, but he talked about me. , it’s just comfortable to use.”

"What is a woman in the eyes of a man? What is my role in the eyes of a young master?"

Qianxue's words seemed like she was mumbling in her sleep. Azhi probably figured out the reason for Qianxue's lack of energy these days, and she couldn't help but secretly scolded Jing Yu a thousand times.

Seeing that Qianxue didn't even take a few sips of the soup this time, Ah Zhi finally couldn't help but speak.

"Girl, what he thinks has nothing to do with you! You already live a difficult life, but you still have to understand his difficulties. Isn't this asking for trouble!"

Ah Zhi put the chopsticks that Qian Xue had put down back into her hands, "If a woman starts thinking about a man, it will be the beginning of her unlucky life! Do you still want to live a good life?"

Qianxue was confused after hearing this, but she still followed Ah Zhi's movements and took a few more bites of rice.

She was confined in her room for the past few days and thought of many things.

Liuli once told her that as a maid, being an aunt would be the best if she could follow the young master in the mansion.

Being familiar with the environment in the house and having a close relationship with the young masters since childhood, wouldn't it be easy to live a good life by following their preferences.

Ah Zhi sneered at what Liu Li told Qian Xue.

She told Qianxue that men are the most selfish and hypocritical. In their world, there is no such thing as purposeless liking and love.

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