Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 4295 There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

Chapter 4295 There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

Thanks to Tang Yi's protection, Zeng Hu was safe and sound and did not suffer any harm.

No matter how hot the tongue of fire spewed by the golden dragon Jin Ling was, it had no effect on him.

Not to mention Tang Yi on the side.

The fire attribute resistance is extremely high, and coupled with the possession of strange fire, it can be completely immune to the damage of the power of fire!

So at this moment, he is not afraid of the tongue of fire spewed by the Golden True Dragon Jin Ling.

He even smiled sarcastically when he saw the golden dragon spitting out its tongue of fire.

"That's ridiculous. Is this what you, stupid dragon, mean seriously? But do you know that I have strange fire and can be completely immune to the power of fire. Fire is not worth mentioning in front of me, it is impossible. Can you hurt me? You actually spit your tongue of fire at me? It's really ridiculous. No matter how fierce your tongue is, it won't help."

Tang Yi sneered: "Of course, I won't stand and let you burn. It would be too embarrassing."

With a thought in his mind, he saw the Nine Nether Endless Fire surrounding Zeng Hu flying up and flying in front of Tang Yi and Zeng Hu, blocking them in front of them.

And the next second, the tongue of fire spewed by the golden true dragon Jin Ling also arrived.

After all, it is the tongue of fire ejected by the golden dragon's golden feathers, and the power of its flames is very terrifying.


When the flames came, in front of the endless fire of Jiuyou, it actually stopped like that!

Yes, it stopped abruptly!

The surging flames stopped and stopped moving forward.


When faced with Jiuyou's endless fire, he started beating violently.

It's like... hesitant.

It's like...fear, fear!

However, at this moment, the flames of Jiuyou's endless fire jumped slightly.

Just at this moment, the tongue of fire ejected by the golden dragon Jin Ling was startled. The tongue of fire suddenly retreated a long distance, and there was a feeling of fear and fear!

And the next second, Jiuyou's endless fire jumped again!
  This time, the tongue of fire became even more panicked, trembling suddenly, and then suddenly extinguished.


went out.

I was so frightened by Jiuyou's endless fire that it was immediately extinguished!
  This is not a flame extinguished at the source, but directly extinguished from the outermost layer.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi raised the corners of his mouth with a sarcastic look on his face.

Zeng Hu on the side had a look of shock.

He saw the tongues of fire, and he also felt the blazing temperature.

However, he did not expect that such a terrifying tongue of fire could not make an inch in front of a small purple-gold flame.

Even because of the beating of the small purple-gold flame, it was so frightened that it retreated in panic, or even went out!
  This is too exaggerated.

This was not the first time Tang Yi used this small purple-gold flame, he had used it before.

So Zeng Hu knew the power of this purple-gold flame very early on.

But he didn't expect the purple-gold flames to be so powerful! Even the tongue of fire spouted by the golden dragon can be crushed!

Let the fire be afraid!
  With this flame around, what kind of flame could hurt Tang Yi?

At this moment Zeng Hu also suddenly realized.

No wonder, no wonder the golden dragon had used so many methods before, and he was still unharmed even when the dragon's breath fell one after another.

It turned out to be because of the protection of the purple-gold flames.

Under the protection of the purple-gold flames, no flame could harm him.

This is also the reason why he can always stand here and remain safe and sound.

At this moment, Zeng Hu felt that Tang Yi was becoming more mysterious and unfathomable.

He has been following Tang Yi for so long, but he still hasn't seen Tang Yi's limit.

And in this process, Tang Yi's methods emerged one after another, constantly refreshing his knowledge, and constantly showing more and stronger methods!
  And this is still not Tang Yi's limit!
  Zeng Hu had no idea where Tang Yi's limit was.

For Tang Yi, Zeng Hu both admired and respected him.

After seeing Tang Yi, Zeng Hu knew that Jie Palace was about to rise.

Their realm palace gave birth to the most genius being in thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years!

And the other side.

High in the sky, mist filled the air.

Golden True Dragon Jin Ling's eyes widened again, with a look of disbelief on his face.

I saw it was shocked for a long time, and after being silent for a long time, it opened its mouth and exclaimed in human words: "This is... a strange fire! Innate fire, you actually have innate fire, and it is also a level Very high innate fire. How is this possible! How can a mere human have such a powerful flame? With your fragile body, how can you tame the innate fire? Even if we dragons want to tame the innate fire, Fire is extremely difficult, or even impossible. Moreover, it is still a very low-level innate fire. Even low-level innate fire is difficult to tame, let alone high-level innate fire. And you Celebrity human... you, a human, actually possess high-level innate fire! How is this possible!"

Golden True Dragon Jin Ling was full of shock. Even if you didn't listen to what it said, just by listening to the tone, you knew how shocked it was.


"Is that little purple-gold flame a strange fire? An innate fire? And, is it a high-level innate fire?"

"It is said that the strange fire is a spiritual creature of heaven and earth. The innate spiritual fire is bred by the heaven and the earth. It has its own consciousness. The power of the flame is extremely terrifying. As long as the innate fire appears wherever it appears, it will annihilate all living beings. The red ground will be covered with fire everywhere. Burned into coke. It is said that as long as the innate fire is contaminated even a little bit, it will turn into ashes and no matter how hard you try, it will be extinguished!"

"It is also said that innate fire has levels just like human beings. The higher the level of flame, the stronger the power of the flame. Once a high-level flame appears, it must be a huge disaster! Even for all king-level warriors , in the face of high-level innate fire, we are all powerless and unable to deal with it at all!"

"That little purple-gold flame of Tang Yi's is actually an innate fire, and it's also a high-level innate fire!"

"No wonder, no wonder Tang Yi's flames are immune to any fire attack. No wonder that as long as Tang Yi's flames are blocked in front, no flames can penetrate even an inch. No wonder Tang Yi's flames protect me and make me immune to any flames. Attack while ignoring the terrifying temperature of the flame! It turns out that Tang Yi's flame is an innate fire!"

Zeng Hu looked at Jiuyou Endless Fire in surprise, and was shocked in his heart.

He never expected that an ordinary little purple-gold flame would turn out to be the legendary innate fire.

This is innate fire.

Not even the super strong ones at the King level, not even the powerful alchemists and blacksmiths, can possess such super flames.

But Tang Yi has such a flame!

This is incredible!

On the side, Tang Yi was unaware of Zeng Hu's shock. Hearing the shocking words of Golden Dragon Jin Ling, Tang Yi immediately sneered: "What? Surprised? Didn't I tell you before? Don't underestimate human beings. Don't underestimate this world. You have been sleeping here for too long, and you don't even know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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