Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 4424 Expectations from all parties!

Chapter 4424 Expectations from all parties!

After hearing the report from his men, the white-haired old man nodded slightly and said, "Okay, let's set off too!"

After a pause, the white-haired old man ordered: "White dragon, black dragon, green dragon, green dragon. You lead a team of people to the lava purgatory where Ling Tianyang is. Red dragon, red dragon, purple dragon and orange dragon, you Lead a team of people to the Moon Forest where Li Te is. And I will personally lead Huang Long and Blue Dragon to lead a team of people to the Dark Demon Abyss where Xu Ning is."


A group of men in black took orders one after another.


Dragon Heart City, Tianlong Square.


The huge eyes in the sky opened slightly, and a ray of light shot out from the eyes, illuminating the sky.

At this moment, three huge light curtains appeared in the sky, floating in the sky.

The angles of the three light curtains are excellent, allowing everyone in the Tianlong Square to see the images on the light curtains.

At this moment, a faint picture appeared on the light screen.

But because the light curtain had just traveled, the picture was still very blurry and unclear, so no one could see anything.

Of course, even though they haven't seen anything yet, the appearance of the three light curtains made hundreds of thousands of warriors in Tianlong Square excited, excited and in an uproar.

"It's started, it's started!"

"The weight mission has finally begun."

“I don’t know which alien world the palace owners are going to!”

"I'm so looking forward to it! I don't know how the palace masters will perform brilliantly when facing foreign races."

"I have never seen the weighted tasks before, and I don't know if the weighted tasks are exciting or not."

"It is said that the important task is to go to the alien world to complete the task, and will be surrounded and suppressed by the aliens. This is too thrilling. I don't know how the three palace masters will deal with it."

"I haven't seen the alien world yet. What is the alien world like?"

"Everyone, come and place your bets. Guess which palace owner can complete all the tasks in all stages. Guess which palace owner can be the first to complete the first, second or third stage tasks. All kinds of guessing! "

"Although it is not on the battlefield, and although it is not a large-scale battle, the three palace masters and their supporters entering the alien world can be regarded as a head-on confrontation between us humans and the aliens. Since it is a head-on confrontation, there will naturally be a winner or loser. I don’t know whether we humans are stronger or the aliens are stronger.”

"Which alien world will the three palace masters go to? I'm really curious."

"I hope the three palace masters will not go to the world where the superior race is. As long as they do not go to the world where the superior race is, the three palace masters will be safe. But if they go to the world where the superior race is, then... it will be a bit of a threat. After all, the all-king strong men of the superior races are more than a little bit stronger than the all-king strong men of us humans."

"Yes, as long as the three palace masters do not go to the world of a superior race, they can go to any world... Hey, the other two palace masters can indeed go to any world. Then Palace Master Lingtian Yang... He takes a It doesn’t matter which world you go to as a supporter of the stellar realm.”

"Palace Master Lingtian Yang... He is really hard to describe, so we won't talk about him here."


As everyone discussed, as time passed and the light curtain gradually took shape, the picture gradually became clearer.

I saw a green world in the first light curtain, full of plants and towering trees.   And in this world of dense plants and towering trees, the figures of Lee Teuk and others appeared in it.

At this moment, Liteuk and his three supporters were walking slowly in the dense forest.

"It's Palace Master Lite!"

"This is...the Forest of the Moon?"

"Moon Forest? The world of the Forest Clan?"

"Palace Master Leete actually went to the Moon Forest of the Forest Clan?"

"Fortunately, it's not a world of superior races, so the Forest of the Moon is just fine."

"I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know what kind of performance Master Li Te will have in the Moon Forest."

"I am a supporter of Palace Master Leeteuk, and I also very much support Palacemaster Leeteuk's performance."


Just as everyone was discussing the scene that appeared in the first light curtain, the second light curtain also lit up, and the scene inside slowly emerged.

It was a dark world, damp and cold, with caves and water drops everywhere. It showed a lonely, cold scene everywhere, desolate and dilapidated.

In this dilapidated scene, four figures were lurking cautiously.

Because that world is too lonely, cold, and silent, any sound will be infinitely amplified.

These four figures seem to be afraid that the sound will be amplified and cause unnecessary trouble, so they are sneaking carefully.

And if these four figures are not Xu Ning and his supporters, who are they?

"This is...the world of the Dark Tribe, the Dark Demon Abyss!"

"Palace Master Xu Ning and his supporters went to the Dark Demon Abyss of the Dark Clan!"

"It's actually the Dark Demon Abyss, which is very difficult to handle. Although the Dark Tribe is not a high-ranking race and its strength is not very strong, the environment of the Dark Demon Abyss where the Dark Tribe is located is extremely complex and changeable, and is full of dangers. Crisis. When walking in the Dark Demon Abyss, it is easy to lose oneself, and it is also easy to encounter danger, and this danger does not come from the Dark Tribe, but from the environment there. "

"Yes, I heard that too. Although I have not been to the Dark Demon Abyss where the Dark Tribe is located, I also heard that the Dark Demon Abyss is full of caves, caves, and cliffs. It is very It is humid, not conducive to plant growth, and is very barren and desolate. In such a world, ordinary people cannot survive at all. Only those alien races of the Dark Tribe who like to hide in caves all year round can endure such an environment. To be able to survive in such an environment.”

"Then Palace Master Xu Ning and the others are in danger. They actually went to the Dark Demon Abyss. This is really bad luck."

"There is no such thing as bad luck. Wherever you go is random. As a palace master, you must also have the ability to cope with all changes and possibilities. If you can't even overcome the environment of the Dark Demon Abyss, how can you lead the world in the future? Palace? How else can we seek benefits for the Realm Palace?"

"That's right! Although the environment of the Dark Demon Abyss is indeed a bit outrageous, it is not an insurmountable difficulty. As long as Palace Master Xu Ning and his three supporters handle it well, it can still be dealt with."

"Yes, I also believe that Palace Master Xu Ning can handle it. After all, Palace Master Xu Ning is the strongest among the three palace masters, and his supporters are also the strongest among the three palace masters."

"It's just the Dark Demon Abyss, nothing special. Palace Master Xu Ning will definitely be able to handle it!"

"Actually, Palace Master Xu Ning is able to navigate the Dark Demon Abyss with ease! But now they are still so careful, which shows how cautious they are about this mission. With such an attitude, Palace Master Xu Ning and the others must have great potential. I won’t be stumped by the Dark Demon Abyss.”

(End of this chapter)

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