Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 4783 The veteran and powerful alien race has arrived!

Chapter 4783 The veteran and powerful alien race has arrived!
  "We were attacked hundreds of kilometers away, and it was so powerful. What kind of means did the other party have at its disposal?"

Ming Yun was slightly shocked, then calmed down, and asked Ye Hao: "Sir, are you human?"

"Not sure! Because of the method of hiding their breath, I can't sense their breath, and my spiritual sense can't detect them. If I didn't feel the residual breath of the previous attack on the other side, I wouldn't even be able to detect them. Such a method , it doesn’t look like something humans can possess.”

Ye Hao said.

"But if they are not humans, why would they attack us? And this is a human battlefield. In a human battlefield, there is no third party except us and humans! The most important thing is that at this moment we are heading to the Realm Palace through the barrier. This is not good news for humans, and humans will definitely find ways to stop it, so the only ones who can stop us at this moment are humans."

Ming Yun said.

"I don't know this! Because it's impossible to tell who the other party is. There is a force over there that covers everything. It's very mysterious." Ye Hao said.

"Then, sir, what should we do next? Should we take the initiative to find them?"

As he spoke, Ming Yun looked at the land that was attacked and the hundreds of thousands of strong men from all races behind him who had previously entered the barrier, and said: "Fortunately, a large number of strong men from all races have entered the barrier. Within, and the distance was far away, we were not affected, and because of the protection of the barrier, we did not suffer any damage. Otherwise, the blow just now might have wiped out our entire army. But the strange thing is that A beam of light killed hundreds of thousands of our strong men, but it did not destroy the dimensional gate. Under that blow, the dimensional gate was actually safe and sound?"

Hearing Ming Yun's words, Ye Hao also looked at the powerful men of various races behind him, and then at the safe dimensional gate, thought for a moment, and said: "Go and look for them proactively, I'm afraid you may not be able to find them. They are very good at hiding. Whether we can find them if we take the initiative to look for them is another matter. If they escape, we will be completely powerless. So there is no need to look for them. It is better to wait for them to come to the door, and they will kill them. We have so many strong men who prevent us from entering the Realm Palace, and it is impossible not to appear in the end. As long as we continue to do what we should do, they will definitely appear again in the future, and it will not be too late to seek revenge from them!"

Ye Hao looked at the dimensional gate and continued: "Since the dimensional gate has not been affected, let's continue and let the strong men from all races come over."

"Just ignore them?"

Ming Yun asked worriedly.

He always felt that it was very bad to just leave the enemy alone, which made him always feel that he was being spied on, dangerous, and uneasy.

"Ignore them!"

Ye Hao was very determined.

As expected of the powerful Saint Son of the Shadow Clan, his mentality is much better. Compared to Ming Yun, Ye Hao is much calmer.

Even if he knew there were enemies watching, he didn't care.

Even when hundreds of thousands of powerful people from all races died, he didn't have much emotion, as if those who died were not hundreds of thousands of powerful people from all races, but just hundreds of thousands of ants.

This is the difference between a top strong leader and an ordinary strong leader.

The former is fearless, the latter is afraid of this and that.


Hearing Ye Hao's words, Ming Yun could only nod, and then continued to contact the person in charge in the world of all races through special methods, asking them to continue sending strong people over.

Just like that, the dimensional gate lit up again, and batches of strong aliens continued to pass through the dimensional gate and arrived at battlefield No. 632.

But this time Ye Hao and the others also learned wisely.

This time they did not let too many aliens crowd around the dimensional gate. Every time a few groups of aliens came out, they were allowed to enter the barrier and wait in the boundary palace.

As long as you wait within the realm palace, you will not be vulnerable to attack.

Mu Feng and others on the Black Demon Battleship originally wanted Tang Yi to strike again.

But after seeing the actions of the alien race, they immediately gave up this plan. At the same time, he kept yelling at the cunningness of the foreign race, but he actually reacted so quickly and responded at once.

"Tang Yi, are we going to take action now?"

Seeing that there was no chance for the Black Demon Battleship to strike again, Mu Feng asked Tang Yi.

Tang Yi looked at the sky. It seemed that it was still early. There were still several hours before the sun set. He immediately replied: "Don't worry, it's still early."

Tang Yi wanted to eliminate the living forces of the alien races as much as possible. The reason why he had not taken action for a long time was that in addition to wanting to make the alien races gather denser, he also wanted to let more alien races enter the battlefield and come to the Realm Palace.

In this way, he can kill more living forces of the alien race.

This is the reason why Tang Yi has not taken action yet.

But Mu Feng and the others didn't know Tang Yi's plan. Seeing that Tang Yi was still refusing to take action, they were all a little anxious.

But they knew that Tang Yi had his own plan, and Tang Yi wouldn't let him take action. They couldn't say anything more or ask more questions, so they could only stand there and worry.

While waiting, on the alien side, the dimensional gate shook, and several figures came to battlefield No. 632.

These figures walked with their heads high and passed through the dimensional gate to the battlefield.

When they came out of the dimensional gate and entered the battlefield, the dimensional gate shook violently and became very unstable.

It seems that it cannot bear the passage of a being with such great power.

Seeing these figures passing through the dimensional gate, Ye Hao, the person in charge this time, was also slightly stunned, and then said in surprise: "The twentieth generation of the Holy Son of the Guangming Tribe, the third generation of the Holy Lord Shan Jing of the Guangming Tribe? Ni? The eighteenth generation saint son of the demon clan, the sixth generation demon king Zhu Yun? The twenty-sixth generation saint son of the chaos clan, the second generation chaos spirit master ancient chain?"

Ye Hao knew this name.

There were a few others whom Ye Hao couldn't name, but they seemed to be very ancient beings.

Ye Hao was very surprised to see these people entering the battlefield.

Because these existences are all super powerful beings who were famous all over the world hundreds of years ago, or even thousands of years ago.

He has already crossed the level of Hades King.

Ye Hao was just a junior in front of them.

Of course, if that were the case, it wouldn't surprise Ye Hao. After all, there were only a few old guys in any race.

The most important thing is that these old guys have not been born for a long time. It is said that they will not take action again until the survival of the race is at stake.

They will only appear when the race's survival is at stake.

It's such an existence. I didn't expect it to appear here at this moment. He actually came to the battlefield!

What surprised Ye Hao even more was...

With the appearance of these seniors, it was as if Pandora's box had been opened. Seniors one after another passed through the dimensional gate and came to battlefield No. 632.

(End of this chapter)

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